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Wednesday, 4 May 2016


Epistemology - Thinking about how we learn and can know stuff, rather than think we know (myth)

Old quotes:

"Each domain [of modernity], in its own systematicity, circulates an autonomous type of truth; each domain has a philosophy of the relations of its truth to its system and of the circulation along these relations. In addition, it exhibits unique types of openings onto other domains that make it a regional epistemology of the system of science .... One must resolutely open a new epistemological spectrum and read the colors that our prejudices had previously erased. Logic contains one theory of science (or several), but mathematics surely contains another one, and most likely several. Information theory is consciously developing one also, just as are sociology and child psychology. In this coherent, but open world, each province is a world and has its world, so that epistemology (which is dead as long as it remains outside) becomes pluralized and relativized, within the system."

Epistemology is the study of knowledge. Epistemologists concern themselves with a number of tasks, which we might sort into two categories.

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