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Friday, 6 May 2016

Dragon Foot Potions

      Tear of Life
After the War of the Gods - several of the remaining Gods wept over the carnage and loss of life caused.Followers gathered these tears and enclosed them in sealed glass containers.
Over time, it was discovered to have the following effects:
1) Continual Light/Darkness 60' radius (based on the God being Good or Evil)
2) Can Turn/Charm Undead as if a 5th Lvl Cleric of the Gods Alignment
3) Undiluted: if drunk, acts as a Heal/Harm Spell or can be diluted to 9 Cure/Cause Serious Wound Potions or to 27 Cure/Cause Light Wounds Potions.

Obviously, these are cherished religious items so most (if not all) are in the hands of the different Orders. Possession (let alone using them for healing...), even if legal, could cause unpleasantness...

Flytrap Liquid
This thin, sweet-smelling liquid is usually stored in a fragile container to be thrown. When exposed to air, the liquid becomes viscous and extremely sticky. One bottle will coat an area equal to 300 square feet (3-10’x10’squares). If thrown, a normal to-hit roll is required, with grenade-like splash effects. Creatures with Strength 7 or less are held fast. Those with strength 8 to 12 cannot move across or out of the area of effect without first making an Open Doors roll for each step. For those with STR 13 to 17, movement across the affected area is reduced to 1, and strengths of 18+ move at 3. Creatures of great mass are also less affected; size large creatures are considered to be in the next higher strength category (if their STR is known) or ¼ movement rate if not. Exceptionally strong and/or huge creatures will only be slightly slowed, the exact amount at the DM’s discretion, but never more than ½. If coated in the liquid, anything touched will stick. Small or fragile objects may be destroyed by trying to remove them, and larger objects subject the victim to encumbrance and the above movement restrictions if it is too heavy to be dragged. The smell of the liquid automatically attracts insects within 100 feet, including summoned swarms and giant insects. Flytrap Liquid can be removed with alcohol, vinegar, or turpentine, or will eventually dry and harden in 6 hours. Any creature stuck in the liquid when it hardens may break free with a single bend bars/lift gates roll, or can chip away with a tool or weapon until free. (An enterprising thief once put drops of Flytrap Liquid on his palms and soles to scale a particularly difficult wall.)

Hero Musk
A tiny glass jar of thick brownish goo with a pungent, spicy smell. When a dab is placed under the nose and the vapor breathed for one round, it instills a sense of fearlessness and focus. Saving throws vs. fear, scare, taunt, maze, confusion, and other mind affecting spells that would distract the character from his purpose are made with a +3 bonus. The effects last for 1d4+3 rounds. A full jar holds 20 dabs

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