grodog'd Favorite Greyhawk Links
These are the best Greyhawk-related web sites that I have found on the internet. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have!- Essential Greyhawk Web Resources
- Key Greyhawk Web Resources
- Magazines
- Mailing Lists and Discussion Forums
- Maps
- PC and Online Gaming
- Publishers
- WotC and TSR links
Essential Greyhawk Web Resources
- Canonfire! - the Greytalk web site
- Codex of Greyhawk (via the Internet Archive)
- Michael Falconer's World of Greyhawk Bibliography (an in-print and upcoming listing of books published by Gary Gygax, Rob Kuntz, Frank Mentzer, and others appears on the PPP Boards)
- Greyhawk Fiction by Various Authors - Greyhawk fiction and software hosted by Tracy Johnson
- Russell Bird's various Greyhawk fictions
- Scott "Scottenkainen" Casper's Greyhawk Castle storyline isn't hosted by Tracy, but is good stuff none-the-less :D
- Erik Mona DMs Greyhawk: discussion on the Paizo boards about Erik's GH campaign, in which he runs teh Age of Worms Adventure Path scenarios
- Mortellan's W.o.G. Web Comic - a hilarious parody of all things Greyhawk!
- Jason Zavoda's story archives include Nosnra's Saga (my personal favorite)
- Denis Tetreault's Maldin's Greyhawk - home to the Greyhawk Adventures webring and the beautiful Living Greyhawk Journal #2 City of Greyhawk maps, among many other things
- Aaron Sheffield's TalMeta's Greyhawk Gods for RuneQuest and Greyhawk Maps (as well as other settings)
- Christopher B. Siren's Gord The Rogue site---the quintessential site for fans of Gary Gygax's Gord fiction, set in Greyhawk
- Russ Taylor's Greyhawk Product Checklist and The Gods of Greyhawk and Dragon Magazine Greyhawk Article Index
- Stephen B. Wilson's GreyChrondex and GreyGods - warning: both are huge text files
Key Greyhawk Web Resources
- Joe Bloch's Greyhawk Grognard blog - an old-school approach to Greyhawk
- Canonfire's Greyhawk Downloads - the archive, mirror, and host for key Greyhawk files, including:
- Rob Kuntz's History of Tharizdun
- Clay Luther's Greyhawk Calendar
- Roger E. Moore's Revised Greyhawk Campaign Index
- Roger E. Moore's Gates in the World of Greyhawk
- Larry Elliot's listing of Greyhawk Minifig miniatures (via the Internet Archive, alas, again...)
- ENWorld's "greyhawk" tagged threads: a great way to catch up on Greyhawk discussions there
- Living Greyhawk Divine Order (a sortable listing of deities) can be downloaded as a zipped Adobe Acrobat 5.0 .pdf file
- Sean K. Reynolds' Greyhawk writings:
- The Quest For Pain's Memory (tournament adventure run at WinterFantasy 2002)
- Pain's Memory (Hextor) (an artifact, one of Hextor's flail's)
- Robert Vest's Bastard Greyhawk
- Living Greyhawk Journal - an independent RPGA publication for five stand-alone issue, LGJ then became a section within Dragon Magazine (from December 2001 with Dragon issue 290 through April 2003 with Dragon issue 306), and was then published as a part of Dungeon/Polyhedron (beginning in May 2003 with Dungeon issue 98 through Dungeon issue #)
- Living Greyhawk Journal Index on Canonfire!
- The Oerth Journal - a free, online fanzine produced by and for the fans!
- Erik Mona's History of the Council of Greyhawk (including historical information about the founding of the OJ, the Council of Greyhawk, etc.; via the now-ubiquitous Internet Archive...)
Mailing Lists and Discussion Forums
- Gary Gygax, creator of the World of Greyhawk, runs forums at
- Gary Gyagx's World of Greyhawk (run on Dragonsfoot)
- The Colonel's Corner (run on Rob Kuntz's PPP boards)
- Gary used to answers questions about Greyhawk, gaming in general, his personal life, etc. in ENWorld's General Discussion forum; all of the Q&A threads are archived in ENWorld's archive forum at:
- Gary Gygax Q&A: part XIII
- Gary Gygax Q&A: part XII
- Gary Gygax Q&A: part XI
- Gary Gygax Q&A: part X
- Gary Gygax Q&A: part IX
- Gary Gygax Q&A: part VIII
- Gary Gygax Q&A: part VII
- Gary Gygax Q&A: part VI
- Gary Gygax Q&A: part V
- Gary Gygax Q&A: part IV
- Gary Gygax Q&A: part III
- Gary Gygax Q&A: part II
- Gary Gygax Q&A: part I
- The Greyhawk Other Worlds forum at Wizards of the Coast was borgified with many other setting fora into the Other Published Worlds forum
- Greyhawk-L list - the official Greyhawk mailing list, sponsored by Wizards of the Coast; this list is all-but dead
- WotC's Greyhawk-l archives
- WotC's Greyhawk-L signup page (which allows you to subscribe, unsub, change to digest, etc. from a handy web-interface)
- To send messages, address them to
- Greytalk list - the first Greyhawk email list on the internet, founded in 1994!
- To subscribe, send a blank email to
- To unsubscribe, send a blank email to
- To send messages, address them to
- Canonfire!, the primary hub of online Greytalk fandom
- Morgan Olden's searchable Greytalk Archive (left here in the hopes that it'll come back online eventually)
- Greytalk weekly chats
- Thursday nights, from 8pm to 3am EST
- Set your IRC client to in channel #greytalk
- Or, use the web-based java client at (you'll still connect to channel #greytalk)
- Harvester's Heroes, Greyhawk fans publishing high-quality Greyhawk resources
- Paizo Publishing's Greyhawk-related forums include:
- Maure Castle by Rob Kuntz (from Dungeon Magazine)
- Savage Tide Adventure Path (from Dungeon Magazine)
- The Age of Worms Adventure Path (from Dungeon Magazine)
- The Shackled City Adventure Path (only nominally in Greyhawk;j also from Dungeon Magazine)
- Rob Kuntz's Pied Piper Publishing features discussion forums for Rob's gaming company (Rob was co-DM of the original Greyhawk Campaign with Gary Gygax); in particular, on Rob's boards, check out:
- Robilar Remembers - Memories from the Greyhawk Campaign)
- Otto's Observatory - Discussion of all things Greyhawk
- Rob also published his first three Maze of Zayene modules through Necromancer Games, who maintain a Maze of Zayene forum; Rob published MoZ4 Eight Kings through Different Worlds
- Rob also published Dark Druids and Dark Chateau with Troll Lord Games, who maintain Rob Kuntz's Corner on their boards
- Rob published Maure Castle with Paizo Publishing in Dungeon Magazine
- Living Greyhawk (forum run by Wizards of the Coast)
- Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil - discussion about Monte Cook's Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil module, published by Wizards of the Coast in June 2001)
- Taerre - French-speaking Greyhawk mailing list
- The Taerre web site
- To subscribe, send a "SUBSCRIBE TAERRE" command to
- To set digest mode, send "SET TAERRE DIGEST" to
- To unsubscribe, send a "UNSUBSCRIBE TAERRE" command to
- To send messages, send to
- World of Greyhawk - discussion about Greyhawk at the Knights & Knaves Alehouse, an excellent OD&D and AD&D board
Professional Maps
- Darlene Pekul's maps from the 1980 Greyhawk Folio remain the defacto standard for all Greyhawk maps. Buy a copy on eBay and laminate them. You'll never regret it.
- Paizo Publishing printed a four-part poster map of Greyhawk in Duneon Magazine issues 118 through 122; it's well-wroth buying the back issues for the maps and then laminating them (unlike the Darlene maps, the Paizo maps need to be laminated since they're on very low-weight paper stock).
Fan Maps
Web sites with Greyhawk cartography seems to come and go with much more frequency than it's possible to keep up with. At any given time, the following links are the most likely to be out of date on this page.- Anna Bernemalm's Greyhawk Maps site - BEAUTIFUL work!
- Daniel Rivera's T1-4 maps are fabulous: Hommlet, Nulb, The Welcom Wench, the Moathouse, etc, etc.---well-worth checking out!
- Halfling's CC2 page (various maps; I especially like those from GDQ)
- Kent Matthewson's composite map is indispensable to using Ivid the Undying
- TalMeta's World of Greyhawk maps
PC and Online Gaming
- Troika's Temple of Elemental Evil - a faithful 3.5 edition version of Gygax and Mentzer's 1985 classic dungeon!
- Neverwinter Nights Greyhawk Adventures - the hub for Greyhawk NWN development
- includes "Who Wants to be a Greyhawk Guru" trivia game, with some tricky questions
- Useful NWN DM advice can be found the article "DM Profiles: Sweeney Todd and Duncan"
- Thief - while technically not a Greyhawk game, the atmosphere, backstabbing, and intricate plot-weavings of Looking Glass Studios' and Ion Storm's wonderful PC games are, for me, quintessential Greyhawk City fodder (sans the Murlynd-inspired artifacts of the Mechanists, of course...)
- Eidos' Thief: The Dark Project, Thief Gold, and Thief II: The Metal Age established the line...
- ...and Thief: Deadly Shadows (aka, Thief 3), continued it
- Primary Discussion Forum
- Official sites
Publishers, you say? Is Greyhawk actually supported?? Well, yes! Check out the following publishers for official and unoffiical Greyhawk products (publishers without hyperlinked names are not actively publishing Greyhawk-related content any longer, although their products listed blow are still in print):- Different Worlds Publishing
- Rob Kuntz's Maze of Zayene #4 - Eight Kings
- Kenzer & Company
- Rob Kuntz's Garden of the Plant Master and City of Brass
- Mongoose Publishing
- Gary Gygax's Slayer's Guide to Dragons and "The Revenge of Ghorkai" free supplementary adventure
- Gary Gygax's Slayer's Guide to Undead
- Necromancer Games
- Rob Kuntz's Maze of Zayene #1-3 - Prisoners of the Maze, Dimensions of Flight, and Tower Chaos
- Paizo Publishing
- Maure Castle and so much more! See my Greyhawk Adventures in Dungeon Magazine index for the full scoop
- Pied Piper Publishing
- Bottle City
- The Living Room
- Dark Druids - in 1e format and d20 format
- Tower of Blood
- Cairn of the Skeleton King
- Troll Lord Games
- Castle Zagyg - Gygax and Kuntz's Castle Greyhawk with the serial numbers filed off!
- Dark Chateau - Rob Kuntz's introductory adventure to the CZ series
WotC and TSR links
- Greyhawk Files
- Canonfire! and Michael Falconer maintain archives of the WotC web site files since most are not still linked from their main pages, though the files themselves are still active and available
- "The Splintered Mind: Rebels of the Scarlet Brotherhood" by Jesse Decker, Will McDermott, & Stephen Schubert (reprinted from Dragon 281)
- Greyhawk Modules - Q1 and U1-3 link to non-WotC sites; often WotC's web site publishes generic D&D adventures that have a little Greyhawk content; most of TSR's classic AD&D adventures are being scanned as .pdf documents and sold on WotC's web site; you can see which products, with their street dates, on Bastion Press' web site
- Caves of Ancient Secrets, a Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil web enhancement by Monte Cook (with map)
- EX1: Dungeonland by Gary Gygax
- EX2: The Land Beyond the Magic Mirror by Gary Gygax
- The Hand of the Highwayman by David Noonan, John Rateliff, and Penny Williams (a 3e D&D adventure for 6th to 7th level PCs, set in Restenford, on the Lendore Isles)
- Ivid the Undying by Carl Sargent
- Kent Matthewson's composite map is indispensable to using Ivid
- L1: The Secret of Bone Hill by Len Lakofka:
- L2: The Assassin's Knot by Len Lakofka
- Q1: Queen of the Demonweb Pits by Dave C. Sutherland III with Gary Gygax
- S1: Tomb of Horrors by Gary Gygax and S1 art gallery
- S2: White Plume Mountain by Lawrence Schick and S2 art gallery
- Tarth Moorda by Penny Williams (a 3.5e web enhancement for Complete Arcane)
- U1: The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh by by Dave J. Browne with Don Turnbull
- U2: Danger at Dunwater by Dave J. Browne with Don Turnbull
- U3: The Final Enemy by Dave J. Browne with Don Turnbull
- Living Greyhawk (the official RPGA site; from here you can link to most of the regional Triad web sites)
- File Downloads:
- "Places of Mystery I" by Creighton Broadhurst, Paul Looby, and Stuart Kerrigan
- "Silent Ones" (NPC Prestige Class for Wizards)
- "The Vetha" (NPC Rhenne Prestige Class)
- "The Darkhagard" (NPC Rhenne Presetige Class)
- Divine Order (sortable listing of deities); this can also be downloaded as a zipped Adobe Acrobat 5.0 .pdf file
- "The Kingdom of Keoland" (.zip archive Adobe Acrobat 5.0 .pdf; reprinted from LGJ #1, including the map)
- "Languages of Flanaess" (a quick primer on Greyhawk tongues)
- Living Greyhawk board on
- Living Greyhawk Journal board on
- Living Greyhawk forum on (hasn't been active since early 2002)
- Living Greyhawk Event Reviews forum on (hasn't been active since early 2002)
- File Downloads:
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