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Monday, 28 March 2016

Netheril Spell Contemporary Aksa’s contrivance Fabricate Aksa’s disintegrate Disintegrate Aksa’s glassteel Glassee Aksa’s growth Enlarge Aksa’s morphing Polymorph any object Aksa’s object Item Aksa’s passage Passwall

Netheril Spell Contemporary
Fist or Second Generation spells - 5,000 years ago
The Seul either invented some of these or had the same names from a common source

Aksa’s contrivance Fabricate
Aksa’s disintegrate Disintegrate
Aksa’s glassteel Glassee
Aksa’s growth Enlarge
Aksa’s morphing Polymorph any object
Aksa’s object Item
Aksa’s passage Passwall
Aksa’s repair Mending
Aksa’s shatter Shatter
Anglin’s mirror Magic mirror
Anglin’s sphere Prismatic sphere
Anglin’s spray Prismatic spray
Anglin’s wall Prismatic wall
Berthot’s blunder Fumble
Berthot’s disorder Chaos
Berthot’s screen Screen
Brightfinger’s dancers Dancing lights
Brightfinger’s light Light
Carbury’s force Phantasmal force
Carbury’s improved force Improved phantasmal force
Carbury’s killer Phantasmal killer
Carbury’s mouth Magic mouth
Carbury’s servant Unseen servant
Carbury’s spectral force Spectral force
Carbury’s spook Spook
Carbury’s stalker Invisible stalker
Carbury’s steed Phantom steed
Chever’s contact other plane Contact other plane
Chever’s simulacrum Simulacrum
Chronomancer’s gravity reversal Reverse gravity
Chronomancer’s stasis Temporal stasis
Chronomancer’s time stop Time stop
Cragh’s deafness Deafness
Dace’s comprehension Comprehend languages
Dace’s taunting Taunt
Dace’s tongue forms Tongues
Dace’s ventriloquism Ventriloquism
Decampus’s alarm Alarm
Dethed’s clone Clone
Dethed’s death finger Finger of death
Dethed’s spell Death spell
Dethed’s trap Trap the soul
Efteran’s dream Dream
Efteran’s sleep Sleep
Enollar’s aimlessness Misdirection
Enollar’s delusion Delude
Enollar’s isolation Sequester
Enollar’s mislead Mislead
Enollar’s dispel curse Remove curse
Enollar’s sending Sending
Fahren’s darkness Darkness 15’ radius
Fahren’s glitterdust Glitterdust
Fjord’s air water Airy Water
Fjord’s animation Animate dead

Fjord’s distortion
Fjord’s vacancy
Fourfinger’s enchanted weapon
Fourfinger’s lower water
Fourfinger’s part water
Fourfinger’s weather control
General Matick’s armor
General Matick’s missile
General Matick’s shield
Gwynn’s feign death
Gwynn’s vampirism
Hamring’s enfeeblement
Hamring’s feeblemind
Hamring’s hypnopattern
Hamring’s hypnotism
Hamring’s mass hypnosis
Hamring’s scare
Hersent’s sigil
Hersent’s symbol
Jarm’s irritation
Jarm’s magic jar
Jarm’s saga
Jarm’s spectral hand
Jarm’s summon swarm
Jarm’s mount
Karsus’s avatar
Keonid’s charm human
Keonid’s charm plus
Keonid’s confusion
Keonid’s emotion
Keonid’s fear
Keonid’s forgetfulness
Keonid’s friendship
Keonid’s geas
Keonid’s suggestion
Kutson’s antipathy/sympathy
Kutson’s mind blank
Kutson’s programmed illusion
Lefeber’s 1st creation
Lefeber’s 2nd creation
Lefeber’s contingence
Lefeber’s weave mythal
Lucke’s 1st monster summons
Lucke’s 2nd monster summons
Lucke’s 3rd monster summons
Lucke’s 4th monster summons
Lucke’s 5th monster summons
Lucke’s 6th monster summons
Lucke’s 7th monster summons
Lucke’s animal conjuration
Lucke’s contagion
M’dhal’s mantle
M’dhal’s missile shield
Distance distortion
Enchanted weapon
Lower water
Part water
Control weather
Magic missile
Feign death
Vampiric touch
Ray of enfeeblement
Hypnotic pattern
Mass suggestion
Sepia snake sigil
Magic jar
Legend lore
Spectral hand
Summon swarm
Karsus’s avatar*
Charm person
Mass charm
Mind blank
Programmed illusion
Minor creation
Major creation
Weave mythal*
Monster summoning I
Monster summoning II
Monster summoning III
Monster summoning IV
Monster summoning V
Monster summoning VI
Monster summoning VII
Conjure animal
Guards and wards
Protection from normal
Protection from evil
Protection from evil, 10’
Create volcano*
Wall of iron
Meteor swarm
Stone to

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