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Sunday, 27 March 2016

Canon Fire Repost

I might add that a person need not look to medieval times for inaccurate maps. Before Louis and Clark, there were no maps for western North America. Sad 

After Louis and Clark, there were many inaccurate maps of western North America. Evil Grin 

The highly accurate maps we are used to today are a relatively new development. Whose to say that the Darlene maps are the most accurate? Confused 

The DM makes this decision for his world, but not for everyone else's. Wink 

I'll take Anna's maps over the Darlene map anyday and twice on Sunday. As Rasgon stated, its not called Canonfire! because we strictly adhere to canon. Especially in this WotC/Hasbro era. Razz 

As for heraldry, my family actually has a -- several centuries old -- heraldic device; its green and silver. The green is green. It should be noted that there were not "umpteen" shades of green in medieval times. There were only the eight basic colors that we older folks knew as kids, in our pack of crayolas. In fact, silver based pigment was very rare, so silver was often represented in heraldry by the color white, gold by yellow. Shocked 

In older portraits of our family's heraldic device it is shown in green and white. The family's use of the actual colorsilver is of relatively recent usage. Cool 

So, the use of any colors other than the basic eight -- in the real world -- is simply "artistic license." Meaning that Anna has free reign! Happy 

To change from this "basic" reality -- in the WoG -- would require the use of expensive magic, in my opinion. Kings and wealthy nobles might do this, but the uniforms, armor and shields of the common soldier would be based upon these basic colors, not fantastic ones. 

Just sayin' Cool
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Adept Greytalker

Joined: Aug 22, 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 12:49 pm    Post subject:Reply with quote

Wow lot’s of interesting activity Smile 

First my two coppers worth of thoughts in the distances discussion. This is an inevitable conflict of different sources not corresponding in every detail. I choose to use the Paizo maps because they have way more settlements and other details than the original Darlene maps. Then I have added lots of details from LG and other sources. Often they don’t exactly correspond and in some instances they differ a lot in details like distances. On top of differing sources comes my own work which is not free from errors and not precise in every detail. One more thing to always remember is that the Flanaess is a totally fictional place and there is nothing to really refer to for accuracy, it wasn’t until there were satellites we got the really precise maps we are so used to in real life today. 

The color of the shield for the County of Ulek I have changed and there will be updated maps available soon. A trail has been added from Badwall into the Suss. Thanks a lot for the input! 

Now on to a situation report, below is a rendering showing the current status of my work: 


As you can see a large part of the eastern Flanaess is beginning to take shape, it’s still very rough and needs lots of work. But I have several more weeks of vacation ahead so there will be more maps released this autumn. Tehn, The Pale, Nyrond and Ratik are underway and more to come. The legend is almost finished, and will look something like this: 


I’m so glad to again “conquer new ground” and I’m making a lot of progress. I also have the pleasure of having lots of great input from you hawkers both IRL and in this thread. Happy 

Corrections and close up screenshots of my new work will come next week as I move in to do details, and as usual I want your input.
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Grandmaster Greytalker

Joined: Jul 09, 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 4:11 pm    Post subject:Reply with quote

Anna wrote:
...The color of the shield for the County of Ulek I have changed and there will be updated maps available soon. A trail has been added from Badwall into the Suss. Thanks a lot for the input!

-I'm glad I could contribute to the project. Happy 

(JDG puts another notch in his weapon Cool ) 
Anna wrote:
...First my two coppers worth of thoughts in the distances discussion. This is an inevitable conflict of different sources not corresponding in every detail. I choose to use the Paizo maps because they have way more settlements and other details than the original Darlene maps...

Cebrion wrote:
The "latest toys" would be the Paizo maps featured in Dungeon magaizne issues #118-121. 
Those are the most complete overview maps of the Flanaess to date...

-So, "they" think I'm going to shell out more money to buy what should be the exact same information. 


Grrrrr... Mad 
Cebrion wrote:
...For a little bit more detail of certain areas there are the 2e supplements Iuz the Evil, The Marklands, Ivid the Undying(free download, do a web search), and The Scarlet Brotherhood...

-I've got "Iuz the Evil", "The Marklands", "Ivid the Undying" & "The Scarlet Brotherhood"; they do provide a lot more detail; it's not just selling you the same thing over and over again, like the D&D Brown Covers, then D&D Blue Box, then AD&D, then AD&D 2nd Edition, and then D&D 3.5... I was smart enough to skip D&D 3.0, and I'll only buy D&D 4.0 if I suffer from cerebral ventilation. 

Grrrr... Mad 
Mystic-Scholar wrote:
I'll take Anna's maps over the Darlene map anyday and twice on Sunday...

-Anna's maps look great; I wouldn't be here otherwise. 
Mystic-Scholar wrote:
As Rasgon stated, its not called Canonfire! because we strictly adhere to canon. Especially in this WotC/Hasbro era. Razz

-We don't always adhere to canon for the details of our individual campaigns, but if you're producing something (like a map) for EVERYONE's campaign (particulalry for DM use), then you should; otherwise, they could produce a module for the City of Dyvers where the Scarlet Brotherhood runs a population which consists primarily of orcish druids, with the explanation- "Hey, that's how it is in someone's campaign". 

Now, for artwork, or for player use, then anything goes... Evil Grin 

As many of you have pointed out, the problem seems to be competing canon as a result of TSR/WOC/God Knows Who Else trying to sell us the same bloody thing over and over again, but not paying attention to what came before. 

Grrr... Mad 
Mystic-Scholar wrote:
...Especially in this WotC/Hasbro era. Razz

-Which is my point. 

Grrr... Evil
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Master Greytalker

Joined: Dec 07, 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 3:51 am    Post subject:Reply with quote

Yes, Anna puts a massive amount of effort into adding in locations from LG adventures and old modules but very helpfully adds different layers to her pdfs so that people who don't want them can just hide the layer. I don't think that she could be any more considerate or helpful to the different factions than that!
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Black Hand of Oblivion
Black Hand of Oblivion

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 4:34 am    Post subject:Reply with quote

Various off-topic content removed. Questions, constructive criticism and recommendations are surely welcome. Otherwise, abide by the posting rules located HERE. 

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