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Saturday, 6 February 2016

Dragonfoot: Negative Wizard Dfraft

New Class option: Negative Elementalist Mage

Description. The Negative Elementalist is a highly specialized wizard-class dealing primarily with the Negative Energy Plane. Their spells deal with elements of the inner planes with particular emphasis on the Negative, and in conjuring and enchanting with negative energy. They have a more limited range of spells than other wizards, but enjoy particularly potent spells. The only known Negative Elementalists belong to the Dustmen faction of Sigil. The only known safe place to successfully learn spells and conduct research on negative energy is in the Dustmen’s Fortress of the Soul on the Negative Energy plane itself. Anyone wishing to pursue this class must join the faction.
Armor Allowed: none, as wizard Weapons: staff, dagger, knife
Magic Items allowed: any permitted to wizards, not restricted to class, or any dealing with negative energy and elemental conjuration/summoning.
Minimum ability scores: Int 15, Wis 14, Con 13 Alignment: any
Ability Adjustments by level: Int +3d10 indefinitely, Wis +2d10 to 18th lvl
LVL XP range HP(d3) LVL1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9th
1 0-2050 1 2
2 2051-4100 2 3 1
3 4101-8200 3 3 2 1
4 8201-17000 4 4 3 2
5 17001-35000 5 4 4 3 1
6 35001-70000 6 4 4 4 2 1
7 70001-120,000 7 5 4 4 3 2 1
8 120,001-180,000 8 5 5 4 4 3 2
9 180,001-250,000 9 5 5 5 4 4 3 1
10 250,001-330,000 10 6 5 5 5 4 3 2
11 330,001-420,000 11 6 6 5 5 5 4 3 1
12 420,001-525,000 12 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 3 2
13 525,001-625,000 13 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 3
14 625,001-750,000 14 7 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 3
15 750,001-900,000 15 7 7 6 6 6 6 5 5 4
16 900,001-1,100,000 16 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 5 4
17 1,100,001-1,350,000 17 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 5
18 1,350,001-1,650,000 18 8 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 5
19 1,650,001-1,950,000 18+1hp 8 8 7 7 7 7 6 6 6
20 1,950,001-2,250,000 18+2 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 6 6
21 2,250,001-2,550,000 18+3 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 7
22 2,550,001-2,850,000 18+4 9 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 7
23 2,850,001-3,150,000 18+5 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 8 8
24 3,150,001-3,450,000 18+6 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 8
25 3,450,001-3,750,000 18+7 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
+300,000xp per lvl everafter
35 18+17 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10,etc.

Bonus/Penalty gained by level:
LVL Bonus/Penalty
1 Identify by sight (and communicate with, if appropriate) negative energy beings/emanations/undead 
2 Healing spells only ¾ effective when cast on Neg Elementalist; Pro:Evil/Good is double strength vs. negative energy beings
3 Character’s touch drains 2-5 hp and bestows them on self (up to max); MVT rate increases to 15” base; Positive and Negative Energy beings and Undead can identify character as a Negative Energy source
5 -1 CON penalty; char saves vs fire/electricity at –1 penalty and takes +1pt/die dmg; Char takes ½ dmg from cold (none if saved)
6 ½ dmg from all death magic/energy drain attacks (none if saved)
7 Immunity to cold; char ages 10 years but lifespan extended 10 years (add to venerable age); char’s align shifts 1 place towards evil (if WIS 15+ may save vs death to avoid shift). May construct talisman (qv)
9 touch drains 7-12 pts (as 3 above) and rots 3’x3’x3’ organic,non-living material (save v. acid applies)
11 -1CON; healing only ½ effective on char; Immune to Energy drain/Death magic/Negative energy
12 touch drains 1 Energy lvl (does not add it to self) and functions as 9 above; align shifts one (more) place towards evil (if WIS 15+ may save vs death to avoid shift). 
15 -1CON; Touch drains 1 lvl and adds to char x10 turns (and as 9 above); char ages at 2x normal rate but lifespan doubled; Casts spells at 2x normal speed
18 Char healed/restored if contacted by Neg energy/Energy draining being (i.e. lvl draining undead, etc.); Char can pass into and survive in the Negative Energy plane indefinitely
21 Char is a conduit for Neg Energy: when struck by hand-held weapon attacker takes 3-8 pts (permanent unless healed magically)
25 -1CON; touch drains 2 lvls and does 11-20 pts (and bestows them as 15 above); touch rots 5’x’5x’5’ (as 9 above); Char need not eat/drink/sleep if he drains at least 1 lvl/week or is in contact with Neg Energy source; Chars presence spontaneously animates corpses into skeletons/zombies within 3’

Negative Elementalist Spells ( note: (*) indicates explanatory notes follows, otherwise as priest/wizard spell, as appropriate)
1st lvl spells: Negative Energy Protection(*) Animate Skeleton or Zombie (1/lvl), 
Command Undead (as Priest of same lvl), Inviso to Undead,
Darkness, Protection from Evil, Chill touch,
Identify, Faerie Fire, Read magic

2nd lvl spells: Locate Undead (type and #, rng 10 miles/lvl), Vampiric touch,
Darkness 15’r, Animate Ghoul or Ghast (1/lvl)
Detect Inviso, ESP, Invisibility,
Continual light or darkness Rain of Blood(*)

3rd lvl spells: Summon Shadow, Clairvoyance thru undead,
Clairaudience thru undead, Hold Undead,
Pro:Evil 10’r, Animate Wraith or Wight (1/2lvls)
Dispel magic, Fly, Haste or Slow,
Phantom Steed, Wraithform, Feign Death,
Glyph of Warding (Cold only) Skull Watch(*) Skull Trap(*)

4th lvl spells: Summon Wights or Wraiths (2-4), Ice storm, Evard’s Black Tentacles,
Animate Spectre, Speak thru Undead, Improved inviso,
Shadow Monster, Wall: Ice, Control temperature 10’r,
Pro:Electricity(as Druid), Pro: Fire (as Druid) Everlasting Fire(*)
Flesh to Air(*) Plant Death(*) Putrefaction(*)

5th lvl spells: Cone of cold, Summon Spectres (1-2),
Summon Vampire (1, lesser), Conjure Elemental (*) Morphail’s Unholy Blessing(*)
telekinesis, etherealness, cloudkill,
Shadow magic, Glyph of Warding (Energy drain, 1/6lvls),
Dispel Evil, Plane Shift, Slay Living

6th lvl spells: Disintegrate, Enchant item, Otto’s Freezing Sphere(*),
Death Spell, Death Fog, Anti-magic Shell,
Contingency, DemiShadow Magic, True Seeing,
Harm, Word of Recall Blackmantle(*)
Imbue Undead with Spell Ability(*) Transmute Bone to Steel (as duh!)
Transmute Bone to Steel (as you guessed it)
7th lvl spells: Control Undead (*), Finger of death, Teleport via Undead,
Ebony Spray(*), Vanish(to Neg Ethereal), Banish Neg Elemental,
Dw’s Instant Summons, Limited Wish, Mass Inviso,
Shadow Walk, Astral Spell, Restoration,
Sunray, Sunward(*) Lifeproof(*)

8th lvl spells: Permanency, Invest with negative Energy, Energy Drain (2lvls),
Vampiric Energy Drain (1 lvl), Bind negative Energy Elemental(*),
Power Word: Kill, Ebony Wall, Symbol (Death only),
Create Bone Weird(*) DeathBolt(*) DeathShroud(*) Graft Item(*) Graft Limb(*)
Hide Heart(*) Heart of Stone(*) Life Force Transfer(*)

9th lvl spells: Summon negative Energy Elemental(*), Invest Self with Negative Energy(*),
Gate, Wish, Annihilation (as Sphere, 1 victim, rng6”, save applies),
Create Winter Wight(*), Ebony Sphere, Crystalbrittle,
Time Stop Confer(*) Create Minion(*) Disruption(*)
DeathWard(*) Elemental Aura(*) Immunity to Undeath(*) Lifeblend(*)
Sphere of Ultimate Destruction(*) Conflagration(*) Black Blade of the Void(*)
Black Blade of Disaster(*)

Cost to Faction members for complete spell book: 720,000gp (i.e. 1000gp/spell level) AND release of research information to faction archives

Negative Elementalist’s Summoning and talisman

The Negative Elementalist can create undead and summon various Negative Energy creatures via spells, they can also be encountered randomly. His/her chance of affecting (controlling,etc) them are as follows, modified by his/her use of a specially constructed talisman (see hereafter).

Created Undead:
Created or Animated creatures (via Animate Skeleton/Zombie, Animate Ghoul/Ghast, Animate Wraith/Wight, Animate Spectre, or Invest with Negative Energy) are always controlled by the Negative Elementalist who created them, for a duration as follows (i.e. creature is released from control at end of duration, unless control maintained or re-established):
Created creature: Control duration:
Skeleton 1 month/level
Zombie 2 weeks/lvl
Ghoul 1week/lvl
Ghast 5days/lvl
Wraith 2 days/lvl
Wight 1day/lvl
Spectre 6 hours/lvl
Double Strength Wight(*) 4hrs/lvl
Double Strength Spectre(*) 2hrs/lvl
Winter Wight 1hr/lvl
Double Strength Winter Wight 3 turns (30 min)/lvl
Free-Willed negative energy elemental 1 turn (10 min)/lvl
(*) with or without blackfire, doesn’t matter

Summoned Undead and Negative (including Salt, Ash, Dust, and Vacuum) Elementals, whether by spell or item, are controlled at a cumulative percentage based upon NE level, Intelligence, and Wisdom; modified by talisman; as follows: 
NEs level, per each cumulative %
1-6 2% (i.e. 12% at 6th level)
6-9 4% (i.e. 28% at 9th lvl)
10-12 6% (i.e. 46% at 12th lvl)
13-15 8% (80% at 15th lvl)
18+ 10% additional per level (90% at 18th, 100% at 19th lvl)

NEs intelligence , per point cumulative %
Up to 13 +1%
13-15 +2%
16-18 +3%

NEs Wisdom, per point cumulative %
Up to 13 +1%
13-15 +2%
16-18 +3%

Creature: Duration:
Negative Energy Fundamental (per murder/flock) 24hrs/lvl
Trilloch or Shadow 12hrs/lvl
8HD negative Elemental (*) 8hrs/lvl
Spectre or 12HD negative Elemental (*) 4hrs/lvl
Vampire or 16HD negative elemental(*) 2hrs/lvl
Winter Wight or 20-24HD negative elemental(*) 1hr/lvl
(*) including Salt, Dust, Ash, and vacuum quasi-/para-elementals 
Summoned creatures who are not controlled can be Banished (via 7th level spell), described hereafter. If Banish Negative Elemental is not known to the caster, an UNControlled summoned creature is still subject to Command or Control (if undead), or other spells. 

Encountered Undead and Negative (including Salt, Ash, Dust, and Vacuum) Elementals may be affected by a NE using his/her 1st level spell, Command Undead, as follows:

A result of “D” means that the creature can be destroyed or turned, at NEs option. Only undead and negative (incl Ash, dust, salt, vacuum) elementals, not planar creatures (demons, devils, angels, etc) may be affected by the NE. Using his/her 7th level spell, Control Undead, the NE can Command Undead as if he/she were 5 levels higher. 

NE’s talisman:
At or after 7th level, using the 6th level spell, Enchant Item, the NE can create his/her talisman. The talisman may be used to double the effect of the NE’s intelligence and wisdom on controlling or banishing summoned/encountered negative (incl Ash, dust, salt, vacuum) elementals; as follows: 
NEs intelligence , per point cumulative % without talisman with talisman
Up to 13 +1% +2%
13-15 +2% +4%
16-18 +3% +6%

NEs Wisdom, per point cumulative %without talisman with talisman
Up to 13 +1% +2%
13-15 +2% +4%
16-18 +3% +6%

Banishment, Binding, and 
Banish Negative Elemental (7th level spell) is always successful against one created or summoned by the NE him/herself. Banishment used against any single, encountered Negative Elemental (*) as follows: 
HD of Negative(*) Elemental % to Banish
Up to 9 100%
9+-10 80%
10+-11 65%
11+-12 50%
12+-13 40%
13+-15 25%
15+-17 10%
17+ 5%
(*) including Salt, Dust, Ash, and vacuum quasi-/para-elementals 

Binding is a complex ritual spell used to bind a summoned negative elemental into a receptacle (as containment) or an item (to create a magical item). 

New Spells For Negative Elementalists and Faction Mages (hey, gotta be some reason to come to the Fortress) cost to faction members: 1000gp per spell-level. Not alphabetized.

1st Level
Negative Plane Protection
(abjuration, negative elementalism,necromancy)
Level: 1 range: Touch
Components: VSM casting time: 1 round
Duration: 1 day/ level area of effect: creature touched
Saving throw: none
This spell is the “deathblood” of the Voider, as it allows his discipline to exist. It completely protects the recipient from the effects of negative energy, whether from undead, device, spell, or exposure to the Negative Energy plane itself. Although it is necessary for survival in the Void, it does not provide for breathing, etc.
Against spells and creatures from the negative quasi-planes (i.e. Ash, Dust, Vacuum, and Salt), it provides 50% protection against their effects, and the protected suffers no effects if save is made.
This spell is so finely specific to the Negative Elementalist (thus its great power), that other mages have only a 1% chance per level of successfully learning this spell.

Invest with Negative Energy: 
Organic Substance:
Corpse Non-corpse
01-10 destroys corpse destroys substance
11-39 Animates as double-strength Wight Aminates and drains 1lvl/contact
40-68 Anim as 2xst Spectre Anim and drains 2 lvls/contact
69-70 Anim as Winter Wight Not Animated, erupts in Blackfire permanently
71-76 “ “ 2xstr Wight with Blackfire “ “ “ “ “ “ blackfire 5’r.
77-79 “ “ 2x “ Spectre with Blackfire “ “ “ Blackfire 10’r.
80 “ 2x Winter Wight Animates with Blackfire
81-90 “ as Normal Spectre Becomes a free-willed Neg Energy Elemental
91-00 “ Normal Wight Becomes Pure Negative energy; remains for 1-3 rds before fading away to negative plane

Non-organic substance (weapons, stone, etc.)
01-10 destroys material
11-30 radiates negative Energy (30’r. 1d3 DMG/rd to susceptible beings within radius)
31-44 “ “ (50’r. 1d6/rd) “ )
45-60 “ “ (80’r. 1.8/rd)
61-70 “ “ (5’r. Drains 1 energy lvl AND 1d10/rd)
71-79 Animates (MV 1”) AND radiates Neg Energy (30’r, 1d3.rd)
80-87 “ “ (MV 3”) AND “ “ (50’r, 1d6/rd)
88-94 “ “ (MV 6”) AND “ “ (80’r, 1d8/rd)
95-99 “ “ (MV 8”) AND “ “ (drain 1 lvl AND 1d10/contact)
00 Becomes Pure Negative energy; remains for 1-3 rds before fading away to negative plane

Invest Self with Negative Energy: only ONCE in a beings existence, second casting transforms caster into pure Negative Energy, which fades away. Suffer –1 penalty on CON and…
01-35 Gain ability to create a Negative energy mote in hand (rng: throw, dmg 1d3/lvl)
36-55 “ “ ‘ Neg Energy Ray (rng 9”, dmg 1d6/lvl)
56-71 “ “ Neg Energy Blast (2” r. 1d8/lvl)
72-85 Become Spectre-like (undead abilities additive to characters, never penalizes.) and +1 STR
86-93 Become Lich-like (undead abilities additive to characters, never penalizes.) and +2 STR
94-98 Become Winter Wight-like (undead abilities additive to characters, never penalizes.) +4 STR
99 Become Spectre-like WITH Blackfire (undead abilities additive to characters, never penalizes.)+2STR
00 Become Lich-like WITH Blackfire (undead abilities additive to characters, never penalizes.) +3STR

Bind Negative Energy Elemental: in conjunction with a summon spell, binds entity into a receptacle (weapon, item, etc.) Chance of success as Binding spell. A complex, ritual spell.

Summon Negative Energy Elemental:
rng: 20 yds, component: VSM, Duration: 3rds/lvl, CT: 2 turns, 
Consult table below, caster can adjust the roll by up to 2% per lvl if desired;
01-05 Trilloch (FF) 81-87 Shadow #3-8
06-11 Xeg-Yi (MM2) 88-93 Wraith #1-4
12-20 Negative Energy Fundamentals, #11-20 94-97 Spectre #1-2
21-40 Negative Energy Elemental, 8HD 98-00 Winter Wight (#1)
41-55 Negative Energy Elemental, 12HD (additional info below)
56-71 Negative Energy Elemental, 16HD
72-80 Negative Energy Elemental, 20-24HD
Control of the summoned Negative Elemental creature varies. A Trilloch may or may not be noticed by the 
caster, and will act true to its nature in any case (following the caster). A Xeg-Yi cannot be controlled, but 
can be bargained with and/or kept at bay with appropriate spells. All undead can be affected by priest 
abilities as usual.
Negative Energy fundamentals and elementals can be controlled similarly to other elementals, 
though no enhancing devices (bowls, etc) are known to exist. A murder (flock) of Fundamentals can be 
controlled as a single unit. Both Elementals and Fundamentals can be contained/protected against by 
appropriate spells or thaumaturgic triangle. If the caster ever loses control of the Negative Energy 
Elemental ( fundamentals “teem” for 1 rd then fly off), the following occurs:
-Caster must save vs. Death magic or lose 1d4 (1d4+1 if 24 HD) life energy levels from the backlash of negative energy.
-The elemental attacks the controller for 3 rounds before fading back to its plane of origin.
Whether controlled or not, the aura of a Negative Elemental is in effect unless shielded against 

Black Blade of the Void
(Conjuration/ Summoning, Negative Elementalism)

level: 9
range: 0 (person only)
Components: V,S
Casting Time: 9 segments (6 on a Negative Quasiplane, 3 on the Negative Energy Plane or in the Fortress)
Duration: 1rd/lvl up to 17th, 2 rds/lvl thereafter
Area of Effect: creates one blade-shaped rift
Saving Throw: none (see description)

Black Blade of the Void calls into being a totally black, blade-shaped rift to the depths of the Negative Energy plane, about three feet long. Finding the spell Black Blade of Disaster (q.v.) too difficult to work with, due to the foreign dimensional paradigms needed, Baantavish Muldek (q.q.v.) of the Dustmen researched a spell more suitable to the Negative Elementalist. Negative Elementalists have normal chances of learning this spell. Other wizard classes have a 2% chance per level of successfully learning this spell.
Unlike the parent spell, the caster “holds” the Black Blade of the Void and uses it as a sword. The rift actually hovers a few inches above the casters hand or clenched fist without actually touching it. The spell also remains in effect its entire duration, whether the caster’s concentration is broken or not, if the caster is above 17th level.
The Blade can strike twice per round (or more, if the caster is Hasted, etc.) with the same THAC0 as the caster. It can hit and affect any creature susceptible to physical weaponry and/or negative energy. The Blade rots a 20’ x 20’ x 20’ area of non-living organic substance at a touch. A ship loses 1d12% of seaworthiness per blow. The Blade similarly rots a 15’x15’x15’ area of mineral (stone, metal, etc) at a touch unless the object saves vs acid. A structure so hit is damaged as if by a heavy catapult stone. The Blade can cut through Prismatic Walls and Spheres, Walls of Force, Globes of Invulnerability, and all other known magical barriers (see limitations below). It can pierce an Anti-magic Shell and effect objects inside. 
Furthermore, it is a powerful source of Negative Energy. Undead within 40’ of the Blade are turned as if 3 categories higher and regenerate 4 hit points per round (add 4 to regeneration rate if the undead already regenerates). Corpses within 40’ of the Blade have a 75% chance of spontaneously animating to zombies or skeletons. Within 40’, healing magic heals the absolute minimum for its type. Example: a Cure Light Wounds heals but 1 point, a Cure Critical Wounds heals 3, and a Heal spell functions as a normal Cure Critical Wounds. Also within this 40’ radius there is a supernatural chill: all beings not protected either against cold or negative energy suffer 3 points of damage per turn. All attacks directed at the Blade, except Positive Energy (see limitations), are snuffed harmlessly out of existence. Its presence may heal if the wielder is a Negative Elementalist and/or undead of sufficient level.
Against creatures susceptible to Negative Energy, it does 2d10 damage per touch (hit) and drains 2 life levels from its victim. It does not transfer these to the wielder in any way. Elementals, including Quasi- and Para- elementals, of any type except Positive (see limitations) are automatically disintegrated when touched by the Blade (no save). The touch of the Blade forces creatures of the Upper Planes to save vs spell or be hurled back to their own plane. Any creature slain by the Blade can only be restored by a wish or act of a deity. Those immune to Negative Energy suffer no damage whatsoever from the spell.
Positive Energy is the bane of the Negative. Against Positive Quasi- and Para- Elementals, as well as pure Positive Elementals (or emanations) that have less hit dice than the caster does levels of experience (i.e. Lightning, Steam, Radiance, Mineral and small pure Positive beings), the Blade instantly and completely (with no save) wipes them out of existence; but such contact reduces the duration of the spell by 1 round per hit die of the creature. If touched by a source or being of pure (only) Positive Energy of hit dice greater than or equal to the caster, a massive explosion occurs. The Blade is dispelled (no save), and the wielder, victim and all objects and creatures within an 80’ radius must save vs breath weapon or be annihilated. Even if the save is successful, all within the radius suffer 1d6 damage per level of the caster!
None other than the caster can wield the Black Blade of the Void.

There are other spells I modified for this class. but just threw these in for examples.

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