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Saturday, 6 February 2016

9 Hells

Oh, and taking a hard look at the gods in hell, only SET is any real sort of challenge for any of the arch devils in a one on one fight, although Hecate could also be serious trouble. The rest are no comp at all, even when they have a "greater god" label slapped on them. 

The others are actually going to get pwned or punked quite badly. Beguilinghandles them easily, psionics looks bad for the gawds, most of their spell abilities pale in comparison, etc.

The gawds in hell tend to have crappy wisdom scores (for gawds), the 21+ needed to be immune to beguiling is sorely lacking. Hecate (wisdom 9) has mind blank as often she she casts it at least. 

If you need to worry about any gawd, it will be Set alone. His power is so great & diverse as to be a true threat if it came to it. I expect he could take out any of the arch devils with frightful ease. Often they'd never even know what/who killed them.

Set is pretty tough as far as devils go (30th lvl illusionist, 300+hp, 2 attacks for 7-70 each) but as a god, he suffers. |He doesn't even get the shape change at wll that so many others do.

And again, it not his personal power, but his ability to take on 9 arch devils (or 8 if it kills one in an opening gambit) at once, and there armies. And even if kills them, he will proably had to deal with those auto-promoted in their place. However, if we go by Greenwoods if he can kill all the arch devils quickly he have a chance. If not, the ranking (defacto leader, asmodeus dies replaced by the 8th etc) arch devil will just create arch devils from pits fiends to take their place. 

It is likely that Asmodeus palace at least can not have other just teleport in at will, so he will have to walk/fly. Plus, again with Greenwood, Asmodeus can create unique devils of power at will from pit fiends, thought this takes time. In crisis he would make Set killers of awesome power.

And not discussed, but you would assume all of them have access to pretty good magic items (from their treasure types at least, but that's personal treasure - hells magical armoury I would image is pretty good.)

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