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Friday, 4 November 2011

Repost: Matt Roper

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EVER wondered if beingbeheaded hurts - or how fat you'd have to be to stop a bullet killing you?
No? Us neither. But it's amazing how fascinating things you never knew you wanted to know really are.
And that fact is proved by Does Anything Eat Wasps? a new book of answers to 101 of science's most bizarre questions. Here's 10 for starters...
Q IS it true that cats can survive drops from great heights?
A CATS suffer relatively little injury when falling from on high because they reach lower speeds in freefall than heavier bodies and they also absorb the shock of hitting the ground very successfully.
In a study of cats brought to a New York pet hospital following falls from heights ranging between two and 32 storeys, 90 per cent survived.
Bizarrely, scientists also discovered that the further the feline fell, the more chance it had of not dying.
They put this down to the moggie relaxing as it falls, increasing its flexibility and spreading the impact over more of its body.
Q HOW long could you live on beer alone?
A BEER is made from malted barley, which is rich in some vitamins.
In fact, a pint can provide more than five per cent of the daily recommended intake B9, B6 and B2 - almost the same as a slice of brown bread.
It also contains 40g of sugar per litre, in the form of maltose and glucose, and it's 90 per cent water so you won't go thirsty.
But the alcohol dehydrates you and you'll miss out on other vitamins like A, C and D.
No-one knows how long a human can survive on just beer, but it's not a good idea to try to find out.
The alcohol may take your mind off food, but it would eventually destroy your liver.
Q DOES being beheaded hurt?
A IT might be quick, but it's certainly not painless. Anyone unfortunate enough to get the chop will feel a few seconds of pain, no matter how sharp the blade.
There are many accounts of the heads of executed people continuing to show movement or expression after the final blow.
In a 1905 experiment, a French physician called out the name of the dead man seconds after the blade fell.
The eyes of the severed head opened, looked up at him, then closed again.
When the doctor called out a second time the same thing happened. Only on the third shout the head gave no response.
Q HOW fat would you need to be to be bullet-proof?
A A 9mm bullet, the most common type used in a handgun, can penetrate 60cm of human flesh before it comes to a halt.
It will also cause one cubic centimetre of damage to surrounding tissue for every centimetre it penetrates.
Even if the bullet were to be stopped by body fat, the shock wave of the impact could cause serious damage to internal organs.
To be bulletproof an average adult would have to weigh over 100 stone - making them very likely to drop dead from a heart attack.
Q HOW big is the average mole network?
A THE average mole can build a complex of tunnels with as many as six levels, stretching over an area of five square miles.
The size of its network depends on how rich it's food supply is. A mole under a lush meadow containing bountiful supplies of worms will need to burrow less far than a mole in acidic soil where there are fewer worms.
Q WHY do bruises go through a range of colours before they fade?
A A BRUISE is caused by the small capillary blood vessels under the skin breaking, the leaked blood making creating the red-purple colour.
The body then sends white blood cells to repair the damage, causing the red cells to break down. This produces the substances that cause the colour changes.
The breakdown products of haemoglobin are biliverdin, which is green, and then bilirubin, which is yellow.
Only when these substances clear does the colour fades.
Q WHY do dock leaves relieve nettle stings?
A BEING stung by a nettle is painful because the sting contains an acid.
Rubbing the sting with a dock leaf relieves the pain because dock leaves contain an alkali that neutralises the acid, reducing the sting.
They also help relieve stings by bees and ants.
But they are useless against wasp stings because those are alkaline. For that, use an acid such as vinegar.
Q DOES anything eat wasps?
A QUITE a few creatures dine on wasps. Birds, skunks, bears, badgers, bats, weasels, rats, and even other wasps, are keen on them.
The bee eater, one of 133 birds to include the wasp in their diet, counteracts the sting by rubbing the insect against a branch or tree trunk before scoffing it.
And even human's have been known use the stingers for their dinner... the larvae of several species are said to taste good when fried in butter.
Q WHY do you feel like the earth is moving when you get off a boat?
A WHEN you are at sea the brain anticipates the boat's movements and adjusts your posture to prevent you losing your balance and feeling sick.
When you step ashore, your body can continue to do this for hours or even days, making it seem as if the floor is moving.
Sailing isn't the only activity that causes illusory motion after-effects. Astronauts returning to earth often experience vertigo, nausea and difficulty walking.
Q HOW many different species live on or in the human body?
A WE are a home from home to over 200 different species, with 80 living in the mouth alone.
There are an estimated 10 billion organisms living on a square centimetre of human bowel and 10 million bacteria on a square centimetre of human skin. And we excrete from 100 billion to 100 trillion bacteria every day. But while the figures appear large, the bacteria living on the external surface of a human being would fit into a medium-sized pea.
Questions taken from Does Anything Eat Wasps? published by the New Scientist and Profile Books (RRP £7.99).

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