Atlas Rules Resources Adventures Stories FAQ Search Links
Atlas Rules Resources Adventures Stories FAQ Search Links
Dragon Magazine
This file is an outline of the material describing D&D/ Mystara related articles in Dragon magazine.
Issue | Notes |
93 | Preview: |
B8 Journey to the Rock | |
94 | Previews: |
AC4 Book of Marvellous Magic | |
O2 Blade of Vengeance | |
96 | Previews: |
CM4 Earthshaker | |
X9 Savage Coast | |
98 | Previews: |
B9 Castle Caldwell and Beyond | |
D&D Master Rules Set | |
99 | Previews: |
AC5 Dragon Tiles II: Revenge of Rusak | |
CM5 Mystery of Snow Pearl | |
101 | Previews: |
AC6 Master DM's Screen | |
XS2 Thunderdelve Mountain | |
104 | Recent releases: |
X10 Red Arrow, Black Shield | |
CM6 Where Chaos Reigns | |
M1 Into the Maelstrom | |
Planned for next year: | |
D&D Immortals Rules Set | |
105 | Previews: |
AC6 Player Character Record Sheets | |
B10 Night's Dark Terror | |
CM7 Tree of Life | |
107 | Preview: |
M2 Vengeance of Alphaks | |
108 | Preview: |
Dungeons and Dragons Set 5: Immortals Rules | |
109 | Several articles of generic interest: |
Customised classes for OD&D | |
War Machine article | |
110 | Previews: |
X11 Saga of Shadow Lord | |
IM1 Immortal Storm | |
112 | Article index for all prior issues |
Preview: | |
DA1 Adventures in Blackmoor | |
113 | Preview: |
AC9 Creature Catalogue | |
115 | Previews: |
DA2 Temple of Frog | |
M3 Twilight Calling | |
116 | Preview: |
X12 Skarda's Mirror | |
117 | Preview: |
IM2 Wrath of Olympus | |
118 | Preview: |
DA3 City of Gods | |
119 | Previews: |
CM8 Endless Stair | |
Gaz 1 Grand Duchy of Karameikos | |
120 | Preview: |
M4 Five Coins for Kingdom | |
121 | Preview: |
B1-9 In Search of Adventure | |
DA4 Duchy of Ten | |
131 | Preview: |
Gaz 5 Elves of Alfheim | |
132 | Orc Wars game (later included in Gaz 10) |
133 | Preview: |
Gaz 6 Dwarves of Rockhome | |
134 | Orc Wars errata |
135 | Preview: |
Gaz 7 Northern Reaches | |
137 | Preview: |
Gaz 8 Five Shires | |
139 | Preview: |
Gaz 9 Minrothad Guilds | |
141 | Preview: |
Gaz 10 Orcs of Thar | |
143 | Preview: |
Gaz 11 Republic of Darokin | |
145 | Preview: |
Gaz 12 Golden Khan of Ethengar | |
147 | Preview: |
B11 King's Festival | |
148 | "Around the World in 36 Levels" - Article summarising and hyping Mystara/Known World |
setting | |
Previews: | |
TM1 Western Countries | |
Dawn of the Emperors boxed set | |
149 | Preview: |
TM2 Eastern Countries | |
150 | Preview: |
PC1 Tall Tales of the Wee Folk | |
151 | Preview: |
B12 Queen's Harvest | |
152 | Preview: |
PC2 Top Ballista | |
153 | VOYAGE OF THE PRINCESS ARK 1: "Up, up, and away -- across the Known World!" 1964: Nyxmir 11, 1965: Alphamir 15, Sulamir 10, 25, Sudmir 3, 25, 26, Vertmir 1, 4 |
New monster description: Cestian gobbler | |
154 | VOYAGE OF THE PRINCESS ARK 2: "Into the mountains, to meet with ... doom." 1965: Vertmir 7, 17, 18, Tsalmir 8, 11, 18 |
Map of voyage from Sundsvall, Alphatia to Oceania | |
New C7 spell: Ship Flight | |
155 | VOYAGE OF THE PRINCESS ARK 3: "To seek out new life and new civilisations." 1965: Tsalmir 19-Andrumir 11 |
Preview: | |
PC3 Sea Peoples | |
156 | VOYAGE OF THE PRINCESS ARK 4: "Capture, surrender, and -- death?" 1965: Andrumir 12, 24, 26, 28, Cyprimir 1 |
Map of voyage from Jungle Coast to Cestia | |
New monster description: Heldannic knights and | |
their officers | |
Article about skills in OD&D games | |
Preview: | |
DDA1 Arena of Thyatis | |
157 | VOYAGE OF THE PRINCESS ARK 5: "As they fed on a nation, so were they cursed'. 1965: Cyprimir 10, 16, 18-21, 24, 25 |
New monster description: Abatu of Varellya, Nagpa | |
Preview: | |
Gaz 13 Shadow Elves | |
158 | "The Mightiest of Dragons" article |
New monster description: Dragon spirit | |
VOYAGE OF THE PRINCESS ARK 6: "A culture with a different sense of taste." 1965: Hastmir 4, 6-8, 16, 17, 25 | |
N'djatwa racial description | |
159 | Preview: |
Hollow World boxed set | |
160 | "Up, Away and Beyond" article |
VOYAGE OF THE PRINCESS ARK 7: "The Princess Ark aims for the stars." 1965: Hastmir 26-Eimir 15 | |
Geographical supplement: Myoshima | |
Modified race: Rakasta of Myoshima have 60' | |
infravision | |
Nations: Myoshima, Rajahstan, Kompor-Thap, | |
Selimpore, Malacayog, and Surabayang | |
Preview: | |
DDA2 Legions of Thyatis | |
161 | Up, Away, and Beyond errata |
VOYAGE OF THE PRINCESS ARK 8: "Voyaging down under -- and inside!" 1965: Eimir 16-18, 22-26, Burymir 1-5, 12, 19, 26, Nyxmir 5, 12, 15, 16, 19, 21-25 | |
Map of transition from outer world to Hollow World | |
Monster description: Vulcanian sloth | |
Q&A: | |
DA5 City of Blackmoor cancelled | |
Knights of Air = Knights of White Drakes | |
Glantri City map scale error | |
162 | VOYAGE OF THE PRINCESS ARK 9: "Land, ho... 12 o'clock!" 1965: Nyxmir 26, 28, Amphimir 3, 5, 7-12, 16-18, 22 |
Oostdok gazetteer | |
Preview: | |
HWA1 Nightwail | |
163 | VOYAGE OF THE PRINCESS ARK 10: "The Return of Darkness." 1965: Amphimir 23-26, 28, 1966: Alphamir 15, 19-25 |
New monster description: | |
Night dragon (lesser and greater) | |
164 | VOYAGE OF THE PRINCESS ARK 11: "The return home... almost." 2000 Alphamir 26-28, Sulamir 1-25 |
NPC descriptions: | |
Haldemar of Haaken | |
Ecbashur Talasar | |
New monster description: | |
Sky wyrm (lesser and greater) | |
Preview: | |
HWA2 Nightrage | |
165 | VOYAGE OF THE PRINCESS ARK 12: "An ancient revelation." 2000: Sulamir 26, Sudmir 17, 19, 20, 25, 26 |
NPC descriptions: | |
Myojo Katamura | |
Nabonidus Raman | |
Abovombe, daughter of Mananjary | |
166 | VOYAGE OF THE PRINCESS ARK 13: "Where dreams of chaos reign." 2000: Vertmir 11, 13, 15, 16, 28, Tsalmir 1-5 |
Emerondian gazetteer | |
Q&A | |
Preview: | |
HWA3 Nightwail | |
167 | VOYAGE OF THE PRINCESS ARK 14: "The sky dragon unleashed." 2000: Tsalmir 8-12 |
Thothian Enchantment description | |
NPC descriptions: | |
Ashari Sunlil | |
Ramissur Zumrulim | |
Tarias of Arogansa | |
Leo of Le Nerviens | |
Q&A: | |
War Puppies | |
Undead PCs | |
168 | VOYAGE OF THE PRINCESS ARK 15: "The last (and first) hour of the Princess Ark." 2000: Tsalmir 12, 16, 17, 20-22 |
169 | VOYAGE OF THE PRINCESS ARK 16: "Conspiracies within conspiracies." 2000: Tsalmir 23-26, 28, Andrumir 4, 8, 12, 14-19 |
Sind gazetteer | |
Sind map | |
170 | Article: "From Hatchling to Immortal Guardian" |
VOYAGE OF THE PRINCESS ARK 17: "Serpent Peninsula Revisited." 2000: Cyprimir 12, 18. 24-28 | |
Yavdlom gazetteer | |
Yavdlom map | |
Sind map errata | |
Preview: | |
DDA3 Eye of Traldar | |
171 | Article: Who's Who Among Dragons |
VOYAGE OF THE PRINCESS ARK 18: "Slagovich Affair." 2000: Hastmir 1, 3-5, 10, 16-18, 24 | |
Red Steel and related matters | |
Map of southern City States | |
NPC description: | |
Xerdon, Naduk-Sim | |
Q&A: | |
People's Temple | |
Princess Ark (articles and boxed set) | |
Preview: | |
HWR1 Sons of Azca | |
172 | VOYAGE OF THE PRINCESS ARK 19: "Hule!" 2000: Hastmir 25-28, Eimir 1 |
Cinnabryl's Darker Uses | |
Map of northern City States and southern Hule | |
Q&A: | |
Lizard man | |
Rakasta | |
Minotaur | |
Nagpa and Varellyans | |
Map errata | |
Upcoming products | |
Preview: | |
Gaz 14 Atruaghin Clans | |
173 | VOYAGE OF THE PRINCESS ARK 20: "Raman's Holiday Homework." Eimir 5 |
More on Hule | |
Bozdogan (Immortal Patron of Deceit, | |
Sphere of Thought?) | |
Hosadus (same as Master?) | |
Q&A: | |
"Warp speed" in space | |
New D&D rule sets | |
Name of Mystara and its moons | |
Wrath of the Immortals | |
DotE map errata: Wendar and Denagoth | |
Spell of Preservation | |
List of planned supplements: | |
HWr1 Sons of Azca | |
HWr2 Kingdom of Nithia | |
HWr3 Milenian Empire | |
HWr4 Milenian Sceptre (adventure) | |
Sind | |
Wendar | |
Heldann Freeholds | |
174 | VOYAGE OF THE PRINCESS ARK 21: "Savage Baronies." Eimir 7-10 |
Monster Description: Errant Soul | |
Northern Savage Baronies: Map and Gazetteers | |
Q&A | |
Preview: | |
D&D Rules Cyclopaedia | |
HWR2 Kingdom of Nithia | |
175 | VOYAGE OF THE PRINCESS ARK 22: "Arsenic and old mantillas." 2000: Eimir 12-15, 22 |
Southern Savage Baronies: Map and Gazetteers | |
Rapier mastery table | |
Q&A | |
Preview: | |
DDA4 Dymrak Dread | |
176 | VOYAGE OF THE PRINCESS ARK 23: "Shootout at South Gulch." 2000: Eimir 24, 25, 28, Burymir 1, 3-5, 8 |
Claw Peninsula: Map and Gazetteer | |
Cimarron Six-Shooter | |
Deck plans for light Heldannic Warbird | |
177 | VOYAGE OF THE PRINCESS ARK 24: "Lords of forest." 2000: Burymir 14-18, 20 |
Robrenn: Map and Gazetteer | |
Classes: Druid, Druidic Knight, and Bard | |
Q&A: | |
Atruaghin Clans | |
FSS Beagle | |
Journey to Rock | |
Announcement of upcoming products | |
Hule | |
Immortals | |
Preview: | |
Quest for Silver Sword | |
178 | VOYAGE OF THE PRINCESS ARK 25: "Of blood and steel." 2000: Burymir 23-28 |
Eusdria: Map and Gazetteer | |
Elven class variants | |
Half-elves | |
Q&A: | |
Future products | |
Dragon breath | |
Orcwars | |
Neutral paladins | |
Souls and spheres | |
179 | VOYAGE OF THE PRINCESS ARK 26: "A glass of wine and a shaggy dog story." 2000: Burymir 28, 2001: Nyxmir 1-3, 6-10 |
Renardy: Map and Gazetteer | |
Monsters: Lupin and tortle | |
Preview: | |
Dragon's Den Adventure Pack | |
180 | VOYAGE OF THE PRINCESS ARK 27: "To death and back." 2000: Nyxmir 18-20, 22, 23 |
Limbo and afterlife | |
Map of Bellayne | |
Preview: | |
Assault on Raven's Ruin | |
181 | VOYAGE OF THE PRINCESS ARK 28: "In the eyes of the cat." 2000: Nyxmir 24-28, Amphimir 1-5 |
Gazetteer of Bellayne | |
Savage Coast Coats of Arms | |
Lupin and Rakasta PCs | |
Q&A: | |
Airships | |
Reversing XP bonuses/penalties | |
D&D Psionics/AD&D conversions | |
Cancelled and upcoming products | |
Missing Alphatian data | |
Languages and ethnic groups | |
D&D rule clarifications | |
Preview: | |
Thunder Rift | |
182 | VOYAGE OF THE PRINCESS ARK 29: Letters! We get letters! |
Q&A: | |
More creature PCs | |
Airships | |
Star Trek inspiration | |
Ironwood spell clarification | |
Norwold gazetteer | |
Firearms in D&D (No!) | |
Haldemar's princely title | |
Mystara map and continental drift | |
HWR2 errata | |
Nithian armour and weapons | |
Ethengar weapon mastery suggestions | |
AC9 revision (upcoming) | |
Preview: | |
Goblin's Lair Adventure Pack | |
183 | VOYAGE OF THE PRINCESS ARK 30: "Web of Wizard-King." 2001: Amphimir 11, 13-15 |
Herath: Map, Gazetteer, and Coats of Arms | |
Araneas as PCs | |
Preview: | |
Wrath of Immortals | |
184 | VOYAGE OF THE PRINCESS ARK 31: Letters, letters! More letters! |
Gazetteer calendars | |
Map issues | |
General philosophy and rules issues | |
Discussion of various nations | |
Previews: | |
HWR3 Milenian Empire | |
Sword and Shield | |
185 | VOYAGE OF THE PRINCESS ARK 32: "Silence of the lizards." 2001: Amphimir 23-25, Alphamir 4, 8-11, 13, 14 |
Prophecies of doom | |
Death of Aliana Nyraviel confirmed | |
Squamous Kingdoms: Map, Gazetteer, and Coats of Arms | |
Lizard-kin as PCs | |
Previews: | |
PC4 Night Howlers | |
Tainted Sword (novel) | |
Haunted Tower Adventure Pack | |
186 | VOYAGE OF THE PRINCESS ARK 33: "Lords of shade and hue." 2001: Alphamir 17-21 |
Wallara: Map, Gazetteer, and Coats of Arms | |
Chameleon Men as PCs | |
Preview: | |
AC1010 Poor Wizard's Almanac | |
187 | VOYAGE OF THE PRINCESS ARK 34: The postal deluge continues |
Clerical Create Food table | |
Other rules clarifications | |
Dominions and retainer costs | |
Mystic orders (Ochalea, Dunwick, and | |
Lhamsa in Glantri) | |
Preview: | |
HWQ1 Milenian Sceptre | |
188 | VOYAGE OF THE PRINCESS ARK 35: "The return home." 2001: Alphamir 25-28, Sulamir 1 |
End of Princess Ark series | |
Proof of absence of rakasta in Alphatia | |
Jibarú: Map and Gazetteer | |
Phanatons as PCs | |
189 | Known World Grimoire: |
Language mishmash | |
Fate of Alfheim inhabitants | |
PWA errata | |
Economics, population, and food | |
190 | Ecology of Actaeon |
Known World Grimoire: | |
Robrenn and Asterix | |
More economics: | |
Population growth | |
Villages | |
Deforestation | |
Mining | |
Previews: | |
Knight of Newts | |
Fall of Magic | |
Dragon's Tomb | |
191 | Known World Grimoire: |
Military organisation | |
Taxes | |
Previews: | |
DMR2 Creature Catalogue | |
Fall of Magic | |
192 | Known World Grimoire: "The Sting and the Sun" |
Nimmur: Map and Gazetteer | |
Manscorpions | |
Errata for previous issues | |
Preview: | |
Rage of Rakasta | |
193 | Known World Grimoire: |
Castles | |
194 | Known World Grimoire: |
Day of Dread (see PWA II for 1011 AC) | |
Minaeans | |
Benekander's Manifestation Form | |
Green Slimes | |
Charm effects of dead charmers | |
Preview: | |
In the Phantom's Wake | |
195 | Review: |
Dragon's Tomb | |
196 | Known World Grimoire: |
Dark Jungle Orcs: Map and Gazetteer | |
197 | Known World Grimoire: |
Announcement of AD&D (2E) conversion | |
Information about post-WotI Alphatia, | |
Minaea, Ylaruam, and Glantri | |
Stats for chakram and bullroarer knife | |
Previews: | |
Champions of Mystara | |
Fall of Magic | |
199 | Known World Grimoire: |
Fantasy heraldry (including magic powers) | |
Preview: | |
AC1011 PWA II | |
200 | Known World Grimoire: |
Arm of Immortals: Map and Gazetteer | |
Ee'aar and Enduks as PCs | |
Gildesh | |
Previews: | |
Karameikos: Kingdom of Adventure | |
Mystara Monstrous Compendium Appendix | |
"The Colour of Magic" | |
206 | Karameikos Ho!: |
Black Eagle Barony | |
Local goblinoid tribes, including mystics | |
207 | Magic of Karameikos: |
Krakatos and Karameikan School of Magecraft | |
Spell Primer (duplicated in KKoA) | |
Review: | |
Fantasy Empires (Mystara computer game) | |
Previews: | |
Karameikos: Kingdom of Adventure | |
Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix | |
Dragonlord of Mystara (novel) | |
208 | Mystara CD adventure previews: |
Karameikos: Kingdom of Adventure | |
Mystara Monstrous Compendium Appendix | |
Hail the Heroes CD adventure | |
Night of Vampire CD adventure | |
Poor Wizard's Almanac (AD&D 2E version) | |
209 | Preview: |
Hail the Heroes | |
210 | Preview: |
Red Steel | |
211 | Preview: |
AC1012 PWA III (not fully identified in magazine) | |
213 | Previews: |
Player's Survival Kit | |
DUNGEON MASTER (R) Survival Kit | |
215 | Preview: |
Glantri: Kingdom of Magic | |
216 | Bazaar of the Bizarre |
Preview: | |
Savage Baronies | |
218 | Preview: |
Mark of Amber | |
219 | Preview: |
Dragonking of Mystara (novel) | |
222 | Preview: |
Dark Knight of Karameikos (novel) | |
223 | Previews: |
Joshuan's Almanac | |
227 | Preview: |
Dragonmage of Mystara (novel) | |
231 | Previews: |
Black Vessel (novel) | |
Savage Coast Campaign Book | |
(incorrectly listed for sale) | |
232 | "En Garde!" |
Secret pass fighting techniques for | |
Savage Coast swashbucklers | |
Savage Coast free download | |
(still available in 2000!) | |
Sorcerous Sixguns | |
Firearms available in Savage Coast but not in | |
Known World | |
233 | On Wings of Eagles: |
(Generic rules for Avariel/Ee'aar) | |
237 | Lupins of Mystara |
Free Savage Coast downloads | |
238 | WotC TSR takeover FAQ: |
Mystara still dead, but all dead game worlds are | |
under review. | |
239 | SAGA for various game worlds, including Mystara |
240 | Errata for lupin article in issue #237 |
247 | Rakasta of Mystara |
315 | Sundering Ka: describes the Defilers of Ka and the Ka-tainted template. Also contains synopsis on the creation of Hollow World. |
Cinnabar, Red Steel, and the Red Curse: 3.5E rules for the red curse and legacies. Also contains synopsis on the creation of Red Steel. | |
Guardians of the Docrae: a look at the halflings of the northern marches from the Blackmoor setting. | |
Return to the Lost City: a look at the Cynidiceans and the Lost City in 3.5E. Also contains synopsis on the creation of Mystara. | |
318 | Children of Ka: The Dagger of the Dinosaur Sage. A look at the Malpheggi lizardfolk and the children of Ka. |
323 | Ecology of the Choker. |
325 | Winning Races: Lupins. Bringing Lupins into 3.5E. |
327 | Winning Races: Diaboli. Bringing Diaboli into 3.5E. |
339 | Creature Catalog IV: Campaign Classics. Conversions of the Dusanu, Nagpa and Phanaton. |
343 | Creature Catalog V. Conversions of the Nuckalavee and Malfera. |
344 | VOYAGE OF THE PRINCESS ARK 36: "Home and Away Again." 2001: Sulamir 14-17 |
More than one month ago, I sent to the list an history of the Damocles planet and its relation to Mystara (involving the Dark Elves, the Modrigswerg, and Emerond).
Back then, I had little time to answer some of the questions I received, so I'm going to answer those questions, and other I thought up myself, now.
Damocles Q&A
by Giampaolo Agosta
What is Damocles?
Damocles is the fourth planet of the Mystaran solar system. It is inhabited by the Pyrithean Races, descendants of the Grens from the alien Federation.
Why is it called Damocles?
Damocles is a deformation of the name given to the planet by the FSS Beagle captain Bork Riesling, "DMK-3".
As the language of the stranded Grens evolved, the name was pronounced "Damok-Tres", which later became Damocles, and finally reached its standard form some 500 years ago.
The original name was meant to show the galactic sector where the planet was found (Sector D, though actually this was wrong, as the Beagle had unknowingly entered some kind of portal, and shifted to the Mystaran Milky Way).
M and K designated the Mystaran Solar System, in a base-32 code. Three was the number of the planet (Mystara was DMK-2, the numbers were given in order of exploration).
Dimensions of Damocles
Damocles is a flat world, a semisphere whose flat surface is inhabited.
It is slightly smaller than Mystara in equatorial diameter (around 6,500 miles), so its inhabited surface is nearly 80 millions sq km.
What can you see in the night sky of Damocles?
Damocles has no moon. There is an asteroid belt around the planet.
Damocles is far from the sun, but it receives additional light and warmth from the giant gaseous planet "Jupiter".
Due to the strong influence of "Jupiter" on Damocles' climate, the seasonal patterns are very different from those of Mystara.
Damocles experience a very cold winter when "Jupiter" is farther, while it is warmer when the giant planet is nearer.
Geography of Damocles
The surface of Damocles is encircled by the Outer Barrier, a circle of tall, unbreakable mountains that prevent water, air, and people from leaving the flat area.
On the outer side of the Barrier, and on the curved face of Damocles, the atmosphere is thin, and only simple lifeforms-or those who don't need air-can survive.
Also, gravity is very low (natural gravity of a small planet like Damocles).
On the flat side, gravity is magically enhanced, up to Earth-like values near the ground.
Within the Outer Barrier, there is an ocean that surrounds two continents and some archipelagos of minor islands.
Climate of Damocles
Damocles' climate is influenced by its distance from the sun, and only the strong emission of warmth from the very heart of the planet allows life to thrive here.
Due to these emissions, the earth is often warmer than the air, so there are accessional currents that make flight easier even to larger flying creatures.
Why did the Pachydermions leave for Patera, when "Mars" was nearer?
Quite simply, because Patera has an atmosphere and gravity that allow Pachydermions to survive without magical support.
What were the Pachydermions doing on Damocles?
In this setting, Pachydermions are one of the "native" races of Damocles.
This means they either arrived on Damocles before the Grens, or they evolved on the planet.
The Mystaran and Pateran Pachydermions may be the original group or a very old colony.
Who are the Grens?
The Grens are the aliens from the galactic Federation that arrived in the Mystara solar system on the FSS Beagle.
They are a race of human-like beings, whose skin takes a green tint under the rays of the Mystaran sun.
What monster types can be found on Damocles?
The Dark Pyrondians have created many servant races, often getting the design from their lower planar allies.
Some AD&D monsters that could be used for servant races are:
Broken One (failed experiments)
Ettercap (Pyrondian-hunters)
Gibberling (shock troops)
Golem (many types; few of them, used as guards or frontline fighters)
Kobold, Urd ("aircraft")
Mould Man (early experiments)
Mongrelman (experiments gone awry)
Tasloi (basic jungle fighter)
Undead (Skeletons/Zombies, these are not true undead, but are animated through life-shaped grafts or other means; the Dusanu is another good option)
Yuan-ti, Histachii (created from Pyrithian prisoners)
Some outer planar monsters can be found on Damocles as the result of the Dark Pyrondians' summonings:
Imp or Quasit (these appear as familiars for the Dark Pyrondians)
Mephit (messengers from the lower planes)
Least Baatezu (Spinagon, common messengers and familiars)
Lesser Baatezu (Abishai, Barbazu, Erinyes, all rare, appear as advisers, spies, bodyguards and other specialised roles)
Least Tanar'ri (Manes, Rutterkin: expendable infantry)
Lesser Tanar'ri (Alu-fiend, Cambion: half-Tanar'ric Pyrithians)
Lesser Tanar'ri (Bar-lgura, Succubus, rare, scouts and spies)
Yugoloth (very rare, mercenaries)
Other creatures from the Outer Planes or the Space can appear as mercenaries.
Who are the Dark Pyrondians?
The Dark Pyrondians are fiendblooded Pyrondians from the Pirate Age. There are two types of Dark Pyrondians.
The more common kind is also known as "Dark Elves", and existed in the Mystaran Northern Reaches centuries ago, but their civilisation was destroyed by Antalian tribes.
The remaining Dark Pyrondians, who exist on Damocles, are a handful of powerful lifeshapers, nearly immortal, and very strong in psionic power.
The most important and powerful of the Dark Pyrondian is Pheazar, also known as the Dark Elf Feasar on Mystara.
There are nine Dark Pyrondian "sorcerers" on Damocles:
Pheazar Lives in the north-east, has been on Mystara
The Dread Prince Killed by Pheazar around AC 700
Gheertihz Killed by Pheazar around AC 840
Maekir Killed by Pheazar around AC 840
The Scarlet Sorcerer Killed by Pheazar around AC 835
Khaltar Survived the war AC 800-850
Urhnam the Deep Disappeared after the war in AC 800-850, rumoured to live in the deep sea
Captain Cortal Ihetarm Piratical, lives on an Asteroid (see "What can you see in the night sky of Damocles?")
Ragol of the Ring Lives in the Outer Ring
What is a graft?
A graft is a lifeshaped items that bounds to the flesh of an host, allowing him to access its powers.
What are lifeshaped items?
Life shaping was developed within the Dark Sun setting. It is fully described in "Windriders of the Jagged Cliffs" and "Psionics Artifacts of Athas".
Basically, life shaping is a sort of genetic engineering, allowing the operator (nature master) to create new animals or plants that can duplicate the effects of technological or magical items.
There are three classes of lifeshaped items: creatures (plants or animals); tissues (raw living matter); and items produced by lifeshaped creatures (silk, scales, etc).
Lifeshaped items and creatures can serve different purposes: tools (weapons, clothes); producers of other lifeshaped items; grafts (see above); replacing domestic animals.
Note that the Pyrondians are themselves lifeshaped creatures.
What PC races are available in a Damocles-based campaign?
*Pyrithians (base race, replace humans in this setting)
*Dark Pyrithian (these are fiend-blooded Pyrithians, use rules for Tieflings from Planescape's "Planewalker's Handbook")
*Broken Ones and/or Mongrelmen (Broken Ones use the rules from "The Making of Men" by the Kargatane, Mongrelmen use the rules in the Complete Book of Humanoids)
Note that Dark Pyrondians are limited in number, so they are unavailable as PCs--all nine Dark Pyrondians are NPCs.
What native Damoclidean races are available on Mystara?
As PCs, only the Emerondians. Dark Pyrondians--a.k.a. Dark Elves-- are not available as PCs.
Pachydermions are not a native Damoclidean race, but they are available on both Mystara and Myoshima.
When is Damocles destroyed?
Canon material is not very specific about this. Any date between 1000 AC and the end of the Wrath of the Immortal War could go. A suitable choice would be some time before the Great Meteor event, so that the Meteor could have been a fragment of Damocles.
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