The Isles of Woe
Version 1.4
An Analysis of the Legends surrounding the Isles of Woe
- A report by Maldin of Greyhawk... Wizard, Sage, and Member in Good Standing of the Greyhawk Guild of Wizardry and Society of Magi, as commissioned by Sir Clarence.
There is some evidence (see the "Book of Artifacts" and the "1st Edition Dungeon Master's Guide") that the Isles were ruled by a wizard-priest named Yagrax who may have at least temporarily possessed a great artifact of power know as the Codex of the Infinite Planes. It is suggested that the unleashing of powers within, that he did not understand, may have been responsible for the destruction of the Isles, and hence his empire.
This information was, for the longest time, the complete sum total of knowledge concerning this topic. Until recently, that is. The discovery of a map hidden within the cover-lining of very old book in a disused part of the Great Library of Greyhawk (see the map booklet of "Greyhawk: the Adventure Begins") has spawned a new rash of speculation by careless scholars of doubtful repute. These charlatans have done nothing more than mix and match several unrelated legends in an attempt to bolster their flagging reputations by concocting "new and astonishing research" and passing such fiction as original works of scholarship.
Allow me to set the record straight, using my own extensive research. (Quoted text is from the recently published thesis known as "Greyhawk: the Adventure Begins".)
- "According to legend, the Isles of Woe once stood in the Nyr Dyv, but no reliable source catalogs their size, exact location, population, or even their number (usually put at three but ranging up to seven, depending on the story). The isles are said to be so ancient as to predate the arrival of the Oeridians. The origin of their name is unknown, but they are always said to have been highly magical."
- "The Codex of the Infinite Planes is reported to have been created here in an age long past, giving the isles their sole claim to fame in the lore books."
- "Several maps, unearthed from old ruins or ancient libraries, show the locations of the isles and provide details, but no one has successfully used these maps to locate the isles. The map provided in this [work] is one example, though others and their copies may exist in private collections."
- "This map is kept in a special room at the Great Library of Greyhawk, and only two or three people know of it."
- "The map has been dated by divination magic to be roughly nine centuries old."
- "It is of unknown authorship. The map seems to show a shrunken Nyr Dyv, nearly drained of water, with Admuntfort Island much enlarged. Two islands that do not now exist lie southeast of Scragholme Island. The land east of the Selintan where the City of Greyhawk now stands was a swamp."
If, however, the map is accurate, and the Nyr Dyv was once much smaller than it is today, there can be only one explanation. Somehow the effects of the Codex caused an area of land nearly 300,000 square miles in size to sink an incredible amount, subsequently become flooded, and thus enlarging the lake in all directions. Such arcane power would seem to be unlikely.
- "What appear to be the Isles of Woe are indicated by a pointing hand. The isles seem to be peaks associated with the easternmost branch of the Cairn Hills, just north of the Duchy of Urnst. Above the pointing hand is the disklike emblem of Tzunk, High Wizard-Priest of legend, said to have used the Cod*x of the I^$inite Pl@nes to conquer surrounding realms and even other planes."
- "The smallest island seems to have an odd tower or lighthouse on it. A great fish or sea monster swims in the lake."
- "A hand at the lower left of the map appears to indicate the direction of Suloise migration from the Sheldomar Valley to the southwest. An open eye with a catlike pupil is placed north of the Nyr Dyv, in a spot believed by some to have been where the arch-lich Vecna ruled from the "rotted tower" and "spidered throne" of familiar legend. The script-like writing is not in any known language and cannot be translated, even when using magic. Some text may be missing as the fragile map has missing pieces."
- "Many scholars will call this map a fake, as the Isles of Woe were thought to have vanished long before the Suloise appeared here and Vecna was thrown down."
- "Others will become concerned, as Vecna is said in some old tales to have ruled from an island in the Nyr Dyv, or to have had a strong connection with this region (either where the old Shield Lands once lay to the north or where the Duchy of Urnst and Bright Desert are to the south)."
I am pleased that Taras' arguement also supports what has, to my own surprise, been an unduly controversial statement of my own... that Vecna's reign could not have been overly long. All of the interactions with these migrating groups over such a long period would have seen more recorded conflicts with the Whispered One. There should be constant references to his empire by these numerous travellers. However these just do not exist. Interaction appears to have been short and limited in type, overall timing and location.
- "One copy of this map exists outside the Great Library. It was made by a scribe but accidently sold among other papers to a wayfaring elf named (if rumors are true) Keldreth Scaramanthelon, who did not appear to be a native of the central Flanaess. Keldreth is unlikely to be aware he has a copy of the map. Any number of treasure hunters and evil forces would gladly kill to get it."
Respectfully submitted,
Maldin of Greyhawk
(Wizard Marked for security)
Maldin of Greyhawk
(Wizard Marked for security)
Addendum: The Geography of a Cataclysm
It would appear that the powers of the Codex at the very least lowered the land surface by a great amount. This effect was centered on the Isles, causing the sinking of the Isles. Exactly which power was invoked is unclear. The power to distort space is most likely, since the wholesale removal of a large volume of the underlying rock would have caused much more noticable collapse and slumping features, - features that are not present. The amount of distortion diminishes as you move away from the center, however there is still a noticable effect for approximately a 600 mile radius around the Isles. Note that if a crafty sage could map the distortion field, they could predict with some certainty the approximate location of the Isles.
Originally, the Velverdyva River flowed into a lake less then a quarter the area of the present Nyr Dyv, and the Nesser River was the only outflow. The Cairn Hills were much to high to allow drainage to the south. When the powers of the Codex were activated, the distortion field lowered a vast area of land. The area of the Nesser near Leukish represents the edge of this field. As the Nesser east of Leukish was not lowered, the water from the Velverdyva/PaleoNyr Dyv watershed began filling this lowered basin (and the Nesser temporarily dried up) until the water level finally could spill out again and flow down the Nesser valley.
Originally, the Velverdyva River flowed into a lake less then a quarter the area of the present Nyr Dyv, and the Nesser River was the only outflow. The Cairn Hills were much to high to allow drainage to the south. When the powers of the Codex were activated, the distortion field lowered a vast area of land. The area of the Nesser near Leukish represents the edge of this field. As the Nesser east of Leukish was not lowered, the water from the Velverdyva/PaleoNyr Dyv watershed began filling this lowered basin (and the Nesser temporarily dried up) until the water level finally could spill out again and flow down the Nesser valley.
The Cairn Hills south of the Isles were within the distortion field, so experienced a lowering of their height along with the rest of the land within the field. As the lake level rose to its present height, the waters found a valley through the Cairn Hills that now was below the new lake level, and the Selintan River was born. Thus the geographically-impossible could happen... a major lake with two outflows.
The Nesser is a very long, slow-moving, meandering river with a very low slope, much of it near "base level" (the elevation of its outflow in the Sea of Gearnat). As a result, there is virtually no vertical erosion occuring along its length. The Selintan, on the other is a much shorter river with, therefore, a much steeper slope. Thus the river is flowing faster (particularly through the Cairn Hills stretch) and eroding downwards into the land. Five hundred years ago, the Selintan had less then half the flow it currently has. As the Selintan cuts a deeper and deeper gorge, it will capture more and more of the outflow from the Nyr Dyv until finally the lake level drops low enough to strand the Nesser outflow. When that happens, the Nesser will dry up between the Nyr Dyv and its junction with the Franz River, and the Selintan will become the only outflow for the Nyr Dyv. This event will be a disaster for the communities still living along the Nesser.
As can be seen in other areas of this website, the Codex of the Infinite Planes plays a central part of my own campaign history. For much more detailed information on the Codex of the Infinite Planes, and more on Yagrax, Tzunk, and my own preferred timeline, see my article on the "Codex of the Infinite Planes". Within said document you will learn how those souls acquired the Codex, what they did with it, and how they met their demise (including how the Isles of Woe were destroyed). It goes without saying that the level of detail presented within that article is not official canon.
Unfortunately all of the more recent "official" references to the Vecna/Yagrax/Tzunk/Isles of Woe histories are in serious error, as is much of the material available on the net (such as the Oerth Journal timelines). This page is meant as an attempt to correct that, and present extra materials I've created for my own campaign. To be quasi-fair to Roger Moore, author of Greyhawk: The Adventure Begins, the "legend" as presented therein can be taken as a complete falsehood, which, no doubt, many legends turn out to be.... but why oh! why confuse this popular topic by introducing such irresponsible errors into an official sourcebook?? The answer is beyond me. Such a sourcebook tends to become looked upon as official canon, by default. Not a "source of erroneous rumors".
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