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Wednesday, 30 March 2016

The Coin of Larceny by bloodymage

Coin of Larceny
The Coin of Larceny always appears as the most valuable coin in the realm that has been in circulation, i.e., it never looks newly minted. That also means that if there were once a 100 denari coin fifty years ago, but the most valuable coin in current circulation is a 10 denari coin, the Coin of Larceny would have the look, feel, hardness and weight of the older coin. Consequently, this bit of magical artifice must be used judiciously to prevent unwanted attention! The coin can be “spent” in any transaction that meets or exceeds the “value” of the coin once per day. If spent on a purchase of lesser value, the coin will change ownership to the fortunate one who received it in payment. At midnight, the coin reappears in the owner’s purse. If the purse is stolen, the coin goes with it. A detect magic cast upon the coin will indicate that it is indeed magical. An identify spell will indicate that it is, in fact, a magical coin. The only way to discover the coin’s functioning is to use it properly, spending it in a situation where no change is expected. At midnight or the next day, the owner will discover the coin in his purse! One sometimes frustrating property of the coin is that there will be no money of that value and design in the same purse. The first time the magic is activated, upon return to the possessor’s purse, if there are coins of the same value and design of the Coin of Larceny, they will all be transformed to coins of the next lowest value. In this way, the Coin of Larceny makes itself known. The coin makes all saves as “hard metal” at +3.

Sorcerer's robe
David Stairs
This potent magic item was made by the would be lich, Jorliss of Harmorn. He spent many years researching the magics needed to make the robe, but wanted so much to complete it to save him time and effort otherwise (in his mind) wasted on spell preparation.

When donned and worn for 3 months to attune it, the full benefits are realized. They are 3 fold. 

1) Any spell with material components of less than 25gp value are considered to always be available in one of the 9 main pockets (one for each spell level).
2) After a full nights rest, the mage wearing the robe only needs to spend 1 hour and he has regained all his spells
3) Each level the mage goes up after gaining the robe, he can select ONE spell of each level he has access to cast from, that will forever more be a free castable spell (he does not need to memorize it) Though potent, the robe has one severe weakness. If removed from the mage who it's attuned to, he cannot rememorizes any magic for 2 full weeks afterwards as his body 'deattunes itself from the robe, unless it is re gotten and put back on within 24 hrs of loss.

Wine Bottle of High Spirits
Guyin Cognito
This special brew grants a party of resting adventurers each a full Heal (100% hp recovery) 

When shared around a campsite (or similar.) The bottle is only effective once but can fully heal your typical party of PCs when they are not in combat or other immediate danger: part of its magic comes from the imbiber being in "high spirits."

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