AD&D 1st Edition Tables Level HD Clerics Druids Monks Magic-Users Illusionists Fighters Paladins Rangers Bards Thieves Assassins Monsters Up to 1-1 21 0 1-1 21 20 1 20 20 20 20 19 1+1 18 2 20 20 20 20 16 3 20 20 18 20 16 4 18 20 18 20 15 5 18 20 16 19 15 6 18 19 16 19 13 7 16 19 14 19 13 8 16 19 14 19 12 9 16 19 12 16 12 10 14 19 12 16 10 11 14 16 10 16 10 12 14 16 10 16 9 13 12 16 8 14 9 14 12 16 8 14 8 15 12 16 6 14 8 16 10 13 6 14 7 17 10 13 4 12 7 18 10 13 4 12 7 19 9 13 4 12 7 20 9 13 4 12 7 21+ 9 11 4 10 7 Level HD Clerics Druids Wizards Fighters Paladins Rangers Thieves Bards Monsters ½ or less 20 1-1 20 1 20 20 20 20 19 2 20 20 19 20 19 3 20 20 18 19 17 4 18 19 17 19 17 5 18 19 16 18 15 6 18 19 15 18 15 7 16 18 14 17 13 8 16 18 13 17 13 9 16 18 12 16 11 10 14 17 11 16 11 11 14 17 10 15 9 12 14 17 9 15 9 13 12 16 8 14 7 14 12 16 7 14 7 15 12 16 6 13 5 16 10 15 5 13 5 17 10 15 4 12 5 18 10 15 3 12 5 19 8 14 2 11 5 20 8 14 1 11 5 DUNGEON MASTERS GUIDE ATTACK MATRICES FOR MISSILE AND MELEE COMBAT, CLERICS AFFECTING UNDEAD, PSIONIC COMBAT III. MATRIX FOR CLERICS AFFECTING UNDEAD, et al. Type of Undead Level of Cleric Attempting to Turn† 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9-13 14+ Skeleton 10 7 4 T T D D D* D* D* Zombie 13 10 7 T T D D D D* D* Ghoul 16 13 10 4 T T D D D D* Shadow 19 16 13 7 4 T T D D D* Wight 20 19 16 10 7 4 T T D D Ghast - 20 19 13 10 7 4 T T D Wraith - - 20 16 13 10 7 4 T D Mummya - - - 20 16 13 10 7 4 T Spectreb - - - - 20 16 13 10 7 T Vampirec - - - - - 20 16 13 10 4 Ghostd - - - - - - 20 16 13 7 Liche - - - - - - - 19 16 10 Special**f - - - - - - - 20 19 13 † Paladins turn undead et al. as a cleric two levels below their level. *Number affected is 7-12 rather than 1-12. **Evil creatures from lower planes such as minor demons, lesser devils, mezzodaemons, night hags, from 1-2 in number. (As a rule of thumb, any creature with armor class of -5 or better, 11 or more hit dice, or 66% or greater magic resistance will be unaffected.) a A paladin of 1st or 2nd level can be turned by an evil cleric. b A paladin of 3rd or 4th level can be turned by an evil cleric. c A paladin of 5th or 6th level can be turned by an evil cleric. d A paladin of 7th or 8th level can be turned by an evil cleric. e A paladin of 9th or 10th level can be turned by an evil cleric. f A paladin of 11th or higher level can be turned by an evil cleric. Procedure: A d20 is rolled, and if the number shown is matched or exceeded by the die roll the undead are turned. From 1-12 (or 7-12 or 1-2) undead (or evil creatures from lower planes) are affected: Evil clerics cause the creatures to take neutral or friendly attitude according to a reaction dice score. Neutral undead will ignore the cleric and his or her party; friendly ones will follow the cleric and join the adventure. Good clerics cause the creature to move directly away from his or her person, and stay as far away as possible for not less than 3 nor more than 12 rounds, moving at full speed for the duration if at all possible. The turned undead will be able to come back again, but they are subject to further turning by the cleric. Failure to score the number shown, or greater, means the turning was unsuccessful. No further attempt by the cleric can be made with respect to the particular undead, and they may proceed to attack or otherwise operate unconstrained. T: This symbol indicates automatic turning — whether to influence by an evil cleric or actual driving away by a good cleric. D: This symbol indicates the cleric has automatically brought the undead into friendly status (evil cleric) or destroyed or damned them (good cleric). -: No effect upon the undead is possible where a dash is shown. The progression on the table is not even. A variable increment of 5% appears — 19, 20. It is included to reflect two things. First, it appears to allow lower level clerics a chance to turn some of the tougher monsters. It disappears (at 4th level) and reappears again only when the clerics have reached a high level (8th and up). This reflects the relative difficulty of these clerics when faced with turning away the worst of evil creatures, but also allows the table to have them completely destroy the weaker undead. If for some reason you must have an exact progession, follow the columns for levels 1, 2, and 3, correcting to the right from there — and thus rather severely penalizing the clerics of upper levels, but by no means harming play balance. Column 4 will then read, top to bottom: T, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 20. Do not otherwise alter the table as it could prove to be a serious factor in balance — weakening or strengthening clerics too greatly. APPENDIX M: SUMMONED MONSTERS When a monster summoning spell is cast, consult the tables below to ascertain what sort of creature appears. Each table is presented according to the level of the spell. If the summoner is evil, the monster in parentheses may be used. Monster Summoning I Dice Score Monster Summoned 01-10 Demon, manes 11-25 Goblin (Dwarf) 26-40 Hobgoblin (Elf) 41-55 Kobold (Halfling) 56-70 Orc (Gnome) 71-00 Rat, giant Monster Summoning II Dice Score Monster Summoned 01-15 Centipede, giant 16-25 Devil, lemure 26-45 Gnoll 46-60 Stirge 61-75 Toad, giant 76-00 Troglodyte Monster Summoning III Dice Score Monster Summoned 01-07 Beetle, boring 08-17 Bugbear 18-25 Gelatinous cube 26-32 Ghoul 33-40 Lizard, giant 41-47 Lycanthrope, wererat 48-57 Ochre jelly 58-67 Ogre 68-75 Spider, huge 76-85 Spider, large 86-95 Tick, giant 96-00 Weasel, giant Monster Summoning IV Dice Score Monster Summoned 01-07 Ape, carnivorous 08-15 Gargoyle (blink dog) 16-25 Ghast 26-35 Gray ooze 36-42 Hell hound 43-50 Hydra, 5 heads 51-58 Lycanthrope, werewolf 59-67 Owlbear 68-76 Shadow 77-86 Snake, giant, constrictor 87-93 Toad, ice 94-00 Toad, poisonous Monster Summoning V Dice Score Monster Summoned 01-07 Cockatrice 08-17 Displacer beast 18-26 Doppleganger 27-36 Hydra, 7 heads 37-45 Leucrotta 46-55 Lizard, subterranean 56-63 Lycanthrope, werebear 64-72 Minotaur 73-78 Snake, giant, amphisbaena 79-85 Snake, giant, poisonous 86-90 Snake, giant, spitting 91-00 Spider, giant Monster Summoning VI Dice Score Monster Summoned 01-06 Carrion crawler 07-12 Devil, erinyes 13-19 Hydra, 8 heads 20-26 Jackalwere (lammasu) 27-31 Lycanthrope, weretiger (werebear) 32-38 Manticore 39-43 Ogre magi 44-51 Otyugh 52-56 Rakshasa 57-63 Salamander 64-68 Spider, phase 69-78 Troll 79-84 Wight 85-88 Wind walker 89-92 Wraith 93-00 Wyvern Monster Summoning VII Dice Score Monster Summoned 01-03 Chimera (couatl) 04-06 Demon, succubus 07-09 Demon, type I 10-12 Demon, type II 13-15 Demon, type III 16-18 Devil, barbed 19-21 Devil, bone 22-23 Devil, horned 24-26 Ettin 27-29 Giant, fire 30-32 Giant, frost 33-35 Giant, hill 36-38 Giant, stone 39-41 Gorgon 42-43 Groaning spirit 44-46 Hydra, 10 heads 47-49 Hydra, pyro-, 8 heads 50-52 Intellect devourer 53-55 Invisible stalker 56-58 Lamia 59-61 Lizard, fire 62-64 Mind flayer 65-67 Mummy 68-70 Naga, spirit 71-73 Neo-otyugh 74-76 Night hag 77-79 Roper (shedu) 80-82 Shambling mound 83-85 Slug, giant 86-88 Spectre 89-91 Sphinx, hieraco- (andro-) 92-94 Umber hulk 95-97 Will-o-wisp 98-00 Xorn Remember that it is always within your purview to not only select what monster is summoned but to appoint the numbers as well, where applicable. Thus you may select to have rats come to a first level summoning, but because they are relatively weak you might also allow a maximum number to appear. The major drawback to personal selection is that players might view it as personal bias on the part of the DM — whether pro or con, it is quite obvious that there are superior and inferior monsters on each list, and as a general rule it might be better to allow random selection sans "interference from the gods". When a monster summoning spell is cast while upon a body of water or underwater, use the following tables to ascertain what sort of creature appears. Note that there are separate tables for fresh and salt water. Monster Summoning I Dice Score Monster Summoned Fresh 01-67 Koalinth (hobgoblin) 68-00 Nixie Salt 01-50 Koalinth (hobgoblin) 51-00 Merman Monster Summoning II Dice Score Monster Summoned Fresh 01-00 Lizard man Salt 01-33 Ixitxachitl 34-00 Locathah Monster Summoning III Dice Score Monster Summoned Fresh 01-33 Crab, giant 34-00 Lacedon (ghoul) Salt 01-50 Lacedon (ghoul) 51-00 Sahuagin Monster Summoning IV Dice Score Monster Summoned Fresh 01-33 Beetle, water, giant 34-50 Crayfish, giant 51-67 Kapoacinth (gargoyle) 68-00 Spider, water, giant Salt 01-40 Kapoacinth (gargoyle) 41-80 Lobster (crayfish), giant 81-00 Triton Monster Summoning V Dice Score Monster Summoned Fresh 01-80 Crocodile, giant 81-00 Water weird Salt 01-50 Crocodile, giant 51-70 Sea hag 71-90 Sea lion 91-00 Water weird Monster Summoning VI Dice Score Monster Summoned Fresh or Salt 01-33 Octopus, giant 34-00 Snake, sea, giant Monster Summoning VII Dice Score Monster Summoned Fresh 01-20 Morkoth 21-00 Naga, water Salt 01-15 Morkoth 16-70 Ray, manta 71-00 Squid, giant MONSTER MANUAL II Dungeon Monsters by Level and Frequency at That Level (Abbreviations used may be found in the main text under the creature listed.) LEVEL I MONSTERS Common Bandit Bat Beetle, Giant Fire Character Party Dwarf, Hill Dwarf, Mountain Goblin Orc Rat Rat, Giant Shrieker Throat Leech Uncommon Bat, Giant Booka Bowler Cat, Wild Gibberling Hobgoblin Jermlaine Kobold Piercer Rothe Scum Creeper Skunk Snyad Xvart Rare Ant, Giant Badger Berserker Bookworm Bullywug Carbuncle Cave Cricket, Giant Caveman Dire Corby Jaculi Killmoulis Mite Norker Pedipalp, Large Rot Grub Skeleton Vilstrak Vulchling Zombie Very Rare Al-mi'raj Berserker Demon, Manes Devil, Nupperibo Ear Seeker Elf, Wood Gnome Halfling Larva Minimal, War Dog Minimal, Wolf Skeleton, Animal Squirrel, Giant Black Squirrel, Normal Termite, Giant Harvest Tween Webbirds LEVEL II MONSTERS Common Centipede, Giant Centipede, Huge Character Party Gnoll Stirge Toad, Giant Troglodyte Uncommon Frog, Giant Gorbel Grimlock Land Lamprey Lizard Man Piercer Volt Rare Coffer Corpse Crabman Flind Flumph Fly, Giant Bluebottle Formian Frog, Poisonous Gas Spore Goldbug Mongrelman Myconid Obliviax Ogrillon Owl Pedipalp, Huge Poltergest Quaggoth Skulk Troll, Ice Vapor Rat Wolf Zombie, Yellow Musk Very Rare Assassin Bug Azer Brain Mole Duergar Firebat Firefriend Frog, Killer Galltrit Githzerai Kuo-toa Minimal, Mountain Lion Minimal, Cave Bear Modron, Duodrone Modron, Monodrone Mud-Man Vagabond Vortex LEVEL III MONSTERS Common Beetle, Giant Boring Bugbear Ghoul Character Party Ogre Scorpion, Large Spider, Huge Spider, Large Uncommon Bat, Mobat Fire Snake Gelatinous Cube Kenku Lizard, Giant Lycanthrope, Wererat Meazel Ochre Jelly Osquip Piercer Pseudo-undead, Ghoul Snake, Constrictor Whipweed Rare Aherer Anhkheg (4-5 HD) Bee, Giant Honey Bonesnapper Cave Fisher Cave Moray Cyclopskin Dark Creeper Devil, Lemure Dragon, Black, VY Dragon, White, VY Firedrake Fungi, Violet Garbug, Black Land Urchin Luck Eater Qullan Sandling Screaming Devilkin Shocker Solifugid, Large Stunjelly Tick, Giant Ustilagor Weasel, Giant Witherstench Witherweed Wolverine Yellow Musk Creeper Zygorn Very Rare Babbler Berbalang Blindheim Boggle Centipede, Megalo- Death Dog Dragon, Brass, VY Dragon, Coiled, VY Elf, Drow Enveloper Eye Killer Firenewt Forlarren Frost Man Gambado Gryph Harpy Heucuva Imorph Iron Cobra Leprechaun Magmen Mantari Mephit, Fire Mephit, Lava Mephit, Smoke Minimal, Lion Minimal, Mammoth Modron, Tridrone Necrophidius Needleman Nilbog Ophidian Phantom Sheet Phantom Stench Kow Symbiotic Jelly Taer Thoqqua Tirapheg Vargouille Vegepygmy Wolf, Dire Wolf, Winter Worg Zombie, Juju Zombie, Monster LEVEL IV MONSTERS Common Character Party Gargoyle Hornet, Giant Hydra (5-6 Heads) Mold, Yellow Rust Monster Scorpion, Huge Snake, Giant Constrictor Toad, Poisonous Uncommon Demon, Dretch Ghast Gray Ooze Lycanthrope, Werewolf Owlbear Pseudo-undead, Ghast Shadow Mastiff Su-monster Rare Caterwaul Devil, Spined Dragon, Red, VY/Y Dragon, White, Y/SA Ettercap Firetoad Garbug, Violet Hell Hound Hook Horror Leech, Giant Pech Pyrolisk Sandman Toad, Ice Very Rare Ankheg (5 HD) Ape, Carnivorous Blink Dog Dark Stalker Denzelian Derro Disenchanter Dragon, Black, Y/SA Dragon, Blue, VY/SA Dragon, Brass, Y/SA Dragon, Bronze, VY/Y Dragon, Coiled, Y/SA Dragon, Copper, VY/Y Dragon, Earth, VY/Y Dragon, Gold, VY/Y Dragon, Green, VY/Y Dragon, Mist, VY/Y Dragon, Silver, VY/Y Flail Snail Fly, Giant Horsefly Gibbering Mouther Githyanki Grim Grue, Harginn Grue, Ildriss Kamadan Lava Children Meenlock Mephit, Steam Modron, Quadrone Mold, Russet Pedipalp, Giant Quickling Scarecrow Shadow Dragon Sheet Ghoul Solifugid, Huge Son of Kyuss Spectator Wolverine, GIant Yeth Hound LEVEL V MONSTERS Common Character Party Bear, Cave Cockatrice Giant, Verbeeg Lizard, Subterranean Snake, Poisonous Spider, Giant Uncommon Hydra (7 heads) Leucrotta Margoyle Minotaur Pseudo-undead, Wight Rock Reptile Snake, Giant Poisonous Rare Aspis Bee, Giant Bumble- Beetle, Giant Slicer Boalisk Daemon, Pisco-daemon, Rutterkin Displacer Beasts Doombat Doppleganger Dragon, Black, YA/A Dragon, Blue, SA/YA Executioner's Hood Imp Lion, Spotted Phycomid Quasit Shadow Snake, Giant Spitting Tentamort Tiger Fly Zorbo Very Rare Algoid Anhkheg (7 HD) Caryatid Columns Cloaker Crypt Thing Dragon, Brass, YA/A Dragon, Bronze, SA/YA Dragon, Cloud, VY/Y Dragon, Coiled, YA/A Dragon, Copper, SA/YA Dragon, Earth, SA/YA Dragon, Gold, SA/YA Dragon, Green, SA/YA Dragon, Mist, SA/YA Dragon, Red, SA/YA Dragon, Silver, SA/YA Dragon, White, YA/A Grue, Chaggrin Haunt Hydra, Pyro- (5 heads) Ice Lizard Khargra Modron, Pentadrone Slime Creature Slime, Olive Snake, Giant Amphisbaena Solifugid, Giant Umpleby Water Weird Xill Yeti LEVEL VI MONSTERS Common Character Party Carrion Crawler Manticore Otyugh Scorpion, GIant Troll Wight Wraith Uncommon Basilisk Green Slime Hydra (8-9 heads) Pseudo-undead, Wraith Rakshasa Salamander Wyvern Rare Anhkheg (8 HD) Boggart Devil, Abishai Devil, Erinyes Dragon, Black, O Dragon, Blue, A Gloomwing Grell Hellcat Jelly, Mustard Lizard, Minotaur Medusa Penanaggalan Protein Polymorph Slaad, Red Spider, Phase Storoper Thri-kreen Troll, Giant Wind Walker Wolfwere Yuan Ti Very Rare Ant Lion, Giant Apparition Basidirond Cerebral Parasite Crysmal Devil, Bearded Djinn Dragon, Brass, O Dragon, Bronze, A Dragon, Cloud, SA/A Dragon, Copper, A Dragon, Earth, A Dragon, Gold, A Dragon, Green, A Dragon, Mist, A Dragon, Red, A Dragon, Silver, A Dragon, White, O Drelb Drider Grue, Varrdig Hordlings Hydra, Pyro- (6 heads) Jackalwere Jann Korred Lammasu Lizard King Lycanthrope, Werebear Mold, Brown Nightmare Ogre Mage Shadow Demon Sphinx, Hieraco- Spriggan Stone Guardian Sussurus Terithran Thunder Beast Transposer Troll, Spirit Vision Xaren LEVEL VII MONSTERS Common Character Party Giant, Hill Black Pudding Giant, Fire Giant, Formorian Giant, Stone Slug, GIant Tunnel Worm Will-o-wisp Uncommon Chimera Hydra (10-12 heads) Giant, Frost Lurker Above Mimic Pseudo-undead, Spectre Spectre Sphinx, Crio- Sundew, Giant Rare Behir Cifal Demon, Babau Demon, Bar-Lgura Demon, Hezrou (Type II) Demon, Succubus Demon, Vrock (Type I) Diakk Foo Dog Mind Flayer Moon Dog Mummy Naga, Spirit Neo-otyugh Roper Shambling Mound Slaad, Blue Trapper Umber Hulk Very Rare Aboleth Achaieria Agathion Annis Ascomoid Basilisk, Greater Beetle, Death Watch Bodak Couatl Dao Demon, Glabrezu (III) Demon, Nabassu Devil, Barbed Devil, Bone Devil, Horned Devil, Styx Dragon, Black, VO Dragon, Blue, O Dragon, Brass, VO Dragon, Bronze, O Dragon, Cloud, A Dragon, Coiled,VO Dragon, Copper, O Dragon, Earth, O Dragon, Gold, O Dragon, Green, O Dragon, Mist, O Dragon, Red, O Dragon, Silver, O Dragon, White, VO Dragonne Efreeti Elemental, Air Elemental, Earth Elemental, Fire Elemental, Water Ettin Eye of Fear and Flame Galeb Duhr Gorgimera Gorgon Greenhag Groaning Spirit Guardian Demon Guardian Familiar Hydra, Pyro- (7-9 heads) Intellect Devourer Invisible Stalker Lamia Noble Liazrd, Fire Lycanthrope, Foxwoman Magnesium Spirit Mezzodaemon Mihstu Modron, Decaton Night Hag Nonafel Para-elemental, Cold Para-elemental, Dust Para-elemental, Heat Para-elemental, Vapor Remorhaz Revenant Shedu Sphinx, Andro- Sphinx, Gyno- Squealer Stegocentipede Tenebrous Worm Troll, Giant Two-headed Xorn Yochlol LEVEL VIII MONSTERS Common Character Party Hydra (13-16 heads) Pseudo-undead, Vampire Pudding, Brown Rust Monster Trapper Will-o-wisp Uncommon Demon, Alu- Pudding, Dun Purple Worm Shade Vampire Rare Daemon, Charona- Daemon, Hydro- Demon, Nalfeshness (IV) Dragon, Black, AN Dragon, Brass, A Dragon, Celestial, O Dragon, Cloud, O Ghost Golem, Flesh Slaad, Green Slug, Giant Very Rare Aurumvorax Barghest Death Knight Demodand, Farastu Demon, Cambion Demon, Chasme Demon, Marilith (Type V) Devil, Ice Dracolisk Dragon, Blue, VO Dragon, Bronze, VO Dragon, Coiled, AN Dragon, Copper, VO Dragon, Earth, VO Dragon, Gold, VO Dragon, Green, VO Dragon, Mist, VO Dragon, Red, VO Dragon, Silver, VO Dragon, White, AN Foo Lion Giant, Firbolg Golem, Clay Hydra, Lernaean Marid Modron, Nonaton Modron, Octon Naga, Guardian Pudding, White Retriever Skeleton Warrior Time Elemental Trilloch Xag-ya Xeg-yi LEVEL IX MONSTERS Common Baku Character Party Daemon, Dergho- Demodand, Kelubar Deva, Movanic Thessalhydra Vampire, Cleric (7-10) Uncommon Daemon, Yagno- Deva, Astral Dragon, Blue, AN Dragon, Celestial, AN Dragon, Earth, AN Dragon, Green, AN Dragon, Red, AN Shade Rare Daemon, Ultro- Dragon, Bronze, AN Dragon, Cloud, VO Dragon, Copper, AN Dragon, Gold, AN Dragon, Mist, AN Dragon, Silver, AN Golem, Stone Nycadaemon Titan, Lesser Very Rare Daemon, Arcana- Demilich Demodand, Shator Demon, Balor (Type VI) Deva, Monadic Devil, Pit Fiend Dragon, 2 Black, AN & O Dragon, 2 Brass, AN & O Dragon, 2 White, AN & O Dragon, 2 Coiled, AN & O Hydra, Pyro- (12 heads) Modron, Hexton Modron, Septon Slaad, Grey Titan, Major LEVEL X MONSTERS Common Beholder Character Party Golem, Iron Planetar Slaad, Death Vampire, M-U (9-12) Uncommon Dragon, 2 Blue, AN & VO Dragon, 2 Celest, AN & A Dragon, 2 Earth, AN & VO Dragon, 2 Green, AN & VO Dragon, 2 Red, AN & VO Dragon, Cloud, AN Lich Solar Rare Dragon, 2 Bronze, AN & V Dragon, 2 Copper, AN & VO Dragon, 2 Gold, AN & O Dragon, 2 Silver, AN & O Modron, Quarton Modron, Quinton Modron, Tertian Titan, Elder Very Rare Daemon, Charon Daemon, Onino- Demon Prince or Lord Devil, Duke or Arch- Dragon, Chromatic Dragon, Platinum Elemental Prince Modron, Primus Modron, Secundus Slaad Lord Tarrasque Monsters by Terrain and Frequency on That Terrain COLD, CIVILIZED MOUNTAINS Common Bandit Bat Dwarf, Mountain Falcon, Small Mammoth Ogre Raven, Normal Uncommon Bugbear Centipede, Huge Character Party Dog, War Falcon, Large Ghoul Goblin Griffon Herd Animal Hobgoblin Owl Patrol Pilgrim Pseudo-undead, Ghoul Pseudo-undead, Vampire Ram Snake, Poisonous Squirrel, Normal Wolf Rare Berserker Dragon, Earth Dwarf, Hill Ghast Horse Jermaline Killmoulis Lycanthrope, Werebear Lycanthrope, Werewolf Merchant Minotaur Mule Norker Ogrillon Quaggoth Rat Rat, Giant Shadow Shadow Mastiff Shedu Toad, Ice Troll Vapor Rat Very Rare Aarakocra Barghest Brain Mole Castle Cave Fisher Centipede, Giant Coffer Corpse Crypt Thing Demon, Bar-Lgura Denzelian Deva, Movanic Dragon, Gold Ghost Gnome Grue, Chaggrin Grue, Ildriss Haunt Hollyphant Ki-rin Luck Eater Lycanthrope, Wererat Nilbog Obliviax Oliphant Otyugh Penanggalan Poltergeist Rothe Shade Shadow Demon Shedu, Greater Snyad Vagabond Vampire Wolf, Dire Xaren Xorn Zombie Zombie, Juju COLD, CIVILIZED HILLS Common Bandit Dwarf, Hill Herd Animal Lycanthrope, Werewolf Merchant Mule Ogre Patrol Raven, Normal Squirrel, Normal Wolf Uncommon Bat Centipede, Huge Character Party Dog, War Falcon, Small Ghoul Hobgoblin Horse Killmoulis Mammoth Owl Pilgrim Pseudo-undead, Ghoul Pseudo-undead, Vampire Ram Rat Rat, Giant Snake, Poisonous Rare Berserker Boar, Wild Camel, Bactrian Castle Dwarf, Mountain Falcon, Large Ghast Halfling Jermlaine Lycanthrope, Werebear Minotaur Norker Ogrillon Oliphant Shadow Mastiff Shedu Troll Vapor Rat Wolf, Dire Very Rare Aarakocra Barghest Brain Mole Bugbear Centipede, Giant Coffer Corpse Deva, Movanic Dragon, Earth Dragon, Gold Elf, Wood Ghost Griffon Groaning Spirit Grue, Chaggrin Hollyphant Ki-rin Luck Eater Lycanthrope, Wereboar Lycanthrope, Wererat Obliviax Penanggalan Quaggoth Revenant Shedu, Greater Snyad Toad, Ice Vampire Xaren Xorn Zombie COLD, CIVILIZED FOREST Common Bandit Boar, Wild Centipede, Giant Centipede, Huge Falcon, Small Herd Animal Lycanthrope, Werewolf Mammoth Ogre Patrol Rat Raven, Normal Squirrel, Normal Wolf Uncommon Bat Bugbear Character Party Dog, War Elf, Wood Falcon, Large Horse Jermlaine Killmoulis Merchant Owl Pilgrim Pseudo-undead, Vampire Rat, Giant Snake, Poisonous Stirge Troll Rare Berserker Camel, Bactrian Castle Dwarf, Hill Dwarf, Mountain Goblin Halfling Hobgoblin Luck Eater Lycanthrope, Werebear Lycanthrope, Wereboar Minotaur Mule Obliviax Ogrillon Oliphant Penanggalan Pseudo-undead, Ghoul Shadow Toad, Ice Vapor Rat Wolf, Dire Very Rare Barghest Bookworm Brain Mole Demon, Bar-Lgura Deva, Movanic Dragon, Gold Ear Seeker Ghost Gnome Groaning Spirit Lycanthrope, Wererat Norker Poltergeist Quaggoth Revenant Shadow Demon Shadow Mastiff Shedu Shedu, Greater Vampire Zombie COLD, CIVILIZED SWAMP Common Bandit Centipede, Giant Centipede, Huge Mule Ogre Rat Rat, Giant Raven, Normal Uncommon Buccaneer (Pirate) Character Party Dog, War Falcon, Small Ghoul Herd Animal Hobgoblin Jermlaine Lycanthrope, Wererat Mammoth Patrol Pilgrim Pseudo-undead, Ghoul Pseudo-undead, Vampire Snake, Poisonous Squirrel, Normal Troll Wolf Rare Bat Berserker Boar, Wild Camel, Bactrian Crab, Giant Falcon, Large Ghast Goblin Horse Killmoulis Luck Eater Lycanthrope, Werebear Lycanthrope, Werewolf Merchant Minotaur Norker Obliviax Owl Penanggalan Quaggoth Shadow Shadow Mastiff Skeleton Toad, Ice Vapor Rat Zombie Very Rare Barghest Bookworm Bugbear Castle Coffer Corpse Demon, Alu- Demon, Cambion Deva, Movanic Dragon, Gold Elf, Wood Ghost Grue, Varrdig Haunt Hollyphant Lycanthrope, Wereboar Oliphant Poltergeist Revenant Shade Shedu Shedu, Greater Skeleton, Animal Vampire Wolf, Dire Zombie, Juju Zombie, Monster COLD, CIVILIZED PLAINS Common Bandit Boar, Wild Camel, Bactrian Centipede, Giant Centipede, Huge Falcon, Small Herd Animal Mammoth Merchant Mule Ogre Patrol Rat Rat, Giant Raven, Normal Squirrel, Normal Wolf Uncommon Bugbear Character Party Dog, War Falcon, Large Ghoul Horse Jermlaine Killmoulis Osquip Owl Pilgrim Pseudo-undead, Ghoul Pseudo-undead, Vampire Ram Shadow Mastiff Snake, Poisonous Rare Bat Berserker Castle Dervishes Dwarf, Hill Dwarf, Mountain Ghost Halfling Hobgoblin Luck Eater Lycanthrope, Wereboar Lycanthrope, Werewolf Ogrillon Penanggalan Quaggoth Shedu Toad, Ice Troll Vapor Rat Wolf, Dire Very Rare Barghest Bookworm Brain Mole Demon, Alu- Demon, Cambion Deva, Movanic Disenchanter Dragon, Earth Dragon, Gold Ghost Groaning Spirit Grue, Harginn Grue, Ildriss Hollyphant Lycanthrope, Wererat Norker Oliphant Shade Shedu, Greater Tween Vagabond Vampire Vortex Zombie Zombie, Juju COLD, CIVILIZED DESERT Common Bandit Camel, Bactrian Herd Animal Merchant Raven, Normal Uncommon Centipede, Huge Character Party Dog, War Falcon, Small Horse Ogre Osquip Owl Patrol Pilgrim Pseudo-undead, Vampire Rat Shadow Mastiff Snake, Poisonous Squirrel, Normal Wolf Rare Berserker Boar, Wild Dervishes Dwarf, Hill Dwarf, Mountain Falcon, Large Goblin Jermlaine Killmoulis Lycanthrope, Werewolf Poltergeist Rat, Giant Shedu Troll Vapor Rat Wolf, Dire Very Rare Barghest Bat Bugbear Castle Centipede, Giant Coffer Corpse Crypt Thing Demon, Succubus Demon, Vrock (Type I) Deva, Movanic Disenchanter Dragon, Earth Dragon, Gold Griffon Groaning Spirit Grue, Harginn Hobgoblin Hollyphant Luck Eater Lycanthrope, Wereboar Lycanthrope, Wererat Norker Oliphant Penanggalan Quaggoth Ram Shade Shedu, Greater Vampire Vortex Zombie COLD, WILDERNESS MOUNTAINS Common Bat Dog, Wild Dwarf, Mountain Falcon, Small Mammoth Ogre Orc Raven, Normal Rhinocerous, Wooly Uncommon Bandit Bear, Cave Bowler Bugbear Cat, Wild Centipede, Huge Dragon, White Falcon, Large Ghoul Giant, Fire Giant, Formorian Giant, Hill Giant, Stone Goat Goblin Griffon Herd Animal Hobgoblin Lion, Mountain Manticore Owl Pilgrim Pseudo-undead, Ghast Pseudo-undead, Ghoul Pseudo-undead, Spectre Pseudo-undead, Vampire Pseudo-undead, Wight Pseudo-undead, Wraith Ram Scorpion, Huge Scorpion, Large Snake, Poisonous Squirrel, Normal Tiger Weasel Wolf Wolverine Rare Bat, Giant Bear, Black Bear, Brown Bear, Northern Caterwaul Caveman Character Party Cyclopskin Devil Dog Dragon, Earth Dragon, Red Dwarf, Hill Eagle Eagle, Giant Fly, Giant Bluebottle Fortress Ghast Giant, Cloud Giant, Frost Giant, Storm Giant, Verbeeg Gorgon Harpy Hippogriff Horse Jermlaine Leucrotta Lion, Spotted Lycanthrope, Werebear Lycanthrope, Werewolf Margoyle Mastodon Minotaur Mongrelman Moon Dog Mule Norker Ogrillon Owl, Giant Peryton Pudding, White Quaggoth Ram, Giant Rat Rat, Giant Raven, Giant Raven, Huge Rock Reptile Scorpion, Giant Screaming Devilkin Shadow Shadow Mastiff Shedu Shocker Skulk Spectre Toad, Ice Troll Troll, Giant Troll, Ice Tunnel Worm Vapor Rat Vilstrak Volt Wight Wind Walker Wolfwere Wolverine, Giant Worg Xvart Very Rare Aarakocra Annis Badger Barghest Berserker Boggart Boggle Brain Mole Cave Fisher Centipede, Giant Coffer Corpse Crypt Thing Demon, Bar-Lgura Demon, Nabassu Denzelian Deva, Movanic Doppleganger Dragon, Gold Dragon, Silver Elf, Valley Ettin Fly, Giant Horse Forlarren Galeb Duhr Gargoyle Ghost Giant, Firbolg Giant, Mountain Gloomwing Gnome Grim Grue, Chaggrin Grue, Ildriss Haunt Hoar Fox Hydra Ice Lizard Kharga Ki-rin Kobold Land Urchin Lycanthrope, Foxwoman Lycanthrope, Weretiger Lynx, Giant Magnesium Spirit Mantari Medusa Minimal, Mountain Lion Minimal, Badger Minimal, Cave Bear Minimal, War Dog Minimal, Wild Horse Minimal, Mammoth Minimal, Stag Minimal, Tiger Minimal, Wolf Mummy Naga, Guardian Naga, Spirit Night Hag Nightmare Nilbog Nymph Obliviax Ogre Mage Oliphant Otyugh Pech Pegasus Porcupine, Giant Quasi-elemental, Lightning Quickwood Remorhaz Rothe Shade Shedu, Greater Skunk Spriggan Squirrel, Carniv. Flying Storoper Sylph Taer Tenabrous Worm Trapheg Titan, Elder Titan, Lesser Titan, Major Transposer Troll, Giant Two-headed Vagabond Vampire Vargouille Will-o-wisp Wolf, Dire Wolf, Winter Wraith Xaren Xill Xorn Yeth Hound Yeti COLD, WILDERNESS HILLS Common Bear, Black Bear, Brown Dog, Wild Dwarf, Hill Giant, Hill Herd Animal Lycanthrope, Werewolf Mule Ogre Orc Raven, Normal Rhinocerous, Wooly Squirrel, Normal Wolf Uncommon Bandit Bat Bear, Cave Cat, Wild Centipede, Huge Falcon, Small Ghoul Giant, Verbeeg Goat Hobgoblin Horse Kenku Mammoth Mastodon Owl Pilgrim Pseudo-undead, Ghast Pseudo-undead, Ghoul Pseudo-undead, Vampire Ram Rat Rat, Giant Scorpion, Large Skunk Snake, Poisonous Tiger Wolverine Rare Bat, Giant Bear, Northern Beetle, Giant Bombardier Boar, Wild Bowler Camel, Bactrian Caveman Character Party Cyclopskin Dragon, Red Dwarf, Mountain Falcon, Large Fortress Ghast Giant, Cloud Gnome Goblin Harpy Hoar Fox Jermlaine Lion, Mountain Lycanthrope, Werebear Minotaur Norker Ogrillon Oliphant Patrol Peryton Porcupine, Giant Pudding, Deadly (White) Purple Worm Raven, Giant Raven, Huge Rock Reptile Scorpion, Huge Shadow Mastiff Shedu Skulk Troll Troll, Giant Troll, Ice Vapor Rat Volt Weasel Wolf, Dire Wolverine, Giant Worg Xvart Very Rare Aarakocra Badger Barghest Beaver, Giant Berserker Boar, Giant Boggle Brain Mole Brownie Bugbear Castle Centipede, Giant Coffer Corpse Cooshee Deva, Movanic Devil Dog Dragon, Earth Dragon, Gold Dragon, Green Dragon, White Elf, Grugach Elf, Wood Fly, Giant Bluebottle Forlarren Galeb Duhr Ghost Giant, Fire Giant, Fog Giant, Frost Giant, Stone Gorgon Griffon Grim Groaning Spirit Grue, Chaggrin Grue, Harginn Hippogriff Hollyphant Ice Lizard Irish Deer Ki-rin Kobold Lycanthrope, Foxwoman Lycanthrope, Wereboar Lycanthrope, Weretiger Lynx, Giant Manticore Margoyle Medusa Minimal, Mountain Lion Minimal, Badger Minimal, Black Bear Minimal, Brown Bear Minimal, Cave Bear Minimal, Wild Boar Minimal, Bactrian Camel Minimal, War Dog Minimal, Dog Wild Minimal, Wild Horse Minimal, Mammoth Minimal, Stag Minimal, Tiger Minimal, Wolf Mongrelman Moon Dog Mummy Nymph Obliviax Owl, Giant Quasi-elemental, Lightning Quaggoth Quickwood Ram, Giant Remorhaz Screaming Devilkin Shedu, Greater Shocker Spriggan Storoper Tenebrous Worm Toad, Ice Vampire Vargouille Vilstrak Wolf, Winter Wolfwere Xaren Xorn Yeth Hound Zombie COLD, WILDERNESS FOREST Common Bear, Black Bear, Brown Beetle, Giant Bombardier Boar, Wild Centipede, Giant Centipede, Huge Dog, Wild Falcon, Small Herd Animal Lycanthrope, Werewolf Mammoth Mastodon Ogre Orc Rat Raven, Normal Squirrel, Normal Wolf Uncommon Badger Bandit Bat Boar, Giant Bugbear Cat, Wild Dragon, White Elf, Wood Falcon, Large Horse Jermlaine Kobold Lion, Mountain Manticore Owl Pilgrim Porcupine, Giant Pseudo-undead, Vampire Rat, Giant Rhinocerous,Woolly Scorpion, Large Snake, Poisonous Stirge Tiger Troll Weasel Wolverine Xvart Rare Baluchitherium Bear, Northern Brownie Camel, Bactrian Caveman Character Party Cooshee Dragon, Green Dwarf, Hill Dwarf, Mountain Elf, Gray Fly, Giant Bluebottle Fortress Gambado Giant, Hill Goblin Harpy Hoar Fox Hobgoblin Irish Deer Kech Lycanthrope, Werebear Lycanthrope, Wereboar Lynx, Giant Medusa Miner Minotaur Mule Obliviax Ogrillon Oliphant Owl, Giant Patrol Pseudo-undead, Ghast Pseudo-undead, Ghoul Pudding, White Raven, Huge Scorpion, Giant Screaming Devilkin Shadow Skulk Squirrel, Carniv. Flying Tenebrous Worm Toad, Ice Treant Vapor Rat Volt Vulchling Wolf, Dire Wolfwere Wolverine, Giant Worg Very Rare Annis Aurumvorax Barghest Bat, Giant Bear, Cave Beaver, Giant Berserker Brain Mole Castle Demon, Bar-Lgura Deva, Movanic Devil Dog Dragon, Gold Dragon, Red Eagle Ear Seeker Elf, Grugach Elf, Valley Faerie Dragon Fly, Horse Forlarren Gargoyle Ghost Giant, Firbolg Giant, Fire Giant, Frost Giant, Verbeeg Gnome Gorgon Greenhag Grim Groaning Spirit Hydra Kenka Korred Lycanthrope, Foxwoman Lycanthrope, Weretiger Mantari Mihstu Minimal, Mountain Lion Minimal, Badger Minimal, Black Bear Minimal, Cave Bear Minimal, Bactrian Camel Minimal, War Dog Minimal, Wild Horse Minimal, Mammoth Minimal, Stag Minimal, Tiger Minimal, Wolf Mongrelman Moon Dog Mummy Needleman Norker Nymph Pegasus Phoenix Pixie Quaggoth Quickling Quickwood Raven, Giant Shadow Mastiff Shedu Shedu, Greater Shocker Skunk Swanmay Troll, Giant Troll, Ice Vampire Vargouille Willow, Black Wolf, Winter Zombie COLD, WILDERNESS SWAMPS Common Centipede, Giant Centipede, Huge Crocodile, Normal Dog, Wild Mule Ogre Orc Rat Rat, Giant Raven, Normal Scorpion, Large Uncommon Buccaneer (Pirate) Cat, Wild Falcon, Small Ghoul Herd Animal Hobgoblin Hydra Jermaline Mammoth Mastodon Pilgrim Pseudo-undead, Ghast Pseudo-undead, Ghoul Pseudo-undead, Spectre Pseudo-undead, Vampire Pseudo-undead, Wight Pseudo-undead, Wraith Rhinocerous, Woolly Scorpion, Giant Scorpion, Huge Snake, Poisonous Squirrel, Normal Troll Volt Weasel Will-o-wisp Wolf Rare Bandit Bat Bear, Black Bear, Brown Beetle, Giant Bombardier Boar, Wild Boggart Camel, Bactrian Caterwaul Character Party Crab, Giant Crystal Ooze Falcon, Large Fly, Giant Bluebottle Fortress Ghast Giant, Hill Goblin Harpy Hoar Fox Horse Irish Deer Leucrotta Lycanthrope, Werebear Lycanthrope, Werewolf Medusa Minotaur Mongrelman Moon Dog Norker Obliviax Ogre, Aquatic Owl Porcupine, Giant Pudding, White Quaggoth Raven, Huge Screaming Devilkin Shadow Shadow Mastiff Skeleton Spectre Tiger Toad, Ice Troll, Giant Urchin, Black Vapor Rat Wolfwere Worg Xvart Zombie Very Rare Annis Badger Barghest Bat, Giant Berserker Boar, Giant Brain Mole Brownie Bugbear Coffer Corpse Cooshee Death, Crimson Demo, Alu- Demon, Cambion Demon, Nabassu Deva, Movanic Devil Dog Doppleganger Dragon, Gold Dragon, Green Dragon, White Elf, Wood Fly, Giant Horse Gargoyle Ghost Giant, Fog Giant, Verbeeg Gloomwing Gorgon Greenhag Grim Grue, Varrdig Haunt Hollyphant Hydra, Lernaean Kech Kobold Land Urchin Lion, Spotted Lycanthrope, Wereboar Lycanthrope, Weretiger Mantari Manticore Mihstu Miner Minimal, Badger Minimal, Black Bear Minimal, Brown Bear Minimal, Wild Boar Minimal, Bactrian Camel Minimal, War Dog Minimal, Wild Dog Minimal, Wild Horse Minimal, Tiger Minimal, Wolf Mummy Naga, Guardian Naga, Spirit Night Hag Ogre Magi Oliphant Owl, Giant Phantom Quickling Quickwood Raven, Giant Shade Shedu Shedu, Greater Skeleton, Animal Skulk Skunk Son of Kyuss Tenebrous Worm Tirapheg Transposer Treant Trilloch Troll, Ice Urchin, Green Urchin, Red Vampire Vulchling Wight Black Willow Wolf, Dire Wolf, Winter Wraith Zombie, Juju Zombie, Monster COLD, WILDERNESS PLAINS Common Boar, Wild Camel, Bactrian Centipede, Giant Centipede, Huge Dog, Wild Falcon, Small Herd Animal Mammoth Mastodon Mule Ogre Rat Rat, Giant Raven, Normal Rhinocerous, Woolly Scorpion, Large Squirrel, Normal Wolf Uncommon Badger Bandit Bugbear Cat, Wild Dragon, White Falcon, Large Ghoul Goat Horse Jermlaine Kenku Nomad Owl Pilgrim Pseudo-undead, Ghast Pseudo-undead, Ghoul Pseudo-undead, Vampire Ram Scorpion, Giant Scorpion, Huge Shadow Mastiff Snake, Poisonous Tiger Weasel Wolverine Rare Baluchitherium Bat Bear, Northern Character Party Devishes Devil Dog Dwarf, Hill Dwarf, Mountain Fly, Giant Bluebottle Fortress Ghast Giant, Hill Goblin Hoar Fox Hobgoblin Lion, Mountain Lion, Spotted Lycanthrope, Wereboar Lycanthrope, Werewolf Moon Dog Mummy Ogrillon Orc Patrol Pudding, White Quaggoth Raven, Giant Raven, Huge Shedu Toad, Ice Troll Troll, Ice Vapor Rat Volt Wolf, Dire Wolfwere Wolverine, Giant Xvart Very Rare Aurumvorax Barghest Bat, Giant Berserker Brain Mole Castle Caterwaul Demon, Alu- Demon, Cambion Deva, Movanic Disenchanter Dragon, Earth Dragon, Gold Fly, Giant Horse Forlarren Gambado Ghost Giant, Firbolg Giant, Fire Giant, Fog Giant, Verbeeg Gorgon Greenhag Grim Groaning Spirit Grue, Harginn Grue, Ildriss Harpy Hollyphant Hydra Irish Deer Land Urchin Lycanthrope, Foxwoman Lycanthrope, Weretiger Lynx, Giant Manticore Medusa Miner Minimal, Badger Minimal, Black Bear Minimal, Brown Bear Minimal, Wild Boar Minimal, Bactrian Camel Minimal, War Dog Minimal, Wild Dog Minimal, Wild Horse Minimal, Stag Minimal, Tiger Minimal, Wolf Mongrelman Norker Oliphant Owl, Giant Phoenix Porcupine, Giant Purple Worm Quickwood Remorhaz Sandling Screaming Devilkin Shade Shedu, Greater Shocker Skulk Spriggan Troll, Giant Vagabond Vampire Vargouille Vortex Willow, Black Worg Yeth Hound Zombie Zombie, Juju COLD, WILDERNESS DESERT Common Camel, Bactrian Dog, Wild Herd Animal Raven, Normal Scorpion, Large Uncommon Bandit Cat, Wild Centipede, Huge Falcon, Small Fly, Giant Bluebottle Horse Kenku Lion, Mountain Nomad Ogre Owl Pilgrim Pseudo-undead, Vampire Rat Scorpion, Giant Scorpion, Huge Shadow Mastiff Snake, Poisonous Squirrel, Normal Wolf Rare Boar, Wild Character Party Dervishes Devil Dog Dwarf, Hill Dwarf, Mountain Falcon, Large Fly, Giant Horse Fortress Goblin Hoar Fox Jermlaine Lycanthrope, Werewolf Mastodon Moon Dog Mummy Orc Pudding, White Purple Worm Rat, Giant Raven, Giant Raven, Huge Rhinocerous, Woolly Sandling Shedu Shocker Tiger Troll Vapor Rat Weasel Wolf, Dire Wolfwere Very Rare Badger Barghest Bat Berserker Bugbear Centipede, Giant Coffer Corpse Crypt Thing Demon, Succubus Demon, Vrock (Type I) Deva, Movanic Disenchanter Dragon, Earth Dragon, Gold Dragon, White Gambado Giant, Fire Goat Gorgon Griffon Groaning Spirit Grue, Harginn Harpy Hobgoblin Hollyphant Lion, Spotted Lycanthrope, Foxwoman Lycanthrope, Wereboar Manticore Medusa Minimal, Badger Minimal, Wild Boar Minimal, Bactrian Camel Minimal, War Dog Minimal, Wild Dog Minimal, Wild Horse Minimal, Tiger Minimal, Wolf Mongrelman Norker Oliphant Owl, Giant Pegasus Quaggoth Ram Remorhaz Rock Reptile Screaming Devilkin Shade Shedu, Greater Skulk Troll, Giant Troll, Ice Vampire Vargouille Volt Vortex Wind Walker Worg Yeth Hound Zombie TEMPERATE, WILDERNESS MOUNTAINS Common Bat Dog, Wild Dwarf, Mountain Falcon, Small Ogre Orc Raven, Normal Skunk Spider, Large Vulture, Normal Uncommon Bandit Bear, Cave Bloodhawk Bugbear Cat, Wild Centipede, Huge Cockatrice Falcon, Large Ghoul Giant, Fire Giant, Formorian Giant, Hill Giant, Stone Gnoll Goat Goblin Griffon Herd Animal Hobgoblin Lion Lion, Mountain Manticore Owl Pilgrim Pseudo-undead, Ghast Pseudo-undead, Ghoul Pseudo-undead, Spectre Pseudo-undead, Vampire Pseudo-undead, Wight Pseudo-undead, Wraith Ram Scorpion, Huge Scorpion, Large Snake, Poisonous Snake, Giant Poisonous Spider, Huge Squirrel, Huge Squirrel, Normal Tiger Weasel Witherweed Wolf Rare Bat, Giant Bear, Black Bear, Brown Bear, Northern Bee, Giant Bumble Bee, Giant Honey Beetle, Giant Boring Beetle, Giant Fire Blink Dog Bonesnapper Caterwaul Cattle, Wild Caveman Character Party Chimera Cyclopskin Dakon Dragon, Earth Dragon, Red Dwarf, Hill Eagle Firedrake Fly, Giant Bluebottle Fortress Ghast Giant, Cloud Giant, Frost Giant, Storm Giant, Verbeeg Gorgon Harpy Hippogriff Horse Jermlaine Lammasu Leucrotta Lion, Spotted Lycanthrope, Werebear Lycanthrope, Werewolf Margoyle Mastodon Minotaur Mongrelman Moon Dog Mule Norker Ogrillon Owl, Giant Owlbear Pedipalp, Huge Pedipalp, Large Peryton Phycomid Pyrolisk Quaggoth Ram, Giant Rat Rat, Giant Raven, Giant Raven, Huge Rhinoceros Rock Reptile Screaming Devilkin Shadow Shadow Mastiff Shedu Shocker Skulk Snake, Giant Constructor Spectre Spider, Phase Stag, Giant Su-monster Toad, Giant Tunnel Worm Vapor Rat Vilstrak Volt Wasp, Giant Whipweed Wight Wind Walker Wolfwere Worg Wyvern Xvart Zorbo Very Rare Aarakocra Achaierai Annis Ascomoid Badger Barghest Basilisk Behir Berserker Black Pudding Boggart Boggle Brain Mole Carrion Crawler Cave Fisher Centipede, Giant Coffer Corpse Crypt Thing Demon, Bar-Lgura Demon, Nabassu Denzelian Deva, Movanic Displacer Beast Doppleganger Dragon, Black Dragon, Bronze Dragon, Cloud Dragon, Gold Dragon, Silver Dragon Horse Dragonnet Elf, Valley Ettercap Ettin Executioner's Hood Firefriend Flind Fly, Giant Horsefly Forlarren Galeb Duhr Gargoyle Gelatinous Cube Ghost Giant, Firbolg Giant, Mountain Gibberling Gloomwing Gnome Gorgimera Grim Grue, Chaggrin Grue, Ildriss Gaunt Hell Hound Hollyphant Hornet, Giant Hydra Hydra, Pyro- Khargra Ki-rin Kobold Lammasu, Greater Land Lamprey Land Urchin Lava Children Lizard, Fire Lycanthrope, Foxwoman Lycanthrope, Weretiger Magnesium Spirit Mantari Meazel Medusa Meenlock Minimal, Mountain Lion Minimal, Badger Minimal, Cave Bear Minimal, War Dog Minimal, Wild Dog Minimal, Wild Horse Minimal, Lion Minimal, Mammoth Minimal, Stag Minimal, Tiger Minimal, Wolf Mummy Naga, Guardian Naga, Spirit Night Hag Nightmare Nilbog Nymph Obliviax Ogre Mage Oliphant Otyugh Pech Pegasus Porcupine, Giant Pseudo Dragon Quickwood Rothe Sandman Shade Shedu, Greater Skunk Snake, Giant Amphisbaena Snake, Giant Spitting Spider, Giant Spriggan Squirrel, Carniv. Flying Stegocentipede Storoper Sundew, Giant Sussurus Sylph Tenebrous Worm Tentamort Thessalhydra Tirapheg Titan, Elder Titan, Lesser Titan, Major Toad, Poisonous Transposer Troll, Giant Two-headed Umpleby Ustilagor Vagabond Vampire Vargouille Vulchling Vulture, Giant Will-o-wisp Witherstench Wolf, Dire Wraith Xaren Xill Xorn Yellow Musk Creeper Yeth Hound Zombie Zombie, Juju Zombie, Yellow Musk Zygom TEMPERATE, WILDERNESS HILLS Common Bear, Black Bear, Brown Cattle, Wild Dog, Wild Dwarf, Hill Giant, Hill Herd Animal Lycanthrope, Werewolf Mule Ogre Orc Raven, Normal Skunk Spider, Large Squirrel, Normal Vulture, Normal Wolf Uncommon Bandit Basilisk Bat Bear, Cave Cat, Wild Centipede, Huge Dakon Falcon, Large Ghoul Giant, Verbeeg Gnoll Goat Hobgoblin Horse Kenku Leprechaun Lion Mastodon Owl Pilgrim Pseudo-undead, Ghast Pseudo-undead, Ghoul Pseudo-undead, Vampire Ram Rat Rat, Giant Rhinoceros Satyr Scorpion, Large Skunk Snake, Poisonous Snake, Giant Poisonous Spider, Huge Stag Tiger Witherweed Rare Adherer Ant Lion, Giant Ant, Giant Aspis Bat, Giant Bear, Northern Bee, Giant Bumble- Bee, Giant Honey Beetle, Giant Bombardier Beetle, Giant Boring Beetle, Giant Fire Beetle, Giant Stag Blink Dog Bloodhawk Boar, Wild Bowler Camel, Bactrian Caveman Centaur Character Party Chimera Choke Creeper Cyclopskin Dragon, Red Dwarf, Mountain Falcon, Large Firedrake Fortress Ghast Giant, Cloud Gnome Goblin Harpy Jackal Jermlaine Lammasu Lion, Mountain Lycanthrope, Werebear Mantis, Giant Minotaur Norker Ogrillon Oliphant Patrol Pedipalp, Huge Pedipalp, Large Peryton Porcupine, Giant Purple Worm Raven, Giant Raven, Huge Rock Reptile Scorpion, Giant Scorpion, Huge Shadow Mastiff Shedu Skulk Snake, Giant Constructor Stag, Giant Su-monster Titanothere Toad, Giant Troll Troll, Giant Unicorn Vapor Rat Volt Wasp, Giant Weasel Whipweed Wolf, Dire Worg Xvart Very Rare Aarakocra Achaierai Ascomoid Assassin Bug Atomie Axebeak Badger Barghest Basidirond Basilisk, Greater Beaver, Giant Beetle, Giant Slicer Behir Berserker Boar, Giant Boggle Brain Mole Brownie Bugbear Bulette Bull Castle Centipede, Giant Clubneck Cockatrice Coffer Corpse Cooshee Deva, Movanic Displacer Beast Dragon, Earth Dragon, Gold Dragon, Green Dragonnet Elf, Grugach Elf, Wood Ettercap Flind Fly, Giant Bluebottle Forlarren Galeb Duhr Ghost Giant, Fire Giant, Fog Giant, Frost Giant, Stone Gibberling Gorgimera Gorgon Griffon Grig Grim Groaning Spirit Grue, Chaggrin Grue, Harginn Hangman Tree Hell Hound Hippogriff Hollyphant Hornet, Giant Huecuva Hybsil Irish Deer Jackalwere Ki-rin Kobold Lammasu, Greater Land Lamprey Lycanthrope, Foxwoman Lycanthrope, Wereboar Lycanthrope, Weretiger Manticore Margoyl Medusa Minimal, Mountain Lion Minimal, Badger Minimal, Black Bear Minimal, Brown Bear Minimal, Cave Bear Minimal, Warthog Boar Minimal, Wild Boar Minimal, Bull Minimal, Bactrian Camel Minimal, War Dog Minimal, Wild Horse Minimal, Lion Minimal, Mammoth Minimal, Rhonoceros Minimal, Stag Minimal, Tiger Minimal, Wolf Mongrelman Moon Dog Mummy Nymph Obliviax Owl, Giant Pegasus Pseudo Dragon Pyrolisk Quasi-elemental, Lightning Quaggoth Quickwood Ram, Giant Screaming Devilkin Shedu, Greater Shocker Snake, Giant Spitting Spider, Giant Spider, Phase Spriggan Stegocentipede Sundew, Giant Tenebrous Worm Toad, Poisonous Vampire Vargouille Vilstrak Vulture, Giant Wolf-in-Sheep's-Clothing Wolfwere Xaren Xorn Yeth Hound Zombie Zorbo Zygom TEMPERATE, WILDERNESS FOREST Common Bear, Black Bear, Brown Beetle, Giant Bombardier Beetle, Giant Boring Beetle, Giant Fire Beetle, Giant Stag Boar, Warthog Boar, Wild Bull Centipede, Giant Centipede, Huge Dog, Wild Falcon, Small Herd Animal Lycanthrope, Werewolf Mastodon Ogre Orc Rat Raven, Normal Rhinoceros Skunk Spider, Large Squirrel, Normal Stag Toad, Giant Wolf Uncommon Badger Bandit Basilisk Bat Boar, Giant Bugbear Cat, Wild Clubnek Dakon Elf, Wood Falcon, Large Gibberling Gnoll Hornet, Giant Horse Jermlaine Kobold Leprechaun Lion Mastodon Owl Pilgrim Porcupine, Giant Pseudo-undead, Vampire Rat, Giant Scorpion, Huge Scorpion, Large Snake, Poisonous Snake, Giant Constrictor Snake, Giant Poisonous Spider, Giant Spider, Huge Stirge Su-monster Sundew, Giant Tiger Toad, Poisonous Troll Vulture, Normal Weasel Whipweed Witherweed Wyvern Xvart Rare Adherer Ant Lion, Giant Ant, Giant Aspis Atomie Axebeak Baluchitherium Barkburr Basidirond Bear, Northern Bee, Giant Honey Beetle, Giant Slicer Blink Dog Brownie Buckawn Bullywug Camel, Bactrian Carbuncle Cattle, Wild Caveman Centaur Character Party Choke Creeper Cifal Cooshee Dragon, Green Dwarf, Hill Dwarf, Mountain Elf, Gray Ettercap Executioner's Hood Fly, Giant Bluebottle Fortress Gambado Giant, Hill Goblin Harpy Hobgoblin Irish Deer Jackal Kech Lammasu Land Lamprey Lycanthrope, Werebear Lycanthrope, Wereboar Mantis, Giant Medusa Miner Minotaur Mule Obliviax Ogrillon Oliphant Owl, Giant Owlbear Patrol Pedipalp, Huge Pseudo-undead, Ghast Pseudo-undead, Ghoul Raven, Huge Scorpion, Giant Screaming Devilkind Shadow Skulk Spider, Phase Sprite Squirrel, Carniv. Flying Squirrel, Giant Black Tenebrous Worm Thessalhydra Tick, Giant Titanothere Treant Volt Vulchling Wasp, Giant Weasel Wolf, Dire Wolfwere Worg Yellow Musk Creeper Zombie, Yellow Musk Very Rare Achaierai Al-mi'raj Annis Assassin Bug Aurumvorax Barghest Basilisk, Greater Bat, Giant Bear, Cave Beaver, Giant Bee, Giant Bumble- Beetle, Death Watch Berserker Bloodhawk Bloodthorn Boobrie Brain Mole Bulette Castle Catoblepas Centipede, Megalo- Cockatrice Demon, Bar-Lgura Deva, Movanic Displacer Beast Dragon, Coiled Dragon, Gold Dragon, Mist Dragon, Red Dryad Eagle Ear Seeker Elf, Grugach Elf, Valley Elfin Cat Faerie Dragon Firefriend Flind Fly, Giant Horse Forester's Bane Forlarren Frog, Giant Gargoyle Ghost Giant, Firbolg Giant, Fire Giant, Frost Giant, Verbeeg Gnome Gorgon Greenhag Grim Groaning Spirit Hangman Tree Hybsil Hydra Jackalwere Kampfult Kenku Korred Lammasu, Greater Lizard, Giant Lycanthrope, Foxwoman Lycanthrope, Weretiger Mandragora Mantari Meazel Mihstu Minimal, Mountain Lion Minimal, Badger Minimal, Black Bear Minimal, Brown Bear Minimal, Cave Bear Minimal, Warthog Boar Minimal, Wild Boar Minimal, Bull Minimal, Bactrian Camel Minimal, War Dog Minimal, Wild Dog Minimal, Wild Horse Minimal, Lion Minimal, Mammoth Minimal, Rhinoceros Minimal, Stag Minimal, Tiger Minimal, Wolf Mongrelman Moon Dog Mummy Needleman Norker Nymph Pedipalp, Large Pegasus Phoenix Pixie Pseudo Dragon Pudding, Brown Pyrolisk Quaggoth Quickling Quickwood Qullan Raven, Giant Scum Creeper Shadow Mastiff Shedu, Greater Shocker Skunk Snake, Giant Amphisbaena Snake, Giant Spitting Squealer Stegocentipede Sussurus Swanmay Tiger Fly Troll, Giant Umpleby Ustilagor Vampire Vargouille Vegepygmy Willow, Black Witherstench Wolf-in-Sheep's-Clothing Zombie Zorbo Zygom TEMPERATE, WILDERNESS SWAMP Common Centipede, Giant Centipede, Huge Crocodile, Normal Dog, Wild Mule Ogre Orc Rat Rat, Giant Raven, Normal Rhinoceros Scorpion, Large Skunk Spider, Huge Spider, Large Throat Leech Toad, Giant Vulture, Normal Uncommon Axebeak Basilisk Buccaneer (Pirate) Cat, Wild Cockatrice Falcon, Small Frog, Giant Ghoul Gnoll Herd Animal Hobgoblin Hornet, Giant Hydra Jermlaine Land Lamprey Leech, Giant Lion Lizard, Giant Mastodon Meazel Pilgrim Pseudo-undead, Ghast Pseudo-undead, Ghoul Pseudo-undead, Spectre Pseudo-undead, Vampire Pseudo-undead, Wight Pseudo-undead, Wraith Pudding, Brown Scorpion, Huge Scum Creeper Snake, Poisonous Snake, Giant Constrictor Snake, Giant Poisonous Squirrel, Normal Su-monster Sundew, Giant Toad, Poisonous Troll Volt Weasel Whipweed Will-o-wisp Witherweed Wolf Wyvern Rare Adherer Assassin Bug Bandit Basidirond Bat Bear, Black Bear, Brown Bee, Giant Honey Beetle, Giant Bombardier Beetle, Giant Boring Beetle, Giant Fire Beetle, Giant Stag Bloodhawk Boar, Warthog Boar, Wild Boggart Boobrie Bullywug Bunyip Camel, Bactrian Carbuncle Caterwaul Cattle, Wild Character Party Cifal Crab, Giant Crane, Giant Crystal Ooze Dragon, Coiled Dragonfly, Giant Falcon, Large Fly, Giant Bluebottle Fortress Frog, Poisonous Gas Spore Ghast Giant, Hill Goblin Harpy Horse Hybsil Irish Deer Jackal Leucrotta Lizard Man Lycanthrope, Werebear Lycanthrope, Werewolf Medusa Minotaur Mongrelman Moon Dog Muckdweller Norker Obliviax Ogre, Aquatic Owl Owlbear Pedipalp, Huge Pedipalp, Large Phycomid Porcupine, Giant Pyrolisk Quaggoth Raven, Huge Screaming Devilkind Shadow Shadow Mastiff Shambling Mound Skeleton Snake, Giant Spitting Spectre Thessalhydra Tiger Tiger Fly Titanothere Troll, Giant Urchin, Black Ustilagor Vapor Rat Wasp, Giant Weasel, Giant Wolfwere Worg Xvart Zombie Very Rare Achaierai Algoid Annis Badger Barghest Barkburr Basilisk, Greater Bat, Giant Bee, Giant Bumble- Bee, Giant Honey Beetle, Death Watch Beetle, Giant Slicer Beholder Berserker Boar, Giant Brain Mole Brownie Bugbear Bull Centipede, Megalo- Clubnek Coffer Corpse Cooshee Crabman Crayfish, Giant Death, Crimson Demon, Alu- Demon, Cambion Demon, Nabassu Deva, Movanic Displacer Beast Doppleganger Dracolisk Dragon, Black Dragon, Gold Dragon, Green Dragon, Mist Eblis Elf, Wood Firefriend Flind Fly, Giant Horse Forester's Bane Galltrit Gargoyle Ghost Giant, Fog Giant, Verbeeg Gibberling Gloomwing Gorgon Greenhag Grim Grue, Varrdig Hangman Tree Haunt Hell Hound Hollyphant Heucuva Hydra, Pyro- Jackalwere Kech Kelpie Kenku Kobold Lammasu Land Urchin Lion, Spotted Lizard King Lycanthrope, Wereboar Lycanthrope, Weretiger Mandragora Mantari Manticore Mihstu Miner Minimal, Badger Minimal, Black Bear Minimal, Brown Bear Minimal, Warthog Boar Minimal, Wild Boar Minimal, Bull Minimal, Bactrian Camel Minimal, War Dog Minimal, Wild Dog Minimal, Wild Horse Minimal, Lion Minimal, Rhinoceros Minimal, Tiger Minimal, Wolf Mud-man Mummy Naga, Guardian Naga, Spirit Night Hag Ogre Magi Oliphant Owl, Giant Phantom Quickling Quickwood Qullan Raven, Giant Shade Shedu Shedu, Greater Skeleton, Animal Skulk Skunk Snake, Giant Amphisbaena Snake, Giant Spitting Son of Kyuss Squealer Stegocentipede Sussurus Tenebrous Worm Tentamort Tick, Giant Tirapheg Transposer Treant Trilloch Umpleby Urchin, Green Urchin, Red Vampire Vegepygmy Vulchling Vulture, Giant Wight Willow, Black Witherstench Wolf, Dire Wraith Zombie, Juju Zombie, Monster Zygom TEMPERATE, WILDERNESS PLAINS Common Beetle, Giant Stag Boar, Wild Bull Camel, Bactrian Cattle, Wild Centipede, Giant Centipede, Huge Dog, Wild Falcon, Small Herd Animal Jackal Mastodon Mule Ogre Rat Rat, Giant Raven, Normal Rhinoceros Scorpion, Large Skunk Spider, Huge Spider, Large Squirrel, Normal Stag Toad, Giant Vulture, Normal Wolf Uncommon Badger Bandit Bugbear Cat, Wild Clubnek Dakon Falcon, Large Ghoul Goat Horse Jermlaine Kenku Lion Nomad Owl Pilgrim Pseudo-undead, Ghast Pseudo-undead, Ghoul Pseudo-undead, Vampire Ram Scorpion, Giant Scorpion, Huge Shadow Mastiff Snake, Poisonous Snake, Giant Poisonous Tiger Titanothere Weasel Witherweed Rare Ant Lion, Giant Ant, Giant Aspis Axebeak Baluchitherium Bat Bear, Northern Bee, Giant Bumble- Beetle, Giant Slicer Blink Dog Bonesnapper Centaur Character Party Dervishes Dwarf, Hill Dwarf, Mountain Fly, Giant Bluebottle Fortress Ghast Giant, Hill Goblin Hobgoblin Hybsil Lammasu Land Lamprey Lion, Mountain Lion, Spotted Lycanthrope, Wereboar Lycanthrope, Werewolf Moon Dog Mummy Ogrillon Orc Patrol Pedipalp, Huge Pedipalp, Large Quaggoth Raven, Giant Raven, Huge Shedu Snake, Giant Constrictor Tiger Fly Troll Vapor Rat Volt Wasp, Giant Whipweed Wolf, Dire Wolfwere Wyvern Xvart Very Rare Al-mi'raj Ascomoid Assassin Bug Atomie Aurumvorex Barghest Basilisk Bat, Giant Bee, Giant Honey Berserker Bloodhawk Brain Mole Bulette Castle Caterwaul Centipede, Megalo- Cital Cockatrice Death Watch Demon, Alu- Demon, Cambion Deva, Movanic Disenchanter Displacer Beast Dragon, Coiled Dragon, Earth Dragon, Gold Dustdigger Firefriend Flind Flumph Fly, Giant Horse Forester's Bane Forlarren Frog, Giant Gambado Ghost Giant, Firbolg Giant, Fire Giant, Fog Giant, Verbeeg Gnoll Gorgon Greenhag Grim Groaning Spirit Grue, Harginn Grue, Ildriss Harpy Hollyphant Hornet, Giant Heucuva Hydra Hydra, Pyro- Irish Deer Lammasu, Greater Land Urchin Leprechaun Lizard, Giant Lycanthrope, Foxwoman Lycanthrope, Weretiger Manticore Meazel Medusa Meenlock Miner Minimal, Badger Minimal, Black Bear Minimal, Brown Bear Minimal, Wild Boar Minimal, Bull Minimal, Bactrian Camel Minimal, War Dog Minimal, Wild Dog Minimal, Wild Horse Minimal, Lion Minimal, Rhinoceros Minimal, Stag Minimal, Tiger Minimal, Wolf Mongrelman Norker Oliphant Owl, Giant Phoenix Porcupine, Giant Pudding, Brown Purple Worm Pyrolisk Quickwood Qullan Sandling Sandman Screaming Devilkin Scum Creeper Shade Shedu, Greater Shocker Skulk Snake, Giant Amphisbaena Snake, Giant Spitting Spriggan Stegocentipede Su-monster Sundew, Giant Sussurus Thunderherder Toad, Poisonous Toad, Giant Ustilagor Vagabond Vampire Vargouille Vortex Vulture, Giant Weasel, Giant Wemic Willow, Black Witherstench Wolf-in-sheep's-clothing Worg Yeth Hound Zombie Zombie, Juju Zorbo Zygom TEMPERATE, WILDERNESS DESERT Common Camel, Bactrian Dog, Wild Herd Animal Jackal Raven, Normal Scorpion, Large Spider, Huge Spider, Large Vulture, Normal Uncommon Bandit Cat, Wild Centipede, Huge Dustdigger Falcon, Small Fly, Giant Bluebottle Horse Kenku Lion Lion, Mountain Nomad Owl Pilgrim Pseudo-undead, Vampire Rat Rhinoceros Scorpion, Giant Scorpion, Huge Shadow Mastiff Skunk Snake, Poisonous Snake, Giant Poisonous Squirrel, Normal Toad, Poisonous Wolf Rare Ant Lion, Giant Aspis Bee, Giant Bumble- Blink Dog Boar, Wild Cattle, Wild Character Party Chimera Dervishes Dwarf, Hill Dwarf, Mountain Falcon, Large Firetoad Flind Fly, Giant Horse Fortress Goblin Jackalwere Jermlaine Lammasu Lycanthrope, Werewolf Mastodon Moon Dog Mummy Orc Pedipalp, Huge Pedipalp, Large Purple Worm Rat, Giant Raven, Giant Raven, Huge Sandling Sandman Shedu Shocker Snake, Giant Constrictor Thunderherder Tiger Titanothere Toad, Giant Troll Vapor Rat Weasel Whipweed Witherweed Wolf, Dire Wolfwere Very Rare Ascomoid Badger Barghest Bat Berserker Bloodhawk Bugbear Bulette Bull Centipede, Giant Cifal Clubnek Cockatrice Coffer Corpse Crypt Thing Dakon Death Dog Demon, Succubus Demon, Vrock (Type I) Deva, Movanic Disenchanter Displacer Beast Dragon, Earth Dragon, Gold Dune Stalker Flumph Gambado Giant, Fire Goat Gorgimera Griffon Groaning Spirit Grue, Harginn Harpy Hell Hound Hobgoblin Hollyphant Hornet, Giant Heucuva Lamia Lamia Noble Lammasu, Greater Lion, Spotted Lycanthrope, Foxwoman Lycanthrope, Wereboar Manticore Medusa Meenlock Minimal, Badger Minimal, Black Bear Minimal, Bull Minimal, Bactrian Camel Minimal, War Dog Minimal, Wild Dog Minimal, Wild Horse Minimal, Lion Minimal, Rhinoceros Minimal, Tiger Minimal, Wolf Mongrelman Norker Oliphant Owl, Giant Pegasus Pyrolisk Quaggoth Ram Rock Reptile Screaming Devilkin Shade Shedu, Greater Skulk Snake, Giant Spitting Tiger Fly Troll, Giant Vampire Vulture, Giant Wemic Wind Walker Worg Wyvern Yeth Hound Zombie Zorbo TROPICAL, WILDERNESS MOUNTAINS Common Bat Dinosaur, Euparkeria Dinosaur, Pteranadon Dog, Wild Falcon, Small Ogre Orc Pteradactyl, Small Raven, Normal Skunk Small Prehist. Reptiles Spider, Large Vulture, Normal Uncommon Bandit Bugbear Cat, Wild Centipede, Huge Cockatrice Dragon, Copper Falcon, Large Ghoul Giant, Fire Giant, Formorian Giant, Hill Giant, Stone Gnoll Goblin Griffon Herd Animal Hobgoblin Lion Lion, Mountain Manticore Owl Pilgrim Pseudo-undead, Ghast Pseudo-undead, Ghoul Pseudo-undead, Spectre Pseudo-undead, Vampire Pseudo-undead, Wight Pseudo-undead, Wraith Scorpion, Huge Scorpion, Large Snake, Constrictor Snake, Poisonous Snake, Giant Poisonous Spider, Huge Tiger Witherweed Wolf Rare Bat, Mobat Bat, Giant Bee, Giant Bumble- Bee, Giant Honey Beetle, Giant Boring Beetle, Giant Fire Bonesnapper Caterwaul Cattle, Wild Caveman Character Party Chimera Cyclopskin Dakon Dinosaur, Ankisaur Dinosaur, Camptosaurus Dinosaur, Compsognathus Dinosaur, Dilophosaur Dinosaur, Giant Ptero. Dinosaur, Iguanadon Dinosaur, Pentaceratop Dinosaur, Phororhacos Dinosaur, Plateosaur Dinosaur, Stegosaur Dinosaur, Triceratops Dragon, Earth Dragon, Red Dwarf, Hill Firedrake Firenewt Fly, Giant Bluebottle Fortress Ghast Giant Strider Giant, Cloud Giant, Storm Giant, Verbeeg Gorgon Gorilla Bear Harpy Hippogriff Horse Jermlaine Lammasu Leucrotta Lion, Spotted Lizard, Minotaur Lycanthrope, Werewolf Margoyle Minotaur Mongrelman Moon Dog Mule Norker Ogrillon Owl, Giant Pedipalp, Huge Pedipalp, Large Peryton Phycomid Pyrolisk Quaggoth Rat Rat, Giant Raven, Huge Rhinoceros Roc Rock Reptile Salamander Scorpion, Giant Shadow Shadow Mastiff Shedu Shocker Skulk Snake, Giant Constrictor Spectre Sphinx, Gyno- Spider, Phase Su-monster Tiger, Sabre-tooth Toat, Giant Troll Troll, Giant Tunnel Worm Vapor Rat Vilstrak Volt Wasp, Giant Whipweed Wight Wind Walker Wolfwere Worg Wyvern Xvart Zorbo Very Rare Aarakocra Achaierai Ascomoid Barghest Basilisk Behir Berserker Black Pudding Boalisk Boggart Boggle Brain Mole Cave Fisher Centipede, Giant Coffer Corpse Crypt Thing Demon, Bar-Lgura Demon, Nabassu Denzelian Deva, Movanic Dinosaur, Ankylosaur Dinosaur, Ceratosaur Dinosaur, Gorgosaur Dinosaur, Paleoscincus Dinosaur, Tyrannosaurus Displacer Beast Doppleganger Dragon, Black Dragon, Brass Dragon, Bronze Dragon, Cloud Dragon, Gold Dragon, Silver Dragon-Horse Dragonne Dragonnel Elf, Valley Ettercap Ettin Executioner's Hood Flind Fly, Giant Horse Forlarren Formian Frost Man Galeb Duhr Gargoyle Gelatinous Cube Ghost Giant, Mountain Gloomwing Gnome Gorgimera Grim Grue, Chaggrin Grue, Ildriss Haunt Hell Hound Hollyphant Hornet, Giant Hydra Hydra, Pyro Hyenadon Khargra Ki-rin Kobold Lammasu, Greater Land Lamprey Land Urchin Lava Children Lizard, Fire Lycanthrope, Foxwoman Lycanthrope, Weretiger Manmen Mantari Meazel Medusa Meenlock Minimal, Badger Minimal, Carnivorous Ape Minimal, War Dog Minimal, Wild Dog Minimal, Wild Horse Minimal, Lion Minimal, Tiger Mummy Naga, Guardian Naga, Spirit Night Hag Nightmare Nilbog Obliviax Ogre Mage Oliphant Otyugh Pech Pedipalp, Giant Pegasus Quasi-elemental, Lightning Quickwood Retchplant Rothe Sandman Shade Shedu, Greater Skunk Snake, Giant Amphisbaena Snake, Giant Spitting Sphinx, Andro- Sphinx, Crio- Sphinx, Hieraco- Spider, Giant Stegocentipede Storoper Sundew, Giant Sussurus Sylph Tenebrous Worm Tentamort Thessalhydra Thoqqua Tirapheg Titan, Elder Titan, Lesser Titan, Major Toad, Poisonous Transposer Troll, Giant Two-headed Umpleby Ustilagor Vampire Vargouille Vulture, Giant Will-o-wisp Wolf, Dire Wraith Xaren Xill Xorn Yellow Musk Creeper Zombie Zombie, Juju Zombie, Yellow Musk Zygom TROPICAL, WILDERNESS HILLS Common Cattle, Wild Dinosaur, Ankisaur Dinosaur, Camptosaurus Dinosaur, Euparkeria Dinosaur, Iguanadon Dinosaur, Monoclonius Dinosaur, Plateosaur Dinosaur, Triceratops Dog, Wild Dwarf, Hill Giant, Hill Herd Animal Lycanthrope, Werewolf Mule Ogre Pteradactyl, Small Raven, Normal Skunk Small Prehist. Reptiles Spider, Large Vulture, Normal Wolf Uncommon Bandit Basilisk Bat Cat, Wild Centipede, Huge Dakon Dinosaur, Ankylosaur Dinosaur, Ceratosaur Dinosaur, Compsognathus Dinosaur, Gorgosaur Dinosaur, Megalosaur Dinosaur, Paleoscincus Dinosaur, Tyrannosaurus Falcon, Small Ghoul Giant, Verbeeg Gnoll Hobgoblin Horse Kenku Lion Owl Pilgrim Pseudo-undead, Ghast Pseudo-undead, Ghoul Pseudo-undead, Vampire Rat Rat, Giant Rhinoceros Scorpion, Large Snake, Constrictor Snake, Giant Poisonous Spider, Huge Tiger Witherweed Rare Ant Lion, Giant Ant, Giant Aspis Baboon Bat, Giant Bee, Giant Bumble- Bee, Giant Honey Beetle, Giant Bombardier Beetle, Giant Boring Beetle, Giant Fire Boar, Warthog Boar, Wild Camel, Bactrian Caveman Character Party Chimera Choke Creeper Cyclopskin Dinosaur, Dacentrurus Dinosaur, Deinonychus Dinosaur, Dilophosaur Dinosaur, Dimetrodon Dinosaur, Kentrosaur Dinosaur, Phororhacos Dinosaur, Podokesaur Dinosaur, Stegosaur Dinosaur, Struthoimimus Dinosaur, Styracosaur Dragon, Copper Dragon, Red Elephant, African Elephant, Asian Falcon, Large Firedrake Firenewt Flightless Bird Fortress Ghast Giant, Cloud Gnome Goblin Harpy Hyena Jackal Jermlaine Lammasu Lion, Mountain Lizard, Minotaur Mantis, Giant Minotaur Norker Ogrillon Patrol Pedipalp, Huge Pedipalp, Large Peryton Purple Worm Raven, Huge Rock Reptile Salamander Scorpion, Giant Scorpion, Huge Shadow Mastiff Shedu Skulk Snake, Giant Constrictor Sphinx, Hieraco- Su-monster Tabaxi Tiger, Sabre-tooth Toad, Giant Troll Troll, Giant Vapor Rat Vilstrak Volt Wasp, Giant Whipweed Wolf, Dire Worg Xvart Very Rare Aarakocra Achaierai Ape, Carnivorous Ascomoid Assassin Bug Atomie Axebeak Baku Barghest Basidrond Basilisk, Greater Bat, Mobat Beetle, Giant Rhino Behir Berserker Boalisk Boar, Giant Boggle Brain Mole Brownie Bugbear Bull Centipede, Giant Cockatrice Coffer Corpse Cooshee Couatl Deva, Movanic Dinosaur, Giant Ptero. Dinosaur, Ornitholestes Dinosaur, Pteranadon Dinosaur, Teratosaur Displacer Beast Dragon, Earth Dragon, Gold Dragon, Green Dragonnel Elf, Grugach Elf, Wood Ettercap Flind Fly, Giant Bluebottle Forlarren Formian Frost Man Galeb Duhr Ghost Giant, Fire Giant, Fog Giant, Stone Gorgimera Gorgon Grim Grue, Chaggrin Grue, Harginn Hangman Tree Hell Hound Hippogriff Hornet, Giant Huecuva Hybsil Jackalwere Jaguar Kamadan Ki-rin Kobold Lammasu, Greater Land Lamprey Leopard Lycanthrope, Foxwoman Lycanthrope, Wereboar Lycanthrope, Weretiger Manticore Mantrap Margoyle Medusa Minimal, Baboon Minimal, Badger Minimal, Warthog Boar Minimal, Wild Boar Minimal, Bull Minimal, Bactrian Camel Minimal, Carniv. Ape Minimal, War Dog Minimal, Wild Dog Minimal, African Elephant Minimal, Asian Elephant Minimal, Wild Horse Minimal, Hyena Minimal, Lion Minimal, Rhinoceros Minimal, Tiger Mongrelman Moon Dog Mummy Nymph Obliviax Owl, Giant Pedipalp, Giant Pegasus Quasi-elemental, Lightning Quaggoth Quickwood Retchplant Shedu, Greater Shocker Snake, Giant Spitting Sphinx, Crio- Spider, Giant Spider, Phase Stegocentipede Storoper Sundew, Giant Tenebrous Worm Thoqqua Toad, Poisonous Vampire Vargouille Vilstrak Vulture, Giant Wolfwere Xaren Xorn Zombie Zorbo Zygom TROPICAL, WILDERNESS FOREST Common Baboon Beetle, Giant Bombardier Beetle, Giant Boring Beetle, Giant Fire Boar, Warthog Boar, Wild Bull Centipede, Giant Centipede, Huge Dinosaur, Ankisaur Dinosaur, Camptosaurus Dinosaur, Compsognathus Dinosaur, Euparkeria Dinosaur, Monoclonius Dinosaur, Plateosaur Dinosaur, Stegosaur Dinosaur, Styracosaur Dog, Wild Elephant, African Elephant, Asian Falcon, Small Flightless Bird Herd Animal Lycanthrope, Werewolf Ogre Orc Pteradactyl, Small Rat Raven, Normal Rhinoceros Skunk Small, Prehist. Reptiles Spider, Large Toad, Giant Wolf Uncommon Bandit Basilisk Bat Beetle, Giant Rhino Bugbear Cat, Wild Dakon Dinosaur, Dacentrurus Dinosaur, Kentrosaur Dinosaur, Megalosaur Dinosaur, Phororhacos Dinosaur, Teratosaur Dinosaur, Tyrannosaurus Elf, Wood Falcon, Large Gnoll Gorilla Bear Hornet, Giant Horse Jaguar Jermlaine Kobold Leopard Lion Lion, Mountain Manticore Ophidian Owl Pilgrim Pseudo-undead, Vampire Rat, Giant Scorpion, Huge Scorpion, Large Snake, Constrictor Snake, Poisonous Snake, Giant Constrictor Snake, Giant Poisonous Spider, Giant Spider, Huge Stirge Su-monster Sundew, Giant Tiger Toad, Poisonous Troll Vulture, Normal Whipweed Witherweed Wyvern Xvart Rare Ant Lion, Giant Ant, Giant Aspis Atomie Axebeak Baku Baluchitherium Basidirond Bee, Giant Honey Boalisk Brownie Buckawn Bullywug Camel, Bactrian Carbuncle Cattle, Wild Caveman Character Party Choke Creeper Cifal Cooshee Dinosaur, Anatosaur Dinosaur, Apatosaur Dinosaur, Camarasaur Dinosaur, Deinonychus Dinosaur, Diplodocus Dinosaur, Iguanadon Dinosaur, Lambeosaur Dinosaur, Pentaceratop Dinosaur, Triceratops Dragon, Green Dwarf, Hill Elf, Gray Ettercap Executioner's Hood Fly, Giant Bluebottle Fortress Gambado Giant, Hill Goblin Grippli Harpy Hyena Jackal Jaculi Kamadan Kech Lammasu Land Lamprey Lycanthrope, Wereboar Mantis, Giant Medusa Minotaur Mule Obliviax Ogrillon Oliphant Owl, Giant Patrol Pedipalp, Huge Pseudo-undead, Ghast Pseudo-undead, Ghoul Raven, Huge Retchplant Scorpion, Giant Shadow Skulk Sphinx, Crio- Spider, Phase Tasloi Tenebrous Worm Termite, Giant Harvest Thessalhydra Tick, Giant Tiger, Sabre-tooth Treant Tribesmen Vapor Rat Volt Wasp, Giant Wolf, Dire Wolfwere Worg Yellow Musk Creeper Zombie, Yellow Musk Very Rare Achaierai Ape, Carnivorous Ape, Gorilla Assassin Bug Babbler Banderlog Barghest Basilisk, Greater Bat, Mobat Bat, Giant Bee, Giant Bumble- Berserker Bloodthorn Boobrie Brain Mole Castle Catoblepas Centipede, Megalo- Cockatrice Demon, Bar-Lgura Deva, Movanic Dinosaur, Ankylosaur Dinosaur, Brachiosaur Dinosaur, Ceratosaur Dinosaur, Cetiosaur Dinosaur, Giant Ptero. Dinosaur, Gorgosaur Dinosaur, Mamenchisaur Dinosaur, Massopondylus Dinosaur, Paleoscincus Dinosaur, Podokesaur Dinosaur, Struthoimimus Displacer Beast Dragon, Coiled Dragon, Gold Dragon, Mist Dragon, Red Ear Seeker Elf, Grugach Elf, Valley Faerie Dragon Flind Fly, Giant Horse Forester's Bane Forlarren Frog, Giant Gargoyle Ghost Giant, Fire Giant, Verbeeg Gnome Gorgon Grim Groaning Spirit Hangman Tree Hybsil Hydra Jackalwere Kenku Lammasu, Greater Lizard, Giant Lycanthrope, Foxwoman Lycanthrope, Weretiger Mandragora Mantari Mantrap Meazel Mihstu Minimal, Baboon Minimal, Badger Minimal, Warthog Boar Minimal, Wild Boar Minimal, Bull Minimal, Bactrian Camel Minimal, Carniv. Ape Minimal, War Dog Minimal, Wild Dog Minimal, African Elephant Minimal, Asian Elephant Minimal, Gorilla Minimal, Wild Horse Minimal, Hyena Minimal, Jaguar Minimal, Leopard Minimal, Lion Minimal, Rhinoceros Minimal, Tiger Mongrelman Moon Dog Mummy Nonafel Norker Nymph Pedipalp, Giant Pedipalp, Large Pegasus Phoenix Pixie Pudding, Brown Pyrolisk Quaggoth Quickling Quickwood Qullan Scum Creeper Shadow Mastiff Shedu Shedu, Greater Shocker Skunk Snake, Giant Amphisbaena Snake, Giant Spitting Sphinx, Hieraco- Squealer Stegocentipede Sussurus Tabaxi Tiger Fly Tri-flower Frond Troll, Giant Twilight Bloom Umpleby Ustilagor Vampire Vargouille Webbird Yuan Ti Zombie Zorbo Zygom TROPICAL, WILDERNESS SWAMP Common Centipede, Giant Centipede, Huge Crocodile, Normal Dinosaur, Anatosaur Dinosaur, Apatosaur Dinosaur, Camarasaur Dinosaur, Diplodocus Dinosaur, Euparkeria Dinosaur, Iguanadon Dinosaur, Lambeosaur Dinosaur, Plateosaur Dinosaur, Styracosaur Dog, Wild Mule Ogre Orc Pteradactyl, Small Rat Rat, Giant Raven, Normal Rhinoceros Scorpion, Large Skunk Small, Prehist. Reptiles Spider, Huge Spider, Large Throat Leech Toad, Giant Vulture, Normal Uncommon Axebeak Basilisk Buccaneer (Pirate) Cat, Wild Cockatrice Dinosaur, Ankisaur Dinosaur, Brachiosaur Dinosaur, Brachiosaur Dinosaur, Camptosaurus Dinosaur, Ceratosaur Dinosaur, Cetiosaur Dinosaur, Dimentrodon Dinosaur, Gorgosaur Dinosaur, Mamenchisaur Dinosaur, Massopondylus Dinosaur, Megalosaur Dinosaur, Phororhacos Falcon, Small Frog, Giant Ghoul Gnoll Herd Animal Hippopotamus Hobgoblin Hornet, Giant Hydra Jermlaine Land Lamprey Leech, Giant Leopard Lion Lizard, Giant Meazel Pilgrim Pseudo-undead, Ghast Pseudo-undead, Ghoul Pseudo-undead, Spectre Pseudo-undead, Vampire Pseudo-undead, Wight Pseudo-undead, Wraith Pudding, Deadly (Brown) Scorpion, Giant Scorpion, Huge Scum Creeper Snake, Constrictor Snake, Poisonous Snake, Giant Constrictor Snake, Giant Poisonous Su-monster Sundew, Giant Toad, Poisonous Troll Volt Whipweed Will-o-wisp Witherweed Wolf Wyvern Rare Assassin Bug Baboon Bandit Basidirond Bat Beetle, Giant Bombardier Beetle, Giant Boring Beetle, Giant Fire Boalisk Boar, Warthog Boar, Wild Boggart Boobrie Bullywug Bunyip Camel, Bactrian Carbuncle Caterwaul Cattle, Wild Caveman Character Party Cifal Crab, Giant Crane, Giant Crystal Ooze Dinosaur, Compsognathus Dinosaur, Giant Ptero. Dinosaur, Monoclonius Dinosaur, Pentaceratop Dinosaur, Stegosaur Dinosaur, Struthoimimus Dinosaur, Tanystropheus Dinosaur, Triceratops Dragon, Coiled Dragonfly, Giant Elephant, African Elephant, Asian Falcon, Large Flightless Bird Fly, Giant Bluebottle Fortress Frog, Poisonous Ghast Giant, Hill Goblin Gorilla Bear Grippli Harpy Horse Hybsil Hyena Jackal Kamadan Leucrotta Lizard Man Lycanthrope, Werewolf Medusa Minotaur Mongrelman Moon Dog Muckdweller Norker Obliviax Ogre, Aquatic Ophidian Owl Patrol Pedipalp, Huge Pedipalp, Large Phycomid Pyrolisk Quaggoth Raven, Huge Retchplant Shadow Shadow Mastiff Shambling Mound Skeleton Snake, Giant Spitting Spectre Thessalhydra Tiger Tiger Fly Tribesmen Troll, Giant Urchin, Black Ustilagor Vapor Rat Wasp, Giant Wolfwere Worg Xvart Zombie Very Rare Achaierai Algoid Ape, Carnivorous Babbler Baku Barghest Basilisk, Greater Bat, Giant Bee, Giant Bumble- Bee, Giant Honey Beetle, Giant Rhino Berserker Boar, Giant Brain Mole Brownie Buffalo Bugbear Bull Centipede, Megalo- Coffer Corpse Cooshee Crabman Crayfish, Giant Death, Crimson Demon, Alu- Demon, Cambion Demon, Nabassu Deva, Movanic Dinosaur, Ankylosaur Dinosaur, Antrodemus Dinosaur, Deinonychus Dinosaur, Paleoscincus Dinosaur, Tyrannosaur Displacer Beast Doppleganger Dracolisk Dragon, Black Dragon, Gold Dragon, Green Dragon, Mist Eblis Elf, Wood Flind Fly, Giant Horse Forester's Bane Frog, Killer Froghemoth Galltrit Gargoyle Ghost Giant, Fog Giant, Verbeeg Gloomwing Gorgon Grim Grue, Varrdig Hangman Tree Haunt Hell Hound Hollyphant Huecuva Hydra, Lernaean Hydra, Pyro Hyenadon Jackalwere Jaguar Kech Kelpie Kenku Kobold Lammasu Land Urchin Lion, Spotted Lizard, King Lycanthrope, Wereboar Lycanthrope, Weretiger Mandragora Mantari Manticore Mihstu Minimal, Baboon Minimal, Badger Minimal, Warthog Boar Minimal, Wild Boar Minimal, Buffalo Minimal, Bull Minimal, Bactrian Camel Minimal, Carniv. Ape Minimal, War Dog Minimal, Wild Dog Minimal, African Elephant Minimal, Asian Elephant Minimal, Gorilla Minimal, Wild Horse Minimal, Hyena Minimal, Jaguar Minimal, Leopard Minimal, Lion Minimal, Rhinoceros Minimal, Tiger Mud-man Mummy Naga, Guardian Naga, Spirit Night Hag Ogre Mage Oliphant Owl, Giant Pedipalp, Giant Phantom Quickling Quickwood Qullan Shade Shedu Shedu, Greater Skeleton, Animal Skulk Skunk Snake, Giant Amphisbaena Son of Kyuss Sphinx, Crio- Squealer Stegocentipede Sussurus Tenebrous Worm Tentamort Thork Tick, Giant Tiger, Sabre-tooth Tirapheg Transposer Treant Tri-flower Frond Trilloch Twilight Bloom Umpleby Urchin, Green Urchin, Red Vampire Vulture, Giant Webbird Wight Wolf, Dire Wraith Zombie, Juju Zombie, Monster Zygom AQUATIC ENCOUNTERS COLD FRESHWATER SURFACE Common Ice Land Encounter Merchant Uncommon Buccaneer (Pirate) Falcon, Small Ogre, Aquatic Otter Swan Turtle, Giant Snapping Rare Boggart Northern Bear Crab, Giant Crystal Ooze Dragon, Red Dragonfish Falcon, Large Gar, Giant Hollyphant Island Lacedon Naga, Water Nixie Otter, Giant Sirine Troll, Marine Very Rare Aarakocra Beaver, Giant Deva, Movanic Dragon Turtle Dragon, Gold Dragon, Green Dragon, Sea Dragon, Silver Dragon, White Eagle Eagle, Giant Gargoyle Ghost Ship Giant, Storm Greenhag Griffon Grue, Varrdig Harpy Hippocampus Hippogriff Ki-rin Kapoacinth Lamprey, Normal Manticore Nereid Octopus Pegasus Pike, Giant Quipper Shedu Shedu, Greater Swanmay Troll, Ice Verme Vodyanoi Water Weird Whirlpool COLD FRESHWATER DEPTHS Common Mo common encounters Uncommon Kapoacinth Lacedon Lamprey, Normal Naga, Water Ogre, Aquatic Turtle, Giant Snapping Rare Crab, Giant Crocodile, Normal Dragonfish Gar, Giant Green Slime Hippocampus Nixie Octopus Otter Pike, Giant Sirine Sunken Ship Troll, Marine Vodyanoi Very Rare Beaver, Giant Bloodworm Dragon Turtle Dragon, Sea Giant, Storm Greenhag Morkoth Nereid Nymph Otter, Giant Quipper Verme Water Weird COLD SALTWATER SURFACE Common Merchant Shark Whale Uncommon Buccaneer (Pirate) Dolphin Island Sea Lion Swordfish Troll, Marine Turtle, Giant Sea Will-o-wisp Rare Crab, Giant Dragon, Red Falcon, Small Ghost Ship Hollyphant Lacedon Naga, Water Narwhal Nixie Otter Shark, Giant Squid, Giant Whirlpool Very Rare Aarakocra Afanc Deva, Movanic Dragon Turtle Dragon, Celestial Dragon, Gold Dragon, Green Dragon, Sea Dragon, Silver Dragon, White Eagle Eagle, GIant Eel, Electric Marine Elf, Aquatic Falcon, Large Giant, Storm Greenhag Griffon Grue, Varrdig Harpy Hippocampus Hippogriff Ki-rin Kapoacinth Kraken Lamprey, Normal Lycanthrope, Seawolf, G Lycanthrope, Seawolf, L Manticore Nereid Octopus Pegasus Selkie Shedu Shedu, Greater Sirine Titan, Lesser Titan, Major Verme Water Weird Wind Walker COLD SALTWATER-DEPTHS Common Shark Whale Uncommon Dolphin Elf, Aquatic Kapoacinth Lacedon Lamprey, Normal Naga, Water Sea Lion Swordfish Troll, Marine Turtle, Giant Sea Urchin, Black Rare Crab, Giant Eel, Electric Marine Ghost Ship Hippocampus Narwhal Nixie Octopus Shark, Giant Squid, Giant Urchin, Green Urchin, Red Very Rare Afanc Dragon Turtle Dragon, Sea Giant, Storm Kraken Lycanthrope, Seawolf, L Lycanthrope, Seawolf, G Morkoth Nereid Nymph Otter Selkie Sirine Titan, Elder Titan, Lesser Titan, Major Urchin, Silver Urchin, Yellow Verme Water Weird TEMPERATE FRESHWATER SURFACE Common Crocodile, Normal Merchant Throat Leech Uncommon Crayfish, Giant Dinosaur, Elasmosaur Falcon, Small Frog, Giant Leech, Giant Ogre, Aquatic Otter Spider, Giant Water Swan Turtle, Giant Snapping Rare Beetle, Giant Water Boggart Buccaneer (Pirate) Crab, Giant Crane, Giant Crystal Ooze Dragon, Bronze Dragon, Carp Dragon, Mist Dragon, Red Dragon, Spirit Dragonfish Falcon, Large Frog, Poisonous Gar, Giant Hollyphant Island Lacedon Lizard Man Naga, Water Nixie Otter, Giant Sirine Troll, Marine Very Rare Aarakocra Algoid Beaver, Giant Boobrie Bunyip Catfish, Giant Cockatrice Deva, Movanic Dragon Turtle Dragon, Black Dragon, Cloud Dragon, Gold Dragon, Green Dragon, Sea Dragon, Silver Dragon, Horse Dragonfly, Giant Dragonnel Eagle Eagle, Giant Eblis Eel, Giant Gargoyle Ghost Ship Giant, Storm Greenhag Griffon Grue, Varrdig Harpy Hippocampus Hippogriff Kelpie Ki-rin Kapoacinth Lammasu Lammasu, Greater Lamprey, Giant Lamprey, Normal Lizard King Manticore Muckdweller Nereid Octopus Pegasus Pike, Giant Pyrolisk Quipper Shedu Shedu, Greater Swanmay Tiger Fly Verme Vodyanoi Wasp, Giant Water Weird Whirlpool TEMPERATE FRESHWATER DEPTHS Common Beetle, Giant Water Crocodile, Normal Spider, Giant Water Throat Leech Uncommon Crayfish, Giant Dinosaur, Elasmosaur Kapoacinth Lacedon Lamprey, Normal Leech, Giant Naga, Water Ogre, Aquatic Rare Bunyip Catfish, Giant Crab, Giant Dragon, Carp Dragon, Spirit Dragonfish Frog, Giant Gar, Giant Hippocampus Lamprey, Giant Lizard Man Nixie Octopus Otter Pike, Giant Sirine Sunken Ship Troll, Marine Vodyanoi Very Rare Afanc Algoid Beaver, Giant Bloodworm Dragon Turtle Dragon, Sea Eel, Giant Frog, Killer Giant, Storm Greenhag Kelpie Lizard King Morkoth Muckdweller Mud-man Nereid Nymph Otter, Giant Quipper Verme Water Weird TEMPERATE SALTWATER SURFACE Common Dinosaur, Plesiosaur Merchant Seaweed, Floating Shark Whale Uncommon Buccaneer (Pirate) Dinosaur, Elasmosaur Dinosaur, Mosasaur Dinosaur, Nothosaur Dolphin Eel, Giant Island Sea Horse Sea Lion Swordfish Troll, Marine Turtle, Giant Sea Will-o-wisp Rare Crab, Giant Crabman Crane, Giant Dinosaur, Tenodontosaur Dragon, Bronze Dragon, Mist Dragon, Red Eye, Floating Falcon, Small Ghost Ship Hollyphant Lacedon Naga, Water Narwhal Nixie Otter Shark, Giant Squid, Giant Whirlpool Very Rare Aarakocra Afanc Algoid Deva, Movanic Dragon Turtle Dragon, Black Dragon, Celestial Dragon, Cloud Dragon, Gold Dragon, Green Dragon, Sea Dragon, Silver Dragon-Horse Eagle Eagle, Giant Eel, Electric Marine Elf, Aquatic Falcon, Large Giant, Storm Greenhag Griffon Grue, Varrdig Harpy Hippocampus Hippogriff Kelpie Ki-rin Kapoacinth Kraken Lammasu Lammasu, Greater Lamprey, Giant Lamprey, Normal Lycanthrope, Seawolf, G Lycanthrope, Seawolf, L Manticore Nereid Octopus Pegasus Shedu Shedu, Greater Sirine Titan, Lesser Titan, Major Verme Water Weird Wind Walker TEMPERATE SALTWARE DEPTHS Common Dinosaur, Plesiosaur Sea Horse Seaweed Bed Shark Whale Uncommon Dinosaur, Elasmosaur Dinosaur, Mosasaur Dinosaur, Nothosaur Dolphin Eel, Giant Elf, Aquatic Kapoacinth Lacedon Lamprey, Normal Masher Naga, Water Sea Lion Swordfish Troll, Marine Turtle, Giant Sea Urchin, Black Rare Crab, Giant Crabman Dinosaur, Tenodontosaur Eel, Electric Marine Hippocampus Lamprey, Giant Mottle Worm Narwhal Nixie Octopus Shark, Giant Squid, Giant Sunken Ship Urchin, Green Urchin, Red Very Rare Afanc Algoid Dragon Turtle Dragon, Sea Eye of the Deep Giant, Storm Kelpie Kraken Lycanthrope, Seawolf, L Lycanthrope, Seawolf, G Morkoth Nereid Nymph Otter Sirine Titan, Elder Titan, Lesser Titan, Major Urchin, Silver Urchin, Yellow Verme Water Weird ASTRAL AND ETHEREAL ENCOUNTERS ASTRAL PLANE Common Cerebral Parasites Daemon, Minor Demon, Lesser Deva, Astral Devil, Minor Human Traveler Invisible Stalker Nighthag Nightmare Slaad, Red, Blue or Green Uncommon Aerial Servant Agathion Baku Basilisk* Cockatrice* Diakk Dracolisk* Githyanki Gorgon* Medusa* Pyrolisk* Rakshasa Shedu Titan Rare Basilisk, Greater* Berbabang Daemon, Greater Demon, Major Devil, Major Foo Dog Githzerai Gorgimera* Hollyphant Intellect Devourer Ki-rin Modron, Hierarch Moon Dog Phoenix Planetar Slaad, Death or Grey Very Rare Cat Lord Daemon, Master Demon, Prince or Lord Devil, Duke or Arch- Dragon, Platinum or Chromatic Dragon Horse Foo Lion Opinicus Retriever Shedu, Greater Slaad, Lord Solar ETHEREAL PLANE Common Cerebral Parasite Deva, Monadic Elementals Geniekind Human Traveler Lammasu Nightmare Uncommon Azer Basilisk* Cockatrice* Couatl Crysmal Daemon, Charona- Dracolisk* Ghost Gorgon* Groaning Spirit Invisible Stalker Ki-rin Medusa* Xag-ya Xeg-yi Xorn Rare Aerial Servant Agathion Baku Firebat Foo Dog Grim Hollyphant Moon Dog Opinicus Para-elemental Planetar Salamander Shedu Spider, Phase Thought Eater Wind Walker Xaren Xill Very Rare Apparition Basilisk, Greater* Daemon, Charon Dragon Horse Dragon, Chromatic or Platinum Foo Lion Gorgimera* Intellect Devourer Lammasu, Greater Phoenix Pyrolisk* Shedu, Greater Solar Terithran Tween Vision Outdoor Random Encounter Tables COLD WILDERNESS AREAS Die Roll Creature Encountered Mountains 2 Giant, Mountain 3 Hoar Fox 4 Galeb Duhr 5 Toad, Ice 6 Lycanthrope, Werebear 7 Dragon, White 8 Wolverine 9 Dwarf, Mountain 10 Rhinocerous, Woolly 11 Mammoth 12 Raven, Normal 13 Ogre 14 Lion, Mountain 15 Giant, Hill 16 Giant, Frost 17 Fortress 18 Taer 19 Yeti 20 Dragon, Red Hills and Rough Terrain 2 Wolf, Winter 3 Owl, Giant 4 Badger 5 Character Party 6 Bear, Northern 7 Troll, Ice 8 Mammoth 9 Giant, Hill 10 Herd Animal 11 Wolf 12 Orc 13 Dwarf, Hill 14 Bear, Cave 15 Snake, Poisonous (white-furred) 16 Boar, Wild 17 Wolverine, Giant 18 Irish Deer 19 Remorhaz 20 Elf, Grugach Forest 2 Giant, Frost 3 Forlarren 4 Treant 5 Pudding, White 6 Bear, Northern 7 Porcupine, Giant 8 Bugbear 9 Wolf 10 Ogre 11 Orc 12 Dog, Wild 13 Lycanthrope, Werewolf 14 Manticore 15 Dragon, White 16 Baluchitherium 17 Ogrillon 18 Grim 19 Korred 20 Lycanthrope, Foxwoman Swamp and Marsh 2 Troll, Ice 3 Wolf, Winter 4 Wolf, Dire 5 Tiger or Spectre (Night) 6 Crystal Ooze 7 Pseudo-undead, Spectre 8 Hydra 9 Dog, Wild 10 Orc 11 Quaggoth or Deadly White Pudding 12 Ogre 13 Rat, Giant 14 Volt or Ghoul (Night) 15 Herd Animal 16 Irish Deer 17 Moon Dog 18 Dragon, White 19 Owl, Giant 20 Black Willow Plains and Scrub 2 Gorgon 3 Yeth Hound 4 Troll, Ice 5 Men, Dervishes 6 Giant, Hill 7 Snake, Poisonous (white-furred) 8 Men, Bandit 9 Mammoth 10 Mastodon 11 Herd Animal 12 Ogre 13 Camel, Bactrian 14 Men, Nomad 15 Dragon, White 16 Devil Dog 17 Wolf 18 Wolfwere 19 Lynx, Giant 20 Remorhaz Desert 2 Dragon, Gold 3 Hobgoblin 4 Rock Reptile 5 Snadling 6 Hoar Fox 7 Men, Nomad 8 Scorpion, Huge 9 Dog, Wild 10 Camel, Bactrian 11 Herd Animal 12 Scorpion, Large 13 Raven, Normal 14 Tiger 15 Raven, Giant 16 Wolf 17 Devil Dog 18 Bugbear 19 Gambado 20 Succubus TEMPERATE WILDERNESS Die Roll Creature Encountered Mountains 2 Cave Fisher 3 Gorgimera 4 Dragon, Red 5 Lion, Spotted 6 Bat, Giant 7 Giant, Stone 8 Bloodhawk 9 Vulture, Normal 10 Spider, Large 11 Dwarf, Mountain 12 Bat 13 Orc 14 Lion, Mountain 15 Cockatrice 16 Bear, Black 17 Caveman 18 Chimera 19 Kharga 20 Galeb Duhr Hills and Rough Terrain 2 Gorgon 3 Displacer Beast 4 Ant Lion, Giant 5 Bee, Giant Bumble- 6 Harpy 7 Giant, Verbeeg 8 Scorpion, Large 9 Giant, Hill 10 Wolf 11 Orc 12 Ogre 13 Lycanthrope, Werewolf 14 Tiger 15 Spider, Huge 16 Mantis, Giant 17 Aspis 18 Hybsil 19 Vulture, Giant 20 Manticore Forest 2 Death Watch Beetle 3 Elf, Grugach 4 Atomie 5 Bee, Giant Honey 6 Dragon, Green 7 Boar, Giant 8 Kobold 9 Boar, Warthog 10 Rhinoceros 11 Centipede, Giant or Huge 12 Bear, Black 13 Beetle, Giant Stag 14 Porcupine, Giant 15 Clubnek 16 Owlbear 17 Kech 18 Greenhag 19 Elfin Cat 20 Basilisk, Greater Swamp and Marsh 2 Algoid 3 Dragon, Mist 4 Troll, Giant 5 Shambling Mound 6 Phycomid 7 Toad, Poisonous 8 Lizard, Giant 9 Toad, Giant 10 Vulture, Normal 11 Spider, Large or Huge 12 Crocodile, Normal 13 Orc 14 Wyvern 15 Basidirond 16 Caterwaul 17 Eblis 18 Pseudo-undead, Wight 19 Crayfish, Giant 20 Beholder Plains and Scrub 2 Ascomoid 3 Giant, Firbolg or Verbeeg 4 Xvart 5 Troll 6 Tiger Fly 7 Kenku 8 Lion 9 Boar, Wild 10 Cattle, Wild 11 Wolf 12 Jackal 13 Scorpion, Huge 14 Shadow Mastiff 15 Titanothere 16 Bee, Giant Bumble- 17 Blink Dog 18 Gnoll 19 Yeth Hound 20 Bullette Desert 2 Giant, Fire 3 Dune Stalker 4 Lammasu 5 Purple Worm 6 Fly, Giant Horse- 7 Scorpion, Giant or Huge 8 Dustdigger 9 Camel, Bactrian 10 Spider, Large or Huge 11 Jackal 12 Vulture, Normal 13 Scorpion, Large 14 Ogre 15 Snake, Giant Poisonous 16 Ant Lion, Giant 17 Man, Dervish 18 Thunderherder 19 Lamia 20 Wind Walker TROPICAL AND SUBTROPICAL WILDERNESS Die Roll Creature Encountered Mountains 2 Aarakocra 3 Dragon, Black 4 Wind Walker 5 Dragon, Red 6 Caveman 7 Dragon, Copper 8 Bugbear 9 Spider, Large 10 Pteradactyl, Small 11 Dog, Wild 12 Bat 13 Ogre 14 Giant, Fire 15 Manticore 16 Firedrake 17 Giant, Storm 18 Pyrolisk 19 Ogre Magi 20 Grue, Elemental Hills and Rough Terrain 2 Zorbo 3 Hangman Tree 4 Firenewt 5 Bee, Giant Bumble- 6 Ant, Giant 7 Witherweed 8 Kenku 9 Cattle, Wild 10 Giant, Hill 11 Lycanthrope, Werewolf 12 Spider, Large 13 Wolf 14 Basilisk 15 Scorpion, Large 16 Hyena 17 Sphinx, Hieraco- 18 Assassin Bug 19 Axebeak 20 Vilstrak Forest 2 Dragon, Green 3 Bloodthorn 4 Grippli 5 Ettercap 6 Baluchitherium 7 Ophidian 8 Kobold 9 Baboon 10 Boar, Warthog 11 Flightless Bird 12 Elephant, African 13 Ogre 14 Beetle, Giant Rhino 15 Jaguar 16 Basidirond 17 Buckawn 18 Forester's Bane 19 Choke Creeper 20 Stego-centipede Swamp and Marsh 2 Basilisk, Greater 3 Crabman 4 Shambling Mound 5 Mongrelman 6 Muckdweller 7 Basilisk 8 Meazel 9 Centipede, Giant or Huge 10 Scorpion, Large 11 Spider, Huge 12 Toad, Giant 13 Rat, Normal or Giant 14 Sundew, Giant 15 Troll 16 Caterwaul 17 Cifal 18 Dragonfly, Giant 19 Naga, Guardian 20 Dragon, Black Plains and Scrub 2 Ascomoid 3 Cockatrice 4 Wyvern 5 Thri-kreen 6 Hybsil 7 Dakon 8 Owl 9 Baboon 10 Boar, Wild 11 Cattle, Wild 12 Ogre 13 Scorpion, Large 14 Man, Nomad 15 Ghoul 16 Cheetah 17 Axebeak 18 Giant, Hill 19 Dragon, Blue 20 Deva, Movanic Desert 2 Giant, Fire 3 Boalisk 4 Sphinx, Gyno- 5 Sandman 6 Pudding, Deadly (Dun) 7 Kenku 8 Flightless Bird 9 Camel 10 Hyena 11 Jackal 12 Scorpion, Giant 13 Spider, Large or Huge 14 Dustdigger 15 Scorpion, Large or Huge 16 Ant Lion, Giant 17 Moon Dog 18 Dune Stalker 19 Formian 20 Jann DRAGON #37 That's not in the Monster Manual! Neutral dragons by Arthur Collins Taxonomic types have no doubt noticed that the dragons in the AD&D™ Monster Manual are easily separated into two types: colored dragons, ruled by Tiamat, the Chromatic Dragon (evil); and metallic dragons, ruled by Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon (good). And a well-balanced and fascinating group of beasties they are. So why am I about to propose six new types of dragons? Part of the problem is with alignment. How come there are no neutral dragons? Surely there must be a place for the occasional dragon who doesn't give a hoot about good or evil as long as people leave his treasure alone. Likewise, half of these fascinating creatures are of good alignment, which really cuts down on the pillaging an adventurer of good can attempt without incurring the wrath of the gods (or at least the DM). Another part of the problem is that everyone and his brother has a Monster Manual, which cuts down on the DM's options to surprise his adventurers with something that they have to think about to deal with successfully. It's very frustrating to be graphically describing an unknown beast a party has encountered, only to have some fanatic quote you chapter and verse on what it is, and what all of its abilities are. Finally, there is just something fascinating about dragons, which leads us to explore new variations simply to enjoy the essence of dragon-ness. In proposing this new breed of dragon, I am assuming that all these types conform to the characteristics of dragons in general, except where otherwise noted. In addition, all of these dragons share the following standard characteristics: FREQUENCY: Very rare NO. APPEARING: 1-3, except in the case of Sardior, the Ruby Dragon. SPECIAL ATTACKS: Breath weapon + possible magic use (except for Sardior, who definitely uses magic) ALIGNMENT: Neutral The neutral dragons are basically reclusive creatures, dwelling in out-of-the-way places, and are not too receptive to unexpected visitors. Like all dragons, they get their kicks from lolling around on a pile of treasure. They are named after precious and semi-precious stones, and are especially fond of gems and jewelry. They are generally smaller and slower than other dragons, but make up for this with their outstanding intelligence and overwhelming personalities. The neutral dragons are all very charismatic and suave. They delight in riddling talk, and seek to entrap the creatures they encounter by charming them with their voices. Anyone not engaged in such things as combat who listens to the dragon's voice faces a 10% cumulative chance per round of being entranced. While the intended victim is entranced, the dragon has a chance (varying with the dragon type; see chart) of implanting a suggestion in his mind. The dragon gets one attempt per creature to suggest, and the victim is allowed a saving throw as against the spell of the same name. If the victim makes the saving throw, the entrancement is broken for a minimum of six rounds. The dragon will try to keep the intended victim talking, in order to try again, but this time will get only a 5% cumulative chance per round of entrancing the victim(s). If the dragon fails in a suggestion attempt on the second try, the intended victim cannot be affected again. Going along with their intelligence and charisma, all neutral dragons have a 50% chance of being psionically endowed. They are also telepathic, although they cannot communicate telepathically with non-telepathic creatures or characters with an intelligence below 17. Magic-using neutral dragons employ both magic-user and druid spells. Since they are smaller than other dragons, the neutral dragons' fear aura in attacking is saved against at +4 for all opponents. Neutral dragons cannot polymorph themselves, unless they know the appropriate spell. They have the innate ability to blink six times per day, as in the spell. Particulars about each type of dragon are listed in the accompanying chart. PSIONIC DISCIPLINES (where applicable) Crystal dragons have 2 minor disciplines each; Topaz dragons, 3 minors; Emerald, 2 minors and 1 major; Sapphire, 3 minors and 1 major; Amethyst, 3 minors and 2 majors; and Sardior, the Ruby Dragon, has the following 4 minor and 3 major disciplines: Domination, ESP, Invisibility, Levitation, Molecular Rearrangement, Energy Control, and Dimension Walk. All neutral dragons have a level of mastery for all disciplines equivalent to twice their age level; Very Young dragons operate at 2nd level of mastery, Young at 4th level of mastery, and so on. CRYSTAL DRAGONS These creatures live on mountain crags, far away from all other beings. They like to come out at night and lie under the stars. Crystal dragons can breathe a dazzling cloud twice per day, 4" long by 4" wide by 2" high, that causes temporary blindness for everyone enveloped in it. After emerging from the cloud, creatures remain blinded for 10-60 rounds (saving throw cuts this in half). The dazzling cloud is as bright as daylight, and can be seen for miles. Most creatures within 60' of it will by -2 to hit, due to its brightness (except for creatures not adversely affected by brightness or fiery light, such as fire elementals). Basically nocturnal creatures such as goblins, et al, will strike at -4. Crystal dragons are a milky white in color, but when the moon or stars shine on them, their hide becomes luminescent and sparkling. In bright sunlight, they are almost unbearable to look at, because of the dazzling brilliance that their hide reflects. TOPAZ DRAGONS These creatures, light orange in color, prefer to dwell along bleak, rocky seacoasts, although they have no inordinate love for the water as bronze dragons do. Twice per day they can use their breath to dehydrate objects. Their breath dries up 3 cu. ft. per h.p. of the dragon when directed against liquids. Other materials suspended in the liquid (for instance, salt) will precipitate out. When directed against living creatures, the breath will cause every creature in its path (3" long cone with 1" base) to lose 7-12 strength points due to dehydration. After being dehydrated by a topaz dragon, a creature must be nursed back to health carefully. Affected creatures will regain their strength at the rate of one-half point per day with adequate care and rest. A successful saving throw reduces damage to 1-6 strength points drained. Characters with a constitution of more than 15 may recover 1 strength point per day after 6 days. Curative spells will not negate the effects of this dehydration. Any creature reduced to a strength of less than 3 will lapse into a coma, and will die in 3-12 turns unless a strength spell or a raise dead spell is cast on him. These spells will not cure the individual of his dehydration, however, nor help him recover his strength, but will only let him pass into normal sleep for 4-24 turns. Any creature reduced to zero strength points is killed instantly. EMERALD DRAGONS Emerald dragons make their homes in extinct or dormant volcanoes. Twice per day they can use a keening sort of voice (breath) weapon which will set up a sonic vibration, knocking all affected creatures within hearing distance unconscious for 10-60 rounds. Those who make a saving throw vs. breath weapon are deafened for 10-60 rounds. The emerald dragon is a beautiful creature whose scaly hide seems to be in constant motion due to the many shades of green on the body. The interplay of the various shades can be very distracting to an observer, and the emerald dragon knows how to undulate its body to create a hypnotic effect on those it is parlaying with, dulling the observer's reactions. Thus, after the first three rounds of a peaceable encounter with this sort of dragon, the dragon is able to attack (if it deems it necesssary or wishes to) with complete surprise. SAPPHIRE DRAGONS Sapphire dragons make their lairs in deep underground caverns, avoiding inhabited places where orcs, dwarves, etc., live. Twice per day the sapphire dragon can set up a sonic vibration by its keening wail, which disintegrates a number of hit points equal to the number of hit points the dragon has. Creatures not killed outright by loss of hit points would survive, but with weapons, armor and clothing totally disintegrated. Magical items get a saving throw. Sapphire dragons can be occasionally mistaken (on sight) for young blue dragons, although an adventurer who has encountered blue dragons before sometimes realizes his mistake if he has reason to recall that blue dragons prefer arid environments, while sapphire dragons are liable to be found in caverns in any climate. AMETHYST DRAGONS Amethyst dragons love to dwell near isolated highland turns. Twice per day, the amethyst dragon can shriek, with the same effects as a banshee. Amethyst dragons are a sparkling lavender in color. SARDIOR, THE RUBY DRAGON Finally, we come to the Ruby Dragon. This is not a breed of dragon, but a unique individual. Sardior the Ruby Dragon is the Prince of Neutral Dragons. He dwells in a magical castle that roams the night sky, high up in the atmosphere. He keeps his castle moving so that it is always in the earth's shadow. Often, when Sardior's castle is sighted, sages think they are seeing a reddish star making unusual conjunctions with other stars in the night sky. Sardior keeps a court of fuve thanes, one each of the various breeds of neutral dragons. They are: Hrodel (a female crystal dragon), who has the psionic disciplines of empathy and invisibility; Tithonnas (a male topaz dragon), who has the disciplines of clairaudience, clairvoyance, and sensitivity to psychic impressions; Smargad (a male emerald dragon), who has domination, hypnosis, and teleportation; Charsimma (a female sapphire dragon), who has cell adjustment, ESP, suspend animation, and etherealness; and Aleithilithos (a male amethyst dragon), who has detection of good/evil, detection of magic, object reading, energy control, and dimension walk. Occasionally (10% of the time), one of these dragons will roam the earth without Sardior and the other thanes. If encountered, the thane may reward beings that find favor with it, usually in the form of gems, but sometimes in the granting of a boon. All of Sardior's thanes are huge, ancient dragons. It must be remembered, of course, that Sardior and company are a stay-at-home lot, not given much to interfering with others' business. All the neutral dragons honor Sardior, but being what they are, his sovereignty does not much affect their daily lives of treasure-mongering. All are agreed, however, that Sardior is the most brilliant conversationalist and raconteur of all dragons. Sardior has two breath weapons, both of which he can employ twice per day: a shriek (like an amethyst dragon) or a dazzling cloud (like a crystal dragon). He has a ruddy appearance, but his handsome features and general grace ensure that only a very inexperienced dragon-hunter would mistake him for a red dragon. So much for neutral dragons. Put one of these in your campaign, and listen to the music of agonizing wails when your hardened dragon-slayers encounter something that they've never heard of before. (Chortle, chortle!) After all, keeping them on their toes is what makes for exciting play. CRYSTAL TOPAZ EMERALD SAPPHIRE AMETHYST RUBY ARMOR CLASS 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 MOVE: 9"/18" 9"/18" 9"/24" 9"/24" 12"/30" 12"/32" HIT DICE: 4-6 5-7 6-8 7-9 8-10 12 (96 hp) % IN LAIR: 55% 55% 60% 65% 70% 80% TREASURE: H, Ux2 H, Ux2 H, Ux3 H, I, Ux2 H, Ix2, Ux2 100% H, Ix3, Ux5 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-4/1-4/2-12 2-5/2-5/2-16 1-6/1-6/3-18 1-6/1-6/5-20 1-8/1-8/5-30 1-10/1-10/5-40 INTELLIGENCE: Exceptional Exceptional Exceptional Genius Genius Supragenius SIZE: 12' long 15' long 20' long 24' long 30' long 36' long PSIONIC ABILITY: 100 120 180 200 250 344 A/D modes C/F BD/FH AD/FJ AC/FI ACE/FGJ All/all CHANCE OF Speaking: 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Magic-user: 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 100% Sleeping: 25% 20% 15% 10% 10% 5% SUGGESTION: 35% 40% 50% 55% 65% 75% SPELLS GAINED* CRYSTAL TOPAZ EMERALD SAPPHIRE AMETHYST RUBY Very Young 1 1st-D 1 1st-D 1 1st-D 1 1st-MU 1 1st-D 1 1st-MU 2 1st-D 1 1st-MU ** Young 1 1st-MU 1 1st-D 1 1st-MU 1 1st-D 1 1st-MU 1 1st-D 1 1st-MU 1 2nd-D 1 2nd-D 2 2nd-MU Sub-adult 1 2nd-D 1 2nd-D 1 1st-MU 1 2nd-D 1 2nd-MU 1 2nd-D 2 2nd-MU 2 3rd-D 1 3rd-MU Young Adult 1 2nd-MU 1 2nd-D 1 2nd-MU 1 2nd-D 1 2nd-MU 2 3rd-D 1 3rd-MU 2 4th-D Adult 1 3rd-D 1 3rd-D 1 2nd-MU 1 3rd-D 1 3rd-MU 2 3rd-MU 2 4th-MU 1 5th-D Old 1 3rd-MU 1 3rd-D 1 3rd-MU 1 3rd-D 1 3rd-MU 2 4th-D 2 5th-MU 1 5th-D Very Old 1 4th-D 1 4th-D 1 3rd-MU 1 4th-D 1 4th-MU 2 4th-MU 2 6th-D Ancient 1 4th-D 1 4th-MU 1 4th-D 1 4th-MU 1 4th-D 1 5th-MU 1 5th-D 2 6th-MU * "1 1st-D" means one first-level druid spell; "2 3rd-MU" means two third0level magic-user spells, etc. ** Sardior, the Ruby Dragon, has 3 each of both druid and magic-user spells of levels 1-7, and has spell books listing all the magic-user spells of those levels. It is assumed that since dragons' MU spells are of a special, verbal-only kind, so also are the neutral dragons' druid spells of a special kind, attuned to their natures, and not requiring mistletoe or other material or somatic components. Polyhedron #73 (July 1992) [AD&D 2nd Edition] Dragon, Bahamut CLIMATE/TERAIN: Any FREQUENCY: Unique ORGANIZATION: Solitary or with gold dragon court ACTIVITY CYCLE: Any DIET: Special INTELLIGENCE: Godlike (22) TREASURE: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, S, T, U (all x 10) ALIGNMENT: Lawful Good NO. APPEARING: 1 ARMOR CLASS: -15 MOVEMENT: 18, FI 40 (C), Sw 24, Jp 18, Br 18 HIT DICE: 70 (490 hit points) THACO: 2 NO. OF ATTACKS: 3 + special DAMAGE/ATTACKS: 6-60/6-60(6d10)/10-1 00(10d10) SPECIAL ATTACKS: Spells, breath weapon SPECIAL DEFENSES: +3 or better weapon to hit, spells MAGIC RESISTANCE: 90% SIZE: G (420' long) MORALE: Fearless (19-20) XP VALUE: 72,000 Bahamut, the platinum dragon, is the king of all goodly-aligned dragons. The ancient, wingless serpent is considered a deity among dragons and dragonkind. Although Bahamut's immense form seems threatening, his benevolent expression displays his kindness and hints at his great wisdom. He is quick to aid the causes of good creatures -- usually by assigning other dragons to the tasks. If he feels the threat is great, he will assume a different guise and tend to the matter himself. The most handsome of all dragons, Bahamut's platinum scales glow with a faint blue sheen. The scales are huge, thick, and virtually indestructable. Only the most magical of weapons can penetrate them. The scales shimmer as the great one walks, creating a mirror-like glare that is difficult to look directly upon. His boulder-size eyes are a pale lavender, in sharp contrast to his glistening, spiral ebony horns. Only a few living beings have ever seen this magnificent form. Bahamut chooses to wear the guises of humans, demihumans, and common creatures so he does not frighten lesser beings. In Bahamut's lifetime, he has visited every known world and plane at least once. His insatiable curiousity has taken him to many peoples, and he has consequently learned to communicate with nearly every known race. The platinum dragon is aided in this linguistic task by his ever-present receptive form of telepathy. However, due to changes in local dialects, Bahamut may have to cast a spell to aid him so he can better converse in up-to-date terminology. Combat: Bahamut rarely involves himself in struggles, relying on other goodly-aligned dragons and creatures to deal with the situations. However, if a situation is especially threatening or if Bahamut's curiousity is piqued enough to cause his involvement, the platinum dragon and his gold dragon court will enter the fray. When the foes are obviously evil, the platinum dragon strikes first with his concussive blast, using this breath each round as often as necessary. If the nature of the foes is uncertain, Bahamut uses his vapor breath, which puts affected creatures into a gaseous form. The dragon and his court gather up any weapons and armor, wait for their foes to materialize, and then question them -- or finish them off if the targets are unwilling to talk. The platinum dragon prefers to use his spells and spell-like abilities to aid worthy causes rather than in combat. However, if pressed, he will use these spells to fight. Bahamut uses his physical attacks as a last resort, as the great one dislikes dirtying his claws and teeth with the blood of evil creatures. Bahamut's gold dragon court first rely on their breath weapons in combat, followed by spells. Like the platinum dragon, they prefer not to fight physically. However, they will do so if the platinum dragon seems threatened. Breath weapon/special abilities: Bahamut has three breath weapons. The most visible breath weapon is a frosty white cone of cold 10' wide at his mouth, 250' long, and 80' wide at the base. All those within the cone suffer 20d20 + 12 hit points of damage, save vs. breath weapons for half. Any creature caught within the cone has a 50% chance to drop anything held in its hands (saving throw not withstanding), as the objects have become too cold to handle. Further, for the next four rounds those creatures suffer half movement rate and are -4 on all attack rolls and Armor Class ratings because of their bodies' uncontrolable shivering. The second breath is a whispy blue cloud of magical vapor that is 120' long, 60' wide, and 60' deep. All those caught within the cloud are reduced to half their current hit points. Those who save are reduced by one-quarter. Further, all creatures which do not save turn gaseous for 3d4 turns. All equipment and items worn do not turn gaseous, but fall to the ground. The third breath is a concussive blast of air which is 10' wide at Bahamut's mouth, 150' long, and 50' wide at the base. This horrible assault kills all creatures within its range which have 60 hit points or less. There is no saving throw. Creatures possessing more than 60 hit points suffer 60 points of damage, no saving throw. Bahamut can use one breath per round as many times a day as desired. Creatures struck by a breath weapon save at -4 because of Bahamut's awesome power. Bahamut is able to cast at will any first through seventh level priest spell and first through ninth level wizard spell. Bahamut can cast 100 spell levels per day. For example, Bahamut can cast 20 fifth level spells or any other combination thereof to equal 100. In addition, he has the permanent abilities of receptive telepathy and shapechange. He can become astral or ethereal at will, and he is immune to Cold and gaseous attacks. Bahamut casts spells and uses his abilities at 20th level. Habitat/Society: While Bahamut has been known to inhabit virtually any clime in the guise of a human or demihuman, he most often resides in an immense crystal palace behind the East Wind. Sages speculate this palace is either on the elemental plane of air or in the Seven Heavens or TriParadises. The wisest of sages believe the palace occupies a pocket dimension between the plane of air and the Seven Heavens and that Bahamut and his gold dragon court are the dimension's only occupants. Legends say the crystal palace is covered with glyphs and wards and protected by spells humankind has yet to discover. The platinum dragon journeys to human and demi-human lands out of curiosity. Bahamut has a fondness for the creatures and occassionally travels among them to learn about trends in their cultures, current politics, and new magical or clerical discoveries. During these forays, he is almost always accompanied by the seven gold dragons of his court -- who also assume an acceptable guise. Sages say the platinum dragon is most fond of the form of an elderly man followed by seven yellow canaries. Other recorded forms have included a straggly-appearing urchin and his seven rag-tag friends, a prince and his carriage drawn by seven horses, and a beggar surrounded by yelping dogs. The sages are certain he has other guises, though nothing else has been documented. Although Bahamut's court is comprised of gold dragons, he enjoys the company of all good dragons, delighting in their differences and varied personalities. Bahamut's treasure is stored deep inside his crystal palace. Despite the immensity of the piles of gems, gold, and magical items, he considers the wealth inconsequential in the overall scheme of things. However, he uses bits of his treasurepassing out coins and gems to those down on their luck and using magic items to his own advantage. Ecology: Bahamut is capable of eating nearly anything. He only requires sustenance while outside the crystal palace. His favorite meals include the early-morning frost on blades of grass, honey, and daisy petals. His nemesis is Tiamat, the chromatic dragon. Gold Dragon Court: Bahamut's loyal court is comprised of seven great wyrm gold dragons. Each of these dragons has maximum hit points, is well-versed in the most effective of spells, and is intensely loyal to Bahamut. There is only a 10 percent chance Bahamut will be encountered without his court. When in his presence they appear in a form that complements his own-in their true bodies when he appears as a dragon, as canaries when he is an elderly man, and in other shapes as the situation warrants. Sitting on Bahamut's gold dragon court is a position of unmatched prestige. Once appointed to the court, a great wyrm gold dragon serves until his or her death or until he or she is too infirm to aid Bahamut. When a replacement gold dragon is needed, Bahamut observes all gold wyrms and great wyrms, secretly testing them. These tests are elaborate, dangerous, and challenges the mettle of the greatest of dragons. Only the most noble and courageous dragons have a chance to be named to the court. Some sages speculate that Bahamut only chooses gold dragons for his court because a hundred centuries ago the platinum dragon was gold. Sages say Bahamut's great goodness caused him to transcend his golden form and become a unique breed of dragon -- the most powerful dragon ever. Dragon, Tiamat CLIMATE/TERAIN: Any FREQUENCY: Unique ORGANIZATION: Solitary ACTIVITY CYCLE: Any DIET: Special INTELLIGENCE: Godlike (21) TREASURE: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, S, T, U (all x 15) ALIGNMENT: Lawful Evil NO. APPEARING: 1 ARMOR CLASS: -15 MOVEMENT: 9, FI 30 (C), Sw 12, Jp 12 HIT DICE: 60 (420 hit points) THACO: 2 NO. OF ATTACKS: Up to 7 + special DAMAGE/ATTACKS/ CLAWS/TAIL: 3-30 + 12/3-30 + 12 RED DRAGON BITE/BREATH: 3-30 + 12/24d10 + 12 GREEN DRAGON BITE/BREATH: 2-20 + 12/24d6 + 12 BLUE DRAGON BITE/BREATH: 3-24 + 12/24d8 + 12 BLACK DRAGON BITE/BREATH: 3-18 + 12/24d4 + 12 WHITE DRAGON BITE/BREATH: 2-16 + 12/12d6 + 12 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Spells, breath weapon SPECIAL DEFENSES: +2 or better weapon to hit, spells MAGIC RESISTANCE: 80% SIZE: G (360/ long) MORALE: Fearless (19-20) XP VALUE: 68,000 Tiamat, called the "Queen of Evil Dragons" or the "Bane of Bahamut," is the most powerful and malicious of the chromatic dragons. Sages say no act is too evil for Tiamat -- if it nets her more wealth, influence, and causes harm to the forces of good. The great dragon looks like a nightmare creation, sporting the necks and heads of white, black, green, blue, and red great wyrms. While the mass of huge heads seem to move independently like a group of writhing snakes, they are directed by one intelligence lodged deeply inside the dragon's massive body. Tiamat's five necks join just above massive, muscular shoulders. The colors of the necks and heads blend at the base in a swirl of colors that quickly turns jet black just below the shoulders. The black scales are small for a dragon of this size, about the size of a man's fist, and gleam like ebony pearls. The great dragon's belly is blue tinged with black, and her long, razor sharp talons are ruby red. Tiamat's great tail -- nearly twice as long as her body from chest to haunches -- seems to shift in hue as it twitches from emerald green to midnight black to sapphire blue. The queen's legs are as thick as great trees, and her wings -- black on the exterior and red as blood on the underside -- are huge. Still, they are not powerful enough to lift her great bulk with ease; Tiamat flies magically. The wings simply aid in her maneuverability. Tiamat's teeth in her five heads are an opal white, sharp and long. And when the queen opens her mouths, the air seems to smell of brimstone and sulphur. The centuries-old evil dragon has visited many lands in her many guises, becoming fluent in the languages of all evil creatures and all of dragonkind. She is also able to communicate in the languages of most men and demi-humans although she is loathe to lower herself to their level and do so. Combat: Tiamat prefers to have her battles fought by troops of evil creatures loyal to her and by adult and older chromatic dragons. Despite her great power, she is fearful that direct combat with good creatures could cause her injury or death. So she prefers to orchestrate conflicts from the background. Such fights have escalated into full-scale wars between humans and evil creatures, with the humans never knowing who was ultimately behind the struggle. When Tiamat is forced to fight, she begins her assault using all five breath weapons directed at the strongest targets. As of yet, she has found no mortal creature to survive beyond that first attack. Tiamat uses her spells to discern targets' weaknesses and motivations. She has been known to charm potential victims to learn of treasure hordes, then kill them quickly and horribly after the treasure is attained. In her lair, Tiamat's court of five great wyrm dragons fight for her. The court is comprised of one dragon from each basic chromatic color, and each has maximum hit points. If Tiamat suffers more than 150 hit points of damage in a combat she will automatically teleport without error to Avernus. Breath weapons/special abilities: Tiamat's white great wyrm head breathes a cone of cold 70' long, 5' wide at the mouth, and 25' wide at the base. Creatures caught within the cone suffer 12d6 + 12 points of damage. The black head breathes a stream of acid 5' wide and 60' long. Those in the stream suffer 24d4 + 12 points of damage. The green head breathes a cloud of poisonous chlorine gas that is 50' long, 40' wide, and 30' high. Those in the cloud suffer 24d6 + 12. The blue head's breath weapon is a lightning bolt 5' wide at the mouth and 100' long. The bolt causes 24d8 + 12 points of damage. The most fearsome head, the red, breathes a gout of searing flame 90' long, 5' wide at the mouth, and 30' wide at the base. Those caught by the magical fire suffer 24d10 + 12 points of damage. A successful save vs. breath weapon reduces the damage from any breath by one half, and creatures must make a saving throw for each individual breath weapon they are caught in. All saving throws are made at -3 because of the power of the attack. The five heads can breathe simultaneously, on separate targets or the same target, every other round. Tiamat is immue to all fire, cold, acid, gas, and lightning attacks, and she is immune to non-magical and +1 weapons. She can travel astrally or ethereally at will. Further, she has the following abilities at will: pyrotechnics, tongues, cause fear, polymorph self, and teleport without error. Each day she can cast three wizard spells at each level from 1st through 7th. Tiamat casts spells and uses her abilities at 18th level. Habitat/society: Tiamat lives on Avernus, although she is able to live in virtually any clime and on nearly any plane. Her lair is a castle of immense proportions which she constructed magically out of molten lava and the bones of her victims. Although solid, the castle's exterior walls appear to flow like lava and cause most creatures to avoid the place. Tiamat's court dwells in the castle. Sages believe the place is also populated by other guards, such as elementals, fiends, and unnamed creatures. The castle is an extension of the queen's personality -- its spires are twisted and grotesque, there are no windows, and the walls are studded with bits of sharp material and jagged bones which can injure all but the most wary. The macabre, yet impressive, structure is avoided by nearly all the inhabitants of Avernus. The great evil dragon knows what is transpiring within every square inch of her castle and within many square miles beyond. Because of this, it is impossible to surprise her in her lair. Her treasure is vast and litters the castle, in some places it is so thick she has shaped it into walls and uses it to cover the floor. Tiamat has a precise inventory of her wealth -- down to each insignificant copper -- and she has spent decades mentally cataloging it so she knows what all the magical items can do. She uses some of the items to further her malign gains. The queen of evil dragons spends nearly all her time within the castle. She remains knowledgable about what is transpiring on other worlds and planes through magical items, spies, and cults of humans and demi-humans she has bent to her will. On rare occasions when something has sparked her interest enough for personal investigation, she dons a human or demi-human guise and takes one member of her court, also disguised, with her. These instances have included skirmishes between various races, newly-unearthed treasure finds, and political struggles. Tiamat's favorite guises include a comely young elven woman and her escort, a young girl accompanied by her father, and an elderly sage with her grandson in tow. Sages believe she has also assumed the form of goblins, gnolls, lizardmen, and other creatures when attempting to rally others for battle. Some sages speculate that she has acted as various groups' leaders and kings, ordering the subjects to do her bidding. Ecology: Tiamat is capable of eating anything. On Avernus she requires no sustenance, drawing her energy from the plane itself. However, when she travels to other worlds and planes she feasts upon creatures she defeats, molten objects, and the very ground. Her favorite sustenance, however, is helpless creatures; she feeds upon their abject terror before swallowing them. Tiamat's enemies are numerous and include Bahamut and all good dragons. However, only Bahamut has been able to stand up to her might-and recorded conflicts with the king of good dragons have ended in stalemates. Sages speculate Tiamat was born many hundred years ago during a war between evil dragons. The gods threw the combatants together into one body. And this new form demanded that the evil dragons no longer fight amongst themselves. Tiamat's Court: The queen's court is comprised of five dragons-male great wyrms of red, black, white, green, and blue. The court is handpicked by the queen based on their loyalty and the amount of gifts and service they have provided. When a member of her court becomes too infirm, she takes the dragon to another plane, personally slays him, and immediately selects a replacement. Members of the court store their treasure within Tiamat's castle, in separate chambers which are considered their own territories.
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Tuesday, 29 March 2016
AD&D 1st Edition Tables Level HD Clerics Druids Monks Magic-Users Illusionists Fighters Paladins Rangers Bards Thieves Assassins Monsters Up to 1-1 21 0 1-1 21 20 1 20 20 20 20 19 1+1 18 2 20 20 20 20 16 3 20 20 18 20 16 4 18 20 18 20 15 5 18 20 16 19 15 6 18 19 16 19 13 7 16 19 14 19 13 8 16 19 14 19 12 9 16 19 12 16 12 10 14 19 12 16 10 11 14 16 10 16 10 12 14 16 10 16 9 13 12 16 8 14 9 14 12 16 8 14 8 15 12 16 6 14 8 16 10 13 6 14 7 17 10 13 4 12 7 18 10 13 4 12 7 19 9 13 4 12 7 20 9 13 4 12 7 21+ 9 11 4 10 7 Level HD Clerics Druids Wizards Fighters Paladins Rangers Thieves Bards Monsters ½ or less 20 1-1 20 1 20 20 20 20 19 2 20 20 19 20 19 3 20 20 18 19 17 4 18 19 17 19 17 5 18 19 16 18 15 6 18 19 15 18 15 7 16 18 14 17 13 8 16 18 13 17 13 9 16 18 12 16 11 10 14 17 11 16 11 11 14 17 10 15 9 12 14 17 9 15 9 13 12 16 8 14 7 14 12 16 7 14 7 15 12 16 6 13 5 16 10 15 5 13 5 17 10 15 4 12 5 18 10 15 3 12 5 19 8 14 2 11 5 20 8 14 1 11 5 DUNGEON MASTERS GUIDE ATTACK MATRICES FOR MISSILE AND MELEE COMBAT, CLERICS AFFECTING UNDEAD, PSIONIC COMBAT III. MATRIX FOR CLERICS AFFECTING UNDEAD, et al. Type of Undead Level of Cleric Attempting to Turn† 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9-13 14+ Skeleton 10 7 4 T T D D D* D* D* Zombie 13 10 7 T T D D D D* D* Ghoul 16 13 10 4 T T D D D D* Shadow 19 16 13 7 4 T T D D D* Wight 20 19 16 10 7 4 T T D D Ghast - 20 19 13 10 7 4 T T D Wraith - - 20 16 13 10 7 4 T D Mummya - - - 20 16 13 10 7 4 T Spectreb - - - - 20 16 13 10 7 T Vampirec - - - - - 20 16 13 10 4 Ghostd - - - - - - 20 16 13 7 Liche - - - - - - - 19 16 10 Special**f - - - - - - - 20 19 13 † Paladins turn undead et al. as a cleric two levels below their level. *Number affected is 7-12 rather than 1-12. **Evil creatures from lower planes such as minor demons, lesser devils, mezzodaemons, night hags, from 1-2 in number. (As a rule of thumb, any creature with armor class of -5 or better, 11 or more hit dice, or 66% or greater magic resistance will be unaffected.) a A paladin of 1st or 2nd level can be turned by an evil cleric. b A paladin of 3rd or 4th level can be turned by an evil cleric. c A paladin of 5th or 6th level can be turned by an evil cleric. d A paladin of 7th or 8th level can be turned by an evil cleric. e A paladin of 9th or 10th level can be turned by an evil cleric. f A paladin of 11th or higher level can be turned by an evil cleric. Procedure: A d20 is rolled, and if the number shown is matched or exceeded by the die roll the undead are turned. From 1-12 (or 7-12 or 1-2) undead (or evil creatures from lower planes) are affected: Evil clerics cause the creatures to take neutral or friendly attitude according to a reaction dice score. Neutral undead will ignore the cleric and his or her party; friendly ones will follow the cleric and join the adventure. Good clerics cause the creature to move directly away from his or her person, and stay as far away as possible for not less than 3 nor more than 12 rounds, moving at full speed for the duration if at all possible. The turned undead will be able to come back again, but they are subject to further turning by the cleric. Failure to score the number shown, or greater, means the turning was unsuccessful. No further attempt by the cleric can be made with respect to the particular undead, and they may proceed to attack or otherwise operate unconstrained. T: This symbol indicates automatic turning — whether to influence by an evil cleric or actual driving away by a good cleric. D: This symbol indicates the cleric has automatically brought the undead into friendly status (evil cleric) or destroyed or damned them (good cleric). -: No effect upon the undead is possible where a dash is shown. The progression on the table is not even. A variable increment of 5% appears — 19, 20. It is included to reflect two things. First, it appears to allow lower level clerics a chance to turn some of the tougher monsters. It disappears (at 4th level) and reappears again only when the clerics have reached a high level (8th and up). This reflects the relative difficulty of these clerics when faced with turning away the worst of evil creatures, but also allows the table to have them completely destroy the weaker undead. If for some reason you must have an exact progession, follow the columns for levels 1, 2, and 3, correcting to the right from there — and thus rather severely penalizing the clerics of upper levels, but by no means harming play balance. Column 4 will then read, top to bottom: T, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 20. Do not otherwise alter the table as it could prove to be a serious factor in balance — weakening or strengthening clerics too greatly. APPENDIX M: SUMMONED MONSTERS When a monster summoning spell is cast, consult the tables below to ascertain what sort of creature appears. Each table is presented according to the level of the spell. If the summoner is evil, the monster in parentheses may be used. Monster Summoning I Dice Score Monster Summoned 01-10 Demon, manes 11-25 Goblin (Dwarf) 26-40 Hobgoblin (Elf) 41-55 Kobold (Halfling) 56-70 Orc (Gnome) 71-00 Rat, giant Monster Summoning II Dice Score Monster Summoned 01-15 Centipede, giant 16-25 Devil, lemure 26-45 Gnoll 46-60 Stirge 61-75 Toad, giant 76-00 Troglodyte Monster Summoning III Dice Score Monster Summoned 01-07 Beetle, boring 08-17 Bugbear 18-25 Gelatinous cube 26-32 Ghoul 33-40 Lizard, giant 41-47 Lycanthrope, wererat 48-57 Ochre jelly 58-67 Ogre 68-75 Spider, huge 76-85 Spider, large 86-95 Tick, giant 96-00 Weasel, giant Monster Summoning IV Dice Score Monster Summoned 01-07 Ape, carnivorous 08-15 Gargoyle (blink dog) 16-25 Ghast 26-35 Gray ooze 36-42 Hell hound 43-50 Hydra, 5 heads 51-58 Lycanthrope, werewolf 59-67 Owlbear 68-76 Shadow 77-86 Snake, giant, constrictor 87-93 Toad, ice 94-00 Toad, poisonous Monster Summoning V Dice Score Monster Summoned 01-07 Cockatrice 08-17 Displacer beast 18-26 Doppleganger 27-36 Hydra, 7 heads 37-45 Leucrotta 46-55 Lizard, subterranean 56-63 Lycanthrope, werebear 64-72 Minotaur 73-78 Snake, giant, amphisbaena 79-85 Snake, giant, poisonous 86-90 Snake, giant, spitting 91-00 Spider, giant Monster Summoning VI Dice Score Monster Summoned 01-06 Carrion crawler 07-12 Devil, erinyes 13-19 Hydra, 8 heads 20-26 Jackalwere (lammasu) 27-31 Lycanthrope, weretiger (werebear) 32-38 Manticore 39-43 Ogre magi 44-51 Otyugh 52-56 Rakshasa 57-63 Salamander 64-68 Spider, phase 69-78 Troll 79-84 Wight 85-88 Wind walker 89-92 Wraith 93-00 Wyvern Monster Summoning VII Dice Score Monster Summoned 01-03 Chimera (couatl) 04-06 Demon, succubus 07-09 Demon, type I 10-12 Demon, type II 13-15 Demon, type III 16-18 Devil, barbed 19-21 Devil, bone 22-23 Devil, horned 24-26 Ettin 27-29 Giant, fire 30-32 Giant, frost 33-35 Giant, hill 36-38 Giant, stone 39-41 Gorgon 42-43 Groaning spirit 44-46 Hydra, 10 heads 47-49 Hydra, pyro-, 8 heads 50-52 Intellect devourer 53-55 Invisible stalker 56-58 Lamia 59-61 Lizard, fire 62-64 Mind flayer 65-67 Mummy 68-70 Naga, spirit 71-73 Neo-otyugh 74-76 Night hag 77-79 Roper (shedu) 80-82 Shambling mound 83-85 Slug, giant 86-88 Spectre 89-91 Sphinx, hieraco- (andro-) 92-94 Umber hulk 95-97 Will-o-wisp 98-00 Xorn Remember that it is always within your purview to not only select what monster is summoned but to appoint the numbers as well, where applicable. Thus you may select to have rats come to a first level summoning, but because they are relatively weak you might also allow a maximum number to appear. The major drawback to personal selection is that players might view it as personal bias on the part of the DM — whether pro or con, it is quite obvious that there are superior and inferior monsters on each list, and as a general rule it might be better to allow random selection sans "interference from the gods". When a monster summoning spell is cast while upon a body of water or underwater, use the following tables to ascertain what sort of creature appears. Note that there are separate tables for fresh and salt water. Monster Summoning I Dice Score Monster Summoned Fresh 01-67 Koalinth (hobgoblin) 68-00 Nixie Salt 01-50 Koalinth (hobgoblin) 51-00 Merman Monster Summoning II Dice Score Monster Summoned Fresh 01-00 Lizard man Salt 01-33 Ixitxachitl 34-00 Locathah Monster Summoning III Dice Score Monster Summoned Fresh 01-33 Crab, giant 34-00 Lacedon (ghoul) Salt 01-50 Lacedon (ghoul) 51-00 Sahuagin Monster Summoning IV Dice Score Monster Summoned Fresh 01-33 Beetle, water, giant 34-50 Crayfish, giant 51-67 Kapoacinth (gargoyle) 68-00 Spider, water, giant Salt 01-40 Kapoacinth (gargoyle) 41-80 Lobster (crayfish), giant 81-00 Triton Monster Summoning V Dice Score Monster Summoned Fresh 01-80 Crocodile, giant 81-00 Water weird Salt 01-50 Crocodile, giant 51-70 Sea hag 71-90 Sea lion 91-00 Water weird Monster Summoning VI Dice Score Monster Summoned Fresh or Salt 01-33 Octopus, giant 34-00 Snake, sea, giant Monster Summoning VII Dice Score Monster Summoned Fresh 01-20 Morkoth 21-00 Naga, water Salt 01-15 Morkoth 16-70 Ray, manta 71-00 Squid, giant MONSTER MANUAL II Dungeon Monsters by Level and Frequency at That Level (Abbreviations used may be found in the main text under the creature listed.) LEVEL I MONSTERS Common Bandit Bat Beetle, Giant Fire Character Party Dwarf, Hill Dwarf, Mountain Goblin Orc Rat Rat, Giant Shrieker Throat Leech Uncommon Bat, Giant Booka Bowler Cat, Wild Gibberling Hobgoblin Jermlaine Kobold Piercer Rothe Scum Creeper Skunk Snyad Xvart Rare Ant, Giant Badger Berserker Bookworm Bullywug Carbuncle Cave Cricket, Giant Caveman Dire Corby Jaculi Killmoulis Mite Norker Pedipalp, Large Rot Grub Skeleton Vilstrak Vulchling Zombie Very Rare Al-mi'raj Berserker Demon, Manes Devil, Nupperibo Ear Seeker Elf, Wood Gnome Halfling Larva Minimal, War Dog Minimal, Wolf Skeleton, Animal Squirrel, Giant Black Squirrel, Normal Termite, Giant Harvest Tween Webbirds LEVEL II MONSTERS Common Centipede, Giant Centipede, Huge Character Party Gnoll Stirge Toad, Giant Troglodyte Uncommon Frog, Giant Gorbel Grimlock Land Lamprey Lizard Man Piercer Volt Rare Coffer Corpse Crabman Flind Flumph Fly, Giant Bluebottle Formian Frog, Poisonous Gas Spore Goldbug Mongrelman Myconid Obliviax Ogrillon Owl Pedipalp, Huge Poltergest Quaggoth Skulk Troll, Ice Vapor Rat Wolf Zombie, Yellow Musk Very Rare Assassin Bug Azer Brain Mole Duergar Firebat Firefriend Frog, Killer Galltrit Githzerai Kuo-toa Minimal, Mountain Lion Minimal, Cave Bear Modron, Duodrone Modron, Monodrone Mud-Man Vagabond Vortex LEVEL III MONSTERS Common Beetle, Giant Boring Bugbear Ghoul Character Party Ogre Scorpion, Large Spider, Huge Spider, Large Uncommon Bat, Mobat Fire Snake Gelatinous Cube Kenku Lizard, Giant Lycanthrope, Wererat Meazel Ochre Jelly Osquip Piercer Pseudo-undead, Ghoul Snake, Constrictor Whipweed Rare Aherer Anhkheg (4-5 HD) Bee, Giant Honey Bonesnapper Cave Fisher Cave Moray Cyclopskin Dark Creeper Devil, Lemure Dragon, Black, VY Dragon, White, VY Firedrake Fungi, Violet Garbug, Black Land Urchin Luck Eater Qullan Sandling Screaming Devilkin Shocker Solifugid, Large Stunjelly Tick, Giant Ustilagor Weasel, Giant Witherstench Witherweed Wolverine Yellow Musk Creeper Zygorn Very Rare Babbler Berbalang Blindheim Boggle Centipede, Megalo- Death Dog Dragon, Brass, VY Dragon, Coiled, VY Elf, Drow Enveloper Eye Killer Firenewt Forlarren Frost Man Gambado Gryph Harpy Heucuva Imorph Iron Cobra Leprechaun Magmen Mantari Mephit, Fire Mephit, Lava Mephit, Smoke Minimal, Lion Minimal, Mammoth Modron, Tridrone Necrophidius Needleman Nilbog Ophidian Phantom Sheet Phantom Stench Kow Symbiotic Jelly Taer Thoqqua Tirapheg Vargouille Vegepygmy Wolf, Dire Wolf, Winter Worg Zombie, Juju Zombie, Monster LEVEL IV MONSTERS Common Character Party Gargoyle Hornet, Giant Hydra (5-6 Heads) Mold, Yellow Rust Monster Scorpion, Huge Snake, Giant Constrictor Toad, Poisonous Uncommon Demon, Dretch Ghast Gray Ooze Lycanthrope, Werewolf Owlbear Pseudo-undead, Ghast Shadow Mastiff Su-monster Rare Caterwaul Devil, Spined Dragon, Red, VY/Y Dragon, White, Y/SA Ettercap Firetoad Garbug, Violet Hell Hound Hook Horror Leech, Giant Pech Pyrolisk Sandman Toad, Ice Very Rare Ankheg (5 HD) Ape, Carnivorous Blink Dog Dark Stalker Denzelian Derro Disenchanter Dragon, Black, Y/SA Dragon, Blue, VY/SA Dragon, Brass, Y/SA Dragon, Bronze, VY/Y Dragon, Coiled, Y/SA Dragon, Copper, VY/Y Dragon, Earth, VY/Y Dragon, Gold, VY/Y Dragon, Green, VY/Y Dragon, Mist, VY/Y Dragon, Silver, VY/Y Flail Snail Fly, Giant Horsefly Gibbering Mouther Githyanki Grim Grue, Harginn Grue, Ildriss Kamadan Lava Children Meenlock Mephit, Steam Modron, Quadrone Mold, Russet Pedipalp, Giant Quickling Scarecrow Shadow Dragon Sheet Ghoul Solifugid, Huge Son of Kyuss Spectator Wolverine, GIant Yeth Hound LEVEL V MONSTERS Common Character Party Bear, Cave Cockatrice Giant, Verbeeg Lizard, Subterranean Snake, Poisonous Spider, Giant Uncommon Hydra (7 heads) Leucrotta Margoyle Minotaur Pseudo-undead, Wight Rock Reptile Snake, Giant Poisonous Rare Aspis Bee, Giant Bumble- Beetle, Giant Slicer Boalisk Daemon, Pisco-daemon, Rutterkin Displacer Beasts Doombat Doppleganger Dragon, Black, YA/A Dragon, Blue, SA/YA Executioner's Hood Imp Lion, Spotted Phycomid Quasit Shadow Snake, Giant Spitting Tentamort Tiger Fly Zorbo Very Rare Algoid Anhkheg (7 HD) Caryatid Columns Cloaker Crypt Thing Dragon, Brass, YA/A Dragon, Bronze, SA/YA Dragon, Cloud, VY/Y Dragon, Coiled, YA/A Dragon, Copper, SA/YA Dragon, Earth, SA/YA Dragon, Gold, SA/YA Dragon, Green, SA/YA Dragon, Mist, SA/YA Dragon, Red, SA/YA Dragon, Silver, SA/YA Dragon, White, YA/A Grue, Chaggrin Haunt Hydra, Pyro- (5 heads) Ice Lizard Khargra Modron, Pentadrone Slime Creature Slime, Olive Snake, Giant Amphisbaena Solifugid, Giant Umpleby Water Weird Xill Yeti LEVEL VI MONSTERS Common Character Party Carrion Crawler Manticore Otyugh Scorpion, GIant Troll Wight Wraith Uncommon Basilisk Green Slime Hydra (8-9 heads) Pseudo-undead, Wraith Rakshasa Salamander Wyvern Rare Anhkheg (8 HD) Boggart Devil, Abishai Devil, Erinyes Dragon, Black, O Dragon, Blue, A Gloomwing Grell Hellcat Jelly, Mustard Lizard, Minotaur Medusa Penanaggalan Protein Polymorph Slaad, Red Spider, Phase Storoper Thri-kreen Troll, Giant Wind Walker Wolfwere Yuan Ti Very Rare Ant Lion, Giant Apparition Basidirond Cerebral Parasite Crysmal Devil, Bearded Djinn Dragon, Brass, O Dragon, Bronze, A Dragon, Cloud, SA/A Dragon, Copper, A Dragon, Earth, A Dragon, Gold, A Dragon, Green, A Dragon, Mist, A Dragon, Red, A Dragon, Silver, A Dragon, White, O Drelb Drider Grue, Varrdig Hordlings Hydra, Pyro- (6 heads) Jackalwere Jann Korred Lammasu Lizard King Lycanthrope, Werebear Mold, Brown Nightmare Ogre Mage Shadow Demon Sphinx, Hieraco- Spriggan Stone Guardian Sussurus Terithran Thunder Beast Transposer Troll, Spirit Vision Xaren LEVEL VII MONSTERS Common Character Party Giant, Hill Black Pudding Giant, Fire Giant, Formorian Giant, Stone Slug, GIant Tunnel Worm Will-o-wisp Uncommon Chimera Hydra (10-12 heads) Giant, Frost Lurker Above Mimic Pseudo-undead, Spectre Spectre Sphinx, Crio- Sundew, Giant Rare Behir Cifal Demon, Babau Demon, Bar-Lgura Demon, Hezrou (Type II) Demon, Succubus Demon, Vrock (Type I) Diakk Foo Dog Mind Flayer Moon Dog Mummy Naga, Spirit Neo-otyugh Roper Shambling Mound Slaad, Blue Trapper Umber Hulk Very Rare Aboleth Achaieria Agathion Annis Ascomoid Basilisk, Greater Beetle, Death Watch Bodak Couatl Dao Demon, Glabrezu (III) Demon, Nabassu Devil, Barbed Devil, Bone Devil, Horned Devil, Styx Dragon, Black, VO Dragon, Blue, O Dragon, Brass, VO Dragon, Bronze, O Dragon, Cloud, A Dragon, Coiled,VO Dragon, Copper, O Dragon, Earth, O Dragon, Gold, O Dragon, Green, O Dragon, Mist, O Dragon, Red, O Dragon, Silver, O Dragon, White, VO Dragonne Efreeti Elemental, Air Elemental, Earth Elemental, Fire Elemental, Water Ettin Eye of Fear and Flame Galeb Duhr Gorgimera Gorgon Greenhag Groaning Spirit Guardian Demon Guardian Familiar Hydra, Pyro- (7-9 heads) Intellect Devourer Invisible Stalker Lamia Noble Liazrd, Fire Lycanthrope, Foxwoman Magnesium Spirit Mezzodaemon Mihstu Modron, Decaton Night Hag Nonafel Para-elemental, Cold Para-elemental, Dust Para-elemental, Heat Para-elemental, Vapor Remorhaz Revenant Shedu Sphinx, Andro- Sphinx, Gyno- Squealer Stegocentipede Tenebrous Worm Troll, Giant Two-headed Xorn Yochlol LEVEL VIII MONSTERS Common Character Party Hydra (13-16 heads) Pseudo-undead, Vampire Pudding, Brown Rust Monster Trapper Will-o-wisp Uncommon Demon, Alu- Pudding, Dun Purple Worm Shade Vampire Rare Daemon, Charona- Daemon, Hydro- Demon, Nalfeshness (IV) Dragon, Black, AN Dragon, Brass, A Dragon, Celestial, O Dragon, Cloud, O Ghost Golem, Flesh Slaad, Green Slug, Giant Very Rare Aurumvorax Barghest Death Knight Demodand, Farastu Demon, Cambion Demon, Chasme Demon, Marilith (Type V) Devil, Ice Dracolisk Dragon, Blue, VO Dragon, Bronze, VO Dragon, Coiled, AN Dragon, Copper, VO Dragon, Earth, VO Dragon, Gold, VO Dragon, Green, VO Dragon, Mist, VO Dragon, Red, VO Dragon, Silver, VO Dragon, White, AN Foo Lion Giant, Firbolg Golem, Clay Hydra, Lernaean Marid Modron, Nonaton Modron, Octon Naga, Guardian Pudding, White Retriever Skeleton Warrior Time Elemental Trilloch Xag-ya Xeg-yi LEVEL IX MONSTERS Common Baku Character Party Daemon, Dergho- Demodand, Kelubar Deva, Movanic Thessalhydra Vampire, Cleric (7-10) Uncommon Daemon, Yagno- Deva, Astral Dragon, Blue, AN Dragon, Celestial, AN Dragon, Earth, AN Dragon, Green, AN Dragon, Red, AN Shade Rare Daemon, Ultro- Dragon, Bronze, AN Dragon, Cloud, VO Dragon, Copper, AN Dragon, Gold, AN Dragon, Mist, AN Dragon, Silver, AN Golem, Stone Nycadaemon Titan, Lesser Very Rare Daemon, Arcana- Demilich Demodand, Shator Demon, Balor (Type VI) Deva, Monadic Devil, Pit Fiend Dragon, 2 Black, AN & O Dragon, 2 Brass, AN & O Dragon, 2 White, AN & O Dragon, 2 Coiled, AN & O Hydra, Pyro- (12 heads) Modron, Hexton Modron, Septon Slaad, Grey Titan, Major LEVEL X MONSTERS Common Beholder Character Party Golem, Iron Planetar Slaad, Death Vampire, M-U (9-12) Uncommon Dragon, 2 Blue, AN & VO Dragon, 2 Celest, AN & A Dragon, 2 Earth, AN & VO Dragon, 2 Green, AN & VO Dragon, 2 Red, AN & VO Dragon, Cloud, AN Lich Solar Rare Dragon, 2 Bronze, AN & V Dragon, 2 Copper, AN & VO Dragon, 2 Gold, AN & O Dragon, 2 Silver, AN & O Modron, Quarton Modron, Quinton Modron, Tertian Titan, Elder Very Rare Daemon, Charon Daemon, Onino- Demon Prince or Lord Devil, Duke or Arch- Dragon, Chromatic Dragon, Platinum Elemental Prince Modron, Primus Modron, Secundus Slaad Lord Tarrasque Monsters by Terrain and Frequency on That Terrain COLD, CIVILIZED MOUNTAINS Common Bandit Bat Dwarf, Mountain Falcon, Small Mammoth Ogre Raven, Normal Uncommon Bugbear Centipede, Huge Character Party Dog, War Falcon, Large Ghoul Goblin Griffon Herd Animal Hobgoblin Owl Patrol Pilgrim Pseudo-undead, Ghoul Pseudo-undead, Vampire Ram Snake, Poisonous Squirrel, Normal Wolf Rare Berserker Dragon, Earth Dwarf, Hill Ghast Horse Jermaline Killmoulis Lycanthrope, Werebear Lycanthrope, Werewolf Merchant Minotaur Mule Norker Ogrillon Quaggoth Rat Rat, Giant Shadow Shadow Mastiff Shedu Toad, Ice Troll Vapor Rat Very Rare Aarakocra Barghest Brain Mole Castle Cave Fisher Centipede, Giant Coffer Corpse Crypt Thing Demon, Bar-Lgura Denzelian Deva, Movanic Dragon, Gold Ghost Gnome Grue, Chaggrin Grue, Ildriss Haunt Hollyphant Ki-rin Luck Eater Lycanthrope, Wererat Nilbog Obliviax Oliphant Otyugh Penanggalan Poltergeist Rothe Shade Shadow Demon Shedu, Greater Snyad Vagabond Vampire Wolf, Dire Xaren Xorn Zombie Zombie, Juju COLD, CIVILIZED HILLS Common Bandit Dwarf, Hill Herd Animal Lycanthrope, Werewolf Merchant Mule Ogre Patrol Raven, Normal Squirrel, Normal Wolf Uncommon Bat Centipede, Huge Character Party Dog, War Falcon, Small Ghoul Hobgoblin Horse Killmoulis Mammoth Owl Pilgrim Pseudo-undead, Ghoul Pseudo-undead, Vampire Ram Rat Rat, Giant Snake, Poisonous Rare Berserker Boar, Wild Camel, Bactrian Castle Dwarf, Mountain Falcon, Large Ghast Halfling Jermlaine Lycanthrope, Werebear Minotaur Norker Ogrillon Oliphant Shadow Mastiff Shedu Troll Vapor Rat Wolf, Dire Very Rare Aarakocra Barghest Brain Mole Bugbear Centipede, Giant Coffer Corpse Deva, Movanic Dragon, Earth Dragon, Gold Elf, Wood Ghost Griffon Groaning Spirit Grue, Chaggrin Hollyphant Ki-rin Luck Eater Lycanthrope, Wereboar Lycanthrope, Wererat Obliviax Penanggalan Quaggoth Revenant Shedu, Greater Snyad Toad, Ice Vampire Xaren Xorn Zombie COLD, CIVILIZED FOREST Common Bandit Boar, Wild Centipede, Giant Centipede, Huge Falcon, Small Herd Animal Lycanthrope, Werewolf Mammoth Ogre Patrol Rat Raven, Normal Squirrel, Normal Wolf Uncommon Bat Bugbear Character Party Dog, War Elf, Wood Falcon, Large Horse Jermlaine Killmoulis Merchant Owl Pilgrim Pseudo-undead, Vampire Rat, Giant Snake, Poisonous Stirge Troll Rare Berserker Camel, Bactrian Castle Dwarf, Hill Dwarf, Mountain Goblin Halfling Hobgoblin Luck Eater Lycanthrope, Werebear Lycanthrope, Wereboar Minotaur Mule Obliviax Ogrillon Oliphant Penanggalan Pseudo-undead, Ghoul Shadow Toad, Ice Vapor Rat Wolf, Dire Very Rare Barghest Bookworm Brain Mole Demon, Bar-Lgura Deva, Movanic Dragon, Gold Ear Seeker Ghost Gnome Groaning Spirit Lycanthrope, Wererat Norker Poltergeist Quaggoth Revenant Shadow Demon Shadow Mastiff Shedu Shedu, Greater Vampire Zombie COLD, CIVILIZED SWAMP Common Bandit Centipede, Giant Centipede, Huge Mule Ogre Rat Rat, Giant Raven, Normal Uncommon Buccaneer (Pirate) Character Party Dog, War Falcon, Small Ghoul Herd Animal Hobgoblin Jermlaine Lycanthrope, Wererat Mammoth Patrol Pilgrim Pseudo-undead, Ghoul Pseudo-undead, Vampire Snake, Poisonous Squirrel, Normal Troll Wolf Rare Bat Berserker Boar, Wild Camel, Bactrian Crab, Giant Falcon, Large Ghast Goblin Horse Killmoulis Luck Eater Lycanthrope, Werebear Lycanthrope, Werewolf Merchant Minotaur Norker Obliviax Owl Penanggalan Quaggoth Shadow Shadow Mastiff Skeleton Toad, Ice Vapor Rat Zombie Very Rare Barghest Bookworm Bugbear Castle Coffer Corpse Demon, Alu- Demon, Cambion Deva, Movanic Dragon, Gold Elf, Wood Ghost Grue, Varrdig Haunt Hollyphant Lycanthrope, Wereboar Oliphant Poltergeist Revenant Shade Shedu Shedu, Greater Skeleton, Animal Vampire Wolf, Dire Zombie, Juju Zombie, Monster COLD, CIVILIZED PLAINS Common Bandit Boar, Wild Camel, Bactrian Centipede, Giant Centipede, Huge Falcon, Small Herd Animal Mammoth Merchant Mule Ogre Patrol Rat Rat, Giant Raven, Normal Squirrel, Normal Wolf Uncommon Bugbear Character Party Dog, War Falcon, Large Ghoul Horse Jermlaine Killmoulis Osquip Owl Pilgrim Pseudo-undead, Ghoul Pseudo-undead, Vampire Ram Shadow Mastiff Snake, Poisonous Rare Bat Berserker Castle Dervishes Dwarf, Hill Dwarf, Mountain Ghost Halfling Hobgoblin Luck Eater Lycanthrope, Wereboar Lycanthrope, Werewolf Ogrillon Penanggalan Quaggoth Shedu Toad, Ice Troll Vapor Rat Wolf, Dire Very Rare Barghest Bookworm Brain Mole Demon, Alu- Demon, Cambion Deva, Movanic Disenchanter Dragon, Earth Dragon, Gold Ghost Groaning Spirit Grue, Harginn Grue, Ildriss Hollyphant Lycanthrope, Wererat Norker Oliphant Shade Shedu, Greater Tween Vagabond Vampire Vortex Zombie Zombie, Juju COLD, CIVILIZED DESERT Common Bandit Camel, Bactrian Herd Animal Merchant Raven, Normal Uncommon Centipede, Huge Character Party Dog, War Falcon, Small Horse Ogre Osquip Owl Patrol Pilgrim Pseudo-undead, Vampire Rat Shadow Mastiff Snake, Poisonous Squirrel, Normal Wolf Rare Berserker Boar, Wild Dervishes Dwarf, Hill Dwarf, Mountain Falcon, Large Goblin Jermlaine Killmoulis Lycanthrope, Werewolf Poltergeist Rat, Giant Shedu Troll Vapor Rat Wolf, Dire Very Rare Barghest Bat Bugbear Castle Centipede, Giant Coffer Corpse Crypt Thing Demon, Succubus Demon, Vrock (Type I) Deva, Movanic Disenchanter Dragon, Earth Dragon, Gold Griffon Groaning Spirit Grue, Harginn Hobgoblin Hollyphant Luck Eater Lycanthrope, Wereboar Lycanthrope, Wererat Norker Oliphant Penanggalan Quaggoth Ram Shade Shedu, Greater Vampire Vortex Zombie COLD, WILDERNESS MOUNTAINS Common Bat Dog, Wild Dwarf, Mountain Falcon, Small Mammoth Ogre Orc Raven, Normal Rhinocerous, Wooly Uncommon Bandit Bear, Cave Bowler Bugbear Cat, Wild Centipede, Huge Dragon, White Falcon, Large Ghoul Giant, Fire Giant, Formorian Giant, Hill Giant, Stone Goat Goblin Griffon Herd Animal Hobgoblin Lion, Mountain Manticore Owl Pilgrim Pseudo-undead, Ghast Pseudo-undead, Ghoul Pseudo-undead, Spectre Pseudo-undead, Vampire Pseudo-undead, Wight Pseudo-undead, Wraith Ram Scorpion, Huge Scorpion, Large Snake, Poisonous Squirrel, Normal Tiger Weasel Wolf Wolverine Rare Bat, Giant Bear, Black Bear, Brown Bear, Northern Caterwaul Caveman Character Party Cyclopskin Devil Dog Dragon, Earth Dragon, Red Dwarf, Hill Eagle Eagle, Giant Fly, Giant Bluebottle Fortress Ghast Giant, Cloud Giant, Frost Giant, Storm Giant, Verbeeg Gorgon Harpy Hippogriff Horse Jermlaine Leucrotta Lion, Spotted Lycanthrope, Werebear Lycanthrope, Werewolf Margoyle Mastodon Minotaur Mongrelman Moon Dog Mule Norker Ogrillon Owl, Giant Peryton Pudding, White Quaggoth Ram, Giant Rat Rat, Giant Raven, Giant Raven, Huge Rock Reptile Scorpion, Giant Screaming Devilkin Shadow Shadow Mastiff Shedu Shocker Skulk Spectre Toad, Ice Troll Troll, Giant Troll, Ice Tunnel Worm Vapor Rat Vilstrak Volt Wight Wind Walker Wolfwere Wolverine, Giant Worg Xvart Very Rare Aarakocra Annis Badger Barghest Berserker Boggart Boggle Brain Mole Cave Fisher Centipede, Giant Coffer Corpse Crypt Thing Demon, Bar-Lgura Demon, Nabassu Denzelian Deva, Movanic Doppleganger Dragon, Gold Dragon, Silver Elf, Valley Ettin Fly, Giant Horse Forlarren Galeb Duhr Gargoyle Ghost Giant, Firbolg Giant, Mountain Gloomwing Gnome Grim Grue, Chaggrin Grue, Ildriss Haunt Hoar Fox Hydra Ice Lizard Kharga Ki-rin Kobold Land Urchin Lycanthrope, Foxwoman Lycanthrope, Weretiger Lynx, Giant Magnesium Spirit Mantari Medusa Minimal, Mountain Lion Minimal, Badger Minimal, Cave Bear Minimal, War Dog Minimal, Wild Horse Minimal, Mammoth Minimal, Stag Minimal, Tiger Minimal, Wolf Mummy Naga, Guardian Naga, Spirit Night Hag Nightmare Nilbog Nymph Obliviax Ogre Mage Oliphant Otyugh Pech Pegasus Porcupine, Giant Quasi-elemental, Lightning Quickwood Remorhaz Rothe Shade Shedu, Greater Skunk Spriggan Squirrel, Carniv. Flying Storoper Sylph Taer Tenabrous Worm Trapheg Titan, Elder Titan, Lesser Titan, Major Transposer Troll, Giant Two-headed Vagabond Vampire Vargouille Will-o-wisp Wolf, Dire Wolf, Winter Wraith Xaren Xill Xorn Yeth Hound Yeti COLD, WILDERNESS HILLS Common Bear, Black Bear, Brown Dog, Wild Dwarf, Hill Giant, Hill Herd Animal Lycanthrope, Werewolf Mule Ogre Orc Raven, Normal Rhinocerous, Wooly Squirrel, Normal Wolf Uncommon Bandit Bat Bear, Cave Cat, Wild Centipede, Huge Falcon, Small Ghoul Giant, Verbeeg Goat Hobgoblin Horse Kenku Mammoth Mastodon Owl Pilgrim Pseudo-undead, Ghast Pseudo-undead, Ghoul Pseudo-undead, Vampire Ram Rat Rat, Giant Scorpion, Large Skunk Snake, Poisonous Tiger Wolverine Rare Bat, Giant Bear, Northern Beetle, Giant Bombardier Boar, Wild Bowler Camel, Bactrian Caveman Character Party Cyclopskin Dragon, Red Dwarf, Mountain Falcon, Large Fortress Ghast Giant, Cloud Gnome Goblin Harpy Hoar Fox Jermlaine Lion, Mountain Lycanthrope, Werebear Minotaur Norker Ogrillon Oliphant Patrol Peryton Porcupine, Giant Pudding, Deadly (White) Purple Worm Raven, Giant Raven, Huge Rock Reptile Scorpion, Huge Shadow Mastiff Shedu Skulk Troll Troll, Giant Troll, Ice Vapor Rat Volt Weasel Wolf, Dire Wolverine, Giant Worg Xvart Very Rare Aarakocra Badger Barghest Beaver, Giant Berserker Boar, Giant Boggle Brain Mole Brownie Bugbear Castle Centipede, Giant Coffer Corpse Cooshee Deva, Movanic Devil Dog Dragon, Earth Dragon, Gold Dragon, Green Dragon, White Elf, Grugach Elf, Wood Fly, Giant Bluebottle Forlarren Galeb Duhr Ghost Giant, Fire Giant, Fog Giant, Frost Giant, Stone Gorgon Griffon Grim Groaning Spirit Grue, Chaggrin Grue, Harginn Hippogriff Hollyphant Ice Lizard Irish Deer Ki-rin Kobold Lycanthrope, Foxwoman Lycanthrope, Wereboar Lycanthrope, Weretiger Lynx, Giant Manticore Margoyle Medusa Minimal, Mountain Lion Minimal, Badger Minimal, Black Bear Minimal, Brown Bear Minimal, Cave Bear Minimal, Wild Boar Minimal, Bactrian Camel Minimal, War Dog Minimal, Dog Wild Minimal, Wild Horse Minimal, Mammoth Minimal, Stag Minimal, Tiger Minimal, Wolf Mongrelman Moon Dog Mummy Nymph Obliviax Owl, Giant Quasi-elemental, Lightning Quaggoth Quickwood Ram, Giant Remorhaz Screaming Devilkin Shedu, Greater Shocker Spriggan Storoper Tenebrous Worm Toad, Ice Vampire Vargouille Vilstrak Wolf, Winter Wolfwere Xaren Xorn Yeth Hound Zombie COLD, WILDERNESS FOREST Common Bear, Black Bear, Brown Beetle, Giant Bombardier Boar, Wild Centipede, Giant Centipede, Huge Dog, Wild Falcon, Small Herd Animal Lycanthrope, Werewolf Mammoth Mastodon Ogre Orc Rat Raven, Normal Squirrel, Normal Wolf Uncommon Badger Bandit Bat Boar, Giant Bugbear Cat, Wild Dragon, White Elf, Wood Falcon, Large Horse Jermlaine Kobold Lion, Mountain Manticore Owl Pilgrim Porcupine, Giant Pseudo-undead, Vampire Rat, Giant Rhinocerous,Woolly Scorpion, Large Snake, Poisonous Stirge Tiger Troll Weasel Wolverine Xvart Rare Baluchitherium Bear, Northern Brownie Camel, Bactrian Caveman Character Party Cooshee Dragon, Green Dwarf, Hill Dwarf, Mountain Elf, Gray Fly, Giant Bluebottle Fortress Gambado Giant, Hill Goblin Harpy Hoar Fox Hobgoblin Irish Deer Kech Lycanthrope, Werebear Lycanthrope, Wereboar Lynx, Giant Medusa Miner Minotaur Mule Obliviax Ogrillon Oliphant Owl, Giant Patrol Pseudo-undead, Ghast Pseudo-undead, Ghoul Pudding, White Raven, Huge Scorpion, Giant Screaming Devilkin Shadow Skulk Squirrel, Carniv. Flying Tenebrous Worm Toad, Ice Treant Vapor Rat Volt Vulchling Wolf, Dire Wolfwere Wolverine, Giant Worg Very Rare Annis Aurumvorax Barghest Bat, Giant Bear, Cave Beaver, Giant Berserker Brain Mole Castle Demon, Bar-Lgura Deva, Movanic Devil Dog Dragon, Gold Dragon, Red Eagle Ear Seeker Elf, Grugach Elf, Valley Faerie Dragon Fly, Horse Forlarren Gargoyle Ghost Giant, Firbolg Giant, Fire Giant, Frost Giant, Verbeeg Gnome Gorgon Greenhag Grim Groaning Spirit Hydra Kenka Korred Lycanthrope, Foxwoman Lycanthrope, Weretiger Mantari Mihstu Minimal, Mountain Lion Minimal, Badger Minimal, Black Bear Minimal, Cave Bear Minimal, Bactrian Camel Minimal, War Dog Minimal, Wild Horse Minimal, Mammoth Minimal, Stag Minimal, Tiger Minimal, Wolf Mongrelman Moon Dog Mummy Needleman Norker Nymph Pegasus Phoenix Pixie Quaggoth Quickling Quickwood Raven, Giant Shadow Mastiff Shedu Shedu, Greater Shocker Skunk Swanmay Troll, Giant Troll, Ice Vampire Vargouille Willow, Black Wolf, Winter Zombie COLD, WILDERNESS SWAMPS Common Centipede, Giant Centipede, Huge Crocodile, Normal Dog, Wild Mule Ogre Orc Rat Rat, Giant Raven, Normal Scorpion, Large Uncommon Buccaneer (Pirate) Cat, Wild Falcon, Small Ghoul Herd Animal Hobgoblin Hydra Jermaline Mammoth Mastodon Pilgrim Pseudo-undead, Ghast Pseudo-undead, Ghoul Pseudo-undead, Spectre Pseudo-undead, Vampire Pseudo-undead, Wight Pseudo-undead, Wraith Rhinocerous, Woolly Scorpion, Giant Scorpion, Huge Snake, Poisonous Squirrel, Normal Troll Volt Weasel Will-o-wisp Wolf Rare Bandit Bat Bear, Black Bear, Brown Beetle, Giant Bombardier Boar, Wild Boggart Camel, Bactrian Caterwaul Character Party Crab, Giant Crystal Ooze Falcon, Large Fly, Giant Bluebottle Fortress Ghast Giant, Hill Goblin Harpy Hoar Fox Horse Irish Deer Leucrotta Lycanthrope, Werebear Lycanthrope, Werewolf Medusa Minotaur Mongrelman Moon Dog Norker Obliviax Ogre, Aquatic Owl Porcupine, Giant Pudding, White Quaggoth Raven, Huge Screaming Devilkin Shadow Shadow Mastiff Skeleton Spectre Tiger Toad, Ice Troll, Giant Urchin, Black Vapor Rat Wolfwere Worg Xvart Zombie Very Rare Annis Badger Barghest Bat, Giant Berserker Boar, Giant Brain Mole Brownie Bugbear Coffer Corpse Cooshee Death, Crimson Demo, Alu- Demon, Cambion Demon, Nabassu Deva, Movanic Devil Dog Doppleganger Dragon, Gold Dragon, Green Dragon, White Elf, Wood Fly, Giant Horse Gargoyle Ghost Giant, Fog Giant, Verbeeg Gloomwing Gorgon Greenhag Grim Grue, Varrdig Haunt Hollyphant Hydra, Lernaean Kech Kobold Land Urchin Lion, Spotted Lycanthrope, Wereboar Lycanthrope, Weretiger Mantari Manticore Mihstu Miner Minimal, Badger Minimal, Black Bear Minimal, Brown Bear Minimal, Wild Boar Minimal, Bactrian Camel Minimal, War Dog Minimal, Wild Dog Minimal, Wild Horse Minimal, Tiger Minimal, Wolf Mummy Naga, Guardian Naga, Spirit Night Hag Ogre Magi Oliphant Owl, Giant Phantom Quickling Quickwood Raven, Giant Shade Shedu Shedu, Greater Skeleton, Animal Skulk Skunk Son of Kyuss Tenebrous Worm Tirapheg Transposer Treant Trilloch Troll, Ice Urchin, Green Urchin, Red Vampire Vulchling Wight Black Willow Wolf, Dire Wolf, Winter Wraith Zombie, Juju Zombie, Monster COLD, WILDERNESS PLAINS Common Boar, Wild Camel, Bactrian Centipede, Giant Centipede, Huge Dog, Wild Falcon, Small Herd Animal Mammoth Mastodon Mule Ogre Rat Rat, Giant Raven, Normal Rhinocerous, Woolly Scorpion, Large Squirrel, Normal Wolf Uncommon Badger Bandit Bugbear Cat, Wild Dragon, White Falcon, Large Ghoul Goat Horse Jermlaine Kenku Nomad Owl Pilgrim Pseudo-undead, Ghast Pseudo-undead, Ghoul Pseudo-undead, Vampire Ram Scorpion, Giant Scorpion, Huge Shadow Mastiff Snake, Poisonous Tiger Weasel Wolverine Rare Baluchitherium Bat Bear, Northern Character Party Devishes Devil Dog Dwarf, Hill Dwarf, Mountain Fly, Giant Bluebottle Fortress Ghast Giant, Hill Goblin Hoar Fox Hobgoblin Lion, Mountain Lion, Spotted Lycanthrope, Wereboar Lycanthrope, Werewolf Moon Dog Mummy Ogrillon Orc Patrol Pudding, White Quaggoth Raven, Giant Raven, Huge Shedu Toad, Ice Troll Troll, Ice Vapor Rat Volt Wolf, Dire Wolfwere Wolverine, Giant Xvart Very Rare Aurumvorax Barghest Bat, Giant Berserker Brain Mole Castle Caterwaul Demon, Alu- Demon, Cambion Deva, Movanic Disenchanter Dragon, Earth Dragon, Gold Fly, Giant Horse Forlarren Gambado Ghost Giant, Firbolg Giant, Fire Giant, Fog Giant, Verbeeg Gorgon Greenhag Grim Groaning Spirit Grue, Harginn Grue, Ildriss Harpy Hollyphant Hydra Irish Deer Land Urchin Lycanthrope, Foxwoman Lycanthrope, Weretiger Lynx, Giant Manticore Medusa Miner Minimal, Badger Minimal, Black Bear Minimal, Brown Bear Minimal, Wild Boar Minimal, Bactrian Camel Minimal, War Dog Minimal, Wild Dog Minimal, Wild Horse Minimal, Stag Minimal, Tiger Minimal, Wolf Mongrelman Norker Oliphant Owl, Giant Phoenix Porcupine, Giant Purple Worm Quickwood Remorhaz Sandling Screaming Devilkin Shade Shedu, Greater Shocker Skulk Spriggan Troll, Giant Vagabond Vampire Vargouille Vortex Willow, Black Worg Yeth Hound Zombie Zombie, Juju COLD, WILDERNESS DESERT Common Camel, Bactrian Dog, Wild Herd Animal Raven, Normal Scorpion, Large Uncommon Bandit Cat, Wild Centipede, Huge Falcon, Small Fly, Giant Bluebottle Horse Kenku Lion, Mountain Nomad Ogre Owl Pilgrim Pseudo-undead, Vampire Rat Scorpion, Giant Scorpion, Huge Shadow Mastiff Snake, Poisonous Squirrel, Normal Wolf Rare Boar, Wild Character Party Dervishes Devil Dog Dwarf, Hill Dwarf, Mountain Falcon, Large Fly, Giant Horse Fortress Goblin Hoar Fox Jermlaine Lycanthrope, Werewolf Mastodon Moon Dog Mummy Orc Pudding, White Purple Worm Rat, Giant Raven, Giant Raven, Huge Rhinocerous, Woolly Sandling Shedu Shocker Tiger Troll Vapor Rat Weasel Wolf, Dire Wolfwere Very Rare Badger Barghest Bat Berserker Bugbear Centipede, Giant Coffer Corpse Crypt Thing Demon, Succubus Demon, Vrock (Type I) Deva, Movanic Disenchanter Dragon, Earth Dragon, Gold Dragon, White Gambado Giant, Fire Goat Gorgon Griffon Groaning Spirit Grue, Harginn Harpy Hobgoblin Hollyphant Lion, Spotted Lycanthrope, Foxwoman Lycanthrope, Wereboar Manticore Medusa Minimal, Badger Minimal, Wild Boar Minimal, Bactrian Camel Minimal, War Dog Minimal, Wild Dog Minimal, Wild Horse Minimal, Tiger Minimal, Wolf Mongrelman Norker Oliphant Owl, Giant Pegasus Quaggoth Ram Remorhaz Rock Reptile Screaming Devilkin Shade Shedu, Greater Skulk Troll, Giant Troll, Ice Vampire Vargouille Volt Vortex Wind Walker Worg Yeth Hound Zombie TEMPERATE, WILDERNESS MOUNTAINS Common Bat Dog, Wild Dwarf, Mountain Falcon, Small Ogre Orc Raven, Normal Skunk Spider, Large Vulture, Normal Uncommon Bandit Bear, Cave Bloodhawk Bugbear Cat, Wild Centipede, Huge Cockatrice Falcon, Large Ghoul Giant, Fire Giant, Formorian Giant, Hill Giant, Stone Gnoll Goat Goblin Griffon Herd Animal Hobgoblin Lion Lion, Mountain Manticore Owl Pilgrim Pseudo-undead, Ghast Pseudo-undead, Ghoul Pseudo-undead, Spectre Pseudo-undead, Vampire Pseudo-undead, Wight Pseudo-undead, Wraith Ram Scorpion, Huge Scorpion, Large Snake, Poisonous Snake, Giant Poisonous Spider, Huge Squirrel, Huge Squirrel, Normal Tiger Weasel Witherweed Wolf Rare Bat, Giant Bear, Black Bear, Brown Bear, Northern Bee, Giant Bumble Bee, Giant Honey Beetle, Giant Boring Beetle, Giant Fire Blink Dog Bonesnapper Caterwaul Cattle, Wild Caveman Character Party Chimera Cyclopskin Dakon Dragon, Earth Dragon, Red Dwarf, Hill Eagle Firedrake Fly, Giant Bluebottle Fortress Ghast Giant, Cloud Giant, Frost Giant, Storm Giant, Verbeeg Gorgon Harpy Hippogriff Horse Jermlaine Lammasu Leucrotta Lion, Spotted Lycanthrope, Werebear Lycanthrope, Werewolf Margoyle Mastodon Minotaur Mongrelman Moon Dog Mule Norker Ogrillon Owl, Giant Owlbear Pedipalp, Huge Pedipalp, Large Peryton Phycomid Pyrolisk Quaggoth Ram, Giant Rat Rat, Giant Raven, Giant Raven, Huge Rhinoceros Rock Reptile Screaming Devilkin Shadow Shadow Mastiff Shedu Shocker Skulk Snake, Giant Constructor Spectre Spider, Phase Stag, Giant Su-monster Toad, Giant Tunnel Worm Vapor Rat Vilstrak Volt Wasp, Giant Whipweed Wight Wind Walker Wolfwere Worg Wyvern Xvart Zorbo Very Rare Aarakocra Achaierai Annis Ascomoid Badger Barghest Basilisk Behir Berserker Black Pudding Boggart Boggle Brain Mole Carrion Crawler Cave Fisher Centipede, Giant Coffer Corpse Crypt Thing Demon, Bar-Lgura Demon, Nabassu Denzelian Deva, Movanic Displacer Beast Doppleganger Dragon, Black Dragon, Bronze Dragon, Cloud Dragon, Gold Dragon, Silver Dragon Horse Dragonnet Elf, Valley Ettercap Ettin Executioner's Hood Firefriend Flind Fly, Giant Horsefly Forlarren Galeb Duhr Gargoyle Gelatinous Cube Ghost Giant, Firbolg Giant, Mountain Gibberling Gloomwing Gnome Gorgimera Grim Grue, Chaggrin Grue, Ildriss Gaunt Hell Hound Hollyphant Hornet, Giant Hydra Hydra, Pyro- Khargra Ki-rin Kobold Lammasu, Greater Land Lamprey Land Urchin Lava Children Lizard, Fire Lycanthrope, Foxwoman Lycanthrope, Weretiger Magnesium Spirit Mantari Meazel Medusa Meenlock Minimal, Mountain Lion Minimal, Badger Minimal, Cave Bear Minimal, War Dog Minimal, Wild Dog Minimal, Wild Horse Minimal, Lion Minimal, Mammoth Minimal, Stag Minimal, Tiger Minimal, Wolf Mummy Naga, Guardian Naga, Spirit Night Hag Nightmare Nilbog Nymph Obliviax Ogre Mage Oliphant Otyugh Pech Pegasus Porcupine, Giant Pseudo Dragon Quickwood Rothe Sandman Shade Shedu, Greater Skunk Snake, Giant Amphisbaena Snake, Giant Spitting Spider, Giant Spriggan Squirrel, Carniv. Flying Stegocentipede Storoper Sundew, Giant Sussurus Sylph Tenebrous Worm Tentamort Thessalhydra Tirapheg Titan, Elder Titan, Lesser Titan, Major Toad, Poisonous Transposer Troll, Giant Two-headed Umpleby Ustilagor Vagabond Vampire Vargouille Vulchling Vulture, Giant Will-o-wisp Witherstench Wolf, Dire Wraith Xaren Xill Xorn Yellow Musk Creeper Yeth Hound Zombie Zombie, Juju Zombie, Yellow Musk Zygom TEMPERATE, WILDERNESS HILLS Common Bear, Black Bear, Brown Cattle, Wild Dog, Wild Dwarf, Hill Giant, Hill Herd Animal Lycanthrope, Werewolf Mule Ogre Orc Raven, Normal Skunk Spider, Large Squirrel, Normal Vulture, Normal Wolf Uncommon Bandit Basilisk Bat Bear, Cave Cat, Wild Centipede, Huge Dakon Falcon, Large Ghoul Giant, Verbeeg Gnoll Goat Hobgoblin Horse Kenku Leprechaun Lion Mastodon Owl Pilgrim Pseudo-undead, Ghast Pseudo-undead, Ghoul Pseudo-undead, Vampire Ram Rat Rat, Giant Rhinoceros Satyr Scorpion, Large Skunk Snake, Poisonous Snake, Giant Poisonous Spider, Huge Stag Tiger Witherweed Rare Adherer Ant Lion, Giant Ant, Giant Aspis Bat, Giant Bear, Northern Bee, Giant Bumble- Bee, Giant Honey Beetle, Giant Bombardier Beetle, Giant Boring Beetle, Giant Fire Beetle, Giant Stag Blink Dog Bloodhawk Boar, Wild Bowler Camel, Bactrian Caveman Centaur Character Party Chimera Choke Creeper Cyclopskin Dragon, Red Dwarf, Mountain Falcon, Large Firedrake Fortress Ghast Giant, Cloud Gnome Goblin Harpy Jackal Jermlaine Lammasu Lion, Mountain Lycanthrope, Werebear Mantis, Giant Minotaur Norker Ogrillon Oliphant Patrol Pedipalp, Huge Pedipalp, Large Peryton Porcupine, Giant Purple Worm Raven, Giant Raven, Huge Rock Reptile Scorpion, Giant Scorpion, Huge Shadow Mastiff Shedu Skulk Snake, Giant Constructor Stag, Giant Su-monster Titanothere Toad, Giant Troll Troll, Giant Unicorn Vapor Rat Volt Wasp, Giant Weasel Whipweed Wolf, Dire Worg Xvart Very Rare Aarakocra Achaierai Ascomoid Assassin Bug Atomie Axebeak Badger Barghest Basidirond Basilisk, Greater Beaver, Giant Beetle, Giant Slicer Behir Berserker Boar, Giant Boggle Brain Mole Brownie Bugbear Bulette Bull Castle Centipede, Giant Clubneck Cockatrice Coffer Corpse Cooshee Deva, Movanic Displacer Beast Dragon, Earth Dragon, Gold Dragon, Green Dragonnet Elf, Grugach Elf, Wood Ettercap Flind Fly, Giant Bluebottle Forlarren Galeb Duhr Ghost Giant, Fire Giant, Fog Giant, Frost Giant, Stone Gibberling Gorgimera Gorgon Griffon Grig Grim Groaning Spirit Grue, Chaggrin Grue, Harginn Hangman Tree Hell Hound Hippogriff Hollyphant Hornet, Giant Huecuva Hybsil Irish Deer Jackalwere Ki-rin Kobold Lammasu, Greater Land Lamprey Lycanthrope, Foxwoman Lycanthrope, Wereboar Lycanthrope, Weretiger Manticore Margoyl Medusa Minimal, Mountain Lion Minimal, Badger Minimal, Black Bear Minimal, Brown Bear Minimal, Cave Bear Minimal, Warthog Boar Minimal, Wild Boar Minimal, Bull Minimal, Bactrian Camel Minimal, War Dog Minimal, Wild Horse Minimal, Lion Minimal, Mammoth Minimal, Rhonoceros Minimal, Stag Minimal, Tiger Minimal, Wolf Mongrelman Moon Dog Mummy Nymph Obliviax Owl, Giant Pegasus Pseudo Dragon Pyrolisk Quasi-elemental, Lightning Quaggoth Quickwood Ram, Giant Screaming Devilkin Shedu, Greater Shocker Snake, Giant Spitting Spider, Giant Spider, Phase Spriggan Stegocentipede Sundew, Giant Tenebrous Worm Toad, Poisonous Vampire Vargouille Vilstrak Vulture, Giant Wolf-in-Sheep's-Clothing Wolfwere Xaren Xorn Yeth Hound Zombie Zorbo Zygom TEMPERATE, WILDERNESS FOREST Common Bear, Black Bear, Brown Beetle, Giant Bombardier Beetle, Giant Boring Beetle, Giant Fire Beetle, Giant Stag Boar, Warthog Boar, Wild Bull Centipede, Giant Centipede, Huge Dog, Wild Falcon, Small Herd Animal Lycanthrope, Werewolf Mastodon Ogre Orc Rat Raven, Normal Rhinoceros Skunk Spider, Large Squirrel, Normal Stag Toad, Giant Wolf Uncommon Badger Bandit Basilisk Bat Boar, Giant Bugbear Cat, Wild Clubnek Dakon Elf, Wood Falcon, Large Gibberling Gnoll Hornet, Giant Horse Jermlaine Kobold Leprechaun Lion Mastodon Owl Pilgrim Porcupine, Giant Pseudo-undead, Vampire Rat, Giant Scorpion, Huge Scorpion, Large Snake, Poisonous Snake, Giant Constrictor Snake, Giant Poisonous Spider, Giant Spider, Huge Stirge Su-monster Sundew, Giant Tiger Toad, Poisonous Troll Vulture, Normal Weasel Whipweed Witherweed Wyvern Xvart Rare Adherer Ant Lion, Giant Ant, Giant Aspis Atomie Axebeak Baluchitherium Barkburr Basidirond Bear, Northern Bee, Giant Honey Beetle, Giant Slicer Blink Dog Brownie Buckawn Bullywug Camel, Bactrian Carbuncle Cattle, Wild Caveman Centaur Character Party Choke Creeper Cifal Cooshee Dragon, Green Dwarf, Hill Dwarf, Mountain Elf, Gray Ettercap Executioner's Hood Fly, Giant Bluebottle Fortress Gambado Giant, Hill Goblin Harpy Hobgoblin Irish Deer Jackal Kech Lammasu Land Lamprey Lycanthrope, Werebear Lycanthrope, Wereboar Mantis, Giant Medusa Miner Minotaur Mule Obliviax Ogrillon Oliphant Owl, Giant Owlbear Patrol Pedipalp, Huge Pseudo-undead, Ghast Pseudo-undead, Ghoul Raven, Huge Scorpion, Giant Screaming Devilkind Shadow Skulk Spider, Phase Sprite Squirrel, Carniv. Flying Squirrel, Giant Black Tenebrous Worm Thessalhydra Tick, Giant Titanothere Treant Volt Vulchling Wasp, Giant Weasel Wolf, Dire Wolfwere Worg Yellow Musk Creeper Zombie, Yellow Musk Very Rare Achaierai Al-mi'raj Annis Assassin Bug Aurumvorax Barghest Basilisk, Greater Bat, Giant Bear, Cave Beaver, Giant Bee, Giant Bumble- Beetle, Death Watch Berserker Bloodhawk Bloodthorn Boobrie Brain Mole Bulette Castle Catoblepas Centipede, Megalo- Cockatrice Demon, Bar-Lgura Deva, Movanic Displacer Beast Dragon, Coiled Dragon, Gold Dragon, Mist Dragon, Red Dryad Eagle Ear Seeker Elf, Grugach Elf, Valley Elfin Cat Faerie Dragon Firefriend Flind Fly, Giant Horse Forester's Bane Forlarren Frog, Giant Gargoyle Ghost Giant, Firbolg Giant, Fire Giant, Frost Giant, Verbeeg Gnome Gorgon Greenhag Grim Groaning Spirit Hangman Tree Hybsil Hydra Jackalwere Kampfult Kenku Korred Lammasu, Greater Lizard, Giant Lycanthrope, Foxwoman Lycanthrope, Weretiger Mandragora Mantari Meazel Mihstu Minimal, Mountain Lion Minimal, Badger Minimal, Black Bear Minimal, Brown Bear Minimal, Cave Bear Minimal, Warthog Boar Minimal, Wild Boar Minimal, Bull Minimal, Bactrian Camel Minimal, War Dog Minimal, Wild Dog Minimal, Wild Horse Minimal, Lion Minimal, Mammoth Minimal, Rhinoceros Minimal, Stag Minimal, Tiger Minimal, Wolf Mongrelman Moon Dog Mummy Needleman Norker Nymph Pedipalp, Large Pegasus Phoenix Pixie Pseudo Dragon Pudding, Brown Pyrolisk Quaggoth Quickling Quickwood Qullan Raven, Giant Scum Creeper Shadow Mastiff Shedu, Greater Shocker Skunk Snake, Giant Amphisbaena Snake, Giant Spitting Squealer Stegocentipede Sussurus Swanmay Tiger Fly Troll, Giant Umpleby Ustilagor Vampire Vargouille Vegepygmy Willow, Black Witherstench Wolf-in-Sheep's-Clothing Zombie Zorbo Zygom TEMPERATE, WILDERNESS SWAMP Common Centipede, Giant Centipede, Huge Crocodile, Normal Dog, Wild Mule Ogre Orc Rat Rat, Giant Raven, Normal Rhinoceros Scorpion, Large Skunk Spider, Huge Spider, Large Throat Leech Toad, Giant Vulture, Normal Uncommon Axebeak Basilisk Buccaneer (Pirate) Cat, Wild Cockatrice Falcon, Small Frog, Giant Ghoul Gnoll Herd Animal Hobgoblin Hornet, Giant Hydra Jermlaine Land Lamprey Leech, Giant Lion Lizard, Giant Mastodon Meazel Pilgrim Pseudo-undead, Ghast Pseudo-undead, Ghoul Pseudo-undead, Spectre Pseudo-undead, Vampire Pseudo-undead, Wight Pseudo-undead, Wraith Pudding, Brown Scorpion, Huge Scum Creeper Snake, Poisonous Snake, Giant Constrictor Snake, Giant Poisonous Squirrel, Normal Su-monster Sundew, Giant Toad, Poisonous Troll Volt Weasel Whipweed Will-o-wisp Witherweed Wolf Wyvern Rare Adherer Assassin Bug Bandit Basidirond Bat Bear, Black Bear, Brown Bee, Giant Honey Beetle, Giant Bombardier Beetle, Giant Boring Beetle, Giant Fire Beetle, Giant Stag Bloodhawk Boar, Warthog Boar, Wild Boggart Boobrie Bullywug Bunyip Camel, Bactrian Carbuncle Caterwaul Cattle, Wild Character Party Cifal Crab, Giant Crane, Giant Crystal Ooze Dragon, Coiled Dragonfly, Giant Falcon, Large Fly, Giant Bluebottle Fortress Frog, Poisonous Gas Spore Ghast Giant, Hill Goblin Harpy Horse Hybsil Irish Deer Jackal Leucrotta Lizard Man Lycanthrope, Werebear Lycanthrope, Werewolf Medusa Minotaur Mongrelman Moon Dog Muckdweller Norker Obliviax Ogre, Aquatic Owl Owlbear Pedipalp, Huge Pedipalp, Large Phycomid Porcupine, Giant Pyrolisk Quaggoth Raven, Huge Screaming Devilkind Shadow Shadow Mastiff Shambling Mound Skeleton Snake, Giant Spitting Spectre Thessalhydra Tiger Tiger Fly Titanothere Troll, Giant Urchin, Black Ustilagor Vapor Rat Wasp, Giant Weasel, Giant Wolfwere Worg Xvart Zombie Very Rare Achaierai Algoid Annis Badger Barghest Barkburr Basilisk, Greater Bat, Giant Bee, Giant Bumble- Bee, Giant Honey Beetle, Death Watch Beetle, Giant Slicer Beholder Berserker Boar, Giant Brain Mole Brownie Bugbear Bull Centipede, Megalo- Clubnek Coffer Corpse Cooshee Crabman Crayfish, Giant Death, Crimson Demon, Alu- Demon, Cambion Demon, Nabassu Deva, Movanic Displacer Beast Doppleganger Dracolisk Dragon, Black Dragon, Gold Dragon, Green Dragon, Mist Eblis Elf, Wood Firefriend Flind Fly, Giant Horse Forester's Bane Galltrit Gargoyle Ghost Giant, Fog Giant, Verbeeg Gibberling Gloomwing Gorgon Greenhag Grim Grue, Varrdig Hangman Tree Haunt Hell Hound Hollyphant Heucuva Hydra, Pyro- Jackalwere Kech Kelpie Kenku Kobold Lammasu Land Urchin Lion, Spotted Lizard King Lycanthrope, Wereboar Lycanthrope, Weretiger Mandragora Mantari Manticore Mihstu Miner Minimal, Badger Minimal, Black Bear Minimal, Brown Bear Minimal, Warthog Boar Minimal, Wild Boar Minimal, Bull Minimal, Bactrian Camel Minimal, War Dog Minimal, Wild Dog Minimal, Wild Horse Minimal, Lion Minimal, Rhinoceros Minimal, Tiger Minimal, Wolf Mud-man Mummy Naga, Guardian Naga, Spirit Night Hag Ogre Magi Oliphant Owl, Giant Phantom Quickling Quickwood Qullan Raven, Giant Shade Shedu Shedu, Greater Skeleton, Animal Skulk Skunk Snake, Giant Amphisbaena Snake, Giant Spitting Son of Kyuss Squealer Stegocentipede Sussurus Tenebrous Worm Tentamort Tick, Giant Tirapheg Transposer Treant Trilloch Umpleby Urchin, Green Urchin, Red Vampire Vegepygmy Vulchling Vulture, Giant Wight Willow, Black Witherstench Wolf, Dire Wraith Zombie, Juju Zombie, Monster Zygom TEMPERATE, WILDERNESS PLAINS Common Beetle, Giant Stag Boar, Wild Bull Camel, Bactrian Cattle, Wild Centipede, Giant Centipede, Huge Dog, Wild Falcon, Small Herd Animal Jackal Mastodon Mule Ogre Rat Rat, Giant Raven, Normal Rhinoceros Scorpion, Large Skunk Spider, Huge Spider, Large Squirrel, Normal Stag Toad, Giant Vulture, Normal Wolf Uncommon Badger Bandit Bugbear Cat, Wild Clubnek Dakon Falcon, Large Ghoul Goat Horse Jermlaine Kenku Lion Nomad Owl Pilgrim Pseudo-undead, Ghast Pseudo-undead, Ghoul Pseudo-undead, Vampire Ram Scorpion, Giant Scorpion, Huge Shadow Mastiff Snake, Poisonous Snake, Giant Poisonous Tiger Titanothere Weasel Witherweed Rare Ant Lion, Giant Ant, Giant Aspis Axebeak Baluchitherium Bat Bear, Northern Bee, Giant Bumble- Beetle, Giant Slicer Blink Dog Bonesnapper Centaur Character Party Dervishes Dwarf, Hill Dwarf, Mountain Fly, Giant Bluebottle Fortress Ghast Giant, Hill Goblin Hobgoblin Hybsil Lammasu Land Lamprey Lion, Mountain Lion, Spotted Lycanthrope, Wereboar Lycanthrope, Werewolf Moon Dog Mummy Ogrillon Orc Patrol Pedipalp, Huge Pedipalp, Large Quaggoth Raven, Giant Raven, Huge Shedu Snake, Giant Constrictor Tiger Fly Troll Vapor Rat Volt Wasp, Giant Whipweed Wolf, Dire Wolfwere Wyvern Xvart Very Rare Al-mi'raj Ascomoid Assassin Bug Atomie Aurumvorex Barghest Basilisk Bat, Giant Bee, Giant Honey Berserker Bloodhawk Brain Mole Bulette Castle Caterwaul Centipede, Megalo- Cital Cockatrice Death Watch Demon, Alu- Demon, Cambion Deva, Movanic Disenchanter Displacer Beast Dragon, Coiled Dragon, Earth Dragon, Gold Dustdigger Firefriend Flind Flumph Fly, Giant Horse Forester's Bane Forlarren Frog, Giant Gambado Ghost Giant, Firbolg Giant, Fire Giant, Fog Giant, Verbeeg Gnoll Gorgon Greenhag Grim Groaning Spirit Grue, Harginn Grue, Ildriss Harpy Hollyphant Hornet, Giant Heucuva Hydra Hydra, Pyro- Irish Deer Lammasu, Greater Land Urchin Leprechaun Lizard, Giant Lycanthrope, Foxwoman Lycanthrope, Weretiger Manticore Meazel Medusa Meenlock Miner Minimal, Badger Minimal, Black Bear Minimal, Brown Bear Minimal, Wild Boar Minimal, Bull Minimal, Bactrian Camel Minimal, War Dog Minimal, Wild Dog Minimal, Wild Horse Minimal, Lion Minimal, Rhinoceros Minimal, Stag Minimal, Tiger Minimal, Wolf Mongrelman Norker Oliphant Owl, Giant Phoenix Porcupine, Giant Pudding, Brown Purple Worm Pyrolisk Quickwood Qullan Sandling Sandman Screaming Devilkin Scum Creeper Shade Shedu, Greater Shocker Skulk Snake, Giant Amphisbaena Snake, Giant Spitting Spriggan Stegocentipede Su-monster Sundew, Giant Sussurus Thunderherder Toad, Poisonous Toad, Giant Ustilagor Vagabond Vampire Vargouille Vortex Vulture, Giant Weasel, Giant Wemic Willow, Black Witherstench Wolf-in-sheep's-clothing Worg Yeth Hound Zombie Zombie, Juju Zorbo Zygom TEMPERATE, WILDERNESS DESERT Common Camel, Bactrian Dog, Wild Herd Animal Jackal Raven, Normal Scorpion, Large Spider, Huge Spider, Large Vulture, Normal Uncommon Bandit Cat, Wild Centipede, Huge Dustdigger Falcon, Small Fly, Giant Bluebottle Horse Kenku Lion Lion, Mountain Nomad Owl Pilgrim Pseudo-undead, Vampire Rat Rhinoceros Scorpion, Giant Scorpion, Huge Shadow Mastiff Skunk Snake, Poisonous Snake, Giant Poisonous Squirrel, Normal Toad, Poisonous Wolf Rare Ant Lion, Giant Aspis Bee, Giant Bumble- Blink Dog Boar, Wild Cattle, Wild Character Party Chimera Dervishes Dwarf, Hill Dwarf, Mountain Falcon, Large Firetoad Flind Fly, Giant Horse Fortress Goblin Jackalwere Jermlaine Lammasu Lycanthrope, Werewolf Mastodon Moon Dog Mummy Orc Pedipalp, Huge Pedipalp, Large Purple Worm Rat, Giant Raven, Giant Raven, Huge Sandling Sandman Shedu Shocker Snake, Giant Constrictor Thunderherder Tiger Titanothere Toad, Giant Troll Vapor Rat Weasel Whipweed Witherweed Wolf, Dire Wolfwere Very Rare Ascomoid Badger Barghest Bat Berserker Bloodhawk Bugbear Bulette Bull Centipede, Giant Cifal Clubnek Cockatrice Coffer Corpse Crypt Thing Dakon Death Dog Demon, Succubus Demon, Vrock (Type I) Deva, Movanic Disenchanter Displacer Beast Dragon, Earth Dragon, Gold Dune Stalker Flumph Gambado Giant, Fire Goat Gorgimera Griffon Groaning Spirit Grue, Harginn Harpy Hell Hound Hobgoblin Hollyphant Hornet, Giant Heucuva Lamia Lamia Noble Lammasu, Greater Lion, Spotted Lycanthrope, Foxwoman Lycanthrope, Wereboar Manticore Medusa Meenlock Minimal, Badger Minimal, Black Bear Minimal, Bull Minimal, Bactrian Camel Minimal, War Dog Minimal, Wild Dog Minimal, Wild Horse Minimal, Lion Minimal, Rhinoceros Minimal, Tiger Minimal, Wolf Mongrelman Norker Oliphant Owl, Giant Pegasus Pyrolisk Quaggoth Ram Rock Reptile Screaming Devilkin Shade Shedu, Greater Skulk Snake, Giant Spitting Tiger Fly Troll, Giant Vampire Vulture, Giant Wemic Wind Walker Worg Wyvern Yeth Hound Zombie Zorbo TROPICAL, WILDERNESS MOUNTAINS Common Bat Dinosaur, Euparkeria Dinosaur, Pteranadon Dog, Wild Falcon, Small Ogre Orc Pteradactyl, Small Raven, Normal Skunk Small Prehist. Reptiles Spider, Large Vulture, Normal Uncommon Bandit Bugbear Cat, Wild Centipede, Huge Cockatrice Dragon, Copper Falcon, Large Ghoul Giant, Fire Giant, Formorian Giant, Hill Giant, Stone Gnoll Goblin Griffon Herd Animal Hobgoblin Lion Lion, Mountain Manticore Owl Pilgrim Pseudo-undead, Ghast Pseudo-undead, Ghoul Pseudo-undead, Spectre Pseudo-undead, Vampire Pseudo-undead, Wight Pseudo-undead, Wraith Scorpion, Huge Scorpion, Large Snake, Constrictor Snake, Poisonous Snake, Giant Poisonous Spider, Huge Tiger Witherweed Wolf Rare Bat, Mobat Bat, Giant Bee, Giant Bumble- Bee, Giant Honey Beetle, Giant Boring Beetle, Giant Fire Bonesnapper Caterwaul Cattle, Wild Caveman Character Party Chimera Cyclopskin Dakon Dinosaur, Ankisaur Dinosaur, Camptosaurus Dinosaur, Compsognathus Dinosaur, Dilophosaur Dinosaur, Giant Ptero. Dinosaur, Iguanadon Dinosaur, Pentaceratop Dinosaur, Phororhacos Dinosaur, Plateosaur Dinosaur, Stegosaur Dinosaur, Triceratops Dragon, Earth Dragon, Red Dwarf, Hill Firedrake Firenewt Fly, Giant Bluebottle Fortress Ghast Giant Strider Giant, Cloud Giant, Storm Giant, Verbeeg Gorgon Gorilla Bear Harpy Hippogriff Horse Jermlaine Lammasu Leucrotta Lion, Spotted Lizard, Minotaur Lycanthrope, Werewolf Margoyle Minotaur Mongrelman Moon Dog Mule Norker Ogrillon Owl, Giant Pedipalp, Huge Pedipalp, Large Peryton Phycomid Pyrolisk Quaggoth Rat Rat, Giant Raven, Huge Rhinoceros Roc Rock Reptile Salamander Scorpion, Giant Shadow Shadow Mastiff Shedu Shocker Skulk Snake, Giant Constrictor Spectre Sphinx, Gyno- Spider, Phase Su-monster Tiger, Sabre-tooth Toat, Giant Troll Troll, Giant Tunnel Worm Vapor Rat Vilstrak Volt Wasp, Giant Whipweed Wight Wind Walker Wolfwere Worg Wyvern Xvart Zorbo Very Rare Aarakocra Achaierai Ascomoid Barghest Basilisk Behir Berserker Black Pudding Boalisk Boggart Boggle Brain Mole Cave Fisher Centipede, Giant Coffer Corpse Crypt Thing Demon, Bar-Lgura Demon, Nabassu Denzelian Deva, Movanic Dinosaur, Ankylosaur Dinosaur, Ceratosaur Dinosaur, Gorgosaur Dinosaur, Paleoscincus Dinosaur, Tyrannosaurus Displacer Beast Doppleganger Dragon, Black Dragon, Brass Dragon, Bronze Dragon, Cloud Dragon, Gold Dragon, Silver Dragon-Horse Dragonne Dragonnel Elf, Valley Ettercap Ettin Executioner's Hood Flind Fly, Giant Horse Forlarren Formian Frost Man Galeb Duhr Gargoyle Gelatinous Cube Ghost Giant, Mountain Gloomwing Gnome Gorgimera Grim Grue, Chaggrin Grue, Ildriss Haunt Hell Hound Hollyphant Hornet, Giant Hydra Hydra, Pyro Hyenadon Khargra Ki-rin Kobold Lammasu, Greater Land Lamprey Land Urchin Lava Children Lizard, Fire Lycanthrope, Foxwoman Lycanthrope, Weretiger Manmen Mantari Meazel Medusa Meenlock Minimal, Badger Minimal, Carnivorous Ape Minimal, War Dog Minimal, Wild Dog Minimal, Wild Horse Minimal, Lion Minimal, Tiger Mummy Naga, Guardian Naga, Spirit Night Hag Nightmare Nilbog Obliviax Ogre Mage Oliphant Otyugh Pech Pedipalp, Giant Pegasus Quasi-elemental, Lightning Quickwood Retchplant Rothe Sandman Shade Shedu, Greater Skunk Snake, Giant Amphisbaena Snake, Giant Spitting Sphinx, Andro- Sphinx, Crio- Sphinx, Hieraco- Spider, Giant Stegocentipede Storoper Sundew, Giant Sussurus Sylph Tenebrous Worm Tentamort Thessalhydra Thoqqua Tirapheg Titan, Elder Titan, Lesser Titan, Major Toad, Poisonous Transposer Troll, Giant Two-headed Umpleby Ustilagor Vampire Vargouille Vulture, Giant Will-o-wisp Wolf, Dire Wraith Xaren Xill Xorn Yellow Musk Creeper Zombie Zombie, Juju Zombie, Yellow Musk Zygom TROPICAL, WILDERNESS HILLS Common Cattle, Wild Dinosaur, Ankisaur Dinosaur, Camptosaurus Dinosaur, Euparkeria Dinosaur, Iguanadon Dinosaur, Monoclonius Dinosaur, Plateosaur Dinosaur, Triceratops Dog, Wild Dwarf, Hill Giant, Hill Herd Animal Lycanthrope, Werewolf Mule Ogre Pteradactyl, Small Raven, Normal Skunk Small Prehist. Reptiles Spider, Large Vulture, Normal Wolf Uncommon Bandit Basilisk Bat Cat, Wild Centipede, Huge Dakon Dinosaur, Ankylosaur Dinosaur, Ceratosaur Dinosaur, Compsognathus Dinosaur, Gorgosaur Dinosaur, Megalosaur Dinosaur, Paleoscincus Dinosaur, Tyrannosaurus Falcon, Small Ghoul Giant, Verbeeg Gnoll Hobgoblin Horse Kenku Lion Owl Pilgrim Pseudo-undead, Ghast Pseudo-undead, Ghoul Pseudo-undead, Vampire Rat Rat, Giant Rhinoceros Scorpion, Large Snake, Constrictor Snake, Giant Poisonous Spider, Huge Tiger Witherweed Rare Ant Lion, Giant Ant, Giant Aspis Baboon Bat, Giant Bee, Giant Bumble- Bee, Giant Honey Beetle, Giant Bombardier Beetle, Giant Boring Beetle, Giant Fire Boar, Warthog Boar, Wild Camel, Bactrian Caveman Character Party Chimera Choke Creeper Cyclopskin Dinosaur, Dacentrurus Dinosaur, Deinonychus Dinosaur, Dilophosaur Dinosaur, Dimetrodon Dinosaur, Kentrosaur Dinosaur, Phororhacos Dinosaur, Podokesaur Dinosaur, Stegosaur Dinosaur, Struthoimimus Dinosaur, Styracosaur Dragon, Copper Dragon, Red Elephant, African Elephant, Asian Falcon, Large Firedrake Firenewt Flightless Bird Fortress Ghast Giant, Cloud Gnome Goblin Harpy Hyena Jackal Jermlaine Lammasu Lion, Mountain Lizard, Minotaur Mantis, Giant Minotaur Norker Ogrillon Patrol Pedipalp, Huge Pedipalp, Large Peryton Purple Worm Raven, Huge Rock Reptile Salamander Scorpion, Giant Scorpion, Huge Shadow Mastiff Shedu Skulk Snake, Giant Constrictor Sphinx, Hieraco- Su-monster Tabaxi Tiger, Sabre-tooth Toad, Giant Troll Troll, Giant Vapor Rat Vilstrak Volt Wasp, Giant Whipweed Wolf, Dire Worg Xvart Very Rare Aarakocra Achaierai Ape, Carnivorous Ascomoid Assassin Bug Atomie Axebeak Baku Barghest Basidrond Basilisk, Greater Bat, Mobat Beetle, Giant Rhino Behir Berserker Boalisk Boar, Giant Boggle Brain Mole Brownie Bugbear Bull Centipede, Giant Cockatrice Coffer Corpse Cooshee Couatl Deva, Movanic Dinosaur, Giant Ptero. Dinosaur, Ornitholestes Dinosaur, Pteranadon Dinosaur, Teratosaur Displacer Beast Dragon, Earth Dragon, Gold Dragon, Green Dragonnel Elf, Grugach Elf, Wood Ettercap Flind Fly, Giant Bluebottle Forlarren Formian Frost Man Galeb Duhr Ghost Giant, Fire Giant, Fog Giant, Stone Gorgimera Gorgon Grim Grue, Chaggrin Grue, Harginn Hangman Tree Hell Hound Hippogriff Hornet, Giant Huecuva Hybsil Jackalwere Jaguar Kamadan Ki-rin Kobold Lammasu, Greater Land Lamprey Leopard Lycanthrope, Foxwoman Lycanthrope, Wereboar Lycanthrope, Weretiger Manticore Mantrap Margoyle Medusa Minimal, Baboon Minimal, Badger Minimal, Warthog Boar Minimal, Wild Boar Minimal, Bull Minimal, Bactrian Camel Minimal, Carniv. Ape Minimal, War Dog Minimal, Wild Dog Minimal, African Elephant Minimal, Asian Elephant Minimal, Wild Horse Minimal, Hyena Minimal, Lion Minimal, Rhinoceros Minimal, Tiger Mongrelman Moon Dog Mummy Nymph Obliviax Owl, Giant Pedipalp, Giant Pegasus Quasi-elemental, Lightning Quaggoth Quickwood Retchplant Shedu, Greater Shocker Snake, Giant Spitting Sphinx, Crio- Spider, Giant Spider, Phase Stegocentipede Storoper Sundew, Giant Tenebrous Worm Thoqqua Toad, Poisonous Vampire Vargouille Vilstrak Vulture, Giant Wolfwere Xaren Xorn Zombie Zorbo Zygom TROPICAL, WILDERNESS FOREST Common Baboon Beetle, Giant Bombardier Beetle, Giant Boring Beetle, Giant Fire Boar, Warthog Boar, Wild Bull Centipede, Giant Centipede, Huge Dinosaur, Ankisaur Dinosaur, Camptosaurus Dinosaur, Compsognathus Dinosaur, Euparkeria Dinosaur, Monoclonius Dinosaur, Plateosaur Dinosaur, Stegosaur Dinosaur, Styracosaur Dog, Wild Elephant, African Elephant, Asian Falcon, Small Flightless Bird Herd Animal Lycanthrope, Werewolf Ogre Orc Pteradactyl, Small Rat Raven, Normal Rhinoceros Skunk Small, Prehist. Reptiles Spider, Large Toad, Giant Wolf Uncommon Bandit Basilisk Bat Beetle, Giant Rhino Bugbear Cat, Wild Dakon Dinosaur, Dacentrurus Dinosaur, Kentrosaur Dinosaur, Megalosaur Dinosaur, Phororhacos Dinosaur, Teratosaur Dinosaur, Tyrannosaurus Elf, Wood Falcon, Large Gnoll Gorilla Bear Hornet, Giant Horse Jaguar Jermlaine Kobold Leopard Lion Lion, Mountain Manticore Ophidian Owl Pilgrim Pseudo-undead, Vampire Rat, Giant Scorpion, Huge Scorpion, Large Snake, Constrictor Snake, Poisonous Snake, Giant Constrictor Snake, Giant Poisonous Spider, Giant Spider, Huge Stirge Su-monster Sundew, Giant Tiger Toad, Poisonous Troll Vulture, Normal Whipweed Witherweed Wyvern Xvart Rare Ant Lion, Giant Ant, Giant Aspis Atomie Axebeak Baku Baluchitherium Basidirond Bee, Giant Honey Boalisk Brownie Buckawn Bullywug Camel, Bactrian Carbuncle Cattle, Wild Caveman Character Party Choke Creeper Cifal Cooshee Dinosaur, Anatosaur Dinosaur, Apatosaur Dinosaur, Camarasaur Dinosaur, Deinonychus Dinosaur, Diplodocus Dinosaur, Iguanadon Dinosaur, Lambeosaur Dinosaur, Pentaceratop Dinosaur, Triceratops Dragon, Green Dwarf, Hill Elf, Gray Ettercap Executioner's Hood Fly, Giant Bluebottle Fortress Gambado Giant, Hill Goblin Grippli Harpy Hyena Jackal Jaculi Kamadan Kech Lammasu Land Lamprey Lycanthrope, Wereboar Mantis, Giant Medusa Minotaur Mule Obliviax Ogrillon Oliphant Owl, Giant Patrol Pedipalp, Huge Pseudo-undead, Ghast Pseudo-undead, Ghoul Raven, Huge Retchplant Scorpion, Giant Shadow Skulk Sphinx, Crio- Spider, Phase Tasloi Tenebrous Worm Termite, Giant Harvest Thessalhydra Tick, Giant Tiger, Sabre-tooth Treant Tribesmen Vapor Rat Volt Wasp, Giant Wolf, Dire Wolfwere Worg Yellow Musk Creeper Zombie, Yellow Musk Very Rare Achaierai Ape, Carnivorous Ape, Gorilla Assassin Bug Babbler Banderlog Barghest Basilisk, Greater Bat, Mobat Bat, Giant Bee, Giant Bumble- Berserker Bloodthorn Boobrie Brain Mole Castle Catoblepas Centipede, Megalo- Cockatrice Demon, Bar-Lgura Deva, Movanic Dinosaur, Ankylosaur Dinosaur, Brachiosaur Dinosaur, Ceratosaur Dinosaur, Cetiosaur Dinosaur, Giant Ptero. Dinosaur, Gorgosaur Dinosaur, Mamenchisaur Dinosaur, Massopondylus Dinosaur, Paleoscincus Dinosaur, Podokesaur Dinosaur, Struthoimimus Displacer Beast Dragon, Coiled Dragon, Gold Dragon, Mist Dragon, Red Ear Seeker Elf, Grugach Elf, Valley Faerie Dragon Flind Fly, Giant Horse Forester's Bane Forlarren Frog, Giant Gargoyle Ghost Giant, Fire Giant, Verbeeg Gnome Gorgon Grim Groaning Spirit Hangman Tree Hybsil Hydra Jackalwere Kenku Lammasu, Greater Lizard, Giant Lycanthrope, Foxwoman Lycanthrope, Weretiger Mandragora Mantari Mantrap Meazel Mihstu Minimal, Baboon Minimal, Badger Minimal, Warthog Boar Minimal, Wild Boar Minimal, Bull Minimal, Bactrian Camel Minimal, Carniv. Ape Minimal, War Dog Minimal, Wild Dog Minimal, African Elephant Minimal, Asian Elephant Minimal, Gorilla Minimal, Wild Horse Minimal, Hyena Minimal, Jaguar Minimal, Leopard Minimal, Lion Minimal, Rhinoceros Minimal, Tiger Mongrelman Moon Dog Mummy Nonafel Norker Nymph Pedipalp, Giant Pedipalp, Large Pegasus Phoenix Pixie Pudding, Brown Pyrolisk Quaggoth Quickling Quickwood Qullan Scum Creeper Shadow Mastiff Shedu Shedu, Greater Shocker Skunk Snake, Giant Amphisbaena Snake, Giant Spitting Sphinx, Hieraco- Squealer Stegocentipede Sussurus Tabaxi Tiger Fly Tri-flower Frond Troll, Giant Twilight Bloom Umpleby Ustilagor Vampire Vargouille Webbird Yuan Ti Zombie Zorbo Zygom TROPICAL, WILDERNESS SWAMP Common Centipede, Giant Centipede, Huge Crocodile, Normal Dinosaur, Anatosaur Dinosaur, Apatosaur Dinosaur, Camarasaur Dinosaur, Diplodocus Dinosaur, Euparkeria Dinosaur, Iguanadon Dinosaur, Lambeosaur Dinosaur, Plateosaur Dinosaur, Styracosaur Dog, Wild Mule Ogre Orc Pteradactyl, Small Rat Rat, Giant Raven, Normal Rhinoceros Scorpion, Large Skunk Small, Prehist. Reptiles Spider, Huge Spider, Large Throat Leech Toad, Giant Vulture, Normal Uncommon Axebeak Basilisk Buccaneer (Pirate) Cat, Wild Cockatrice Dinosaur, Ankisaur Dinosaur, Brachiosaur Dinosaur, Brachiosaur Dinosaur, Camptosaurus Dinosaur, Ceratosaur Dinosaur, Cetiosaur Dinosaur, Dimentrodon Dinosaur, Gorgosaur Dinosaur, Mamenchisaur Dinosaur, Massopondylus Dinosaur, Megalosaur Dinosaur, Phororhacos Falcon, Small Frog, Giant Ghoul Gnoll Herd Animal Hippopotamus Hobgoblin Hornet, Giant Hydra Jermlaine Land Lamprey Leech, Giant Leopard Lion Lizard, Giant Meazel Pilgrim Pseudo-undead, Ghast Pseudo-undead, Ghoul Pseudo-undead, Spectre Pseudo-undead, Vampire Pseudo-undead, Wight Pseudo-undead, Wraith Pudding, Deadly (Brown) Scorpion, Giant Scorpion, Huge Scum Creeper Snake, Constrictor Snake, Poisonous Snake, Giant Constrictor Snake, Giant Poisonous Su-monster Sundew, Giant Toad, Poisonous Troll Volt Whipweed Will-o-wisp Witherweed Wolf Wyvern Rare Assassin Bug Baboon Bandit Basidirond Bat Beetle, Giant Bombardier Beetle, Giant Boring Beetle, Giant Fire Boalisk Boar, Warthog Boar, Wild Boggart Boobrie Bullywug Bunyip Camel, Bactrian Carbuncle Caterwaul Cattle, Wild Caveman Character Party Cifal Crab, Giant Crane, Giant Crystal Ooze Dinosaur, Compsognathus Dinosaur, Giant Ptero. Dinosaur, Monoclonius Dinosaur, Pentaceratop Dinosaur, Stegosaur Dinosaur, Struthoimimus Dinosaur, Tanystropheus Dinosaur, Triceratops Dragon, Coiled Dragonfly, Giant Elephant, African Elephant, Asian Falcon, Large Flightless Bird Fly, Giant Bluebottle Fortress Frog, Poisonous Ghast Giant, Hill Goblin Gorilla Bear Grippli Harpy Horse Hybsil Hyena Jackal Kamadan Leucrotta Lizard Man Lycanthrope, Werewolf Medusa Minotaur Mongrelman Moon Dog Muckdweller Norker Obliviax Ogre, Aquatic Ophidian Owl Patrol Pedipalp, Huge Pedipalp, Large Phycomid Pyrolisk Quaggoth Raven, Huge Retchplant Shadow Shadow Mastiff Shambling Mound Skeleton Snake, Giant Spitting Spectre Thessalhydra Tiger Tiger Fly Tribesmen Troll, Giant Urchin, Black Ustilagor Vapor Rat Wasp, Giant Wolfwere Worg Xvart Zombie Very Rare Achaierai Algoid Ape, Carnivorous Babbler Baku Barghest Basilisk, Greater Bat, Giant Bee, Giant Bumble- Bee, Giant Honey Beetle, Giant Rhino Berserker Boar, Giant Brain Mole Brownie Buffalo Bugbear Bull Centipede, Megalo- Coffer Corpse Cooshee Crabman Crayfish, Giant Death, Crimson Demon, Alu- Demon, Cambion Demon, Nabassu Deva, Movanic Dinosaur, Ankylosaur Dinosaur, Antrodemus Dinosaur, Deinonychus Dinosaur, Paleoscincus Dinosaur, Tyrannosaur Displacer Beast Doppleganger Dracolisk Dragon, Black Dragon, Gold Dragon, Green Dragon, Mist Eblis Elf, Wood Flind Fly, Giant Horse Forester's Bane Frog, Killer Froghemoth Galltrit Gargoyle Ghost Giant, Fog Giant, Verbeeg Gloomwing Gorgon Grim Grue, Varrdig Hangman Tree Haunt Hell Hound Hollyphant Huecuva Hydra, Lernaean Hydra, Pyro Hyenadon Jackalwere Jaguar Kech Kelpie Kenku Kobold Lammasu Land Urchin Lion, Spotted Lizard, King Lycanthrope, Wereboar Lycanthrope, Weretiger Mandragora Mantari Manticore Mihstu Minimal, Baboon Minimal, Badger Minimal, Warthog Boar Minimal, Wild Boar Minimal, Buffalo Minimal, Bull Minimal, Bactrian Camel Minimal, Carniv. Ape Minimal, War Dog Minimal, Wild Dog Minimal, African Elephant Minimal, Asian Elephant Minimal, Gorilla Minimal, Wild Horse Minimal, Hyena Minimal, Jaguar Minimal, Leopard Minimal, Lion Minimal, Rhinoceros Minimal, Tiger Mud-man Mummy Naga, Guardian Naga, Spirit Night Hag Ogre Mage Oliphant Owl, Giant Pedipalp, Giant Phantom Quickling Quickwood Qullan Shade Shedu Shedu, Greater Skeleton, Animal Skulk Skunk Snake, Giant Amphisbaena Son of Kyuss Sphinx, Crio- Squealer Stegocentipede Sussurus Tenebrous Worm Tentamort Thork Tick, Giant Tiger, Sabre-tooth Tirapheg Transposer Treant Tri-flower Frond Trilloch Twilight Bloom Umpleby Urchin, Green Urchin, Red Vampire Vulture, Giant Webbird Wight Wolf, Dire Wraith Zombie, Juju Zombie, Monster Zygom AQUATIC ENCOUNTERS COLD FRESHWATER SURFACE Common Ice Land Encounter Merchant Uncommon Buccaneer (Pirate) Falcon, Small Ogre, Aquatic Otter Swan Turtle, Giant Snapping Rare Boggart Northern Bear Crab, Giant Crystal Ooze Dragon, Red Dragonfish Falcon, Large Gar, Giant Hollyphant Island Lacedon Naga, Water Nixie Otter, Giant Sirine Troll, Marine Very Rare Aarakocra Beaver, Giant Deva, Movanic Dragon Turtle Dragon, Gold Dragon, Green Dragon, Sea Dragon, Silver Dragon, White Eagle Eagle, Giant Gargoyle Ghost Ship Giant, Storm Greenhag Griffon Grue, Varrdig Harpy Hippocampus Hippogriff Ki-rin Kapoacinth Lamprey, Normal Manticore Nereid Octopus Pegasus Pike, Giant Quipper Shedu Shedu, Greater Swanmay Troll, Ice Verme Vodyanoi Water Weird Whirlpool COLD FRESHWATER DEPTHS Common Mo common encounters Uncommon Kapoacinth Lacedon Lamprey, Normal Naga, Water Ogre, Aquatic Turtle, Giant Snapping Rare Crab, Giant Crocodile, Normal Dragonfish Gar, Giant Green Slime Hippocampus Nixie Octopus Otter Pike, Giant Sirine Sunken Ship Troll, Marine Vodyanoi Very Rare Beaver, Giant Bloodworm Dragon Turtle Dragon, Sea Giant, Storm Greenhag Morkoth Nereid Nymph Otter, Giant Quipper Verme Water Weird COLD SALTWATER SURFACE Common Merchant Shark Whale Uncommon Buccaneer (Pirate) Dolphin Island Sea Lion Swordfish Troll, Marine Turtle, Giant Sea Will-o-wisp Rare Crab, Giant Dragon, Red Falcon, Small Ghost Ship Hollyphant Lacedon Naga, Water Narwhal Nixie Otter Shark, Giant Squid, Giant Whirlpool Very Rare Aarakocra Afanc Deva, Movanic Dragon Turtle Dragon, Celestial Dragon, Gold Dragon, Green Dragon, Sea Dragon, Silver Dragon, White Eagle Eagle, GIant Eel, Electric Marine Elf, Aquatic Falcon, Large Giant, Storm Greenhag Griffon Grue, Varrdig Harpy Hippocampus Hippogriff Ki-rin Kapoacinth Kraken Lamprey, Normal Lycanthrope, Seawolf, G Lycanthrope, Seawolf, L Manticore Nereid Octopus Pegasus Selkie Shedu Shedu, Greater Sirine Titan, Lesser Titan, Major Verme Water Weird Wind Walker COLD SALTWATER-DEPTHS Common Shark Whale Uncommon Dolphin Elf, Aquatic Kapoacinth Lacedon Lamprey, Normal Naga, Water Sea Lion Swordfish Troll, Marine Turtle, Giant Sea Urchin, Black Rare Crab, Giant Eel, Electric Marine Ghost Ship Hippocampus Narwhal Nixie Octopus Shark, Giant Squid, Giant Urchin, Green Urchin, Red Very Rare Afanc Dragon Turtle Dragon, Sea Giant, Storm Kraken Lycanthrope, Seawolf, L Lycanthrope, Seawolf, G Morkoth Nereid Nymph Otter Selkie Sirine Titan, Elder Titan, Lesser Titan, Major Urchin, Silver Urchin, Yellow Verme Water Weird TEMPERATE FRESHWATER SURFACE Common Crocodile, Normal Merchant Throat Leech Uncommon Crayfish, Giant Dinosaur, Elasmosaur Falcon, Small Frog, Giant Leech, Giant Ogre, Aquatic Otter Spider, Giant Water Swan Turtle, Giant Snapping Rare Beetle, Giant Water Boggart Buccaneer (Pirate) Crab, Giant Crane, Giant Crystal Ooze Dragon, Bronze Dragon, Carp Dragon, Mist Dragon, Red Dragon, Spirit Dragonfish Falcon, Large Frog, Poisonous Gar, Giant Hollyphant Island Lacedon Lizard Man Naga, Water Nixie Otter, Giant Sirine Troll, Marine Very Rare Aarakocra Algoid Beaver, Giant Boobrie Bunyip Catfish, Giant Cockatrice Deva, Movanic Dragon Turtle Dragon, Black Dragon, Cloud Dragon, Gold Dragon, Green Dragon, Sea Dragon, Silver Dragon, Horse Dragonfly, Giant Dragonnel Eagle Eagle, Giant Eblis Eel, Giant Gargoyle Ghost Ship Giant, Storm Greenhag Griffon Grue, Varrdig Harpy Hippocampus Hippogriff Kelpie Ki-rin Kapoacinth Lammasu Lammasu, Greater Lamprey, Giant Lamprey, Normal Lizard King Manticore Muckdweller Nereid Octopus Pegasus Pike, Giant Pyrolisk Quipper Shedu Shedu, Greater Swanmay Tiger Fly Verme Vodyanoi Wasp, Giant Water Weird Whirlpool TEMPERATE FRESHWATER DEPTHS Common Beetle, Giant Water Crocodile, Normal Spider, Giant Water Throat Leech Uncommon Crayfish, Giant Dinosaur, Elasmosaur Kapoacinth Lacedon Lamprey, Normal Leech, Giant Naga, Water Ogre, Aquatic Rare Bunyip Catfish, Giant Crab, Giant Dragon, Carp Dragon, Spirit Dragonfish Frog, Giant Gar, Giant Hippocampus Lamprey, Giant Lizard Man Nixie Octopus Otter Pike, Giant Sirine Sunken Ship Troll, Marine Vodyanoi Very Rare Afanc Algoid Beaver, Giant Bloodworm Dragon Turtle Dragon, Sea Eel, Giant Frog, Killer Giant, Storm Greenhag Kelpie Lizard King Morkoth Muckdweller Mud-man Nereid Nymph Otter, Giant Quipper Verme Water Weird TEMPERATE SALTWATER SURFACE Common Dinosaur, Plesiosaur Merchant Seaweed, Floating Shark Whale Uncommon Buccaneer (Pirate) Dinosaur, Elasmosaur Dinosaur, Mosasaur Dinosaur, Nothosaur Dolphin Eel, Giant Island Sea Horse Sea Lion Swordfish Troll, Marine Turtle, Giant Sea Will-o-wisp Rare Crab, Giant Crabman Crane, Giant Dinosaur, Tenodontosaur Dragon, Bronze Dragon, Mist Dragon, Red Eye, Floating Falcon, Small Ghost Ship Hollyphant Lacedon Naga, Water Narwhal Nixie Otter Shark, Giant Squid, Giant Whirlpool Very Rare Aarakocra Afanc Algoid Deva, Movanic Dragon Turtle Dragon, Black Dragon, Celestial Dragon, Cloud Dragon, Gold Dragon, Green Dragon, Sea Dragon, Silver Dragon-Horse Eagle Eagle, Giant Eel, Electric Marine Elf, Aquatic Falcon, Large Giant, Storm Greenhag Griffon Grue, Varrdig Harpy Hippocampus Hippogriff Kelpie Ki-rin Kapoacinth Kraken Lammasu Lammasu, Greater Lamprey, Giant Lamprey, Normal Lycanthrope, Seawolf, G Lycanthrope, Seawolf, L Manticore Nereid Octopus Pegasus Shedu Shedu, Greater Sirine Titan, Lesser Titan, Major Verme Water Weird Wind Walker TEMPERATE SALTWARE DEPTHS Common Dinosaur, Plesiosaur Sea Horse Seaweed Bed Shark Whale Uncommon Dinosaur, Elasmosaur Dinosaur, Mosasaur Dinosaur, Nothosaur Dolphin Eel, Giant Elf, Aquatic Kapoacinth Lacedon Lamprey, Normal Masher Naga, Water Sea Lion Swordfish Troll, Marine Turtle, Giant Sea Urchin, Black Rare Crab, Giant Crabman Dinosaur, Tenodontosaur Eel, Electric Marine Hippocampus Lamprey, Giant Mottle Worm Narwhal Nixie Octopus Shark, Giant Squid, Giant Sunken Ship Urchin, Green Urchin, Red Very Rare Afanc Algoid Dragon Turtle Dragon, Sea Eye of the Deep Giant, Storm Kelpie Kraken Lycanthrope, Seawolf, L Lycanthrope, Seawolf, G Morkoth Nereid Nymph Otter Sirine Titan, Elder Titan, Lesser Titan, Major Urchin, Silver Urchin, Yellow Verme Water Weird ASTRAL AND ETHEREAL ENCOUNTERS ASTRAL PLANE Common Cerebral Parasites Daemon, Minor Demon, Lesser Deva, Astral Devil, Minor Human Traveler Invisible Stalker Nighthag Nightmare Slaad, Red, Blue or Green Uncommon Aerial Servant Agathion Baku Basilisk* Cockatrice* Diakk Dracolisk* Githyanki Gorgon* Medusa* Pyrolisk* Rakshasa Shedu Titan Rare Basilisk, Greater* Berbabang Daemon, Greater Demon, Major Devil, Major Foo Dog Githzerai Gorgimera* Hollyphant Intellect Devourer Ki-rin Modron, Hierarch Moon Dog Phoenix Planetar Slaad, Death or Grey Very Rare Cat Lord Daemon, Master Demon, Prince or Lord Devil, Duke or Arch- Dragon, Platinum or Chromatic Dragon Horse Foo Lion Opinicus Retriever Shedu, Greater Slaad, Lord Solar ETHEREAL PLANE Common Cerebral Parasite Deva, Monadic Elementals Geniekind Human Traveler Lammasu Nightmare Uncommon Azer Basilisk* Cockatrice* Couatl Crysmal Daemon, Charona- Dracolisk* Ghost Gorgon* Groaning Spirit Invisible Stalker Ki-rin Medusa* Xag-ya Xeg-yi Xorn Rare Aerial Servant Agathion Baku Firebat Foo Dog Grim Hollyphant Moon Dog Opinicus Para-elemental Planetar Salamander Shedu Spider, Phase Thought Eater Wind Walker Xaren Xill Very Rare Apparition Basilisk, Greater* Daemon, Charon Dragon Horse Dragon, Chromatic or Platinum Foo Lion Gorgimera* Intellect Devourer Lammasu, Greater Phoenix Pyrolisk* Shedu, Greater Solar Terithran Tween Vision Outdoor Random Encounter Tables COLD WILDERNESS AREAS Die Roll Creature Encountered Mountains 2 Giant, Mountain 3 Hoar Fox 4 Galeb Duhr 5 Toad, Ice 6 Lycanthrope, Werebear 7 Dragon, White 8 Wolverine 9 Dwarf, Mountain 10 Rhinocerous, Woolly 11 Mammoth 12 Raven, Normal 13 Ogre 14 Lion, Mountain 15 Giant, Hill 16 Giant, Frost 17 Fortress 18 Taer 19 Yeti 20 Dragon, Red Hills and Rough Terrain 2 Wolf, Winter 3 Owl, Giant 4 Badger 5 Character Party 6 Bear, Northern 7 Troll, Ice 8 Mammoth 9 Giant, Hill 10 Herd Animal 11 Wolf 12 Orc 13 Dwarf, Hill 14 Bear, Cave 15 Snake, Poisonous (white-furred) 16 Boar, Wild 17 Wolverine, Giant 18 Irish Deer 19 Remorhaz 20 Elf, Grugach Forest 2 Giant, Frost 3 Forlarren 4 Treant 5 Pudding, White 6 Bear, Northern 7 Porcupine, Giant 8 Bugbear 9 Wolf 10 Ogre 11 Orc 12 Dog, Wild 13 Lycanthrope, Werewolf 14 Manticore 15 Dragon, White 16 Baluchitherium 17 Ogrillon 18 Grim 19 Korred 20 Lycanthrope, Foxwoman Swamp and Marsh 2 Troll, Ice 3 Wolf, Winter 4 Wolf, Dire 5 Tiger or Spectre (Night) 6 Crystal Ooze 7 Pseudo-undead, Spectre 8 Hydra 9 Dog, Wild 10 Orc 11 Quaggoth or Deadly White Pudding 12 Ogre 13 Rat, Giant 14 Volt or Ghoul (Night) 15 Herd Animal 16 Irish Deer 17 Moon Dog 18 Dragon, White 19 Owl, Giant 20 Black Willow Plains and Scrub 2 Gorgon 3 Yeth Hound 4 Troll, Ice 5 Men, Dervishes 6 Giant, Hill 7 Snake, Poisonous (white-furred) 8 Men, Bandit 9 Mammoth 10 Mastodon 11 Herd Animal 12 Ogre 13 Camel, Bactrian 14 Men, Nomad 15 Dragon, White 16 Devil Dog 17 Wolf 18 Wolfwere 19 Lynx, Giant 20 Remorhaz Desert 2 Dragon, Gold 3 Hobgoblin 4 Rock Reptile 5 Snadling 6 Hoar Fox 7 Men, Nomad 8 Scorpion, Huge 9 Dog, Wild 10 Camel, Bactrian 11 Herd Animal 12 Scorpion, Large 13 Raven, Normal 14 Tiger 15 Raven, Giant 16 Wolf 17 Devil Dog 18 Bugbear 19 Gambado 20 Succubus TEMPERATE WILDERNESS Die Roll Creature Encountered Mountains 2 Cave Fisher 3 Gorgimera 4 Dragon, Red 5 Lion, Spotted 6 Bat, Giant 7 Giant, Stone 8 Bloodhawk 9 Vulture, Normal 10 Spider, Large 11 Dwarf, Mountain 12 Bat 13 Orc 14 Lion, Mountain 15 Cockatrice 16 Bear, Black 17 Caveman 18 Chimera 19 Kharga 20 Galeb Duhr Hills and Rough Terrain 2 Gorgon 3 Displacer Beast 4 Ant Lion, Giant 5 Bee, Giant Bumble- 6 Harpy 7 Giant, Verbeeg 8 Scorpion, Large 9 Giant, Hill 10 Wolf 11 Orc 12 Ogre 13 Lycanthrope, Werewolf 14 Tiger 15 Spider, Huge 16 Mantis, Giant 17 Aspis 18 Hybsil 19 Vulture, Giant 20 Manticore Forest 2 Death Watch Beetle 3 Elf, Grugach 4 Atomie 5 Bee, Giant Honey 6 Dragon, Green 7 Boar, Giant 8 Kobold 9 Boar, Warthog 10 Rhinoceros 11 Centipede, Giant or Huge 12 Bear, Black 13 Beetle, Giant Stag 14 Porcupine, Giant 15 Clubnek 16 Owlbear 17 Kech 18 Greenhag 19 Elfin Cat 20 Basilisk, Greater Swamp and Marsh 2 Algoid 3 Dragon, Mist 4 Troll, Giant 5 Shambling Mound 6 Phycomid 7 Toad, Poisonous 8 Lizard, Giant 9 Toad, Giant 10 Vulture, Normal 11 Spider, Large or Huge 12 Crocodile, Normal 13 Orc 14 Wyvern 15 Basidirond 16 Caterwaul 17 Eblis 18 Pseudo-undead, Wight 19 Crayfish, Giant 20 Beholder Plains and Scrub 2 Ascomoid 3 Giant, Firbolg or Verbeeg 4 Xvart 5 Troll 6 Tiger Fly 7 Kenku 8 Lion 9 Boar, Wild 10 Cattle, Wild 11 Wolf 12 Jackal 13 Scorpion, Huge 14 Shadow Mastiff 15 Titanothere 16 Bee, Giant Bumble- 17 Blink Dog 18 Gnoll 19 Yeth Hound 20 Bullette Desert 2 Giant, Fire 3 Dune Stalker 4 Lammasu 5 Purple Worm 6 Fly, Giant Horse- 7 Scorpion, Giant or Huge 8 Dustdigger 9 Camel, Bactrian 10 Spider, Large or Huge 11 Jackal 12 Vulture, Normal 13 Scorpion, Large 14 Ogre 15 Snake, Giant Poisonous 16 Ant Lion, Giant 17 Man, Dervish 18 Thunderherder 19 Lamia 20 Wind Walker TROPICAL AND SUBTROPICAL WILDERNESS Die Roll Creature Encountered Mountains 2 Aarakocra 3 Dragon, Black 4 Wind Walker 5 Dragon, Red 6 Caveman 7 Dragon, Copper 8 Bugbear 9 Spider, Large 10 Pteradactyl, Small 11 Dog, Wild 12 Bat 13 Ogre 14 Giant, Fire 15 Manticore 16 Firedrake 17 Giant, Storm 18 Pyrolisk 19 Ogre Magi 20 Grue, Elemental Hills and Rough Terrain 2 Zorbo 3 Hangman Tree 4 Firenewt 5 Bee, Giant Bumble- 6 Ant, Giant 7 Witherweed 8 Kenku 9 Cattle, Wild 10 Giant, Hill 11 Lycanthrope, Werewolf 12 Spider, Large 13 Wolf 14 Basilisk 15 Scorpion, Large 16 Hyena 17 Sphinx, Hieraco- 18 Assassin Bug 19 Axebeak 20 Vilstrak Forest 2 Dragon, Green 3 Bloodthorn 4 Grippli 5 Ettercap 6 Baluchitherium 7 Ophidian 8 Kobold 9 Baboon 10 Boar, Warthog 11 Flightless Bird 12 Elephant, African 13 Ogre 14 Beetle, Giant Rhino 15 Jaguar 16 Basidirond 17 Buckawn 18 Forester's Bane 19 Choke Creeper 20 Stego-centipede Swamp and Marsh 2 Basilisk, Greater 3 Crabman 4 Shambling Mound 5 Mongrelman 6 Muckdweller 7 Basilisk 8 Meazel 9 Centipede, Giant or Huge 10 Scorpion, Large 11 Spider, Huge 12 Toad, Giant 13 Rat, Normal or Giant 14 Sundew, Giant 15 Troll 16 Caterwaul 17 Cifal 18 Dragonfly, Giant 19 Naga, Guardian 20 Dragon, Black Plains and Scrub 2 Ascomoid 3 Cockatrice 4 Wyvern 5 Thri-kreen 6 Hybsil 7 Dakon 8 Owl 9 Baboon 10 Boar, Wild 11 Cattle, Wild 12 Ogre 13 Scorpion, Large 14 Man, Nomad 15 Ghoul 16 Cheetah 17 Axebeak 18 Giant, Hill 19 Dragon, Blue 20 Deva, Movanic Desert 2 Giant, Fire 3 Boalisk 4 Sphinx, Gyno- 5 Sandman 6 Pudding, Deadly (Dun) 7 Kenku 8 Flightless Bird 9 Camel 10 Hyena 11 Jackal 12 Scorpion, Giant 13 Spider, Large or Huge 14 Dustdigger 15 Scorpion, Large or Huge 16 Ant Lion, Giant 17 Moon Dog 18 Dune Stalker 19 Formian 20 Jann DRAGON #37 That's not in the Monster Manual! Neutral dragons by Arthur Collins Taxonomic types have no doubt noticed that the dragons in the AD&D™ Monster Manual are easily separated into two types: colored dragons, ruled by Tiamat, the Chromatic Dragon (evil); and metallic dragons, ruled by Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon (good). And a well-balanced and fascinating group of beasties they are. So why am I about to propose six new types of dragons? Part of the problem is with alignment. How come there are no neutral dragons? Surely there must be a place for the occasional dragon who doesn't give a hoot about good or evil as long as people leave his treasure alone. Likewise, half of these fascinating creatures are of good alignment, which really cuts down on the pillaging an adventurer of good can attempt without incurring the wrath of the gods (or at least the DM). Another part of the problem is that everyone and his brother has a Monster Manual, which cuts down on the DM's options to surprise his adventurers with something that they have to think about to deal with successfully. It's very frustrating to be graphically describing an unknown beast a party has encountered, only to have some fanatic quote you chapter and verse on what it is, and what all of its abilities are. Finally, there is just something fascinating about dragons, which leads us to explore new variations simply to enjoy the essence of dragon-ness. In proposing this new breed of dragon, I am assuming that all these types conform to the characteristics of dragons in general, except where otherwise noted. In addition, all of these dragons share the following standard characteristics: FREQUENCY: Very rare NO. APPEARING: 1-3, except in the case of Sardior, the Ruby Dragon. SPECIAL ATTACKS: Breath weapon + possible magic use (except for Sardior, who definitely uses magic) ALIGNMENT: Neutral The neutral dragons are basically reclusive creatures, dwelling in out-of-the-way places, and are not too receptive to unexpected visitors. Like all dragons, they get their kicks from lolling around on a pile of treasure. They are named after precious and semi-precious stones, and are especially fond of gems and jewelry. They are generally smaller and slower than other dragons, but make up for this with their outstanding intelligence and overwhelming personalities. The neutral dragons are all very charismatic and suave. They delight in riddling talk, and seek to entrap the creatures they encounter by charming them with their voices. Anyone not engaged in such things as combat who listens to the dragon's voice faces a 10% cumulative chance per round of being entranced. While the intended victim is entranced, the dragon has a chance (varying with the dragon type; see chart) of implanting a suggestion in his mind. The dragon gets one attempt per creature to suggest, and the victim is allowed a saving throw as against the spell of the same name. If the victim makes the saving throw, the entrancement is broken for a minimum of six rounds. The dragon will try to keep the intended victim talking, in order to try again, but this time will get only a 5% cumulative chance per round of entrancing the victim(s). If the dragon fails in a suggestion attempt on the second try, the intended victim cannot be affected again. Going along with their intelligence and charisma, all neutral dragons have a 50% chance of being psionically endowed. They are also telepathic, although they cannot communicate telepathically with non-telepathic creatures or characters with an intelligence below 17. Magic-using neutral dragons employ both magic-user and druid spells. Since they are smaller than other dragons, the neutral dragons' fear aura in attacking is saved against at +4 for all opponents. Neutral dragons cannot polymorph themselves, unless they know the appropriate spell. They have the innate ability to blink six times per day, as in the spell. Particulars about each type of dragon are listed in the accompanying chart. PSIONIC DISCIPLINES (where applicable) Crystal dragons have 2 minor disciplines each; Topaz dragons, 3 minors; Emerald, 2 minors and 1 major; Sapphire, 3 minors and 1 major; Amethyst, 3 minors and 2 majors; and Sardior, the Ruby Dragon, has the following 4 minor and 3 major disciplines: Domination, ESP, Invisibility, Levitation, Molecular Rearrangement, Energy Control, and Dimension Walk. All neutral dragons have a level of mastery for all disciplines equivalent to twice their age level; Very Young dragons operate at 2nd level of mastery, Young at 4th level of mastery, and so on. CRYSTAL DRAGONS These creatures live on mountain crags, far away from all other beings. They like to come out at night and lie under the stars. Crystal dragons can breathe a dazzling cloud twice per day, 4" long by 4" wide by 2" high, that causes temporary blindness for everyone enveloped in it. After emerging from the cloud, creatures remain blinded for 10-60 rounds (saving throw cuts this in half). The dazzling cloud is as bright as daylight, and can be seen for miles. Most creatures within 60' of it will by -2 to hit, due to its brightness (except for creatures not adversely affected by brightness or fiery light, such as fire elementals). Basically nocturnal creatures such as goblins, et al, will strike at -4. Crystal dragons are a milky white in color, but when the moon or stars shine on them, their hide becomes luminescent and sparkling. In bright sunlight, they are almost unbearable to look at, because of the dazzling brilliance that their hide reflects. TOPAZ DRAGONS These creatures, light orange in color, prefer to dwell along bleak, rocky seacoasts, although they have no inordinate love for the water as bronze dragons do. Twice per day they can use their breath to dehydrate objects. Their breath dries up 3 cu. ft. per h.p. of the dragon when directed against liquids. Other materials suspended in the liquid (for instance, salt) will precipitate out. When directed against living creatures, the breath will cause every creature in its path (3" long cone with 1" base) to lose 7-12 strength points due to dehydration. After being dehydrated by a topaz dragon, a creature must be nursed back to health carefully. Affected creatures will regain their strength at the rate of one-half point per day with adequate care and rest. A successful saving throw reduces damage to 1-6 strength points drained. Characters with a constitution of more than 15 may recover 1 strength point per day after 6 days. Curative spells will not negate the effects of this dehydration. Any creature reduced to a strength of less than 3 will lapse into a coma, and will die in 3-12 turns unless a strength spell or a raise dead spell is cast on him. These spells will not cure the individual of his dehydration, however, nor help him recover his strength, but will only let him pass into normal sleep for 4-24 turns. Any creature reduced to zero strength points is killed instantly. EMERALD DRAGONS Emerald dragons make their homes in extinct or dormant volcanoes. Twice per day they can use a keening sort of voice (breath) weapon which will set up a sonic vibration, knocking all affected creatures within hearing distance unconscious for 10-60 rounds. Those who make a saving throw vs. breath weapon are deafened for 10-60 rounds. The emerald dragon is a beautiful creature whose scaly hide seems to be in constant motion due to the many shades of green on the body. The interplay of the various shades can be very distracting to an observer, and the emerald dragon knows how to undulate its body to create a hypnotic effect on those it is parlaying with, dulling the observer's reactions. Thus, after the first three rounds of a peaceable encounter with this sort of dragon, the dragon is able to attack (if it deems it necesssary or wishes to) with complete surprise. SAPPHIRE DRAGONS Sapphire dragons make their lairs in deep underground caverns, avoiding inhabited places where orcs, dwarves, etc., live. Twice per day the sapphire dragon can set up a sonic vibration by its keening wail, which disintegrates a number of hit points equal to the number of hit points the dragon has. Creatures not killed outright by loss of hit points would survive, but with weapons, armor and clothing totally disintegrated. Magical items get a saving throw. Sapphire dragons can be occasionally mistaken (on sight) for young blue dragons, although an adventurer who has encountered blue dragons before sometimes realizes his mistake if he has reason to recall that blue dragons prefer arid environments, while sapphire dragons are liable to be found in caverns in any climate. AMETHYST DRAGONS Amethyst dragons love to dwell near isolated highland turns. Twice per day, the amethyst dragon can shriek, with the same effects as a banshee. Amethyst dragons are a sparkling lavender in color. SARDIOR, THE RUBY DRAGON Finally, we come to the Ruby Dragon. This is not a breed of dragon, but a unique individual. Sardior the Ruby Dragon is the Prince of Neutral Dragons. He dwells in a magical castle that roams the night sky, high up in the atmosphere. He keeps his castle moving so that it is always in the earth's shadow. Often, when Sardior's castle is sighted, sages think they are seeing a reddish star making unusual conjunctions with other stars in the night sky. Sardior keeps a court of fuve thanes, one each of the various breeds of neutral dragons. They are: Hrodel (a female crystal dragon), who has the psionic disciplines of empathy and invisibility; Tithonnas (a male topaz dragon), who has the disciplines of clairaudience, clairvoyance, and sensitivity to psychic impressions; Smargad (a male emerald dragon), who has domination, hypnosis, and teleportation; Charsimma (a female sapphire dragon), who has cell adjustment, ESP, suspend animation, and etherealness; and Aleithilithos (a male amethyst dragon), who has detection of good/evil, detection of magic, object reading, energy control, and dimension walk. Occasionally (10% of the time), one of these dragons will roam the earth without Sardior and the other thanes. If encountered, the thane may reward beings that find favor with it, usually in the form of gems, but sometimes in the granting of a boon. All of Sardior's thanes are huge, ancient dragons. It must be remembered, of course, that Sardior and company are a stay-at-home lot, not given much to interfering with others' business. All the neutral dragons honor Sardior, but being what they are, his sovereignty does not much affect their daily lives of treasure-mongering. All are agreed, however, that Sardior is the most brilliant conversationalist and raconteur of all dragons. Sardior has two breath weapons, both of which he can employ twice per day: a shriek (like an amethyst dragon) or a dazzling cloud (like a crystal dragon). He has a ruddy appearance, but his handsome features and general grace ensure that only a very inexperienced dragon-hunter would mistake him for a red dragon. So much for neutral dragons. Put one of these in your campaign, and listen to the music of agonizing wails when your hardened dragon-slayers encounter something that they've never heard of before. (Chortle, chortle!) After all, keeping them on their toes is what makes for exciting play. CRYSTAL TOPAZ EMERALD SAPPHIRE AMETHYST RUBY ARMOR CLASS 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 MOVE: 9"/18" 9"/18" 9"/24" 9"/24" 12"/30" 12"/32" HIT DICE: 4-6 5-7 6-8 7-9 8-10 12 (96 hp) % IN LAIR: 55% 55% 60% 65% 70% 80% TREASURE: H, Ux2 H, Ux2 H, Ux3 H, I, Ux2 H, Ix2, Ux2 100% H, Ix3, Ux5 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-4/1-4/2-12 2-5/2-5/2-16 1-6/1-6/3-18 1-6/1-6/5-20 1-8/1-8/5-30 1-10/1-10/5-40 INTELLIGENCE: Exceptional Exceptional Exceptional Genius Genius Supragenius SIZE: 12' long 15' long 20' long 24' long 30' long 36' long PSIONIC ABILITY: 100 120 180 200 250 344 A/D modes C/F BD/FH AD/FJ AC/FI ACE/FGJ All/all CHANCE OF Speaking: 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Magic-user: 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 100% Sleeping: 25% 20% 15% 10% 10% 5% SUGGESTION: 35% 40% 50% 55% 65% 75% SPELLS GAINED* CRYSTAL TOPAZ EMERALD SAPPHIRE AMETHYST RUBY Very Young 1 1st-D 1 1st-D 1 1st-D 1 1st-MU 1 1st-D 1 1st-MU 2 1st-D 1 1st-MU ** Young 1 1st-MU 1 1st-D 1 1st-MU 1 1st-D 1 1st-MU 1 1st-D 1 1st-MU 1 2nd-D 1 2nd-D 2 2nd-MU Sub-adult 1 2nd-D 1 2nd-D 1 1st-MU 1 2nd-D 1 2nd-MU 1 2nd-D 2 2nd-MU 2 3rd-D 1 3rd-MU Young Adult 1 2nd-MU 1 2nd-D 1 2nd-MU 1 2nd-D 1 2nd-MU 2 3rd-D 1 3rd-MU 2 4th-D Adult 1 3rd-D 1 3rd-D 1 2nd-MU 1 3rd-D 1 3rd-MU 2 3rd-MU 2 4th-MU 1 5th-D Old 1 3rd-MU 1 3rd-D 1 3rd-MU 1 3rd-D 1 3rd-MU 2 4th-D 2 5th-MU 1 5th-D Very Old 1 4th-D 1 4th-D 1 3rd-MU 1 4th-D 1 4th-MU 2 4th-MU 2 6th-D Ancient 1 4th-D 1 4th-MU 1 4th-D 1 4th-MU 1 4th-D 1 5th-MU 1 5th-D 2 6th-MU * "1 1st-D" means one first-level druid spell; "2 3rd-MU" means two third0level magic-user spells, etc. ** Sardior, the Ruby Dragon, has 3 each of both druid and magic-user spells of levels 1-7, and has spell books listing all the magic-user spells of those levels. It is assumed that since dragons' MU spells are of a special, verbal-only kind, so also are the neutral dragons' druid spells of a special kind, attuned to their natures, and not requiring mistletoe or other material or somatic components. Polyhedron #73 (July 1992) [AD&D 2nd Edition] Dragon, Bahamut CLIMATE/TERAIN: Any FREQUENCY: Unique ORGANIZATION: Solitary or with gold dragon court ACTIVITY CYCLE: Any DIET: Special INTELLIGENCE: Godlike (22) TREASURE: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, S, T, U (all x 10) ALIGNMENT: Lawful Good NO. APPEARING: 1 ARMOR CLASS: -15 MOVEMENT: 18, FI 40 (C), Sw 24, Jp 18, Br 18 HIT DICE: 70 (490 hit points) THACO: 2 NO. OF ATTACKS: 3 + special DAMAGE/ATTACKS: 6-60/6-60(6d10)/10-1 00(10d10) SPECIAL ATTACKS: Spells, breath weapon SPECIAL DEFENSES: +3 or better weapon to hit, spells MAGIC RESISTANCE: 90% SIZE: G (420' long) MORALE: Fearless (19-20) XP VALUE: 72,000 Bahamut, the platinum dragon, is the king of all goodly-aligned dragons. The ancient, wingless serpent is considered a deity among dragons and dragonkind. Although Bahamut's immense form seems threatening, his benevolent expression displays his kindness and hints at his great wisdom. He is quick to aid the causes of good creatures -- usually by assigning other dragons to the tasks. If he feels the threat is great, he will assume a different guise and tend to the matter himself. The most handsome of all dragons, Bahamut's platinum scales glow with a faint blue sheen. The scales are huge, thick, and virtually indestructable. Only the most magical of weapons can penetrate them. The scales shimmer as the great one walks, creating a mirror-like glare that is difficult to look directly upon. His boulder-size eyes are a pale lavender, in sharp contrast to his glistening, spiral ebony horns. Only a few living beings have ever seen this magnificent form. Bahamut chooses to wear the guises of humans, demihumans, and common creatures so he does not frighten lesser beings. In Bahamut's lifetime, he has visited every known world and plane at least once. His insatiable curiousity has taken him to many peoples, and he has consequently learned to communicate with nearly every known race. The platinum dragon is aided in this linguistic task by his ever-present receptive form of telepathy. However, due to changes in local dialects, Bahamut may have to cast a spell to aid him so he can better converse in up-to-date terminology. Combat: Bahamut rarely involves himself in struggles, relying on other goodly-aligned dragons and creatures to deal with the situations. However, if a situation is especially threatening or if Bahamut's curiousity is piqued enough to cause his involvement, the platinum dragon and his gold dragon court will enter the fray. When the foes are obviously evil, the platinum dragon strikes first with his concussive blast, using this breath each round as often as necessary. If the nature of the foes is uncertain, Bahamut uses his vapor breath, which puts affected creatures into a gaseous form. The dragon and his court gather up any weapons and armor, wait for their foes to materialize, and then question them -- or finish them off if the targets are unwilling to talk. The platinum dragon prefers to use his spells and spell-like abilities to aid worthy causes rather than in combat. However, if pressed, he will use these spells to fight. Bahamut uses his physical attacks as a last resort, as the great one dislikes dirtying his claws and teeth with the blood of evil creatures. Bahamut's gold dragon court first rely on their breath weapons in combat, followed by spells. Like the platinum dragon, they prefer not to fight physically. However, they will do so if the platinum dragon seems threatened. Breath weapon/special abilities: Bahamut has three breath weapons. The most visible breath weapon is a frosty white cone of cold 10' wide at his mouth, 250' long, and 80' wide at the base. All those within the cone suffer 20d20 + 12 hit points of damage, save vs. breath weapons for half. Any creature caught within the cone has a 50% chance to drop anything held in its hands (saving throw not withstanding), as the objects have become too cold to handle. Further, for the next four rounds those creatures suffer half movement rate and are -4 on all attack rolls and Armor Class ratings because of their bodies' uncontrolable shivering. The second breath is a whispy blue cloud of magical vapor that is 120' long, 60' wide, and 60' deep. All those caught within the cloud are reduced to half their current hit points. Those who save are reduced by one-quarter. Further, all creatures which do not save turn gaseous for 3d4 turns. All equipment and items worn do not turn gaseous, but fall to the ground. The third breath is a concussive blast of air which is 10' wide at Bahamut's mouth, 150' long, and 50' wide at the base. This horrible assault kills all creatures within its range which have 60 hit points or less. There is no saving throw. Creatures possessing more than 60 hit points suffer 60 points of damage, no saving throw. Bahamut can use one breath per round as many times a day as desired. Creatures struck by a breath weapon save at -4 because of Bahamut's awesome power. Bahamut is able to cast at will any first through seventh level priest spell and first through ninth level wizard spell. Bahamut can cast 100 spell levels per day. For example, Bahamut can cast 20 fifth level spells or any other combination thereof to equal 100. In addition, he has the permanent abilities of receptive telepathy and shapechange. He can become astral or ethereal at will, and he is immune to Cold and gaseous attacks. Bahamut casts spells and uses his abilities at 20th level. Habitat/Society: While Bahamut has been known to inhabit virtually any clime in the guise of a human or demihuman, he most often resides in an immense crystal palace behind the East Wind. Sages speculate this palace is either on the elemental plane of air or in the Seven Heavens or TriParadises. The wisest of sages believe the palace occupies a pocket dimension between the plane of air and the Seven Heavens and that Bahamut and his gold dragon court are the dimension's only occupants. Legends say the crystal palace is covered with glyphs and wards and protected by spells humankind has yet to discover. The platinum dragon journeys to human and demi-human lands out of curiosity. Bahamut has a fondness for the creatures and occassionally travels among them to learn about trends in their cultures, current politics, and new magical or clerical discoveries. During these forays, he is almost always accompanied by the seven gold dragons of his court -- who also assume an acceptable guise. Sages say the platinum dragon is most fond of the form of an elderly man followed by seven yellow canaries. Other recorded forms have included a straggly-appearing urchin and his seven rag-tag friends, a prince and his carriage drawn by seven horses, and a beggar surrounded by yelping dogs. The sages are certain he has other guises, though nothing else has been documented. Although Bahamut's court is comprised of gold dragons, he enjoys the company of all good dragons, delighting in their differences and varied personalities. Bahamut's treasure is stored deep inside his crystal palace. Despite the immensity of the piles of gems, gold, and magical items, he considers the wealth inconsequential in the overall scheme of things. However, he uses bits of his treasurepassing out coins and gems to those down on their luck and using magic items to his own advantage. Ecology: Bahamut is capable of eating nearly anything. He only requires sustenance while outside the crystal palace. His favorite meals include the early-morning frost on blades of grass, honey, and daisy petals. His nemesis is Tiamat, the chromatic dragon. Gold Dragon Court: Bahamut's loyal court is comprised of seven great wyrm gold dragons. Each of these dragons has maximum hit points, is well-versed in the most effective of spells, and is intensely loyal to Bahamut. There is only a 10 percent chance Bahamut will be encountered without his court. When in his presence they appear in a form that complements his own-in their true bodies when he appears as a dragon, as canaries when he is an elderly man, and in other shapes as the situation warrants. Sitting on Bahamut's gold dragon court is a position of unmatched prestige. Once appointed to the court, a great wyrm gold dragon serves until his or her death or until he or she is too infirm to aid Bahamut. When a replacement gold dragon is needed, Bahamut observes all gold wyrms and great wyrms, secretly testing them. These tests are elaborate, dangerous, and challenges the mettle of the greatest of dragons. Only the most noble and courageous dragons have a chance to be named to the court. Some sages speculate that Bahamut only chooses gold dragons for his court because a hundred centuries ago the platinum dragon was gold. Sages say Bahamut's great goodness caused him to transcend his golden form and become a unique breed of dragon -- the most powerful dragon ever. Dragon, Tiamat CLIMATE/TERAIN: Any FREQUENCY: Unique ORGANIZATION: Solitary ACTIVITY CYCLE: Any DIET: Special INTELLIGENCE: Godlike (21) TREASURE: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, S, T, U (all x 15) ALIGNMENT: Lawful Evil NO. APPEARING: 1 ARMOR CLASS: -15 MOVEMENT: 9, FI 30 (C), Sw 12, Jp 12 HIT DICE: 60 (420 hit points) THACO: 2 NO. OF ATTACKS: Up to 7 + special DAMAGE/ATTACKS/ CLAWS/TAIL: 3-30 + 12/3-30 + 12 RED DRAGON BITE/BREATH: 3-30 + 12/24d10 + 12 GREEN DRAGON BITE/BREATH: 2-20 + 12/24d6 + 12 BLUE DRAGON BITE/BREATH: 3-24 + 12/24d8 + 12 BLACK DRAGON BITE/BREATH: 3-18 + 12/24d4 + 12 WHITE DRAGON BITE/BREATH: 2-16 + 12/12d6 + 12 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Spells, breath weapon SPECIAL DEFENSES: +2 or better weapon to hit, spells MAGIC RESISTANCE: 80% SIZE: G (360/ long) MORALE: Fearless (19-20) XP VALUE: 68,000 Tiamat, called the "Queen of Evil Dragons" or the "Bane of Bahamut," is the most powerful and malicious of the chromatic dragons. Sages say no act is too evil for Tiamat -- if it nets her more wealth, influence, and causes harm to the forces of good. The great dragon looks like a nightmare creation, sporting the necks and heads of white, black, green, blue, and red great wyrms. While the mass of huge heads seem to move independently like a group of writhing snakes, they are directed by one intelligence lodged deeply inside the dragon's massive body. Tiamat's five necks join just above massive, muscular shoulders. The colors of the necks and heads blend at the base in a swirl of colors that quickly turns jet black just below the shoulders. The black scales are small for a dragon of this size, about the size of a man's fist, and gleam like ebony pearls. The great dragon's belly is blue tinged with black, and her long, razor sharp talons are ruby red. Tiamat's great tail -- nearly twice as long as her body from chest to haunches -- seems to shift in hue as it twitches from emerald green to midnight black to sapphire blue. The queen's legs are as thick as great trees, and her wings -- black on the exterior and red as blood on the underside -- are huge. Still, they are not powerful enough to lift her great bulk with ease; Tiamat flies magically. The wings simply aid in her maneuverability. Tiamat's teeth in her five heads are an opal white, sharp and long. And when the queen opens her mouths, the air seems to smell of brimstone and sulphur. The centuries-old evil dragon has visited many lands in her many guises, becoming fluent in the languages of all evil creatures and all of dragonkind. She is also able to communicate in the languages of most men and demi-humans although she is loathe to lower herself to their level and do so. Combat: Tiamat prefers to have her battles fought by troops of evil creatures loyal to her and by adult and older chromatic dragons. Despite her great power, she is fearful that direct combat with good creatures could cause her injury or death. So she prefers to orchestrate conflicts from the background. Such fights have escalated into full-scale wars between humans and evil creatures, with the humans never knowing who was ultimately behind the struggle. When Tiamat is forced to fight, she begins her assault using all five breath weapons directed at the strongest targets. As of yet, she has found no mortal creature to survive beyond that first attack. Tiamat uses her spells to discern targets' weaknesses and motivations. She has been known to charm potential victims to learn of treasure hordes, then kill them quickly and horribly after the treasure is attained. In her lair, Tiamat's court of five great wyrm dragons fight for her. The court is comprised of one dragon from each basic chromatic color, and each has maximum hit points. If Tiamat suffers more than 150 hit points of damage in a combat she will automatically teleport without error to Avernus. Breath weapons/special abilities: Tiamat's white great wyrm head breathes a cone of cold 70' long, 5' wide at the mouth, and 25' wide at the base. Creatures caught within the cone suffer 12d6 + 12 points of damage. The black head breathes a stream of acid 5' wide and 60' long. Those in the stream suffer 24d4 + 12 points of damage. The green head breathes a cloud of poisonous chlorine gas that is 50' long, 40' wide, and 30' high. Those in the cloud suffer 24d6 + 12. The blue head's breath weapon is a lightning bolt 5' wide at the mouth and 100' long. The bolt causes 24d8 + 12 points of damage. The most fearsome head, the red, breathes a gout of searing flame 90' long, 5' wide at the mouth, and 30' wide at the base. Those caught by the magical fire suffer 24d10 + 12 points of damage. A successful save vs. breath weapon reduces the damage from any breath by one half, and creatures must make a saving throw for each individual breath weapon they are caught in. All saving throws are made at -3 because of the power of the attack. The five heads can breathe simultaneously, on separate targets or the same target, every other round. Tiamat is immue to all fire, cold, acid, gas, and lightning attacks, and she is immune to non-magical and +1 weapons. She can travel astrally or ethereally at will. Further, she has the following abilities at will: pyrotechnics, tongues, cause fear, polymorph self, and teleport without error. Each day she can cast three wizard spells at each level from 1st through 7th. Tiamat casts spells and uses her abilities at 18th level. Habitat/society: Tiamat lives on Avernus, although she is able to live in virtually any clime and on nearly any plane. Her lair is a castle of immense proportions which she constructed magically out of molten lava and the bones of her victims. Although solid, the castle's exterior walls appear to flow like lava and cause most creatures to avoid the place. Tiamat's court dwells in the castle. Sages believe the place is also populated by other guards, such as elementals, fiends, and unnamed creatures. The castle is an extension of the queen's personality -- its spires are twisted and grotesque, there are no windows, and the walls are studded with bits of sharp material and jagged bones which can injure all but the most wary. The macabre, yet impressive, structure is avoided by nearly all the inhabitants of Avernus. The great evil dragon knows what is transpiring within every square inch of her castle and within many square miles beyond. Because of this, it is impossible to surprise her in her lair. Her treasure is vast and litters the castle, in some places it is so thick she has shaped it into walls and uses it to cover the floor. Tiamat has a precise inventory of her wealth -- down to each insignificant copper -- and she has spent decades mentally cataloging it so she knows what all the magical items can do. She uses some of the items to further her malign gains. The queen of evil dragons spends nearly all her time within the castle. She remains knowledgable about what is transpiring on other worlds and planes through magical items, spies, and cults of humans and demi-humans she has bent to her will. On rare occasions when something has sparked her interest enough for personal investigation, she dons a human or demi-human guise and takes one member of her court, also disguised, with her. These instances have included skirmishes between various races, newly-unearthed treasure finds, and political struggles. Tiamat's favorite guises include a comely young elven woman and her escort, a young girl accompanied by her father, and an elderly sage with her grandson in tow. Sages believe she has also assumed the form of goblins, gnolls, lizardmen, and other creatures when attempting to rally others for battle. Some sages speculate that she has acted as various groups' leaders and kings, ordering the subjects to do her bidding. Ecology: Tiamat is capable of eating anything. On Avernus she requires no sustenance, drawing her energy from the plane itself. However, when she travels to other worlds and planes she feasts upon creatures she defeats, molten objects, and the very ground. Her favorite sustenance, however, is helpless creatures; she feeds upon their abject terror before swallowing them. Tiamat's enemies are numerous and include Bahamut and all good dragons. However, only Bahamut has been able to stand up to her might-and recorded conflicts with the king of good dragons have ended in stalemates. Sages speculate Tiamat was born many hundred years ago during a war between evil dragons. The gods threw the combatants together into one body. And this new form demanded that the evil dragons no longer fight amongst themselves. Tiamat's Court: The queen's court is comprised of five dragons-male great wyrms of red, black, white, green, and blue. The court is handpicked by the queen based on their loyalty and the amount of gifts and service they have provided. When a member of her court becomes too infirm, she takes the dragon to another plane, personally slays him, and immediately selects a replacement. Members of the court store their treasure within Tiamat's castle, in separate chambers which are considered their own territories.
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