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Monday, 1 February 2016



I have a confession to make. I met my husband in rather odd circumstances. And when I say 'rather odd', I mean the sort that would widely be considered a bit weird.
After all, everyone's internet dating these days. So even a story about how you first gazed smitten at someone's Tinder profile is now seen as rather mainstream. Nor was ours some kind of boarderline abusive Fifty Shadesscenario.
Although technically, role play was involved...
In fact, it was 2am in the morning, somewhere in the wilds of Oxfordshire as a gale force wind ripped across a muddy field. I was drinking a cup of fiery mead in a candlelit tavern called the Crimson Moon when (quite literally) a knight in shining armour hoved into view.
The goblins and ogres sitting nearby started nudging each other and giggling - and the rest has become history. Of a sort.
You could be forgiven for thinking that the above was the result of some unwise use of illegal drugs, but the truth is both stranger and more mundane.
Actually, I was larping (live action role playing) - a sort of games-for-grown-ups style scenario, in this case with creatures that wouldn't look out of place in Lord of the Rings.
Simply, a group of people descend on a camp site, castle or country house for a weekend and become characters within a particular setting – a medieval warhost, futuristic space craft crew, Downton Abbey style nobility, or pretty much any other scenario you can imagine.

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