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Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Continual light

[quote="Dodkong"][quote="Jacqual"]I like your line of thinking but I read somewhere that a continual light cast on a person/creature that fails its saving throw is blinded as the light is basically centered right in front of the eyes of the victim. I would just allow the PC's to make attack rolls each round to keep the light/darkness (depending on which version) directed at the targets head area. i would do it this way as a blinded creature would if possiable move out of the Darkness and as the target cannot be seen due to the darkness could actually evade.[/quote]

I remember seeing that explanation somewhere as well.

And I agree with you, apply a -4 to hit for being blinded, with the possibility to be adjusted for the presence of t.he Blindfighting NWP[/quote]

 I have modified this somewhat. I don't thing the light spell should have more than one center, so casting light only effects one eye.  The light source being at point blank, blinds the other eye, but if you just close the effected eye, your one sighted by not blind.

    However it works fine on Daleks.

     And continual light spells need to be more than a day or week, at least for all those dungeons with every burning torches or light sources that never wink out. Of course the ever burning torch spell was added later to explain all those torches. 
     However you could a more costly/higher  level spell of Forever light, since must dungeons are not made by 3rd level characters.  The same spell, as a 5th level (easy to cast, last forever) would sill be a useful non combat spell for as pointed out, giving a wizard light in his home.

      As a note the forver spells that are 2nd level

1) invisibility-till you attack, great for song birds
2) magic mouth -till used, so not such a big deal
3) Wizard lock - not so good thought since only the wizard can use it. Hold portal made obsolete
4) Continual light.

 1st level has none of these types and 3rd only Explosive Runes (lasts forever till activated)

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