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14 posts / 0 new
Aug 31, 2007 6:41:45
and my group are starting a Dark Sun game this evening, and although
we've got no wizards in the group yet, I'm curious about how Defilers
cast their spells.
Here's what bugging me. Everytime a Defiler uses his magic, he turns the ground he's standing on infertile. So does that happen instantaneously, i.e. does the caster have to move out of the defiled zone to be able to cast a spell again? Or does the affected area merely grow, the two radii added together?
Here's what bugging me. Everytime a Defiler uses his magic, he turns the ground he's standing on infertile. So does that happen instantaneously, i.e. does the caster have to move out of the defiled zone to be able to cast a spell again? Or does the affected area merely grow, the two radii added together?
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