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Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Tips for Older workers



7 job search tips for older workers

Today, many older workers are facing a challenge they thought was far behind them: finding a job. Continuing economic woes have found some retirees returning to the workforce, while other workers have been let go from what they thought would be their life-long employment. Money isn’t the only reason older works are seeking new opportunities. Many people want to stay active and engaged — not to mention share their expertise.
If they can get their foot in the door, that is. Finding that next great opportunity can be a challenge at any stage of one’s career, but older workers also face unfair stereotypes about their age. Many employers see them as less energetic and less enthusiastic as younger candidates, or worry that they’re simply killing time until retirement. Unfortunately, these misconceptions can keep employers from harnessing the wealth and expertise of older candidates.
“Many employers are reluctant even to consider applicants aged 50+,” says Sarah Welstead of Retired Worker, a website for retired people who want to work on a part-time or contract basis. “In many ways, looking for a job after retirement is a lot like looking for your first real job right out of school: you have to work a little harder to get your foot in the door and tell employers why they should hire you.”
Addressing age discrimination in the workplace
Experts say older job-seekers can address age discrimination and find meaningful employment by following these 7 tips.
1. Update your appearance. If your clothing and hairstyle aren’t current, many employers will assume your skills are also out of date. If you haven’t worked recently, you’ll find offices more casual than they used to be. In most industries, the days of the power suit are long past.
“You don’t have to be a fashion plate or spend a lot of money: a pair of khakis and a couple of shirts from Gap can cost less than $100 and will ensure that employers aren’t distracted by wondering whether you’re too ‘old-fashioned’ for their company,” Welstead says. “And don’t forget to stay in shape!”
2. Be patient. While finding a job can be hard work at any age, older workers need to be even more patient and diligent. Many older workers assume that after 35+ years of experience, a job will fall into their lap. Unfortunately, however, many employers are reluctant to consider older workers.
3. Be confident – but not too much. Don’t be shy about a little self-promotion. Tell employers what your strengths are and how they will benefit by hiring you. Remember, however, that while confidence is key, cockiness can work against you.
4. Flash the BlackBerry or smart phone. Older workers often get a bad rap for their unwillingness or inability to adapt to change – particularly when it comes to technology. Looking to improve your computer skills? Consider taking a course or online tutorial.
5. Network, network, network. Not surprisingly, many job leads come from friends, family or colleagues. In addition to your personal network, find work opportunities on employment websites, job boards, corporate websites, temporary agencies, networking and job clubs, career fairs and headhunters.
6. Focus on experience, not age. Fight negative age stereotypes by focusing on your knowledge and real-world experience. Take pride in your achievements, maturity, and wisdom. When it comes to updating your resume, some experts advise focusing on the most relevant experience of the past 10 to 20 years and when listing university or college degrees, leaving off the year of graduation.
7. Consider a career change. Many older people find meaningful work consulting for businesses (particularly small businesses) in their area of expertise. Others may decide to start their own small business.

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Studendt Error, Real, Net, 2015

Student doctor writing medical report

The unfortunate woman lay prostitute at the bottom of her stairs for 6 hours before she was rescued.

Comment in bottom of margin by his Mentor

My dear sir, you really should tell the difference between a fallen woman and one who has merely fallen.

(it should have read "lay prostrate")

W H · 7 years ago 

Someone got married::
Got Married June 2015 16th


ita ego ut deus, deus ut ego. ego tam magnus quam deus, ille tam parvus quam ego. neque ille potest supra esse, neque ego subter.


"1.       Focus: A well-focused essay speaks about one main topic, called the thesis, and does not stray from it. In the case of short essays, this main topic can often be identified in a single statement in the essay, called the thesis statement.  Even when there is no single explicit thesis statement, however, the essay should be focused around a single idea. The main topic of the essay is not so broad that you cannot explore it fully in your paper; also, it is not so narrow that you cannot develop it (for more on development, see below). Though you may write an essay of many paragraphs with many different arguments and pieces of evidence, everything in the essay should ultimately support your main idea.

2.       Development: An essay is well developed when every claim you make is supported by evidence of some kind. Depending on the kind of essay you are writing, this evidence might be examples from personal experience, details, facts, statistics, reasons, or other arguments. A well-developed essay does not claim anything to be true without offering evidence to show why or how it is true.

3.       Audience Awareness: Good writers tailor their essays towards the needs of the audience, or reader. Put more simply, a good writer chooses a tone that does not insult or talk down to the reader; similarly, good essays are written at a level that the audience is likely to be able to comprehend. In all communication, what we mean to say and what we actually do say can be very different things; good writers, however, work hard to minimize this difference. A writer with good audience awareness also does not make unfair assumptions about the reader’s gender, race, religion, class, sexuality, or value system.

4.       Organization:

5.       Correctness:

6.       Research and Citations: When it’s called for, students should know how to find outside information to support their arguments. They should also know how to cite this outside information correctly, giving credit wherever another writer’s words or ideas are used." 

i am god and god is me

i am god and god is me

Sunday, 14 June 2015

Facebook from Time and Kids

See Time  Magazine

That Facebook is hugely distracting is hardly stop-the-presses kind of news, but parents might be dismayed to learn that the social-media site can hobble learning and make kids less healthy and more depressed. 
Research has found that students in middle school, high school and college who checked Facebook at least once during a 15-minute study period got lower grades. Other studies have discovered that teens who use Facebook tend to have more narcissistic tendencies, while young adults who are active on the site display other psychological disorders. And daily use of media and technology — what teen doesn’t use tech each day? — makes kids more prone to anxiety and depression.
The bad news was delivered over the weekend at the 119th annual convention of the American Psychological Association by Larry Rosen, a professor of psychology at California State University, Dominguez Hills, who researches the psychology of technology.
There’s good news too, of course. While Facebook and other technology has been blamed for hijacking childhood, they also help children develop their identities and hone their ability to empathize with others. In a study that Rosen recently wrapped up, he found that the kids most able to show “virtual empathy” — through supportive comments online — were those who spent more time online than other children. “We are finding that kids who are able to express more virtual empathy are able to expres more real-world empathy,” says Rosen. “They feel more supported socially by online and offline networks.”
Navigating children’s online time — how much is too much? Or not enough? — is tricky. “A parent’s job is now way more complex,” says Rosen, who has done research on how technology influences people for more than 25 years. “We have created a world for students where they can not focus because we have given them all this really cool stuff that is distracting. We’re teetering on the balance – too much time online can lead to health problems and narcissism, but it can also teach you to be more empathic and develop your sense of self.”
MORE: ‘Expected: Child': Facebook Welcomes Fetuses to Social Media
While observing kids’ study behavior, researchers watched as students spent 15 minutes studying something important to them. “What we found was mind-boggling,” says Rosen. About every three minutes they are off-task. You’d think under these constraints, knowing that someone is observing you, that someone would be more on task.”
Some of their findings:
  • The more time elapsed, the more windows opened on the student’s computer. The amount of windows peaked at 8-10 minutes, and on-task behavior declined at the same point
  • When students stayed on task, they performed better
  • When they toggled between windows and other tasks, they performed worse
“The more media they consumed per day, the worse students they were,” says Rosen. “If they checked Facebook just once during 15 minutes, they were worse students.”
Psychologists and teachers can combat the decline in productivity by teaching students about the concept of metacognition — knowing how your brain works and how to study. For studying, that means turning off Facebook and not task-switching.
One strategy that Rosen recommends to schools is “tech breaks,” in which teachers help students increase their attention span. Teachers start by picking a 15-minute block of time in which students must put away their phones and focus. When the time expires, students are allowed a one-minute tech break to use apps, sends texts or check Facebook.
“One minute turns out to be a pretty darn long time,” says Rosen. “We now know neurologically that if we don’t have a tech break, kids are already starting to think about anything other than what the teacher talking about. If they know they get a tech break, they’re able to stop those thoughts. It works amazingly.”
MORE: Should Kids Under 13 Be on Facebook?
In another study, researchers gave 750 teens and adults a test to assess psychological personality disorders. They also asked participants how much they used technology. Even after factoring out characteristics including age, gender, income and education, Facebook use predicted psychological disorders.
In particular, teens who log on more are more narcissistic. “We don’t know if teens who are narcissistic are more drawn to Facebook or if Facebook makes them narcissistic,” says Rosen.
And in different research that involved anonymous online surveys of more than 1,000 parents who were asked about media use, health, eating habits and exercise, moms and dads indicated that kids who used more media daily were sicker, emotionally and physically.
“When a kid’s on tech, we tend to think we don’t want to bother them because they’re quiet,” says Rosen. “But that’s the time you need to pay attention. We have to start very young talking to kids about tech breaks and exercise and time spent off media. There is a need for moderation and balance.”
Of course, Rosen realizes he’s coming at his research from a remote perspective; his days of parenting impressionable youngsters are over now that he’s got twentysomethings. “My daughter is 21 and sends like 8,000 texts a month. My son is 24 and posts on Facebook every single thing he does,” he says. “I’m so happy I was able to raise them in an era when the worst thing was a bad video game.”