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Monday, 13 October 2014

Dragon foot

f someone in your game rolled and came out ambidextrous, do they automatically get the ambidexterity proficiency? 

Also, it seems to me that if you're going to take the left handed thing to that kind of extreme (devil born and such,) wouldn't it be a difficult thing to find a left handed fighter to teach your left handed fighter how to fight left handed?[/quote]

In my games they get the proficiency automatically, but I do not do any of the devil born or any of that. Same reason I have women treated as equals, it is a fantasy game, and folks have better things to worry about then if the person is a lefty or right handed, male or female. When you live in a world where Orcs may raid the village, or the local dragon demands a tribute or hat have you. A person's handiness really don't matter.[/quote]

        Nothing wrong with that. I have places in the world where everyone is equal (the Yeomanry where they have democracy) - and places where men are 2nd class citizens (Harby) - an I imagine there a place where left handed people are the chosen ones - just not visited yet.

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