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Thursday, 17 November 2011

Links Minis

One Monk Miniatures - they offer primarily minis that you can buy at $1.00 a page but also have a full page of free minis to use (which you can see some pictures of in this post like the Firefly crew at the top). I really like the art style of these minis.

Savagepedia - the Gaming Aids page has a list of free "figure flats" as they call them where I've found a huge selection of free minis that are currently sitting on my hard drive. There is a large variety of genres to choose from to match the large variety of games you can play with the Savage Worlds rule set.

Icons Preorder - If you read my interview with Icons designer Steve Kenson, you'll notice that Adamant Entertainment is offering a special preorder deal when you order Icons from their site. This deal includes stand-ups as a part of the deal. We don't know what they look like quite yet, but the art will be matching the art of the book, which is a great kind of DC animated universe style like the great Batman: The Animated Series.

RPG Now - search for figure stand-ups, paper miniatures, or just search through the RPG accessories and you'll find a lot of choices there. They're a little more expensive than One Monk at times, but offer a huge variety. RPG Now is a site made for making pdf file gaming accessible to the masses, so this is a good choice if you're looking for something specific.

Like I said, not a comprehensive list by any means, but it's a good start point. I would encourage any who know of other minis (free or available to buy) to post a comment here to share with everyone. Just make sure it's legal and not gonna make a pirate (the bad kind) out o

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