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Saturday 4 October 2014

The Complete Heros setcion

Arrarat, 8th Fighter -- Tim Jiardini
Bigby, 13th MU -- Gary Gygax
Ceatitle Trodar Northman, 10th MU -- Jean Wells
Fletcher Dandairia, 8th Bard -- Bob Waldbauer
Erac's Cousin, 7th/14th Fighter/MU -- Ernie Gygax
Grimslade, 5th MU -- Harold Johnson
Gormadoc, 5th Thief -- Greg Fleming
Lanolin, 7th/11th Fighter/MU -- Lawrence Schick
Lassiviren the Dark, 7th Assassin -- Al Hammack
Luther, 6th Monk -- Helen Cook
Mordenkainen, 16th MU -- Gary Gygax
Phoebus, 10th Fighter -- Jeff R. Leason
Riggby, 9th Cleric -- Gary Gygax
Robilar, 15th Fighter -- Rob Kuntz
Serten, 10th Cleric -- Ernie Gygax
Talbot, 7th Fighter -- David Cook
Tenser, 14th MU -- Ernie Gygax (sometime after 570 Cy, born 523, 550 Sulward City (age 22, L3, with wand of fire as only poweful magic item a that time 81 charges remain) plus a hat  of phantasmal force (his famous hat) 10 charges remaining (he uses it a lot) and a few scrolls and potions.
Valerius, 12rh Fighter -- Erol Otus
The fact that I have this ancient tome (I love that word) shows you how
old and pathetic my manuals are. Aaugh! If you need any more info let me

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