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Friday, 15 December 2017

Vecna Curse

Meepo's Memorable Superstition (Magic-User, Illusionist or Witch) (Enchantment)
Level: 4 Range: Touch Duration: Permanent until Dispelled AoE: 1 intelligent creature Save vs. Spells

This spell causes the subject to do something out of superstition when the subject must make a saving throw, like throw a pinch of salt over the right shoulder. If the subject does not do something out of superstition, he or she makes the saving throw at -3. Every time the subject makes a saving throw, he or she must do something more elaborate than the last time a superstitious save was attempted, like throw a pinch of salt over the right shoulder with the left hand. The next time a superstitious save must be made, the subject might have to throw a pinch of salt over the right shoulder with the left hand and turn around three times. The superstitious save forces the subject to stop what they are doing, even melee combat to perform the superstitious ritual.

The Call of the Risky Retrieval OR
Vecna's Curse  (Magic-User, Illusionist or Witch) (Enchantment)
Level: 5 Range: Touch Duration: Permanent until Dispelled AoE: 1 object Save: None

This spell may only be cast on an inanimate object. When it is cast on an object, usually of great value, anyone who takes it through theft or trade activates the spell. The spell calls attention to the object subconsciously. The possessor must make a saving throw vs. spells. If the save succeeds, the possessor will never want to share it or trust anyone else with knowledge of its whereabouts or existence, use it for what it was meant for (magic items, etc.), or even acknowledge it exists. Furthermore, the possessor will attempt to hide the object from sight, locking it away in a safe place, or other means of protection and security. However, once hidden, anyone passing within 10 feet of it will detect something is there, and attempt to find it and if found, will covet it if in the possession of the current possessor, or take it if left unattended.

If the possessor fails the saving throw, he will want to get rid of it if it was bought, believing it to be cursed, unlucky, or that the next buyer really, really needs it. (If the item was bought, the item must be sold or traded to someone else.) Regardless if the saving throw failed or succeeds, the item always radiates an aura of magic if a detection spell is used, and it will always be coveted or taken by another, who must make a saving throw vs. spells to determine their polar reaction to the object, which determines one course of action of how to take it, or get rid of it. A possessor wishing to be rid of it will never throw it away, believing it to be too valuable to just throw it in the street – it must be traded away or sold, even for a copper, if need be. More than one person may covet it at the same time, leading to fighting, betrayal, backstabbing, theft, strong-armed burglary, and even murder.

Regardless of who is in possession of the object, the caster of the spell always knows the general location of it, and will always be able to find it if it is searched for. The caster is otherwise immune to the covetousness of the spell. Using this spell is considered to be a Chaotic act, and allowing a string of betrayals, thefts, and murder, by use of this spell may be considered to be an Evil act.