You don’t know what you’ll get
until what you’ve got is gone
by Phil Meyers and Steve Bill
Zadron’s Pouch of Wonders is a sort of magical grab-bag inside which a great variety of magic items can be found. It appears to be an ordinary leather pouch with a drawstring made of silk. When found the pouch will be closed, and examination will reveal that the pouch contains some sort of small object.
To utilize the magic of the bag, a character must open the pouch and draw the item out. The first character to do this after the pouch is discovered becomes the owner of the pouch. Each pouch will produce from 11-30 (d20+10) items for its owner and then teleport away to another treasure hoard to be found anew.
However, only one item from the pouch can be in existence at any given time.
Every time an item is drawn from inside it, the pouch will remain empty for the next day, but thereafter there is a 5% chance per day that another item will appear in the pouch.
When a new item appears in the pouch, the old item becomes useless and disappears, but the new one is ready for use. If an item from the pouch is destroyed by any other means, or if an item is put back in the pouch (if possible), that item will be replaced by a new item. (This does not apply for some of the “cursed” items; see individual item descriptions.)
The 5% chance for a new item to be created is always assumed to be rolled at the start of the day in question. If a new item is indicated, it will be created immediately — unless the pouch’s owner is using the item, and the loss of the powers of the, item at that particular time would directly endanger his or her life. In such a case, the creation of the new item will not take place until the pouch’s owner stops using the old item.
If the owner of the pouch is killed, the pouch will teleport away as if it had reached its quota, and will next turn up (if ever) in a different treasure hoard. The pouch will not produce new items for anyone other than its owner, but the owner can allow others to use items taken from the pouch.
However, items being used by other characters will disappear instantly when the creation of a new item is indicated, regardless of the circumstances (see preceding paragraph). The last item drawn from the pouch (the one that fills the pouch’s limit) will remain in existence and usable until the next time the creation of a new item (according to the 5% chance per day) is indicated.
When this occurs, both the existing magic item and the pouch will disappear. The owner of the pouch can keep any item from the pouch as long as desired, subject only to the eventual disappearance of the item. To determine what the pouch contains, roll on the table below for the type of item produced, then refer to the specific tables A through L.
. Roll (d12)
Type of item
produced :
1 An egg (Table A below)
2 A glove (B)
3 A crystal sphere (C)
4 A rock (D)
5 A figurine (E)
6 A vial (F)
7 A miniature weapon (G)
8 A bag (H)
9 A card (I)
10 A piece of rope or string (J)
11 A small box with a button on it (K)
12 A wand (L)
Table A: Eggs (roll d6) All creatures hatched from eggs will emerge in the third round after the egg is drawn from the pouch. As with all creatures conjured by the pouch, those hatched from eggs do not age.
1: A copper egg from which a small, young copper dragon emerges. The dragon speaks, uses magic, and will serve the pouch owner. It can, however, only be commanded to fight for the pouch owner 3 times (battles). OtherWise it will fight only in self-defense.
2: A golden egg out of which a goldencolored goose hatches. The goose follows the pouch owner around unless forced to do otherwise, and appears to be very rare and valuable. There is a 1 in 3 chance each day that the goose will become a living Symbol of Discord for 1 turn at a random time.
3: A stone egg out of which hatches a full-grown, hungry xorn. The xorn demands from 2,000—8,000 gp value (2d4) in precious metal or everything the owner has, whichever is least, or else it will attack. It disappears if satisfied.
4: A white egg out of which a fullgrown giant eagle hatches. The eagle can speak the owner’s language and will serve the pouch owner on the same terms as the dragon in (1) above.
5: A white egg with pink stripes, out of which a highly intelligent white rabbit appears. The rabbit can speak the pouch owner’s language and will serve as a scout (or whatever) for as long as the owner desires. The rabbit is AC 6, 3 hit points, no attacks, 50% magic resistance.
6. A glass egg out of which an unseen servant (80% chance) or an invisible stalker (20% chance) hatches. Either will serve as described in the corresponding spells, but duration is unlimited, except as noted above.
Table B: Gloves (roll d6)
1: A small, light leather glove that turns into a pair of Gauntlets of Ogre Power when it is drawn.
2: As (1) above, but Gauntlets of Dexterity are found instead.
3: A glove that allows its wearer to cast a Push spell, once per round, for up to 6 times per day.
4: Anyone besides the owner of the pouch who puts on this glove will immediately begin to choke himself or herself to death, doing 2-8 points of damage per round. Only a Remove Curse, Limited Wish, or Wish spell will prevent the victim’s eventual death. The glove will have no effect if worn by the owner of the pouch.
5: A glove that allows its wearer to cast one of the Bigby’s Hand spells, except for Bigby’s Crushing Hand, once per day.
6: A glove which, if used in place of a weapon, will cause the wearer’s fist to become a +2 weapon, do 3-6 points of damage per hit, and stun (for 1-6 rounds) opponents that fail their saving throw vs. magic when hit. The latter property is effective only against creatures size M or smaller.
Table C: Crystal spheres (roll d8)
1: A large crystal sphere that opens to reveal 2-5 small (1-inch diameter) crystals that glow dimly from within. Any sound originating within 1 foot of a crystal will be reproduced at the same volume by the other crystals, regardless of their location, allowing easy communication over any distance, but not between planes.
2: A large crystal sphere that opens to reveal a pair of glass balls, each one 3 inches in diameter. Looking into one of them allows the viewer to see anything within sight of the other one. By turning the crystal around the viewer can see an entire 360 degrees, just as if he or she were standing where the second crystal lies. The system works both ways, allowing a creature holding the second crystal to see the original viewer. Creatures with infravision can see infravisually through the crystals.
3: A lens-shaped crystal that allows anyone looking through it to detect invisibility as per the second-level magic user spell.
4: Anyone besides the owner of the pouch who holds this 3-inch-diameter crystal becomes magically imprisoned inside it, but suffers no other ill effects. The imprisonment lasts until the crystal disappears of its own accord when a new item appears in the pouch.
5: This irregularly shaped crystal begins to glow with a blue light whenever hostile or potentially hostile creatures are within 5”, and glows more brightly as the hostile creatures get nearer. It also detects such creatures as trappers, lurkers above, and piercers.
6: A Crystal Ball, but this one is only 3 inches in diameter and is usable by the owner of the pouch, regardless of his or her class.
7: Also a Crystal Ball as (6) above, but this item is usable by any character. However, if anyone but the owner of the pouch views a hostile creature through the crystal for 2-5 (number changes on each use) rounds, the viewer is teleported to the place that was being viewed. The crystal is not teleported.
8: A marvelous crystal that is hollow and contains small white flakes and a clear, colorless liquid. Shaking it causes the flakes within to swirl in patterns wondrous to behold.
Table D: Rocks (roll d8)
1: A small stone with a word of command written on it. When the word of command is spoken within 3” of the stone, it grows into a 10-foot-diameter boulder in 1 segment. Speaking the word of command a second time causes it to shrink back to normal size. The boulder will not reach full size in an area less than 10 feet wide or 10 feet high. Characters and creatures can be trapped and immobilized by the expanding stone, but it will not enlarge enough to cause them actual damage if they are so trapped.
2: A pebble which turns into a Stone of Controlling Earth Elementals.
3: A Stone of Good Luck (Luckstone).
4: A Stone of Weight (Loadstone), which will appear to be a Luckstone.
5: A Brick of Flying, which if thrown hard will fly through the air.
6: A large hollow stone that rattles if shaken. Breaking it open reveals 2-5 loun Stones inside.
7: A triangular piece of stone that glows with a purple light. Once the stone is touched by anyone but the owner of the pouch, the toucher cannot be rid of it until a Remove Curse, Dispel Evil, or Wish spell is used, or until the stone disappears. The stone imparts 50% magic resistance to the holder, allows regeneration of lost hit points at 3 points per round, and effectively, blinds the holder to the sight of any living and animate creatures, making the holder -4 “to hit” and damage (plus all other appropriate penalties for blindness). This blindness does not extend to non-living creatures such as undead or inanimate living things such as trees and plant life.
8: A stone that clings to iron or steel by means of a mysterious unseen force.
Table E: Figurines (roll d6)
1: A golden lion (just one); see Figurines of Wondrous Power.
2: An onyx dog.
3: A serpentine owl. 4:
An ivory goat (one, selected at random).
5: A marble elephant.
6: A bronze figurine of a warrior with a word of command written on the underside of its base. When the word of command is spoken, the figurine becomes a real warrior that serves the owner for up to 3 turns once each day. The bronze warrior has the following statistics: AC -2, 40 hit points, 6th-level fighter, 18(01) strength, 18 dexterity. The warrior uses a +1 composite shortbow, twenty +1 arrows, a +1 longsword, and a Javelin of Piercing.
None of these items are magical in the hands of other characters.
A miniature weapon d8
1: A tiny catapult with a command word written on it. When the command word is spoken, the model becomes a full-size heavy catapult. Speaking the word a second time reduces the catapult to a miniature again. This process can be repeated.
2: A small hammer that enlarges into a Hammer +3, Dwarven Thrower.
3: A Sling of Seeking +2, seven +2 sling bullets, and one sling bullet that explodes as a 5-dice fireball, as the spell, on impact.
4: A small sword that becomes a Sword of Dancing.
5: A small sword that becomes a +1 Luck Blade with 2 wishes. The wishes cannot be used for selfish purposes, or else the sword will disappear and a new object will appear in the pouch.
6: A+1 sword with disarming ability; an opponent must save vs. magic when hit or drop his/her/its weapon. An opponent that has already lost its weapon must save or lose its shield. Unarmed opponents or those using natural weaponry are not affected.
7-8: A club that polymorphs its wielder into an ogre (no system shock roll required) for as long as the club is held. The wielder always retains his or her original personality. The ogre has the character’s hit points, or 33 hit points, whichever is greater. The club is a +1 weapon that does 2-11 points of damage. The polymorphed character attacks as an ogre if it has 33 hit points or less, and attacks as the normal character would if it has more than 33 hit points.
Table H: Bags (roll d10)
1: A Bag of Holding.
2: A Bag of Tricks.
3: A Bag of Useful Items, similar to a Robe of Useful Items, but the bag is usable by any class, and the items within are miniatures, easily recognizable, that become the real items when desired.
4: A bag, brown in color, that contains two sandwiches, an apple, and a cookie.
5: A small sack that is found to contain a small sack. That small sack is also found to contain a small sack, and so on, ad infinitum.
6: A Bag of Devouring.
7: A magic bag that no one but a dwarf can open. It contains what appears to be a worn-out leather belt, two rusty gauntlets, a cheap blacksmith’s hammer, and a scroll on which are written the letters “DEEHNRRTU.” When these letters are rearranged, they spell “THUNDERER,” the name of the hammer. When this name is spoken, the hammer becomes a Hammer of Thunderbolts, the gauntlets become Gauntlets of Ogre Power, and the belt a Girdle of Hill Giant Strength. If this item is drawn a second time the name of the hammer will be different, and of course scrambled as well.
8: A bag containing a suit of invisible clothing. Anyone wearing the clothing is made invisible as per a Ring of Invisibility, but this effect is limited to persons and creatures acquainted with the wearer. To strangers, only the clothes are invisible, not the wearer. Naturally, the magic clothing does not work if the wearer also wears non-magical clothing underneath.
9: This bag is found to contain treasure. This is because it is a Bucknard’s Everfull Purse. The money found in the purse, as well as any money produced by the purse later, will not disappear when a new item appears in the pouch.
10: A bag that functions as a Bag of Tricks until used in the presence of an enemy.
Then it becomes a Bag of Monster Summoning; the creature it produces will be a hostile monster which will attack the bag owner and his or her companions. The monster is selected at random and will be of a level corresponding to the summoner’s level, as follows:
summoner level 1-2, monster level 1;
summoner level 3-4, monster level 2; and so on.
Table I: Cards (roll d8)
1: A card with a picture of the area
where the pouch owner is standing when the card is drawn. Anyone studying the card intently for 1 round at any time afterward will be teleported, without error, to the place pictured.
2: A card with a picture of fate holding a balance on it. The DM rolls secretly and determines whether the card holder (including the pouch owner) will be +4 or -4 on saving throws for as long as the card is held (equal chance for either). If the result is negative, the effects will persist until a Wish spell is used to negate the effect or until 2-8 weeks have elapsed, regardless of what happens to the pouch in the meantime.
3: A card with a picture of a red dragon sitting on a huge pile of treasure. Writing at the bottom of the card says, “Wish you were here. Love, Gorgo.”
4: A card with a spell (level 2-7, of the appropriate class) written on it, usable by the viewer as if it were a scroll spell. If the pouch owner is a non-spellcaster, the card will be blank until it is given to a spell-casting character.
5: A random card from a Deck of Many Things. All effects and results persist after the card disappears.
6: A blank card on which the first viewer other than the pouch owner is magically imprisoned, becoming a picture on the card. If the card is damaged or destroyed, the victim suffers appropriately. The imprisonment lasts until a new item appears in the pouch.
7: A set of 2-5 magic message cards. When the command word is spoken, one of these cards, if a message has been written thereon, will teleport to the hand of the one to whom the message is intended. An extra card (aside from the 2-5 message cards) is provided, containing the command word and other appropriate instructions.
8: A card stating, in prominent letters, that the pouch owner is wanted dead or alive by the nearest local authorities, with a picture of the pouch owner, and offering a 10,000 gp reward. When this card is drawn, 100 copies of it will appear in prominent places within a 50-mile radius of the location where the pouch was opened. The copies do not disappear when a new item appears in the pouch.
Table J: Ropes and strings (roll d8)
1: A rope that allows a Rope Trick spell to be cast with it, as a 10th level magicuser, once per day. Usable by any class.
2: A Rope of Entanglement.
3: A Rope of Climbing.
4: A Ball of Endless String, a sphere of string 4 inches in diameter that never winds down to nothing no matter how much string is drawn from it.
5: A rope which, when thrown to the ground, animates and “dances” to the amusement of all. Lively music from out of nowhere accompanies the dance, which lasts for 2-5 turns. The rope can dance up to 3 times per day.
6: A rope which, when stretched taut across a doorway or corridor, takes on the color(s) of its surroundings so as to be 95% undetectable. When a creature tries to step across or over it, the rope animates and acts as though a druidic Trip spell had been cast. One fourth (25%) of these ropes act like a Snare spell instead. Only the pouch owner or the owner of the rope (if it has been given away) can safely retrieve the rope if it is of the latter kind.
7: This rope is unremarkable save for the fact that it constantly levitates in a vertical orientation, with the bottom end staying three feet off the ground. Up to 10,000 gp weight can be tied to the rope and supported thereby. If this limit is exceeded, the rope sinks slowly to the ground until the excess weight is taken off. It requires very little effort to pull the rope and its load along.
8: This rope appears to be a Rope of Entanglement until it is used against enemies. Then it will entangle the one trying to use it (including the pouch owner) and as many of his or her friends as possible.
Table K: Boxes (roll d6)
All of these items are 3-inch-square cubes of an unknown metal with a circular red spot on one face. When the owner of the pouch presses the spot, the magic of the box is activated.
1: This cube acts as a limited Cube of Force.
When the red spot is pressed a force field goes up, as follows
(roll d6):
1-2, keeps out living matter;
3-4, keeps out non-living matter;
5-6, keeps out magic.
Charges operate the same way as with a normal cube of force. Determine one of the three effects above the first time the cube is used, and the cube will perform the same way thereafter.
2: A Cube of Frost Resistance.
3: Pressing the red spot on this cube causes it to become a 4’x2’x2’ treasure chest on wheels. The red spot appears on the center of the lid of the chest. Pressing the spot a second time causes the chest to become a large, enclosed wagon drawn by 2 draft horses with a 4’x5’x2’ locked compartment built in. The red spot appears on the center of the lid of this compartment. Pressing the spot a third time turns the wagon into a 4”x3”x1” stone cottage with a hearth, furniture, and a built-in stone chest of the same dimensions as the wagon compartment with a red spot on its lid. Pressing this spot causes the cottage to become a small cube again. Pressing the red spot 3 times in rapid succession will cause this item to revert to a small cube no matter what form it was presently in. Any objects not originally part of the cube, such as persons who may enter the cottage or the wagon, are left unchanged and unharmed when the item changes form. The lone exception to this is treasure placed in the chest on wheels, which will remain intact when other form changes occur. Anything in the chest moves to the compartment in the wagon, or to the stone chest in the cottage, when the appropriate form change occurs. The three respective chests are wizard locked, and only the pouch owner can open them freely.
4: When the spot on this cube is pressed, a set of red numerals appears above the red spot. The numerals begin with 10 and count down one number per segment thereafter. Pressing the red spot again after the first pressing resets the count to 10, and pressing it 3 times in rapid succession (within one segment) makes the red numerals disappear. If and when the count reaches zero, the cube explodes, doing 10-60 points of damage to all creatures within 10 feet, half that amount to all others within 30 feet, and causing structural damage equal to twice that caused by a Horn of Blasting. Creatures who make their saving throw vs. magic at -4 take half damage. The cube can be thrown, by hand or with a sling, but will not explode prematurely no matter what happens to it.
5: This “Pandora’s Box” releases 4-16 hostile monsters, all of which attack the one who released them (including the pouch owner) when the red spot is pressed. The level of each monster is selected at random by rolling d6, the result being the level of the monster, but on a result of 6, roll again using d8.
6: When the red spot — the “panic button” — is pushed, all non-hostile creatures within 6” must save vs. magic at -4 or flee in panic for 3-12 rounds. This includes the box-holder as well.
Table L: Wands (roll d6)
1: A Wand of Magic Missiles with 11-14 charges.
2 -3: Any one of the following wands, with 2-5 charges:
2 Fire,
3 Lightning,
4 Fear,
6 Polymorphing,
8 Paralyzation.
Select a wand at random by rolling d8.
4: One of three types (roll d6): A Wand of Magic Detection, Enemy Detection, or Secret Door & Trap Location, with 11-14 charges.
5: A wand that emits a Gust of Wind, as the spell, at a cost of 1 charge. It has 2-8 charges.
6: A wand like one of the ones in (4) above, except that it acts as a Rod of Cancellation when its last charge is expended, affecting all magic items within a 5-foot radius of the wand.
7: A wand that detects life— that is, the life force — of any creature within 3”, including hidden or invisible creatures, for 1 turn at a cost of 1 charge. It has 2-8 charges, It will not detect the life force of creatures smaller than a mouse.
8: This item, Zadron’s Wand, has 11-14 charges, and performs as follows: (wielder’s choice) for the appropriate expenditure in charges: Wall of Force, as the spell, for 1 charge; Mirror Wall (described below), for 1 charge; Disintegrate, as the spell, for 2 charges; and Prismatic Spray, as the spell, for 3 charges. A Mirror Wall has the same effect as the Wall of Force spell, but creatures may freely pass through the wall, and only creatures on the same side of the wall as the spellcaster (wand wielder) can see it. Creatures on the other side, which is a mirror, see themselves. Magic cannot pass through the wall in either direction.
Zadron’s Pouch of Wonders is a sort of magical grab-bag inside which a great variety of magic items can be found. It appears to be an ordinary leather pouch with a drawstring made of silk. When found the pouch will be closed, and examination will reveal that the pouch contains some sort of small object.
To utilize the magic of the bag, a character must open the pouch and draw the item out. The first character to do this after the pouch is discovered becomes the owner of the pouch. Each pouch will produce from 11-30 (d20+10) items for its owner and then teleport away to another treasure hoard to be found anew.
However, only one item from the pouch can be in existence at any given time.
Every time an item is drawn from inside it, the pouch will remain empty for the next day, but thereafter there is a 5% chance per day that another item will appear in the pouch.
When a new item appears in the pouch, the old item becomes useless and disappears, but the new one is ready for use. If an item from the pouch is destroyed by any other means, or if an item is put back in the pouch (if possible), that item will be replaced by a new item. (This does not apply for some of the “cursed” items; see individual item descriptions.)
The 5% chance for a new item to be created is always assumed to be rolled at the start of the day in question. If a new item is indicated, it will be created immediately — unless the pouch’s owner is using the item, and the loss of the powers of the, item at that particular time would directly endanger his or her life. In such a case, the creation of the new item will not take place until the pouch’s owner stops using the old item.
If the owner of the pouch is killed, the pouch will teleport away as if it had reached its quota, and will next turn up (if ever) in a different treasure hoard. The pouch will not produce new items for anyone other than its owner, but the owner can allow others to use items taken from the pouch.
However, items being used by other characters will disappear instantly when the creation of a new item is indicated, regardless of the circumstances (see preceding paragraph). The last item drawn from the pouch (the one that fills the pouch’s limit) will remain in existence and usable until the next time the creation of a new item (according to the 5% chance per day) is indicated.
When this occurs, both the existing magic item and the pouch will disappear. The owner of the pouch can keep any item from the pouch as long as desired, subject only to the eventual disappearance of the item. To determine what the pouch contains, roll on the table below for the type of item produced, then refer to the specific tables A through L.
. Roll (d12)
Type of item
produced :
1 An egg (Table A below)
2 A glove (B)
3 A crystal sphere (C)
4 A rock (D)
5 A figurine (E)
6 A vial (F)
7 A miniature weapon (G)
8 A bag (H)
9 A card (I)
10 A piece of rope or string (J)
11 A small box with a button on it (K)
12 A wand (L)
Table A: Eggs (roll d6) All creatures hatched from eggs will emerge in the third round after the egg is drawn from the pouch. As with all creatures conjured by the pouch, those hatched from eggs do not age.
1: A copper egg from which a small, young copper dragon emerges. The dragon speaks, uses magic, and will serve the pouch owner. It can, however, only be commanded to fight for the pouch owner 3 times (battles). OtherWise it will fight only in self-defense.
2: A golden egg out of which a goldencolored goose hatches. The goose follows the pouch owner around unless forced to do otherwise, and appears to be very rare and valuable. There is a 1 in 3 chance each day that the goose will become a living Symbol of Discord for 1 turn at a random time.
3: A stone egg out of which hatches a full-grown, hungry xorn. The xorn demands from 2,000—8,000 gp value (2d4) in precious metal or everything the owner has, whichever is least, or else it will attack. It disappears if satisfied.
4: A white egg out of which a fullgrown giant eagle hatches. The eagle can speak the owner’s language and will serve the pouch owner on the same terms as the dragon in (1) above.
5: A white egg with pink stripes, out of which a highly intelligent white rabbit appears. The rabbit can speak the pouch owner’s language and will serve as a scout (or whatever) for as long as the owner desires. The rabbit is AC 6, 3 hit points, no attacks, 50% magic resistance.
6. A glass egg out of which an unseen servant (80% chance) or an invisible stalker (20% chance) hatches. Either will serve as described in the corresponding spells, but duration is unlimited, except as noted above.
Table B: Gloves (roll d6)
1: A small, light leather glove that turns into a pair of Gauntlets of Ogre Power when it is drawn.
2: As (1) above, but Gauntlets of Dexterity are found instead.
3: A glove that allows its wearer to cast a Push spell, once per round, for up to 6 times per day.
4: Anyone besides the owner of the pouch who puts on this glove will immediately begin to choke himself or herself to death, doing 2-8 points of damage per round. Only a Remove Curse, Limited Wish, or Wish spell will prevent the victim’s eventual death. The glove will have no effect if worn by the owner of the pouch.
5: A glove that allows its wearer to cast one of the Bigby’s Hand spells, except for Bigby’s Crushing Hand, once per day.
6: A glove which, if used in place of a weapon, will cause the wearer’s fist to become a +2 weapon, do 3-6 points of damage per hit, and stun (for 1-6 rounds) opponents that fail their saving throw vs. magic when hit. The latter property is effective only against creatures size M or smaller.
Table C: Crystal spheres (roll d8)
1: A large crystal sphere that opens to reveal 2-5 small (1-inch diameter) crystals that glow dimly from within. Any sound originating within 1 foot of a crystal will be reproduced at the same volume by the other crystals, regardless of their location, allowing easy communication over any distance, but not between planes.
2: A large crystal sphere that opens to reveal a pair of glass balls, each one 3 inches in diameter. Looking into one of them allows the viewer to see anything within sight of the other one. By turning the crystal around the viewer can see an entire 360 degrees, just as if he or she were standing where the second crystal lies. The system works both ways, allowing a creature holding the second crystal to see the original viewer. Creatures with infravision can see infravisually through the crystals.
3: A lens-shaped crystal that allows anyone looking through it to detect invisibility as per the second-level magic user spell.
4: Anyone besides the owner of the pouch who holds this 3-inch-diameter crystal becomes magically imprisoned inside it, but suffers no other ill effects. The imprisonment lasts until the crystal disappears of its own accord when a new item appears in the pouch.
5: This irregularly shaped crystal begins to glow with a blue light whenever hostile or potentially hostile creatures are within 5”, and glows more brightly as the hostile creatures get nearer. It also detects such creatures as trappers, lurkers above, and piercers.
6: A Crystal Ball, but this one is only 3 inches in diameter and is usable by the owner of the pouch, regardless of his or her class.
7: Also a Crystal Ball as (6) above, but this item is usable by any character. However, if anyone but the owner of the pouch views a hostile creature through the crystal for 2-5 (number changes on each use) rounds, the viewer is teleported to the place that was being viewed. The crystal is not teleported.
8: A marvelous crystal that is hollow and contains small white flakes and a clear, colorless liquid. Shaking it causes the flakes within to swirl in patterns wondrous to behold.
Table D: Rocks (roll d8)
1: A small stone with a word of command written on it. When the word of command is spoken within 3” of the stone, it grows into a 10-foot-diameter boulder in 1 segment. Speaking the word of command a second time causes it to shrink back to normal size. The boulder will not reach full size in an area less than 10 feet wide or 10 feet high. Characters and creatures can be trapped and immobilized by the expanding stone, but it will not enlarge enough to cause them actual damage if they are so trapped.
2: A pebble which turns into a Stone of Controlling Earth Elementals.
3: A Stone of Good Luck (Luckstone).
4: A Stone of Weight (Loadstone), which will appear to be a Luckstone.
5: A Brick of Flying, which if thrown hard will fly through the air.
6: A large hollow stone that rattles if shaken. Breaking it open reveals 2-5 loun Stones inside.
7: A triangular piece of stone that glows with a purple light. Once the stone is touched by anyone but the owner of the pouch, the toucher cannot be rid of it until a Remove Curse, Dispel Evil, or Wish spell is used, or until the stone disappears. The stone imparts 50% magic resistance to the holder, allows regeneration of lost hit points at 3 points per round, and effectively, blinds the holder to the sight of any living and animate creatures, making the holder -4 “to hit” and damage (plus all other appropriate penalties for blindness). This blindness does not extend to non-living creatures such as undead or inanimate living things such as trees and plant life.
8: A stone that clings to iron or steel by means of a mysterious unseen force.
Table E: Figurines (roll d6)
1: A golden lion (just one); see Figurines of Wondrous Power.
2: An onyx dog.
3: A serpentine owl. 4:
An ivory goat (one, selected at random).
5: A marble elephant.
6: A bronze figurine of a warrior with a word of command written on the underside of its base. When the word of command is spoken, the figurine becomes a real warrior that serves the owner for up to 3 turns once each day. The bronze warrior has the following statistics: AC -2, 40 hit points, 6th-level fighter, 18(01) strength, 18 dexterity. The warrior uses a +1 composite shortbow, twenty +1 arrows, a +1 longsword, and a Javelin of Piercing.
None of these items are magical in the hands of other characters.
A miniature weapon d8
1: A tiny catapult with a command word written on it. When the command word is spoken, the model becomes a full-size heavy catapult. Speaking the word a second time reduces the catapult to a miniature again. This process can be repeated.
2: A small hammer that enlarges into a Hammer +3, Dwarven Thrower.
3: A Sling of Seeking +2, seven +2 sling bullets, and one sling bullet that explodes as a 5-dice fireball, as the spell, on impact.
4: A small sword that becomes a Sword of Dancing.
5: A small sword that becomes a +1 Luck Blade with 2 wishes. The wishes cannot be used for selfish purposes, or else the sword will disappear and a new object will appear in the pouch.
6: A+1 sword with disarming ability; an opponent must save vs. magic when hit or drop his/her/its weapon. An opponent that has already lost its weapon must save or lose its shield. Unarmed opponents or those using natural weaponry are not affected.
7-8: A club that polymorphs its wielder into an ogre (no system shock roll required) for as long as the club is held. The wielder always retains his or her original personality. The ogre has the character’s hit points, or 33 hit points, whichever is greater. The club is a +1 weapon that does 2-11 points of damage. The polymorphed character attacks as an ogre if it has 33 hit points or less, and attacks as the normal character would if it has more than 33 hit points.
Table H: Bags (roll d10)
1: A Bag of Holding.
2: A Bag of Tricks.
3: A Bag of Useful Items, similar to a Robe of Useful Items, but the bag is usable by any class, and the items within are miniatures, easily recognizable, that become the real items when desired.
4: A bag, brown in color, that contains two sandwiches, an apple, and a cookie.
5: A small sack that is found to contain a small sack. That small sack is also found to contain a small sack, and so on, ad infinitum.
6: A Bag of Devouring.
7: A magic bag that no one but a dwarf can open. It contains what appears to be a worn-out leather belt, two rusty gauntlets, a cheap blacksmith’s hammer, and a scroll on which are written the letters “DEEHNRRTU.” When these letters are rearranged, they spell “THUNDERER,” the name of the hammer. When this name is spoken, the hammer becomes a Hammer of Thunderbolts, the gauntlets become Gauntlets of Ogre Power, and the belt a Girdle of Hill Giant Strength. If this item is drawn a second time the name of the hammer will be different, and of course scrambled as well.
8: A bag containing a suit of invisible clothing. Anyone wearing the clothing is made invisible as per a Ring of Invisibility, but this effect is limited to persons and creatures acquainted with the wearer. To strangers, only the clothes are invisible, not the wearer. Naturally, the magic clothing does not work if the wearer also wears non-magical clothing underneath.
9: This bag is found to contain treasure. This is because it is a Bucknard’s Everfull Purse. The money found in the purse, as well as any money produced by the purse later, will not disappear when a new item appears in the pouch.
10: A bag that functions as a Bag of Tricks until used in the presence of an enemy.
Then it becomes a Bag of Monster Summoning; the creature it produces will be a hostile monster which will attack the bag owner and his or her companions. The monster is selected at random and will be of a level corresponding to the summoner’s level, as follows:
summoner level 1-2, monster level 1;
summoner level 3-4, monster level 2; and so on.
Table I: Cards (roll d8)
1: A card with a picture of the area
where the pouch owner is standing when the card is drawn. Anyone studying the card intently for 1 round at any time afterward will be teleported, without error, to the place pictured.
2: A card with a picture of fate holding a balance on it. The DM rolls secretly and determines whether the card holder (including the pouch owner) will be +4 or -4 on saving throws for as long as the card is held (equal chance for either). If the result is negative, the effects will persist until a Wish spell is used to negate the effect or until 2-8 weeks have elapsed, regardless of what happens to the pouch in the meantime.
3: A card with a picture of a red dragon sitting on a huge pile of treasure. Writing at the bottom of the card says, “Wish you were here. Love, Gorgo.”
4: A card with a spell (level 2-7, of the appropriate class) written on it, usable by the viewer as if it were a scroll spell. If the pouch owner is a non-spellcaster, the card will be blank until it is given to a spell-casting character.
5: A random card from a Deck of Many Things. All effects and results persist after the card disappears.
6: A blank card on which the first viewer other than the pouch owner is magically imprisoned, becoming a picture on the card. If the card is damaged or destroyed, the victim suffers appropriately. The imprisonment lasts until a new item appears in the pouch.
7: A set of 2-5 magic message cards. When the command word is spoken, one of these cards, if a message has been written thereon, will teleport to the hand of the one to whom the message is intended. An extra card (aside from the 2-5 message cards) is provided, containing the command word and other appropriate instructions.
8: A card stating, in prominent letters, that the pouch owner is wanted dead or alive by the nearest local authorities, with a picture of the pouch owner, and offering a 10,000 gp reward. When this card is drawn, 100 copies of it will appear in prominent places within a 50-mile radius of the location where the pouch was opened. The copies do not disappear when a new item appears in the pouch.
Table J: Ropes and strings (roll d8)
1: A rope that allows a Rope Trick spell to be cast with it, as a 10th level magicuser, once per day. Usable by any class.
2: A Rope of Entanglement.
3: A Rope of Climbing.
4: A Ball of Endless String, a sphere of string 4 inches in diameter that never winds down to nothing no matter how much string is drawn from it.
5: A rope which, when thrown to the ground, animates and “dances” to the amusement of all. Lively music from out of nowhere accompanies the dance, which lasts for 2-5 turns. The rope can dance up to 3 times per day.
6: A rope which, when stretched taut across a doorway or corridor, takes on the color(s) of its surroundings so as to be 95% undetectable. When a creature tries to step across or over it, the rope animates and acts as though a druidic Trip spell had been cast. One fourth (25%) of these ropes act like a Snare spell instead. Only the pouch owner or the owner of the rope (if it has been given away) can safely retrieve the rope if it is of the latter kind.
7: This rope is unremarkable save for the fact that it constantly levitates in a vertical orientation, with the bottom end staying three feet off the ground. Up to 10,000 gp weight can be tied to the rope and supported thereby. If this limit is exceeded, the rope sinks slowly to the ground until the excess weight is taken off. It requires very little effort to pull the rope and its load along.
8: This rope appears to be a Rope of Entanglement until it is used against enemies. Then it will entangle the one trying to use it (including the pouch owner) and as many of his or her friends as possible.
Table K: Boxes (roll d6)
All of these items are 3-inch-square cubes of an unknown metal with a circular red spot on one face. When the owner of the pouch presses the spot, the magic of the box is activated.
1: This cube acts as a limited Cube of Force.
When the red spot is pressed a force field goes up, as follows
(roll d6):
1-2, keeps out living matter;
3-4, keeps out non-living matter;
5-6, keeps out magic.
Charges operate the same way as with a normal cube of force. Determine one of the three effects above the first time the cube is used, and the cube will perform the same way thereafter.
2: A Cube of Frost Resistance.
3: Pressing the red spot on this cube causes it to become a 4’x2’x2’ treasure chest on wheels. The red spot appears on the center of the lid of the chest. Pressing the spot a second time causes the chest to become a large, enclosed wagon drawn by 2 draft horses with a 4’x5’x2’ locked compartment built in. The red spot appears on the center of the lid of this compartment. Pressing the spot a third time turns the wagon into a 4”x3”x1” stone cottage with a hearth, furniture, and a built-in stone chest of the same dimensions as the wagon compartment with a red spot on its lid. Pressing this spot causes the cottage to become a small cube again. Pressing the red spot 3 times in rapid succession will cause this item to revert to a small cube no matter what form it was presently in. Any objects not originally part of the cube, such as persons who may enter the cottage or the wagon, are left unchanged and unharmed when the item changes form. The lone exception to this is treasure placed in the chest on wheels, which will remain intact when other form changes occur. Anything in the chest moves to the compartment in the wagon, or to the stone chest in the cottage, when the appropriate form change occurs. The three respective chests are wizard locked, and only the pouch owner can open them freely.
4: When the spot on this cube is pressed, a set of red numerals appears above the red spot. The numerals begin with 10 and count down one number per segment thereafter. Pressing the red spot again after the first pressing resets the count to 10, and pressing it 3 times in rapid succession (within one segment) makes the red numerals disappear. If and when the count reaches zero, the cube explodes, doing 10-60 points of damage to all creatures within 10 feet, half that amount to all others within 30 feet, and causing structural damage equal to twice that caused by a Horn of Blasting. Creatures who make their saving throw vs. magic at -4 take half damage. The cube can be thrown, by hand or with a sling, but will not explode prematurely no matter what happens to it.
5: This “Pandora’s Box” releases 4-16 hostile monsters, all of which attack the one who released them (including the pouch owner) when the red spot is pressed. The level of each monster is selected at random by rolling d6, the result being the level of the monster, but on a result of 6, roll again using d8.
6: When the red spot — the “panic button” — is pushed, all non-hostile creatures within 6” must save vs. magic at -4 or flee in panic for 3-12 rounds. This includes the box-holder as well.
Table L: Wands (roll d6)
1: A Wand of Magic Missiles with 11-14 charges.
2 -3: Any one of the following wands, with 2-5 charges:
2 Fire,
3 Lightning,
4 Fear,
6 Polymorphing,
8 Paralyzation.
Select a wand at random by rolling d8.
4: One of three types (roll d6): A Wand of Magic Detection, Enemy Detection, or Secret Door & Trap Location, with 11-14 charges.
5: A wand that emits a Gust of Wind, as the spell, at a cost of 1 charge. It has 2-8 charges.
6: A wand like one of the ones in (4) above, except that it acts as a Rod of Cancellation when its last charge is expended, affecting all magic items within a 5-foot radius of the wand.
7: A wand that detects life— that is, the life force — of any creature within 3”, including hidden or invisible creatures, for 1 turn at a cost of 1 charge. It has 2-8 charges, It will not detect the life force of creatures smaller than a mouse.
8: This item, Zadron’s Wand, has 11-14 charges, and performs as follows: (wielder’s choice) for the appropriate expenditure in charges: Wall of Force, as the spell, for 1 charge; Mirror Wall (described below), for 1 charge; Disintegrate, as the spell, for 2 charges; and Prismatic Spray, as the spell, for 3 charges. A Mirror Wall has the same effect as the Wall of Force spell, but creatures may freely pass through the wall, and only creatures on the same side of the wall as the spellcaster (wand wielder) can see it. Creatures on the other side, which is a mirror, see themselves. Magic cannot pass through the wall in either direction.