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Monday 4 April 2016

Edit for 540 CY

Editing for 530 Cy

Old Faith or Obad-Hai — Popular with farmers, rangers, and druids is the worship of the “Old Faith” The center of this religion can be found in Gleaming Glades of the Gold County.

 Gleaming Glades of the Gold County are 
a area of Furondy famous for its sunflowers, and it sunflower oil.

Pilgrims:  Of the Old faith come here to see rare birds eat the Sun Flowers seeds.

Boccob — The largest church and the center of worship for this god is located in the city
of Pantarn in the Barony of Littleberg. The followers of Boccob are not many in
Furyondy, although this faith has been growing since the wars. The people of Furyondy
have begun to value wizards more than in days past, and although a few distrust the
members of this faith, others actively seek their counsel in spiritual and magical matters.
Heironeous — The King and the warrior elite (especially officers and paladins) adhere to
this faith. Heironeous’ temples are the largest in most northern cities, and the faith has a
strong appeal for the common soldier. Heironeous’ high cleric, Garaeth Heldenster, is a
great war hero known to almost everyone in Furyondy. He is an ardent supporter of
Belvor and a powerful ally in Belvor's political struggles, and heads the central church
located in Chendl.

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