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Saturday 6 February 2016



February 5th, Friday 2016

Mu training, On actives other than melee, intelligence of 15+ minus 1 month, 18+ minus 4 months

Single weapon d8+3 months (proficiency)
Ranged (d6+2 months) (allows muti-attack, and non-proficiency with ranged)
basic combat 1d6 months (hit points, melee AC -opponents with superior weapons get +4 to hit otherwise)
basic back protection (2d20+10 months, everyone gets free back stab otherwise)
Spell theory d20+4 months (considered a spell caster with respect to skills)
Combat casting/total concentration d6+3 months (casting spells causes +8 to hit against you otherwise)
Language of Magic 2d12 months
Single spell (other than read magic) d10+2 months
Supplemental spells (one month, roll, but d10+2 months maximum)
Study of wands and commands d20+4 months
study of simple magic items (up to 6000 magic points or less) d20+4 months
Advanced magic items (need wand and simple) d6+4 months
Adult spell use 4d6 months (+1 bonus to casting spells, 1 always fails, however)
Also charater gets +1 for every language they know.
(Rember you get a bigger and bigger penalty for the longer you are away from your teachers) 
Spell resistance and running away (gains non-zero level saves) d6+2 months
Advancing a level ads as many months as training points to activity and the next.
Advance Magical Training 12+d6 months (languages etc, languges 6 months for 18 intelligence flat), some months MUST be spend on this every level. This are the hidden skills of Glantri and needed for graduation or entry into the school.
Example advance to level 2 with 20 TP, and need 4 months weapon training left, so uses 4 TP to finish weapons training, and gains 16 months towards the next activity. A maximum of three things can be learned this way per advancement.
So they chose spell resistance and roll an 8, leaving 8 months of their 16, and  then chose advance magical training - they roll a 13 leaving 5 months still needed. Regardless they could only learn one more activity, thought the months could be applied to a 4th activity (thought one month would have to remain, as only 3 things can advance this way per level advancement.)
Note during any instruction period, their is chance the ability is usable (despite not having finished) as long as the last class has been within the last 2 weeks and the training pperiod is over half done. 

February 5th, Friday 2016

Mu training

Single weapon d8+3 months (proficiency)
Ranged (d6+2 months) (allows multi-attack, and non-proficiency with ranged)
basic combat 1d6 months (hit points, melee AC -opponents with superior weapons get +4 to hit otherwise)
basic back protection (2d20+10 months, everyone gets free back stab otherwise)
Spell theory d20+4 months (considered a spell caster with respect to skills)
Combat casting/total concentration d6+3 months (casting spells causes +8 to hit against you otherwise)
Language of Magic 2d12 months
Single spell (other than read magic) d10+2 months
Supplemental spells (one month, roll, but d10+2 months maximum)
Study of wands and commands d20+4 months
study of simple magic items (6 k vp) d20+4 months
Advanced magic items (need wand and simple) d6+4 months
Adult spell use 4d6 months (+1 bonus to casting spells, 1 always fails, however)
Spell resistance and running away (gains non-zero level saves) d6+2 months
Advancing a level ads as many months as training points to activity and the next.
Example advance to level 2 with 20 TP, and need 4 months weapon training left, so gains 16 months towards the next activity. A maximum of three things can be learned this way. 

Advance Magical Training 12+d6 months (languages etc) 

Note during any instruction period, their is chance the ability is usable as long as the last class has been within the last 2 weeks.


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