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Thursday 11 December 2014

Ajax (Axel)


The banner in front of a building across the street catches your eye. "Expeditions Unlimited: Hire a Warrior!" Oh, well. You've got nothing to lose, you cross the dirt road and enter the store front. The place looks like, and is, an armory, with odd bits of mail and weaponry lying about waiting to be repaired. Out back is an open yard, flooded with sunshine. You can hear shouts, laughter and the clang of steel on steel.

"Some of my boys training," says the big heavy set fellow behind the counter. He has a patch over one eye and is missing several fingers of his left hand. He smiles heartily. "Ajax's my name. May I help you sir? Looking for husky fighting men for a dangerous and secretive mission perhaps? All my lads are guaranteed lawful and 15 stone strong. I don't take 'em if they're weak. Tryouts for the locals and the hopefuls every month. Them as can't bend and iron bar, lift 500 pounds and slam a sword blade through a three inch oak plank I sends away. 'Keep in training and try again, I tells 'em' The others I train myself -- weaponry, hand to hand, monster slaying and the like -- veteran of the dungeons myself, I am."

"Terms? Simple, sir, simple. 500 pieces of silver (half or more in coin), and full shares in any treasure, 'stead of your usual hireling half shares. Convenience to you, saves time, and the company guarantees each of out lads. Well trained, first levelers, each one, full equipped. Chain mail, helmet, shield, sword. The wide bladed falchion is popular hereabouts. What do you say, sir?"

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