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Wednesday 1 October 2014

Greyhawk 577-59

577 CY
Iuz builds 40 galleys on Whyestil Lake; sunk by Furyondy at Dorakaa
Duke Ehyeh II of Tenh killed fighting Hold of Stonefist
South Province Army of 10,000 takes lands between Thelly River & Glorioles
Schnai coast south of Glot ceded to Cruski

578 CY
Duke Ehyeh III (Rng 11) crowned in Tenh
Master of the Hold Seuvord Redbeard becomes Rhelt Seuvord I of Stonehold
Duchy of Tenh invades eastern Bandit Kingdoms; lands ceded to Tenh in truce
Iuz's army of 25,000 besieges Wegwiur at Eru-Tovar
South Province army of 10,000 takes lands between Grayflood & Rieuwood
South Province army of 7000 masses near Zelradton
Medegian army of 12,500 beings marching towards Hestmark Highlands
3000 elves & foresters ambush Medegian army of 5300 in Grandwood Forest
25,000 Horned Society troops drive off 7900 Rovers, Wegwiur, centaurs, & elves near Dingaverge (A4-54)
Stonehold border extended east to hex column A2 north of Corusk Mountains
Battle of the Loftwood; Ratik army of 11,000 routs Bone March army of 11,000 near Zekspoint (Z-43)
Iron League army of 19,000 repulses South Province army of 17,000 in Idee
3000 dwarves, gnomes, & halflings assembled north of Newkeep (V2-97)
Battle of Black Water Bend; 20,000 Wegwiur rout Iuz's army
Horned Society captures western Bandit Kingdoms
Imperial army of 11,600 enters Grandwood Forest

579 CY
Proclamation of war issued against Great Kingdom by Nyrond, Almor, and allies
South Province army of 40,000 masses near Zelradton

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