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Thursday 16 October 2014

D&D Island Name Table

Roll d50
1. East-Town (use Easthaven from THE MOONSHAE CAMPAIGN GUIDE)
2. Finbar's Island
3. Pennyland of the Fords (copper pieces are found here)
4. Bjorn's Island (Bjorn might relate to 'bear' .. perhaps, a werebear lives here)
5. Goblin Island
6. Float Island (literally, a floating island: it's position changes with the tides)
7. Heather Island
8. Grim's Island (there is a Grim here. see AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF FAIRIES, by Katherine Briggs, and the MM2)
9. Desert (the ruins of a Greek temple may be found here)
10. Marshy
11. Scallop Island (food is found here)
12. Water Island
13. Porpoise Island
14. Unknown
15. A Notch
16. White Isle
17. Island of Donnan
18. Sea Island (possible site of a Temple to Manannan mac Lir)
19. Erik's Island (Erik the Red? See Runes, in BEST OF DRAGON IV)
20. Foreshore Island
21. The Good Island (God Island) (a good god may be encountered here)
22. The Good-Man's Island (God-Man's Island) (a good priest may be encountered here)
23. Echo
24. Deer Island
25. Kjarbar's Island
26. Big Garden (herbs may be found here)
27. Ship Island
28. Longship Isle
29. Isle of Pigs (Circe?)
30. Ebb Island
31. Roe Deer Island
32. Rough Island (Seal Island)
33. Sandy Island
34. "Stream" (water is found here)
35. Winged Isle
36. Sheep Island (Cyclops?)
37. Island of the Haven
38. Wolf Island
39. Taran's Island
40. Cormorant Island
41. Barren (Stony)
42. Priest Island
43. Death (possible gate to the Astral Plane)
44. Big Island
45. Rough Island
46. Sand Island (sandling: cf. MM2)
47. House Island
48. East Headland
49. See THE CITY BEYOND THE GATE (Dragon 100)
50. (Use your imagination!)

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