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Monday 29 September 2014

Other Greyhawk module locations

Tegel Manner is Safeton in the Wild Coast

Modron is Narwell in the Wild Coast

Fortress of Badabaskor is in the Hellfurnace Mountains, mid-distance between the Hold of the Sea Princes and the Amedio Jungle.

City State of the Invincible Overlord is Greyhawk

Citadel of Fire is in the Southern foothills of the Sulhaut Mountains

Frontier Forts of Kelnore describes a triangular area between Prymp, Zelradton and Hexpool in the South Provence of the Great kingdom.

Under the Storm Giants Castle is in the Mounds of Dawn.

Survival of the Fittest is in Northern Suss Forest, Northwest of Fax.

Operation Ogre (short adventure) is in the Bluff Hills.

The Mines of Custalcon, describes a triangular area between Atirr, Winetha and Delaric in the North Provence of the Great kingdom.

Temple of Ra Accursed by Set is deep in the Sea of Dust.

Tower of Ulission, from Celene Northwest into the middle of the Lortmils

Sword of Hope, from Celene South into the Lortmils' foothills on the County of Ulek border.

Viridistan,The City State of the World Emperor, is the City of Spices, The Immortal City, Rauxes, Capital of the Great Kingdom.

The Treasure Vaults of Lindoran are hidden in the Barrior Peaks.

Druids of Doom is set in and around Mentrey in the Great Kingdom

Portals of Torsh. This portal is hidden in Pontyliver in the Great Kingdom

Portals of Irontooth. This portal is hidden in Torrich in the Great Kingdom

Portals of Twilight. This portal is hidden in Jalpa in the Great Kingdom

Spies of Lightelf describes locations from Naerie in Idee to Scant in Onnwal.

Ravenscraig describes Marner in Ratik.

Lara’s Tower is in the middle of Gnarly Forest

Zienteck describes an area between the city of Glot of the Ice Barbarions, Sablewood and the Southeast Corusk Mountains.

The Illhidrin Book is Northeast of Waybury in the Duchy of Ulek.

Actually picked the same location or close to it.

F’Dech Fo’s Tomb is in the Cairn Hills.

Shield Maidens of the Sea Rune Sword Coast describes locations from Johnsport to Bellport and Kaport Bay in the North Provence of the Great kingdom.

Pirates of Hagrost describes locations up the Hool River in the Hold of the Sea Princes Southwest of the Hool Marshes.

Witches Court Marshes is in the Gnat Marsh.

is the free city of Dyvers.

The Black Ring is among the Spindrift Isles.

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