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Tuesday 23 September 2014

Greyhawk: Heros: Morgan IronWold

Morgan Ironwold (leader, dumb figher) "lawul" S16 (Dex and Con 16?) Int and wWdsom 7?
Silverleaf (elf, fighter wizard)
Fredrick (fighter  magsmen)
Sister Rebecca (sister to Morgan)

Quote :"Morgan appears two more times in the text. On B28 the sample combat features her and her friends Silverleaf (an elf, of course), Fredrik (a dwarf), and the cleric Sister Rebecca. Morgan makes a good accounting of herself, killing one hobgoblin with an arrow shot and another with swordplay. She's wounded in the battle and wants to kill some hobgobbo prisoners, but Sister Rebecca threatens to get stingy with the cure light wounds should the the wretches be harmed. Those Lawful clerics can be a real pain in the ass sometimes.

The general example of play also features Morgan Ironwolf and the same cast as previous, joined for a while by Black Dougal the thief. I say 'a while' because he blows finding a poison needle trap and dies during the example of play. It has nothing to do with Morgan Ironwolf, but I absolutely adore this exchange:
DM: Black Dougal gasps 'Poison!' and falls to the floor. He looks dead.
Fredrik: I'm grabbing his pack to carry treasure in.
Damn, that is cold. The dwarf doesn't even confirm the dude is dead before he starts vulturing his stuff.

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