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Friday 4 November 2016


Basic D&D, Mystara 英語版製品リスト

2001 年版 CC v2.7 をもとにした英語版製品リストです。"Blizzard Pass" の分類はうん、まぁ、そうなのかな、という気持ちもありますが、これがすべての Basic D&D 製品といえると思います。日本語版の製品一覧は こちら です。
それぞれの製品の発売は Mystara and BECMI products by date をご参照ください。そのうち、ここの表へ merge します。(^^)

Basic D&D : Boxed Sets

TSR Sub Title
Dungeons & Dragons (with Geomorphs, 1977)
Dungeons & Dragons (with module B1, 1978)
Dungeons & Dragons (with module B2, 1979)
Set 1: Basic Rules (magenta box w/Otus art - early 1980’s)
Set 2: Expert Rules (light blue box w/Otus art - early 1980’s)
Set 1: Basic Rules (red box w/Elmore art - mid 1980’s)
Set 2: Expert Rules (dark blue box w/Elmore art - mid 1980’s)
Set 3: Companion Set
Set 4: Master Rules
Set 5: Immortals Rules
Dragon’s Den Adventure Pack
Goblin’s Lair Adventure Pack
Haunted Tower Adventure Pack
Wrath of the Immortals
Champions of Mystara
The Classic D&D Game

Basic D&D : Non-Boxed Rules and Accessories

TSR Sub Title
The D&D Rules Cyclopedia
Basic Rulebook (from boxed set 1011A, sold separately)
Expert Rulebook (from boxed set 1012A, sold separately)
D&D Character Record Sheets (original pink version)
D&D Character Record Sheets (1980 blue cover version)
9308 DDREF1 D&D Character Record Sheets (ca. 1991)
Character and Monster Assortment Pack
9437 DMR1 Dungeon Master Screen
9438 DMR2 Creature Catalog
9403 TM1 The Western Countries Trail Map
9404 TM2 The Eastern Countries Trail Map
9372 AC1010 Poor Wizard’s Almanac
9441 AC1011 Poor Wizard’s Almanac II

Basic D&D : AC Series

TSR Sub Title
9100 AC1 The Shady Dragon Inn
9099 AC2 Combat Shield & Mini-Adventure
9121 AC3 The Kidnapping of Princess Arelina (Dragon Tiles I)
9116 AC4 The Book of Marvelous Magic
9037C AC5 Player Character Record Sheets (1984, brown cover)
9037D AC6 Player Character Record Sheets (1985, pink cover)
9156 AC7 Master Player Screen
9145 AC8 The Revenge of Rusak (Dragon Tiles II)
9173 AC9 Creature Catalogue
9211 AC10 The Bestiary of Dragons and Giants
9220 AC11 The Book of Wondrous Inventions

Basic D&D : Gazetteer Series

TSR Sub Title
Dawn of the Emperors (Boxed Set)
9193 GAZ1 The Grand Duchy of Karameikos
9194 GAZ2 The Emirates of Ylaruam
9208 GAZ3 The Principalities of Glantri
9215 GAZ4 The Kingdom of Ierendi
9223 GAZ5 The Elves of Alfheim
9227 GAZ6 The Dwarves of Rockhome
9230 GAZ7 The Northern Reaches
9232 GAZ8 The Five Shires
9236 GAZ9 The Minrothad Guilds
9241 GAZ10 The Orcs of Thar
9250 GAZ11 The Republic of Darokin
9246 GAZ12 The Golden Khan of Ethengar
9287 GAZ13 The Shadow Elves
9306 GAZ14 The Atruaghin Clans

Basic D&D : Creature Crucible Series

TSR Sub Title
9254 PC1 Tall Tales of the Wee Folk
9255 PC2 Top Ballista
9277 PC3 The Sea People
9368 PC4 Night Howlers

Basic D&D : Hollow World Series

TSR Sub Title
Hollow World (Boxed Set)
9303 HWA1 Nightwail
9310 HWA2 Nightrage
9311 HWA3 Nightstorm
9378 HWQ1 The Milenian Scepter
9332 HWR1 Sons of Azca
9339 HWR2 Kingdom of Nithia
9384 HWR3 The Milenian Empire

Basic D&D Modules : B Series

TSR Sub Title
9023A B1 In Search of the Unknown (pastel green cover)
9023B B1 In Search of the Unknown (brown cover)
9034 B2 Keep on the Borderlands
9044A B3 Palace of the Silver Princess (orange cover)
9044B B3 Palace of the Silver Princess (green cover)
9049 B4 The Lost City
9078 B5 Horror on the Hill
9086 B6 The Veiled Society
9115 B7 Rahasia
9106 B8 Journey to the Rock
9143 B9 Castle Caldwell and Beyond
9190 B1-9 In Search of Adventure
9149 B10 Night’s Dark Terror
9260 B11 King’s Festival
9261 B12 Queen’s Harvest
9097 Bsolo Ghost of Lion Castle

Basic D&D Modules : X Series

TSR Sub Title
9043A X1 Isle of Dread (blue cover)
9043B X1 Isle of Dread (orange cover)
9051 X2 Castle Amber
9056 X3 Curse of Xanathon
9068 X4 Master of the Desert Nomads
9069 X5 Temple of Death
9081 X6 Quagmire!
9079 X7 The War Rafts of Kron
9127 X8 Drums on Fire Mountain
9129 X9 The Savage Coast
9160 X10 Red Arrow, Black Shield
9165 X11 Saga of the Shadow Lord
9188 X12 Skarda’s Mirror
9218 X13 Crown of Ancient Glory
9114 XL1 Quest for the Heartstone
9082 XS1 Lathan’s Gold
9157 XS2 Thunderdelve Mountain

Basic D&D Modules : CM Series

TSR Sub Title
9117 CM1 Test of the Warlords
9118 CM2 Death’s Ride
9119 CM3 Sabre River
9128 CM4 Earthshaker
9154 CM5 Mystery of the Snow Pearls
9158 CM6 Where Chaos Reigns
9166 CM7 The Tree of Life
9192 CM8 The Endless Stair
9210 CM9 Legacy of Blood

Basic D&D Modules : DA Series

TSR Sub Title
9172 DA1 Adventures in Blackmoor
9175 DA2 Temple of the Frog
9191 DA3 City of the Gods
9205 DA4 The Duchy of Ten

Basic D&D Modules : DDA Series

TSR Sub Title
9284 DDA1 Arena of Thyatis
9296 DDA2 Legions of Thyatis
9271 DDA3 Eye of Traldar
9272 DDA4 The Dymrak Dread

Basic D&D Modules : M Series

TSR Sub Title
9159 M1 Into the Maelstrom
9148 M2 Vengeance of Alphaks
9174 M3 Twilight Calling
9204 M4 Five Coins for a Kingdom
9214 M5 Talons of Night
9067 Msolo1 Blizzard Pass
9060 Msolo2 Maze of the Riddling Minotaur

Basic D&D Modules : IM Series

TSR Sub Title
9171 IM1 The Immortal Storm
9189 IM2 The Wrath of Olympus
9207 IM3 The Best of Intentions

Basic D&D Modules : O Series

TSR Sub Title
9050 O1 the Gem and the Staff
9108 O2 Blade of Vengeance

Basic D&D Modules : ThunderRift Series

TSR Sub Title
Quest for the Silver Sword
Assault on Raven’s Ruin
Thunder Rift
Sword and Shield
The Knight of Newts
Rage of the Rakasta
In the Phantom’s Wake

Mystara : Boxed Sets

TSR Sub Title
First Quest - Intro to AD&D
Karameikos: Kingdom of Adventure
Glantri: Kingdom of Magic
Red Steel Campaign Expansion boxed set
Red Steel - Savage Baronies Accessory

Mystara : Modules

TSR Sub Title
Hail the Heroes
Night of the Vampire
Mark of Amber

Mystara : Accessories

TSR Sub Title
Poor Wizard’s Almanac III
Joshuan’s Almanac
Player’s Survival Kit
Dungeon Master’s Survival Kit

AD&D 2nd Edition Core Products : Monstrous Compendium

TSR Sub Title
Monstrous Compendium: Mystara Appendix